Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 808: Expedition in a different place (14)

Chapter 808 Expedition to a different environment

It was originally dark.

Then there is a red beast shadow.

"Dad, Dad?" The canine boy whispered.

Without answering, the other party is only an illusion in his memory.

The shadow of the wolf in front of him is completely different from that in the memory of the boy. He lacks the intimacy and has a violent and madness.

The red-colored mad wolf broke into the village, and when he saw someone, he killed it. It took 30 seconds for the entire canine family to be slaughtered.

Under the **** claws of the mad wolf, there is still the last canine boy. Only a few teenagers, even a few years old, don’t even know the fear, just looking at the mad wolf in front of them.

The monster's claws are cut, and his sharp claws are enough to tear the canine boy into five pieces of meat. But this fatal blow was blocked by a woman's figure.

"I beg you, stop!" The woman's voice was both panic and sad, with unspeakable love and hate. "Control yourself! Don't increase the dead and wounded!!"

Is she persuading the violent behemoth?

Family, friends, home, everything is lost. Why are we going to suffer this way? What have we done wrong?

With a flash of white light, Husky’s consciousness has returned to reality.

He found that he did not lose consciousness for a long time. The red potion on the ground is still spreading. Many of the diffused potions stick to the dog's face, mixed with the tears from his eyes. When it was not sad, he told himself that his friend was waiting for him to save.

The red potion gave him strength. When he climbed up, he felt that his body was hot, and the weakness before him had already been swept away.

However, the cage in front of him is still closed. If he didn't want to break through the cage, he and Hal could not escape.

The canine boy did not think much and fell to the ground. As if inspired by some kind of inspiration, he tried to make himself into something. The body of the canine boy began to change rapidly. Without a moment, he had become a wolf dog. Has a strong body, like a wild wolf, but with a dog's breath - a Husky.

Husky launched [Boolenism] - the technique of turning his body into a beast form.

That is the skill that the orcs can train after a long training period. It is as difficult to practice as [madness]. Such a difficult technique was inadvertently mastered by the canine boy who was only eight years old.

No time to be surprised, Husky has slammed into the iron gate of the cage. After the animalization, his body is the best weapon. With this, you can always do something!

lb! - The wolf dog is desperately hitting and knocking a lot of rust on the iron gate of the cell. Husky only felt a sharp pain in the head of the iron gate, as if he was hit by a big hammer. But he did not care at all, and took a few steps back, speeding up the run, and hitting again on the iron gate!

lb! ! ! - More iron rust in the iron gate of the cell. But Husky's head was almost cracked, and the blood fell from the forehead in a straight line and dripped on the ground. It hurts, tired, I want to give up. Can this really work? ——

If there is only one of them, Husky has already given up and died. But at this time, he remembers the dying friend behind him, that is the only reason he can't give up.

Please let the miracle appear, please! The wolf dog so thought of back a few steps back, speed up the run, use all his weight and strength, and hit the iron door again!

lb! ! - A miracle has appeared. After years of disrepair, the iron gate of the cell, which was not so strong, was directly flew out under the violent impact of the wolf dog!

What is it, the original gambling on everything, the impossible thing can still be done. The wolf dog did not know that his forehead had already been a **** and violent situation. If he had not had excellent self-healing ability, he had already had a brainstorm and died.

"Haar" Husky persisted with an astonishing will, turned his head and picked up his black panther friend's back: "Follow it again. I will save you Wang."

He carried the black panther and flew out, desperately fleeing this ghost place.

At the same time (?), at 10:30 in the evening, in the forest next to the sixth waterfall of the Nile."This is the last batch of cockroaches." Seifer collected the saltpets purified from the stone bowl and poured them into the kettle like sand. spare.

More saltpeter has already been mixed with the resin in another stone bowl to make a high-energy fuel.

Elaine picked up a fake stem of a cattail, soaked these fluffy, cotton-like pseudo stems in this high-energy resin, and wrapped the sausage-like sage in a resin shell. It can burn very well, it is the arrow [fuel capsule].

Elbert picked up a wooden arrow and pricked it through the sharp tip, fixing the fuel capsule about half an inch behind the arrow.

As a result, a burning arrow is almost completed. But this is not enough. Bedyville took the burning arrow and painted it with refined oil.

Those fats, not to mention, are obtained from the captured prey - fish, wild birds, rabbits. Cut the fat pieces of the animal into a stone bowl, slowly tanning it in the flame, and then carefully remove the impurities, which will become a very pure liquid. Applying them to the arrow, in addition to reducing the air resistance, allowing the arrow to fly faster and more stable, but also to isolate the vapor, so that the arrow filled with high-energy resin burns long and stable.

The oil applied to the arrow quickly cooled and turned into a pale white protective oil film. This oil film makes the burning arrow look like a plastic toy arrow, but its lethality is by no means comparable to a toy.

When the burning arrow is ignited, the oil on the surface will burn first. The heat of the flame will immediately ignite the turpentine in the fuel capsule (Timothy). The **** in the turpentine will release a large amount of oxygen to support combustion. The arrow glowed with radiance and it burned amazingly. This kind of burning arrow can be embedded in the target after it hits the target, causing a sustained, extremely severe burn, and the damage is extremely powerful - but this is for ordinary people - I am afraid it is not enough to deal with Warcraft.

Despite this, Seglader was happy to pick up the burning arrows hanging on the side and put the white flower arrow into the quiver of the non-flammable parachute cloth.

It took them only three hours to create more than forty high-energy burning arrows, and tonight it was a big gain.

As a result, they have a bag (more than forty) burning arrows, a kettle (two hundred) ordinary arrows, some of the saltpeter and animal fat, and three kettle wood. Weapons and fuels are abundant, and their confidence in entering the big marsh is also increasing.

"Great." Paramitis hurriedly finished his dinner - a roast rabbit. The big cat licked his lips and said to everyone: "Everyone is working hard, take a rest tonight. Bediville, accompany me to make a warning trap, then we can sleep well." "

"Of course." The werewolf promised, and picked up the wild bird to chew a few mouthfuls and jumped under the tree with the leopard warrior.

They used the surrounding trees as a fulcrum, surrounded a narrow circle with a rope, and tied a small wooden stick to the fulcrum of the tree.

If a beast wants to pass this lap "enchantment", it will touch the organ: the rope touches the stick, and the stick hits the trunk to sound an alarm, so that everyone resting on the tree can be wary. Even if it is attacked by Warcraft, it can be prepared in advance, so that it can be safe.

"Tomorrow, we get up a little earlier than others. Before the sky is fully lit, we collect some resin and salty soil." Paramitis said as he played with the last organ.

"Does it necessary to be so exaggerated?" Biddiville couldn't help but swear, "Our equipment is absolutely enough."

"Not necessarily enough." Palamidis stunned: "Intuition tells me that even if we reach the destination, this **** defensive bracelet will probably not be solved. Our exam is not over yet, I am afraid it is only Transition from [Phase 1] to [Second Phase]."

"And you think we need the materials we get with our hands and continue the [Phase 2] exam?"

"There is this possibility. Although it is not completely certain -" Paramitis nodded. "When conditions permit, we are prepared to be as good as possible."

Bedyville sighed: "You will be tired of yourself."

"I don't. Unlike ordinary people, I am a green knight. I can not sleep for weeks."

despite this. The werewolf sighed again. Paramitis are all for his two sons. It’s really a pity for the parents.

After they set up the alarm device, the surrounding beasts were more and more ringing. The leopard warrior and the werewolf glanced at each other and immediately ran back to the tree house.

"Burn the fire a little more." Paramitis took out more wood and threw it into the stone bowl: "Let those Warcraft think it was a burning tree. It should be enough to scare off all kinds of small and medium-sized Warcraft." "

"Yes, whatever it is - huh." Albert yawned and pulled up a parachute cloth as a quilt: "Well, good night."

"Good night." Bettiville saw that the Blue Panthers and the White Bears were already asleep. He also leaned against Albert and lay half a quilt and lay down. Before closing his eyes, the werewolf looked at Paramitis again.

The big cat was sitting cross-legged, his eyes falling on his sons, his face showing a kindly serenity: "Sleep, the night is still growing, we are taking turns to have a good night."

The tiger shrank his head into the quilt, apparently intending to sleep until dawn, not willing to wake up in the middle of the night. This selfish guy.

The werewolf's heart fired, almost wanting to throw Albert's stupid, lazy and selfish tiger from the tree.

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