Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 147

Chapter 147: Too Weak to Even Be Destroyed by the Pattern Screamer

No one in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room understood the purpose of SCP-1795 at all

Anyone can tell from this guy’s behavior.

This thing must have been made by humans.

Otherwise, there is no need to make all the created planets look like blue stars.

Even the moon, the satellite of the blue planet, was made with great care..

It is clear that there must be tidal activity

Moreover, when Lu Mo introduced it, he also said it very clearly.

There are preparations for the landing of the colony ship.

So where are these colony ships that are about to land?

More importantly,

The distance between these things isn’t right!

You know, even the oldest human civilization they know of is only 5,000 years old.

Even if we travel at rocket speed for 5,000 years, we still can’t reach the nearest star system.

It took humanity so long to discover SCP-1795.

This shows that the time these things can travel is far beyond human imagination. but……

Is this another contradiction?

Lu Mo looked at the doubts of everyone in the live broadcast room

Speak again

“You can’t understand it now because of the birth of SCP-1795”

“It has a lot to do with the demise of another civilization.”

“There is a supreme deity involved!”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned again!

The supreme deity again?

How many Supreme Godheads have they heard today?

But it’s better to know more about this kind of things!

“Brothers! To be honest, it seems that only the Supreme Divine Containment can help us understand the universe!”

“That’s right! Although the contents of the previous containment objects were quite extensive, most of them involved the Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition, and the Sarkic Cult. However, the Supreme Godhead was basically related to the origin of the universe!”

“I have a feeling what we are about to hear is going to be pretty outrageous!”

“Indeed! There may even be new organizations emerging!”

“Don’t! The Earth is already dangerous enough. If a new organization appears, I can only say that we humans are really awesome!”

“That’s right! Although the technology is not particularly advanced, it can connect with various multiverse levels and even the creators of rules!”

The water friends in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room are so hot

They were really frogs in a well before!

I don’t know anything!

Now we finally have to face the truth of this world.

They found it.

The objects contained under the Supreme God will reveal some secrets.

But they are all related to Blue Planet and human civilization.

The Supreme God

All that appears involves the distant cosmic level.

Only the Supreme Divinity can enable people to understand the universe!

At this time, Lu Mo also spoke up and explained about SCP-1795

“All stories start from about 90 trillion years ago”

“SCP-The birth of the main star of 2682”

“However, this is happening in the uppermost cosmic plane.”

“During this time, on the lower planes, other smaller civilizations began to climb up and attack each other, like a game of King of the Hill on a cosmic scale.”

“Eventually, SCP-2682’s civilization began to flourish.”

“They found God and killed Him”

“However, after knowing everything, there is still one thing they cannot understand at all – the screaming cracks in the world.”

“Then, somewhere in the lowest plane, four individuals used SCP-005 to open a specific lock in the story”Paradox Shift”, thereby releasing a CK-Class Restructuring Event.”

“This restructuring event kills anything it touches, so life begins to panic and try to climb up the cosmic ladder.”

“Eventually, they discovered that they could project their thoughts into the reconstructed universe and exist within the fabric of reality.”

“They become Him!”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned

They never expected that this timeline was so long ago!

90 trillion years!

This has already surpassed the time when the universe was born, in which humans exist.

So, this is something that happened in another, or even the first, universe? besides!

What is the difference between the higher and lower planes?

What are the specific effects of that CK-class reconstruction event?

Why would it just kill everything it touched?

What did that thing originally look like? besides!

Can thoughts be projected into other universes?

They become Him and……

At this point, everyone reacted.

This so-called”He” is probably the supreme deity this time.

Lu Mo said before that some supreme deities will know your location after knowing your name.

So replace Him……

This time the supreme divinity does not look simple!

I guess everything that happens later is related to this supreme divinity!

And the story continues……

“At the same time, SCP-2682 was created by the consciousness of all living things in the upper universe.”

“SCP-2682 is specially designed to transport their consciousness across every universe in the pursuit of knowledge.”

“They did not take into sufficient consideration how long the journey would take and the fact that He would disrupt them.”

“This is also approximately the same period as SCP-3930’s formation”

“Meanwhile, seven creatures somehow escaped destruction and entered a new universe.”

“They formed the Koru-teusa or the Seven, who protected the world from the Voruteut.”

“Vorwutu is said to be an extra-universal entity that destroyed the First Universe”

“However, the hidden secret is that their bodies bleed forever, so they need blood donations to continue protecting”

“This worked for a while, but after a long time, only one protector, Rakmou-leusan, remained, guarding a hole in reality to prevent the Voruteut from entering.”

“Surprisingly, it wasn’t humans who formed a religion around this, but an alien civilization”

“They came to ancient Earth and provided religious beliefs to early humans, eventually establishing a kingdom out of them.”

“They were eventually nearly wiped out by the Daevites.”

“However, after a long time, they regained their footing and became the Church of the Second Hytoth.”

“Somewhere during this time, humanity became a massive galactic civilization.”

“However, because they did not know Him, when He was discovered, billions and even tens of billions of people became aware and observed Him.”

“This turned them hostile and humanity was almost completely destroyed, leaving only a few survivors on the blue planet.”

“From now on, humans must revive themselves”

“Humans have left their mark on the universe. SCP-1795 was created before the end of humanity.”

“SCP-1795 Create planets for their masters, humans”

“SCP-1795 Know what happened to humans”

“After SCP-1795 mentioned the Pattern Screamer, the SCP Foundation began studying him.”

“The SCP Foundation’s research led them to the discovery of SCP-2528 and SCP-2682”

“Both have provided the Foundation with a great deal of knowledge about Him, including His origins, properties, and behavior.”

“The Foundation also stumbled upon SCP-000 and SCP-S”

“The real reason the Foundation began trying to fight Him was because of the events of SCP-2173, where He began threatening the Foundation.”

After Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone stood there in a daze.

The expression on everyone’s face was frozen at the last moment of the story.

The content of this paragraph has far exceeded their imagination.


Are humans actually originally a giant galaxy-level civilization?

They are now just the pitiful remnants of a former civilization.

That”He” directly destroyed mankind?

And SCP-1795 was created by humans themselves

Is the purpose to build a colony for yourself?

All of this completely destroyed people’s worldview.

They once thought that the Xia Dynasty civilization and the Daeva civilization were already terrifying to a certain extent.

Now it seems……

There is more to this terrifying civilization!

But the problem is, humans have reached the point where they can rule a giant galaxy!

Why are there no historical records left?

What happened in between?

Why does that supreme deity want to destroy humanity?

Where is the last of the Seven Saints, Rakmou-leusan, in this passage?

Where is the hole that allowed Vortu, the entity that destroyed the first universe, to enter?

What the hell is the Church of the Second Hytoth?

What other shelters are there and what do they represent?

A series of questions echoed in everyone’s mind.

“Brothers, I’m already stupid! I used to think our ancestors were awesome enough! Now it seems that we still underestimated them!”

“Ruled a giant galaxy! Star system civilization and galaxy civilization are not the same concept! No wonder so many SCP-1795 were created!”

“The problem is, the ancestors of the Xia Dynasty alone, a civilization on the blue planet, were able to destroy nine supreme deities. Ancient humans were so powerful, why couldn’t they do it?”

“Do you think it is possible that the gap between the supreme deities is quite large?”

“Who on earth is that guy? Even Boss Lu Mo can’t even tell his name!”

“I just feel that the Daevites are pretty awesome, able to destroy an alien civilization!”

“There are alien civilizations on the blue planet now! The Church of the Second Hytoth!”

Everyone in Lu Mo’s live studio was so confused by the content that was posted one after another that their brains were about to explode.

Finally figured out the Church of the Broken God and Sarkicism

Learned about the Daevites and the Xia Dynasty civilization

Now the facts are told to them

You still know too little!

New organization, new civilization

All of this needs to be sorted out again!

Let’s take it one step at a time!

Now the important thing is to figure out how terrifying this supreme divinity is.

Why could it be so easy to destroy ancient human civilization, such a huge civilization?

Galaxy-level civilization!

��If the team were to shoot everyone on the Blue Planet, it would probably take tens of thousands of years to finish them off.……

How on earth did this guy perish completely in such a short time?

Looking at the doubts of the water friends in the live broadcast room

Lu Mo also smiled.

The more people observe the Pattern Screamers, the stronger they become.

First, observe

Moreover, it must be a galaxy-level civilization.……

I can only say that if you tell humans the name of the Pattern Screamer, the Pattern Screamer may not pay any attention to you.…… after all……

Too weak!

“Now let me tell you about the abilities of this supreme divinity – the Pattern Screamer!”

When Lu Mo said the name of Pattern Screamer

The expressions on everyone’s faces are quite fascinating.

First he was stunned, then he showed fear and confusion.

Boss Lu Mo!

You have replaced the name with Him.

Now you say it again, you are going to destroy us humans!

“Brothers! Can we prepare for our funeral now?”

“I think that’s fine! We actually know this guy’s name!”

“What are you worried about? Since Boss Lu Mo said so, there must be a way to deal with it!”

Many fans in Lu Mo’s live studio said that they had given up.

Humanity is going to perish!

Lu Mo smiled at this.

He continued:”The Pattern Screamer is a non-existence beyond existence.”

“It is not any entity, place, time, vacuum, singularity, hyperspace, meta-construct, but truly nothingness.”

“Howling in the void, taking some kind of revenge on the universe”

“It hates everything that exists, so it lets out a soul-tearing scream, seeking revenge on the universe, time, space, and dimensions that exist, as well as the life within them.”

“Alien civilizations in the same galaxy were forced to abandon their flesh and blood and flee to Earth, and the ancient human civilization that once ruled the entire galaxy and created planets at will was almost destroyed because of it.”

“Pattern Screamers are consciousnesses that exist within the very fabric of reality, coming from a previously destroyed multiverse that had very different laws of physics.”

“This former universe is called the First Hytoth”

“The CK-Class Restructuring Scenario caused by SCP-073 and SCP-001-QNT destroyed the first multiverse, however, the beings living in that universe projected their minds into another multiverse, creating the Pattern Screamers.”

“Pattern Screamers have many different forms, depending on how they choose to manifest.”

“Examples include the plant-based Pattern Screamers SCP-2528, the void-like/thought-summoned Pattern Screamers SCP-3930, and the technologically-based Pattern Screamers SCP-000.”

“These forms have little effect on the Pattern Screamers themselves, but do affect their spawn locations and appearance conditions.”

“The Pattern Screamer’s power is based on perception.”

“The more people observe the Pattern Screamers, the stronger they become.”

“When a multi-planet or multi-galactic civilization grows too large, many people begin to notice the Pattern Screamers, and then the Pattern Screamers will”rupture” and kill those who watch.”

“This almost always leaves the civilization in ruins and reduces the population to a very low number.”

“This has occurred at least twice, once with the alien species SCP-1980, and once with humans themselves during the events of SCP-1795.”

When Lu Mo finished talking about the ability of the Pattern Screamer

People are numb!

They didn’t even have time to be surprised by the horror of the Pattern Screamer. because……

Lu Mo told them that the reason why the Screaming Demon……

Humans are too weak now!

It can’t even meet the basic number of people required for the Howlers to destroy the world!

“Brothers, let’s be honest, there are actually benefits to being so weak!”

“This is the first time I discovered that a weak civilization is actually quite good!”

“Only by ruling the galaxy can you be noticed by the Pattern Screamers and your entire race be destroyed!”

“That’s fine! It’s too early for humans to rule the Milky Way!”

“Indeed! For tens or millions of years, we shouldn’t have to worry about the Pattern Screamers anymore!”

“Moreover, we have figured out why ancient humans perished. It was purely conceptual damage!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room don’t know whether they should be happy that humans are weak, or sad that humans are weak.……

Because humans are weak, any random containment could lead to a world-destroying crisis.

As a result, because of its weakness, it managed to dodge the attack of the terrifying creature Pattern Screamer.……

Misfortune often brings blessings; blessings often bring misfortune

Sometimes, if you don’t see the end, you really can’t tell what your ending will be! besides��

Isn’t the ability of Pattern Screamer a bit too terrifying?

It is true nothingness!

Doesn’t this mean that there is no way to kill this guy by any means?

It’s simply invincible!

“Brothers! The Pattern Screamers seem to be invincible! They are more terrifying than the Broken God and Yaldabaoth!”

“Indeed! Yaldabaoth and the Broken God more or less had bodies, but this guy was nothingness, not even a body!”

“Actually, there is a way. Isn’t this guy a projection of the thoughts of the creatures in the first universe? If the body is destroyed, the thoughts will also be gone.”

“Ahem! – There is a problem. The first universe has been destroyed!”.

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