Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 807: Expedition in a different place (13)

Chapter 807 Expedition to a different place

The Cavaliers did not believe in the description of the "feeling breath" that Comet said, but now he is completely convinced. The door in front of it gives off a nasty feeling, which is completely different from the smell of "smelly", but it gives people the same sense of disgust - in short, it is very disgusting.

There seems to be something that has powerful power but should not exist in the world. It makes people spine and cold, and hates not wanting to get close to it.

King Arthur never imagined that he was only looking for two missing children, but found something so unharmonious in his bedroom.

But what surprised the king most was that this door should not exist.

"Where did it come from?" The Cavalier whispered: "How many times have you checked back and forth in your castle to make sure there are no threats to safety in the palace? - Why would you ignore this? door?"

"One of the possibilities is that you carelessly look at it." The comet sneered and sneered. "The second possibility is that the door didn't exist. Some people added it later."

"The third possibility is that it existed, but it was hidden by the powerful disappearing magic, and no one could find it." The round table knight Lancelot appeared behind King Arthur: "It is probably only under certain conditions." appear."

The Cavaliers looked back at the handsome blonde knight: "Lancelot, don't follow me, go back and protect Greenville."

"How are your husband and wife?" Lancelot laughed in dismay: "The Queen of Greenville said the same thing, she thought you might need a helper and kneel down."

"No. There is a person who can handle it, not to mention the comet." Arthur carefully opened the door: "Lancelot, if you want to help, keep it outside, in case there is any danger. The thing escaped from the door."

"Follow, squat." The blonde knight also felt that this was a very good idea, so there was no rebuttal.

The Cavalier King entered this deep and deep room. Less than a 30-square-foot chamber looks like a utility room, but the debris that has been piled up has never been seen by King Arthur.

It is like a different world, and it has a completely different atmosphere from the king's palace.

Losing the two little devils can endure this strange atmosphere, not crying and running away. King Arthur thought. At this point he has noticed the vent cover on the ground.

When he looked up at the vents on the ceiling, he only felt a fascinating breath. Obviously, this ventilation duct leads to other places, an ominous world.

"It's there, what are you waiting for? Climb in?" The comet urged.

"Don't be stupid, how can a small ventilation duct, how can you climb in?"

It would be possible if a child could, Arthur thought. The two little naughty climbed in without a doubt.

"While as a human being, your body is really troublesome. I think of a way for you." The comet flew down from the top of the Cavaliers and changed back to the appearance of the golden armor: "First, I gave my blood. you."

"This time to add dragon blood?" Cavalier looked puzzled at the comet.

"Come on, drink fast." The comet was too lazy to explain to King Arthur, cutting his wrist directly with a dagger, and the bright red dragon blood gushed from the wound of his wrist.

Arthur reluctantly scraped it up and took a few mouthfuls.

"Well," the comet made a strange noise, and Arthur glanced at him.

"Cough and cough" Jin Shuang took back his arm and coughed a few times: "Now, your body should be filled with my strength. Also include me [memory]."

Arthur didn't understand: "Okay, then?"

"With the dragon's blood, I also taught you how to turn the magic into a magic. Then, you can temporarily change into the theory of my appearance." Xinghui Long said: "With this young boy's body, it should be Can you pass through that vent?"

The Cavalier King has a white look at the dragon: "Transformation Magic? - Hey, it is human. Do you think this is really possible?"

It is not simply using the creation magic to make itself bigger or smaller. The deformation magic involves the change of the size of the bones, muscles and internal organs. It is the most complicated branch of the creation magic.

"I don't have to worry about it at all." The comet laughed happily: "You are not human, you are more like a monster than me. Does your wings not only use the power of the dragon and the succubus to change?" The wings can change, and the whole body changes so hard?"

Indeed, the Cavalier King bowed. Maybe you can really try it.

"Close your eyes and concentrate, try to imagine how you shrink." I said, "I have already left [blueprint] to you, and you should be able to do it easily."

"Please don't forget, there aren't many spell talents." Arthur agreed to sigh, and closed his eyes, trying to change the form according to the induction of comets.

"Yes, just like this, continue to imagine, imagine yourself as the appearance of the period. Let your bones shrink, muscles become smaller and thinner, then - become!"

With the guidance of the comet, Arthur opened his eyes and looked at his arm. It was already a doubled arm, Arthur became as tall as the comet - and the comet also made himself smaller. He looked like a seven-year-old.

"Where, I really hope that there is a mirror here, so that you can look at your present appearance." Comet looked at Arthur, who became a child, sneer, his voice band became thinner, and his voice completely became like a seven-year-old. Child.

"You can't be much better." King Arthur looked at the comet that became a child, and used his tender voice to go back and say: "The feeling of being awkward is very bad, the limbs are weak, and the head is dizzy. How does this state fight? - How long can this magic last?"

"Look at the individual's physique, it can last for half an hour. I hope we can pass through this ventilation duct." The comet looked up at the ceiling: "My words are fine, and then I will start a magic again. But what about you?" - If the transformation is lifted in the middle, you will - hehehe!"

Arthur did not say that he jumped into the ceiling and grabbed the edge of the vent and climbed in. He is a bit afraid -

If he lifts the magic while climbing in the ventilation duct, the Cavaliers will probably return to the adults, stuck in the ventilation ducts, and the internal organs and bones are crushed by their own size. That is a terrible way to die. He can only fight for time and climb through this ventilator that doesn't know how long it is.

At the same time, somewhere in the old castle.

Husky opened his eyes and found himself in a dungeon. He only felt that his body was so weak and weak, his physical strength was like being drained. He turned his head and looked at it. Beside him was the leopard, the young boy, Hal, who seems to be in the same situation and is in a coma.

Haski tried to remember what had happened before.

Yes, he and Hal entered a luxurious hall, one of which was the body of the ancient king. The body opened the "eyes" and looked at the two teenagers who entered the hall. Just as Husky felt bad, and wanted to escape, the body had already rushed to the front of the two teenagers at a very high speed, and stretched out the hands of the bones. At the moment when the corpses touched, Husky only felt that the power of the whole body was exhausted, and the body was quickly occupied by numbness and cold. He lost consciousness.

When he came to this strange castle, the dog-man teenager had already prepared himself for the expedition, but he was easily put down. If the corpse is the devil in the game, then Husky must be a rookie who is not enough level to be killed by the devil.

How shameful. Husky struggled to get up, but his body's strength was almost nothing left. He just fell awkwardly when he got up.

"Hahaski!" The little black panther seemed to wake up too, and he whispered.

"Are you awake?" Husky struggled to crawl on the ground, and finally got close to his little friend: "Hal, how are you?"

Hal is not good at all. The body of the little black panther has been very weak. After such a toss, the vitality has bottomed out, and now it is dying.

"It’s so tired and hungry." Hal gas said, "I want to eat my father's rice cooker."

Oops! If you go this way, Hal will definitely die and die! Be sure to save him from here, the sooner the better! Husky looked at the surroundings. This ancient dungeon is dark and dirty, and the walls are all moss. The prison door is tightly closed, and the strength of a teenager is absolutely impossible to open.

How to do? How to do? ! The canine boy is almost anxious to cry.

"Good cold," Hal whispered, "What about the fire?"

"There is no fire, but--" The canine boy holds the leopard boy and uses his own body temperature to provide heat to the other person. "This will be a little warmer."

"Also, it's still very cold." The little black panther groaned, and even snorted in the mouth when he spoke.

"How is this so?" Husky shook his body, moving his solitary hands and feet, constantly smashing each other to generate more heat.

He was very hard and he quickly panted. But he doesn't know if this heat can reach the other side.

"Hah, Hal? Is it cold? Wang?" he gasped.

The Panthers are still awkward, and they are beginning to be unconscious. The situation is terrible. In this situation, even Husky, who is naturally optimistic and has a lot of personality, is beginning to be afraid.

"Hall, I am sorry, I am really sorry, Wang." He hugged his friend and whispered.

He has never regretted what he has done, only this time. His curiosity almost killed his friend, and he really tasted the fear and remorse.

But he also knows that crying can't solve the problem. Nothing else to do, his friends will really die and die.

"I will protect your Wang. I promised Wang." He took off his own and Hal's shirt, wrapped himself and the Panthers tightly together, and let his body temperature pass directly to the other side. Regardless of his physical fatigue, he uses his only physical strength and madly rubs his hands to create heat.

His body began to become as warm as a stove, and this heat was transmitted to his opponent through his fur, spreading over the cold body of the little panther. Hal's embarrassment gradually became slower, replaced by Husky's gradual rush.

After the "good thirsty" body warmed down, Hal dreamed and whispered. He is so weak that he needs to replenish water and energy as soon as possible.

Husky thought for a moment and thought of the only way.

He did not hesitate to bite his palm. The wound was very big, the blood rushed out of his dog's paw, and he handed his hand to Hal's mouth: "This is not too much, but at least it will make you thirsty."

Smell the smell of water (blood), and the unconscious Hal went together and did not hesitate to **** the blood from Husky's wound. The power of life passed from one boy to another, but it never increased. The canine boy only felt that the only physical strength in his body was slowly passing away, and he was dizzy.

that's terrible. In this way, even if he can temporarily save Hal, Husky has no power to escape. The two of them will eventually die here. How to do? How to do? ——As the blood loss becomes more and more serious, the wisdom of the canine boy is becoming more and more blurred. He did not give up thinking, tried to support before fainting, hoping to find a way to save himself.

Hey! - A bottle rolled out of Hal's jacket pocket, hit the wall, rolled back, and finally stopped at a distance of less than one yard for two teenagers.

It was a bottle filled with red potion.

"That is" Husky, who is on the edge of fainting, looks at the bottle in front of him with his almost dim eyes. He recognized this potion, this is the red potion that Xiao Hal brought to save his father Paramitis.

No matter what it is, it is the only one they rely on at this time, the last straw.

"Hah, Hal, don't **** any more." Husky took back his palm and tried to move the body, trying to catch the potion bottle.

One yard. Half a yard. Five inches. Three inches. The process of moving is as long as a century. The dog-man is full of lead and heavy, and it is particularly difficult to move a little.

However, he still grabbed the bottle and seized the last hope of himself and his friends.

As soon as he caught it, he put his face together and directly bit the lid of the bottle. As soon as the lid was opened, the red potion naturally flowed to the ground.

Husky did not care about the dirty, but left his dignity behind him. He put out his tongue and ate the red potion on the ground like a puppy.

That thing is super bitter, super hard to eat, full of **** smell.

No. Husky couldn't keep going anymore. His physical and mental exhaustion defeated his will. The dog's eyelids fell down. His eyes were dark, and darkness and numbness completely smothered him.

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