Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 91

4-03 Scoundrel Lady Level 13

◆ 4-03 Scoundrel Level 13

Calmly accept Level 13 measurements.I am calm.

Then, calmly and quietly, describe what to do next.

“Okay, let’s destroy the world.”

Calm down, Yumeela. Calm down.

All I’m trying to do is prove that the level measurement results are wrong.Anyway, I find the rationale that I’m not Level 13.

“I’m calm. If we can’t prove this is wrong, we’ll destroy everything in the world.”

“It’s totally eight…”

If you can’t prove it, I’ll destroy everything.Level 13 humans can’t destroy the world, so all collapses prove the measurement to be wrong.

“Yes, it’s not the outcome, it’s the process that makes the world disappear.It’s an irresistible sacrifice to get to the end of the certificate. ”

I’ll prove it. Just calm down.

Patrick is trying to stop me, but I don’t want you to be so serious.If my predictions are correct, it should be time.

At the edge of my vision, I see the shadows shake, and I smile inside.

Following Patrick’s low voice, the boy’s high voice before the vocal period came to stop me.

“Wait, oneesan! Oneesan’s level is 13!Wait a minute! ”

I don’t mean to say things like destroying the world.My remarks are a trap for summoning people who know more about the magic tools of level measurement that humans cannot manufacture.

He should still be near me, the god of magic instruments, the god of dreams, the god of darkness.

“Thank you, Remun. I knew you’d come.”

A black-haired boy pops out of my shadow.The god of darkness, Remun.

If he had been lurking in my shadow, he would have noticed, so he jumped out of my senses into my shadow.This god is a beast who thinks nothing of humans individually, but desperately begins to act when the whole world is involved.

Remun seems to have noticed my thoughts, turning his impatient expression into a labour-free one.

Nah, I lost it in a hurry.

“I didn’t think it would be that easy.”

“Well, you’re going to be desperate.Oneesan can do something about the whole world. ”

“Do you think I’m like eight people because my level has dropped?”

I think so.

Really? Do you think so?… but there are places where Lemn has given up understanding of human emotions.Besides, it’s been a long time since I met him.

Patrick would have expected me not to be such a person.

“You knew Patrick.Yeah, it was an act I tried to stop.You’ve been reading my thoughts, haven’t you, Pat? ”

“I really stopped you.”

Oh, yeah.

It seems to have been thought of as a human being who could do as much damage as possible with a low level.

But that’s just because they love the safety of Patrick and Remun.They always assume the worst.It may be a lot of worries, but I think the spirit of knocking on the stone bridge is important.

My true understander is Eleanora, who has the spirit to rock and play with the suspension bridge.I look at her as my last hope.

“Wow, I knew… even if Yumeera reached level 13, she wouldn’t start anything weird!And of course! ”

Eleanora looked away from me and said with her eyes swimming towards me.

Oh, yeah. I know what everybody looks at me like.

I’m not just a fighter with a high level of identity….

I wonder if people are a creature they don’t understand.Is there any way to understand the bottom of my heart…?

He lamented the incompleteness of a creature called humans, but now there is something to be done.

We need to solve the mystery quickly.I can’t be Level 13.In fact, I feel a different magic in my body than when I was at level 99.

“Because I’m not weak, it’s natural to think that the magic equipment is making some kind of error, right?”

“Well, it’s most unnatural to think of Yumeera as Level 13.”

“Yes, I told you. I said calm down.”


Despite repeated calm appeals, Patrick didn’t seem to fall in love.

Calm down. Calm down, so I have to prove I’m not Level 13.I’m not in a hurry, but I’m not putting it behind me.

“Come on, Remun, check it out.Is this magic tool normal? ”

“Oneesan… are you upset?You’re calm, right? ”

“Calm down, calm down, find out the cause as soon as possible.You said you were the god of magic instruments. ”

Calm, I calmly stare at Lemn as I gently rinse into poverty.

The god of darkness slowly says, holding the crystal with his fingers.

“I don’t know… it was out of my jurisdiction, or it was already there when I was born.We manage the world, but we’re not so involved in creativity. ”

“I just need to know if this one is working properly.With the correct behavior in mind, we will narrow down why the output called level 13 was generated. ”

“If that’s all I know… but put your hands down again…”


Put your hand on the crystal quickly before Remun finishes giving instructions.

Come on, come to a conclusion. I’m not in a hurry, but I’m not upset, but I’m so calm.

He looks at the magic equipment with interest and opens his mouth with plenty of reservoir.

Magic equipment is normal. Your sister must be Level 13.It’s getting weaker, fufu, 13… sometimes even children. ”


With uncontrollable emotions, magic rushes through your body.

I managed to stop the magic of darkness from blowing out from my body, but I don’t know when it will be destroyed as it is.

Going outdoors and shooting at the right magic… is unlikely to work.

The other day, the amount of magic possessed increased, but the output hasn’t changed that much.Does it feel like the water storage tank has grown with the faucet intact?

Whether or not the black hole can be triggered at maximum output in time…It has so much magic left.

Everyone was reacting to my unusual appearance, but I couldn’t afford to answer.

“Yumiera! Yumeela-san is broken!”

“Are you all right!… hey, why did you seduce Yumiera!”

“Looks like you’re always struggling…?I didn’t expect this to happen. I’m sorry. ”

“I’m so sorry!”

The lost magic finally broke through my body.

A magical stream blowing from the back.The force that blows out and the force that tries to hold it is reversed and the magic is fixed.

Originally fluid magic solidified and unfolded behind the back.

I couldn’t confirm it with my eyes, but I felt like part of my body.

What appeared on my back was a thinly crystallized magical wing.

Twelve in all, six pairs of black wings roar.

I started to rise up into space.

“No way! I’m just kidding your sister!I know why it says Level 13!It’s not really 13! ”

At the same time as Lemun’s voice came into his ear, the magical runaway subsided.

Twelve wings also vanished, and airborne levitation subsided.Land without making a sound from just a dozen centimeters high.

“Well, I’m not Level 13, am I?I knew it because I was calm. ”

“Are you okay…?”

Patrick calls out worried.

I just felt a little shocked and jumped into the pool and my palpitations became violent, so don’t worry about it.

“It’s okay.”

“Now, fly…”

“It’s okay, I’m calm.I’m not level 13. I’m not level 13. It’s okay. It’s okay. ”

Well, even if it’s level 13, if you think you can raise it again…

I imagined that the hardship to date would be attributed to blisters, and my body was startled again.The runaway is about to begin.

“This isn’t going to be okay!Hey Remun! Explain to Yumeela! ”

“I’ve never seen such a dense magic before.After all, oneesan will destroy the world if you care. ”

“If you’re impressed!”

“Oh, yeah, sorry, let’s plant it.”

Remun finally started explaining.Listen with all your might before you miss it.

“I just saw and learned that the function of this crystal was not to measure and display levels.”

“What do you mean, the measurements you’ve made so far have been wrong?”

“The results to date are accurate.That’s why I didn’t even realize the original function. ”

I wonder why this God doesn’t call the conclusion a nuisance.A genius who frustrates me?No, I’m always cool.

The crystal of the level measurement reveals the true function of my fifth favorite magical instrument.Remun, the god of darkness, opened his mouth in disappointment.

“The correct function of this crystal… is to measure the level of the object and display the last two digits of it”

“What about it?”

“I don’t know who made it, but I don’t think it’s a problem with two digits.I didn’t expect anyone over level 99 to show up. ”

“My level was 13 in the last two digits?”

“I don’t know if it’s 213 or 1013.”

Yeah, so it could be a billion and a half?

Hmm. When I think about what’s going on, I notice something strange going on around me.Patrick is standing by, and Eleanora and Remun are hiding behind his back.


“I think it’s probably okay…”

“I don’t know, Yumeela. Sometimes she goes crazy because of the time difference.”

I wonder, have you done anything to get away with it?

I called Lemn, Lemn told me something, and then… hmm? Memories are vague.

“Guys, what’s going on?”

“… you look fine. I thought the wings would come out again.”

“Tsunasa? What are you talking about?”

You mean the one that grows in birds?

When I heard back, the three of them lay face to face with their necks flat.

“Nothing. Never mind.”

I’m curious… well, okay.

The mystery of level 13 was solved first.The last two digits… are incredibly user-friendly, but I can only see the level rise.When the display reaches 14, you can see that the level has risen by 1.

Now we can decide on our future policy.

“If the crystal turns 99 and doesn’t go up anymore, it’s a new cap.”

Eh, is oneesan going to try to reach the maximum level again?

“Of course.”

“There might not be a cap like 99 anymore.”

“At that time, at that time.”

Thank you even if it’s just a guide.We can certainly see that we are getting closer to our goal step by step.

Great. Crystal will continue to be great.When you wake up and before you go to bed, you have to measure the level.Imagine more than a hundred digits that don’t show up, and work hard every day.

I’m glad the crystal didn’t break.

“What? Where’s my crystal?”

I didn’t have my partner where it was supposed to be.

If you look down, there are shattered clear fragments.

“When did it fall!?”

“Is that… oh, when Yumeera floats?”

“Am I floating?”

“No, Yumeela’s not floating and her wings aren’t growing.”

Well then, the wings. Did you mistake me for an angel or something? ”

Neither will my wings grow without warning.

Level-measuring acoustics became the most boring part, falling on the floor and cracking the crystal.

While expressing their condolences to Crystal, who was killed the day he returned to work, the three of them were talking to Kokoko.

“Isn’t that the devil rather than the angel?”

“I’m glad you don’t remember.Yumeela-san, I will definitely do it again. ”

“I think so too. Those wings… they were shaped like Yumiera’s favorite.”

I was full of heads at the level up, and their stories were clear to me.

From now on, always carry the crystal with you so you can measure the level.

I murmur little to make sure Patrick doesn’t hear me.

“We need to get some spare crystals.”

Cautious I have spare parts, of course.I left it with the first one you lost.

I didn’t have any spare parts with me when I ran out, so I decided to take care of the second crystal ball.

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