Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 146

Chapter 146 1793! Fifty million wombs of pregnant stars capable of creating planets!

While everyone was discussing Sarkicism and the Church of the Broken God

Lu Mo also collected the Broken Tongue

【Ding! ——Congratulations to the host for successfully containing SCP-1139 Broken Tongue and gaining the ability: partial authority of the Broken God!】

When Lu Mo heard the voice in his head, he was also stunned!.

Good job!

I didn’t expect the ability I gained this time would be so powerful!

The authority of the Broken God!

As the god in charge of machinery and electronics, he weaves order and law, and is also the creator of the laws of physics.

Although it is not the full authority of the Broken God

But with just this little bit of power, Lu Mo can have the ability to directly control all technological creations.

He can even make some of the laws of the universe ignore him!

This is a terrifying ability!

In that sentence, there is no weak concept god!


A smile appeared on Lu Mo’s lips

And at this moment

The barrage in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room changed again

A picture is constantly released through the official account of Longguo

This picture left everyone stunned!

A rather large celestial body appeared between the orbits of Mars and Earth.

Moreover, the appearance of this celestial body was beyond everyone’s expectations.

It’s like……

The human heart in general!

When Lu Mo saw this thing, he was also stunned for a moment.

I didn’t expect this to come out.

This guy is also related to a supreme deity.

It seems that humans will know a lot about the Supreme Godhead today.

When the Dragon Country officials saw that Lu Mo had noticed

It also liberates the right of the barrage to speak


Dense barrage of comments completely covered Lu Mo’s live broadcast room!

“Nest! What is this? Such a huge heart???”

“Could this thing be the heart of a living creature? If so, how big would this creature be?”

“This creature is probably bigger than Big Boss Lu Mo! Could this thing be the heart of the Broken God?”

“Impossible! According to what Boss Lu Mo said, the Broken God should be completely mechanical, and his existence may not be the way we can imagine!”

“Yes! I am even more convinced that this is the heart of Yaldabaoth!”

“The question is, Yaldabaoth was sealed! Or was it the Supreme God who sealed it with his own life!”

The expressions on the faces of all the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were full of shock.

I couldn’t believe what I saw!

A heart-shaped planet will never form under natural conditions!

They are more inclined to believe that this heart itself is the heart of a living being.

I just don’t know how horrible a thing must be to have such a heart!

Lu Mo smiled at this.

“This heart is not the internal organs of a living thing.”

“Moreover, this thing has a great connection with humans!”

When Lu Mo finished speaking

Everyone was confused again!

Is it closely related to humans?

Among the objects currently known to mankind, divinity and the Supreme Divinity

There are not many people who are not hostile to humans.

Those are not the ones who could have created this heart.

And this heart is not the internal organs of the organism itself……

Could it be that this heart was created by the ancients?

That’s all they can think of.

After all, now all mankind knows

The technology of the ancients was much more advanced than that of modern times.

Even able to tamper with reality

It seems that it is not difficult to create a huge celestial body in the shape of a heart.

But why did the ancients create this thing?

What is the function of this thing?

Everyone turned their eyes to Lu Mo

Only Lu Mo can help them explain the use of this thing!

At this time, Lu Mo’s voice also rang out.

“Item #: SCP-1795 [Pregnant Star Uterus】!”

“Object Class: Safe!”

“SCP-1795 entity is a spherical entity, somewhat similar in appearance to a human heart, with three openings at its”top” and a hollow interior.”

“Although it appears to be composed of some biological substance, detailed examination has shown that the object’s body is not related to any known form of biological substance, and appears to be partially constructed of synthetic materials.‖ ”

“SCP-Instances of 1795 are the largest life forms known to the Foundation, typically exceeding 50,000 kilometers in diameter.”

“It is unknown whether instances of SCP-1795 are sapient.”

“Although the subject is capable of performing highly complex tasks as outlined below, it is unknown whether the subject is aware of, controls, or self-regulates these actions, or if it is more instinctive.”

“No technology has been observed to be used by the objects, and their speed is barely comparable to modern rocket technology, so their travel through deep space could take millions, or even hundreds of millions of years, depending on their destination.”

“Assuming they are not immortal, their lifespan is similarly long.”

“In the years of Foundation observation, no instances of SCP-1795 have been observed to die or be destroyed, nor have they been observed to counterattack, replicate, or communicate with other SCP-1795.”

“SCP-Instances of 1795 display two key anomalous properties, the only known natural behaviors of the object.”

“The first anomalous property is that instances of SCP-1795 frequently seek out young protostars and attempt to enter their orbits.”

“However, due to the millions of years it would take to travel through deep space, SCP-1795 must have begun moving toward the protostar before it even existed.”

“7���”Observations of”dormant” entities that are not currently moving suggest they are simply waiting for their target star to be born.”

“The second anomalous property is difficult to observe and is not yet fully understood.”

“Once it reaches a young protostar, SCP-1795 will move into a relatively stable orbit, or”Goldilocks” zone, within that star, where the temperature is suitable for life, such as the third orbit of a blue star, and is suitable for blue star life as well.”

“It will then begin constructing a planet. SCP-1795’s method of planet creation is not fully understood, but can be divided into eight”stages”.””

“There are over 500 million instances of SCP-1795 known to the Foundation, and all creation cycles have been witnessed and studied extensively.”

When people heard the number of SCP-1795, they were all stunned!

How many???

More than 500 million?

Five hundred million hearts……

Each heart is an entity in itself……

And, can it create planets?

What is the purpose of this thing creating planets?

Moreover, no matter how you look at it, this thing has nothing to do with humans!

“Brothers! To be honest, this is the largest number of containment objects we have ever heard of!”

“Not only is it the largest in number, it’s also the largest collection!”

“Indeed! I have never seen a containment object bigger than this one!”

“What do you think this guy is doing by building planets around other stars? Could it be that all the planets in the universe were built by this guy?”

“That’s impossible! There are so many planets bigger than theirs! The key point is, except for the fact that this guy has a heart that looks like a human heart, he doesn’t seem to have any connection with humans, right?”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were full of doubts.

What is this guy’s purpose?

Building a Planet……

You can’t just build countless planets and turn the universe into a containment device, right?

That’s absolutely impossible!

If that were the case, the Foundation would have discovered it long ago and would not have rated this thing as Safe, which means it is an easy containment object.

Besides! They really don’t see how this thing has anything to do with humans.

At this time, senior officials from various countries also began to flood the screen with comments, wanting to know how this guy built the planet.

Maybe humans can learn something from it.

As for watching this guy make a planet……

That’s still free.……

God knows how long it takes to create wrinkles.

To this, Lu Mo continued:

“Stage 1: The opening in SCP-1795 expands and draws in stellar matter; such as gaseous matter and stone debris.

All matter observed to coalesce into a coarse ore at the center of SCP-1795, with all rock fragments compressed into a solid sphere and all gaseous matter bound by the object’s gravity, similar to the natural process of planetary formation.

When the created planet can bind the gaseous matter with its own gravity, the opening closes and the second stage begins”

“Stage 2: Certain external parts of SCP-1795 begin to radiate extremely high levels of heat

It is speculated that gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide within SCP-1795 are being converted into oxygen and nitrogen in these areas.

The created protoplanet begins to experience volcanic eruptions and oxygen levels within SCP-1795 begin to rise.

It is currently unknown why this is the starting condition for the third stage”

“Stage Three: SCP-1795 will exude a web-like substance from its interior, which will then attach itself to multiple locations on the protoplanet’s surface.

The full extent of this effect is unknown, but the protoplanet will have magnetic poles during this phase.

Once the magnetic field becomes strong enough to protect the planet from the solar wind, the next phase begins.”

“Stage 4: SCP-1795 will begin to orbit the planet closely, making observation difficult; however, it is known that SCP-1795 will begin to rain water on the planet during this stage.

SCP-A crack-like opening will appear on the equator of 1795 and release a white mist of unknown substance.

These gases will fill the interior of SCP-1795 and leave a trail of smoke in its wake, making direct observation impossible by the end of this phase.

At this point, the rift opening will close and the planet will have complete oceans and clearly visible land masses.”

“Stage Five: SCP-1795 will deploy a rough sphere of unknown material with a diameter of 2 km, which will then impact the planet’s surface, causing devastating damage to the area surrounding the impact point.

Early research teams assumed that SCP-1795 was merely attempting to modify the shape of the continents, but subsequent research has found that the sphere was not damaged upon impact and released a swarm of structures of various shapes.

These instances, referred to as SCP-1795-2, are known to be spider-like creatures measuring up to 20 meters in length.

It seems unlikely that they are living organisms, as the instances appear to be completely controlled by SCP-1795; once stage 7 is complete they will all self-destruct.

Jinhui Researcher observed that the number of SCP-1795-2 exceeded 5 billion”

“¨々 Stage 6: Instances released by SCP-1795 will begin work to blue-blanket the entire planet.

A number of contradictory activities have been observed frequently in instances of SCP-1795-E; these have included, among other things, collapsing mountain ranges, creating artificial continents, artificially deepening three oceans, and completely destroying smaller continents through artificial volcanic eruptions, seemingly with little concern for the large number of casualties these activities cause.

Once these goals are accomplished, all instances of SCP-1795-2 will converge simultaneously at several points on the continental plate, at which point the next phase will begin.”

“Phase Seven: The penultimate phase of SCP-1795’s massive project has been studied.

Once all instances of SCP-1795-2 have been identified and gathered in a specific geographic location, they will begin constructing large structures using local resources.

These buildings have different appearances and sizes, depending on the amount of surrounding resources and the chosen location, but they can be roughly divided into three categories:

Cities: SCP-1795-2 instances in coastal areas will begin constructing artificial residential structures, similar to cities on Blue Planet. These structures consist of a cube���The tower is surrounded by an organized system of roads and open areas.

These buildings are scaled to accommodate human-sized creatures.

Platforms: In inland areas, SCP-1795-2 will begin constructing large, rectangular, flat platforms made of a stone-like substance.

The platforms are usually 3 km long and connected to nearby cities by roads. These platforms may be used for landing spacecraft.

Tower: In island areas, SCP-1795 will construct a tower-like structure with a massive base, between 1 and 2 kilometers in height, topped by an abstract humanoid sculpture holding a transparent sphere approximately 100 meters in size in its open hands.

Despite careful observation of the structures, the Foundation has not discovered any human presence, occupation, or operation of the structures created by SCP-1795-2.

Despite the presence of farmland or park-like structures near cities, no life appears on planets created by SCP-1795.

There are theories that the inhabitants will come from the planet’s ecosystem, or from other planets that have not yet arrived.

The Foundation doubts that residents will arrive, as, in fact, the buildings will gradually collapse and weather after SCP-1795 leaves (King of)

Once the structure is complete, all SCP-1795-2 instances will destroy themselves via decapitation. At this point, Stage 8 will begin.”

“Stage Eight: SCP-1795 will now release the planet

SCP-A huge hole will open at the bottom of 1795’s body, and SCP-1795 will leave the orbit directly, leaving the planet in orbit. At the same time, a moon will be born as a satellite of the planet.

The project will then immediately search for the next protostar”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned!

So the function of this heart is to create a planet that is almost identical to the Blue Planet?

Even the special moon has it?


You said coincidence is impossible.

The places where this thing stops are exactly the same as Blue Star

Even the stars we are looking for are similar to our sun, young stars of similar size and distance.

So could this thing be something made by the ancients for immigration purposes?

This is the only explanation!

But now there is another very important thing

It is impossible to produce 500 million such entities with the resources of the solar system alone.

Could it be that the ancients had already colonized other planets?

That shouldn’t be the case.

Whenever we go to colonize other planets, problems will arise on the home planet.

I’ll definitely come back as soon as possible.

It’s impossible to say that there has been no response for so many years.

What exactly happened in the meantime?

“Guys! To be honest, I doubt this is a device used by the ancients for interstellar migration, but the description doesn’t make it seem like it!”

“Yes! But if you say this guy is unconscious, or even that the universe itself produces planets, it is even more impossible! After all, all the planets produced look the same as the blue planet!”

“There must be some hidden secret here that we don’t know! I wonder if Mr. Lu Mo will���Can speak!”

“Of course! Now that even the Supreme Godhead has come out, there is no need for Big Boss Lu Mo to hide anything!”.

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