Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 14

Finally, now was the fun activity to be had with capturing my foes... Sundering those Fallen's minds and turning their forms into something oh so much better than they originally were. In service of me and my own.

As Rias and Akeno led me to a side room that looked to be the old school building nurses' room, I couldn't help but fill a lightness fill my frame as though I was Light Yagami about to do his good work, I felt not nervous energy at my peers seeing my work, but I only had confidence filling my heart.

"Sooo is this little transformation you put them through, going to be painful or gory to watch?' Akeno excitedly asked me, and I firmly shook my head.

"Oh, dear heavens no. What I am doing may be harsh, but it's an alternative to true death and I see no value in being cruel to them as they will in the end be utterly loyal to me, and harming or bringing discomfort to such a loyal tool accomplishes nothing." I said taking a cue from the SCP foundation in how they treated their tenants.

I was going to treat my creations at worst in their prescribed manner. 'Be cold, not Cruel.' But more than likely I will treat them with all the due love and care that I would have for my dog back home in my previous life.

And I loved my dog more than I cared for any of my friends and even some of my family.

"You are still going to make me knight right?" Rias excitedly asked me, and I nodded before humming as a... scary thought crossed my mind.

"Rias, how strong do you want your new knight to be?" I asked bluntly and Rias stopped me literally grabbing me gently by the shoulders and her darker ocean blue eyes met my lighter sky-blue ones as she spoke very clearly.

"I want them to be the strongest, they can be no matter what. If it's something awkward or politically sensitive, I can deal with it with some forewarning. But I frankly need strong peerage members if I want to stand above my peers and not be pulled into other schemes." I nodded before I groaned as I finally pulled Rias and Akeno into the room hosting the bound forms of Kalawarner and Raynare who were strapped to the hospital beds.

"Alright, Rias here is my plan for Kalawarner and how she may very well become an ace for your peerage," I said as I patted the blue-haired beauty's head and her eyes widened fearfully as I very clearly explained how I was going to rip out her fallen angel heritage so she could easily be reincarnated as a human and then once turned I was going to graft Rias's Power of Destruction into her form but mutated so it wasn't as obvious.

Of course, hearing my frankly completely insane idea even though Rias, clearly looked uncomfortable at the thought of a once enemy getting a copy of her bloodline

"Rias I swear on my very life that the people I create will be loyal to me and in turn you that join your peerage. Here let me prove it." I said holding a hand out to the Gremory heiress. "Take my hand and I will prove that I can copy your bloodline and from that knowledge that I am capable of such know that breaking the mind of a two-wings garbage is most assuredly not out of my capabilities.

"Rias having another wielder of the Power of Destruction will make winning your rating game, all but a surety, but the Bael clan should they learn of it, will be very unhappy, to say the least," Akeno advised giving the pros and cons of the situation.

Rias looked from Akeno to me and down to my hand before finally looking down to Kalawarner below us who was franticly struggling in her bound and sealed form. And then Rias looked back to up me, biting her lip before she sighed, and she placed her soft hand within my outstretched one. "Very well my cute peerage member. I will extend my trust to you." Rias said solemnly and then with our hold for a minute tightening I broke apart from her and held up the hand that held her own.

"Behold, the Bael clan's Power of Destruction," I said as upon my opened palm had a ball of the Bael clan's potent conceptual destruction ability. "Now... Kalawarner, presto your blonde." I said as I placed my hand atop Kalawarner's bare stomach and then I began sculpting Kalawarner's entire body, first of all wiping her mind, and then several large cracking noises rang out as the hidden enhanced bones of the Fallen began breaking down and finally as Kalawarner grew out long almost pale blonde hair and her own skin tone lightning greatly I stepped away.

"They try to reincarnate her," I said as Rias took in the even more voluptuous form of Kalawarner Rias's face began twitching before she sent me a thumbs up.

"Alright Jake, I see you are a man of culture... Lancer, Artoria alter. If I didn't have a contract on my virginity, I may force you into my bed Haha!" Rias hysterically laughed in excessive happiness as she began molesting my flesh-crafted piece of art while Raynare screamed just as hysterically in complete fear.

Then as Rias happily stuck in her knight piece into Artoria I made sure to suppress her supernatural abilities to oblivion so the piece actually could take root and as the transformation turned her from a human into a devil, I then allowed the Bael clan's Power of Destruction to come to life coating the newborn devil in its caustic energies and burn its way out of its bindings

"It's alive!" I crowed playing it up as Akeno stood off to the side face palming as the nude form of Artoria alter blankly sat up and took in Rias and me. And with myself having more experience I was able to make sure to keep some of her more social memories, so she was able to speak.

Artoria looked straight at me with her light blonde ahoge flickering in the air as she spoke softly with a voice that was gentle velvet across my ears. "Are you to be my master?" Rias being a complete weeb loudly keened in the background torn between yelling about how this had fulfilled her dreams and complete jealousy that it was aimed at me.

"No, Artoria, your master is Rias Gremory here." I said taking Rias's hand and fulling her in front of me so Artorias's piercing golden eyes locked onto Rias who almost staggered under the weight of the look and then Artoria almost regally sat up from the bed and then bowed to Rias.

"In that case Rias Gremory my hands shall be yours in all things," Artoria said before she looked over to the strapped-down form of Raynare.

"Master, is she an enemy?" She asked and black with purple highlights, Power of Destruction filled her hand as she looked at the clearly a prisoner form of Raynare with none of the care or seemingly any sign that they were once comrades.

"No, she is to be your sister in time." Rias said kind of awkwardly but then looked to me raising an eyebrow and waved to the struggling form of Raynare in a clear 'get to work' motion.

Snickering to Akeno's grumbling about all the nonsense happening I leaned over Raynare and then like a hand of God, my hand gently fell to her cheek, and as a tear fell from her eye, the sadistic fallen angel Raynare mentally died as I wiped her mind, with her eyes even losing their light with the personality death.

"That's so hot ahhh..." Akeno muttered moaning at the cruel sight, and I couldn't help myself from throwing an incredible look at her.

"Right... Well apparently, making an Akeno clone is a terrible idea as a certain someone refuses to have a sister, so I need to use a backup idea." I said making a pointed look to Raynare with her only sending me a glare through her half-lidded eyes.

For a moment I thought about making her into Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill but I already had a creation focusing on ice creation in Monet who would legit cry at the thought of being replaced and then I had an interesting thought as I had already picked up the fallen angle template from the girls I touched and then I realized Rias should probably keep her pieces for future peerage members like Xenovia and Rossweiss so there was no need to turn her into a devil at least in my mind.

"Rias, I am going to take this one as my own from all this. I will make it so she can be registered as a familiar which cannot be done if she is a devil." Hearing my idea, she nodded and then gapped I made what was once Raynare's long black hair turn purple, and her form grew a bit more muscle tone with her breasts and other curves growing slightly more voluptuous to compensate.

Then just as I had copied over Akeno's holy lightning, I poured that into my masterpiece, so that as my creation rose to its feet steadily, as its eyes snapped open they glowed with a purple light with dangerous holy lightning snapping around her. "Master, what is to be my name."

I kneeled down as I took in the form of Ei, better known as the Raiden Shogun from Genshin Impact. I felt rather exhausted from giving her such a powerful magical core and ingraining her holy lightning into her very being to the point that I had no doubt she would be able to one day embody it like Sirzechs could embody his Power of Destruction and become an avatar of it.

Still, even with my exhaustion I held onto Ei's soft cheeks and looked into her glowing eyes. "Your name is to be Ei, or Raiden in front of strangers."

Then I began my little mental programming "You are my blade in the dark, and my shield during the day. You will be my sharpest sword and I will treasure you for that." I said honestly and I felt Ei's mind whirling as she internalized the info as a fact of life. As though someone said, 'Oh hey look the sky is blue today'. Of course, the sky was blue, just as she would mercilessly cut down my foes with the same surety that the next day the sky would be blue.

"I am Ei... Master, do you need to do something else today?" She asked softly as her head cocked to the side in a questioning manner and as I stood back up straight, I shook my head and yawned tired after the school day and all its events afterward to say nothing of making powerful future tools.

"Then stay here with me master... I am cold." She muttered and I almost had my fucking arm pulled out of its socket as Ei dragged me into the bed as the busty woman wrapped herself around myself.

"I am cold." She muttered and I wanted to scold her that of course she was cold, she was completely naked...

"Ei I need to get back home. I have someone waiting for me and then we can go to sleep." I explained but my words went over the purple-haired beauty's head as she just cocked her head.

"I could smell the females on you Master, they are welcome to sharing warmth here as well," Ei said innocently despite Rias's and Akeno's giggles as I attempted to struggle free of Ei's grip to no avail.

But the two girl's giggles abruptly died when Artoria said with all seriousness. "Master is that man your husband? Will I need to pleasure him as well as your servant?" I couldn't help but burst into laughter as Rias's tomato-red face as Artoria was still buck naked and had no shame in looking towards me with an inquisitive look that wasn't even lustful. It was like she asked me if I wanted some fries to go with my coke even as she asked if I wanted sexual favors with my supposed connection to Rias.



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