Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 15

After Rias calmed down and explained to Artoria that no, she did not need to give me sexual favors should I request them nor should she do that for one anyone else, life continued on. I hitched a ride back to my apartment with Akeno to take Ei back with me as well as to teach me how to teleport between preset areas which was far easier than free-range teleporting like she and Rias could.

"Master, there are two more females in the apartment?" Ei asked questioningly and I nodded happy that Monet was behaving and honestly was wondering if Klee had awoken yet.

"Yes, they will be your sisters basically," I explained while my mind was wondering how I could get Ei to learn how to use the Absorption Line that was still in her after Raynare extracted it from Saji before his death. And how to get a magical katana or spear so she could follow the original Ei's fighting style.

"Master is back!" Monet cried out throwing aside my bedroom door with a crashing noise and then alongside her louder footsteps rushing down the carpeted hallway I heard another softer set of footsteps following up with the green-haired beauty who whirled around the corner and burst into cheers seeing me.

As Monet ran over to me, I saw Klee's elfish ears first pop around the corner of my doorway, and then the short younger girl looked around the door frame shyly with sun-setting red/orange eyes looking up to me as I carried Monet over to her.

"Hello, little one." I greeted patting the elvish girl on the head making her mumble as she whirled around and fled back into my bedroom.

"Monet, sit down I need to speak with Klee," I said dropping Monet who had jumped atop my form to wrap her transformed wing arms around my chest.

"Is Yellow Hair, Klee?" Monet and Ei asked in synch, and I nodded as I left Ei and Monet on the couch as I went to retrieve Klee so I could talk to her and finally mentally imprint myself upon her.

As I went into my room, I could only deadpan, seeing how Monet was obviously making a 'birds' nest' with how she had taken all the blankets, sheets, and other stuff to make a big, indented circle for her and probably Klee to relax in as they watched the small tv I had in my room.

"Can you come out please?" I asked gently seeing the mop of golden hair sticking out from under the bundled-up nest that Monet made.

"I don't wanna!" Klee yelled and for a moment I considered yelling at her to do so but then I recalled how I hadn't even imprinted my status as her master or otherwise position of authority over her.

So, treating her like a scared animal to get used to me, I just went over and sat down on the bed a good way away from her and I just watched the weird DXD documentary about some animal that was probably supernatural that some dumbass nature dude that was trawling the amazon river in search of after it supposedly pulled a whole boat underwater eating its inhabitants.

Finally, after a couple of minutes of silence, Klee peaked from under, the blankets towards me and grumbled seeing as I wasn't going anywhere. "Why weren't you there for me like you were for big sister Monet to give me a name when I was born." 'Klee' asked pitifully, and I realized that Monet must have already done the whole brainwashing bit for me as her highly elastic mind had already set me as a person of great power over her yet still had... Anger, frustration and I suppose envy for my absence resulting in her seemingly not caring for her.

"I was getting your other sister Ei... I am sorry I wasn't there for you. Will you allow me to name you?" I asked as Klee sullenly climbed out of my bundle of covers and then grumpily sat down in my lap and with a thud that knocked the breath out of my chest threw her head backward to look at my face.

"Well? Gimmie my name. Big sister Monet said being close to you felt good and I still want my name!" Klee said bratty, making me roll my eyes as I dropped my hand atop her blond head and began petting it while flooding her mind with endorphins making her metaphorically melt against me.

"As I said previously. I already had a name picked out for you, but I got stopped with my... Uh job I suppose you could call it." I rambled as I melted Klee's mind into a blissed-out pile of mush with a chemical cocktail.

But as I stopped messing with Klee's head and spun her around, I saw her eyes sharpen as she met my eyes. "Your name is to be Klee," I said simply and the now truly named child-sized girl relaxed against me.

"Monet, Ei, get in here!" I called softly and I heard the brief conversation going on between the two creations freeze as they made their way over to my room with Monet bounding in and pouting seeing how I had thrown her nest out of order and remade the bed basically, while Ei on the other hand had more sedately walked into the room and minutely frowned seeing Klee all snuggled up against me.

"Master is that... Child another of your creations?" She asked perking an eyebrow up and I closed my eyes as I imagined what nonsense she was going to spew that was the result of her lacking any social norms at fucking all.

"Yes... Klee is one of my beloved creations." I said dully as Klee rolled over from burying her face into my shoulder to stick her tongue out and blow loudly on it at Ei.

"I am unaware of the tongue-spitting gesture... But I instinctively feel some sort of anger or rage at the gesture." Ei pondered aloud frowning before continuing but this time directed directly to me.

"Master that creation is taking my spot and I request that you remove her," Ei said as Monet had already crawled to the other side of the bed and snuggled up to my other side.

"No Master don't make me leave!" Klee yelled as she held onto my arm making the already frowning face of Ei's eyebrows raise up in irritation.

"Ei turn off the light over there," I ordered and for a moment I saw the Raiden Shogun expire flinch and slump in defeat but after she accomplished the order and plunged the room into darkness only being lit up by the TV as Klee and Monet rolled over on to their sides to watch I patted my chest while looking to Ei.

"Ei come lay atop my chest, you can have to best pillow tonight. Just listen to my heartbeat." I consoled her and the purple-haired beauty's eyes lit up. No, literally her eyes glowed with barely contained holy lightning as she gleefully crawled onto the bed, and with a thump, I felt her curvaceous body lay almost flat atop my own chest with her large breasts pushing into my stomach and her head quickly found it's self onto my chest where she began to listen to my two hearts beat.

'With my creations now sorted out and... Not going to be an issue likely, I need to see about bringing them into school tomorrow.' I thought as I went over how I could integrate the three girls into the school.


Waking up was frankly a chore as Klee was for whatever reason a major deep sleeper and it was only when I used my flesh crafting powers to literally shoot some chemicals into her brain to wake her up that the elvish girl rolled over and stared dead-eyed into the ceiling.

"Is the sun merely here to make us suffer... We fall into the comforting grip of our pillows surrounded by the soothing blanket of darkness only to wake to the eye-gouging light of the sun." Klee said tiredly and I had no fucking idea where she got this little philosophy.

"Klee get up." I scolded lightly, pulling the blanket off of her and pushing the girl to get cleaned up while I myself got ready to skive off the vast majority of school to go hang out with Rias's peerage.

Once morning rolled around and I got out of the grasp of my chimeric creations, I got Monet and Klee dressed up in the girl's Kuoh student uniform and Ei in a lady's suit of a tight knee pencil skirt and a dress shirt as she looked... Ok Raiden Shogun had some strong milky vibes and I wasn't going to pretend that I could stuff her in the extra uniforms Akeno left for the girls and have her attend class.

"Alright let's go meet up with Rias, and have her help you all get settled in," I muttered as Klee was holding onto my hand due to being nervous about the new environment.

"Oh master, will I be able to work with Artoria?" Ei asked me and after a moment of thought as we walked towards the main clubroom where Rias typically was doing her own thing I finally nodded.

"Yes, she looks to be older than the other students at the school, so Rias has likely made her take up a paperwork job as a cover for her placement here at the school," I explained and then had to go into far more detail as Ei and Monet didn't understand how the appearance of someone's age had to do with them going to school or working as in their mind's realizing they were less than a week old, they wanted to know why I hadn't kept them at home like other creators would keep their progeny.

Then from the other end of the hallway, we heard a door slam open, and then a series of loud thumping followed by a feminine cry as Koneko of all people ran out of the clubroom and then seeing me, she yelled.

"Run Jake! Rias is forcing us into cosplay!" As I took in Koneko, I noticed she was wearing a rather skimpy bikini outfit with a catface thing cut out in between her small breasts and another one just above her pubic region but I couldn't make out all the details as from the door I saw Rias come out in a short red dress that bared her cleavage and of all things, as a devil she was holding some weird pitchfork/trident thing.

"Koneko come back, I want to get a picture of you to add to the yearbook! Oh, hello Jake, Ah I got Monet and you a costume go ahead and put her in it while I wrangle Koneko into the group pictures." Rias said rushing past us to go capture Koneko.



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