Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 90

4-02 I’m in love with Patrick, level 99.

◆ 4-02 Falling in love with Patrick Level 99

Walking around the Mansion with Eleanora, looking for Patrick instead of the happy blue bird…

It’s not in the private room, it’s just Damon in the office.When I think about where to go from here, I hear a voice from the front door.Looks like he came home a little out.

“Welcome back. Want some dinner? Do you want to take a bath or…”

“Welcome back, Master Patrick. Yes, I want you to put your hands on this crystal.”

Eleanora has blocked the important part.

Well, look, I was just trying to say it obligatorily after you got back.

Eleanora offered a crystal she held in both hands with a full smile.Cute. I don’t like Patrick with the crystal pointing at him. Impossible.

“I’m home. Uh, we’ll talk about that later.It’s not something we have to do right now. ”

“If Patrick doesn’t do it first, my turn won’t come.”

I knew from the look of my face that he hated it. I moved fast.

Grab Patrick’s wrist with both hands and approach the crystal.He resists and tries to pull his hand in vain.

Eleanora raises the crystal in her hand and presses it against Patrick’s palm.

It’s a combination of me and her.Let’s call this “Mandatory Level Measurement.”It’s a technique to force a level measurement.

“All right! Dear Eleanor Stream! Look at the numbers!”

“Eh… 99! 99! Master Patrick, it’s amazing!”

Eleanora bounced happily after seeing the number displayed on the magic instrument.Don’t drop it, okay? You can’t hit the floor and crack the crystal, can you?

But I also know Eleanora’s joy.I’m as happy as I am.Oh, Patrick, you look so good…

“It’s how my son felt when he grew up.”

I don’t remember being raised by you.

Perhaps a period of rebellion? Mother, if you run wild on a motorcycle, I want you to take the CBX.

I thought of showcasing the sound of a serial six-cylinder engine, but let’s celebrate honestly here without joking.Motorcycle monomance is another opportunity.

Congratulations, Patrick.

“… thank you.”

He doesn’t look very happy when the level is down.I don’t know why, including why I hated measurements.Speaking of which, I think Patrick hasn’t talked much about his level lately.

Why, it’s level 99. Probably the second person in the world.

Me and Patrick are the strongest in the world… huh?I don’t need two of the strongest.Until yesterday, I was number one in the world, but now I’m number one.

We have to hold the world’s strongest decision game.The battle has already begun.

I say as I gauge my time with Patrick.

“The time has come to decide which is the strongest in the world.”

“Hah… I didn’t like it because I thought this would happen.Yumeela is the strongest, please stop standing. ”

“Ah! Say something like the weakest protagonist!Patrick is the strongest guy in the back with a kettle!It’s like I’m the strongest dog on the surface! ”

In an approximate story, those who want to decide which is stronger are weaker.It is actually a more peaceful pattern that you don’t have to fight.

No, I’m stronger.

I’m a good fighter, but Patrick seems unwilling.He turns his eyes to see pathetic things.

“… wasn’t Yumeera a little more intelligent when we met?Have you become more and more violent lately? ”

“I don’t think it’s changed that much.”

I think it’s been like this for a long time.I think it’s because I’ve been together for a long time and I can see a lot of things.I don’t think there are any violent parts…. I was about to be distracted by a bad story.We’re in the middle of our strongest game.

I get closer to Patrick and closer and closer and closer.

“It’s the result of thinking rationally.Basically, the higher the level, the stronger. If the level is the same, we have to fight directly to make sure…. you see, it’s logical, right? ”

Ronnie’s coming?

Patrick says he doesn’t understand what “logical” means.

There are only two Level 99 players left to fight to find out which one is stronger.The underlying potential, the so-called superior talent, may win.There may be wins or losses outside of levels, such as swordsmanship and magic precision.

If you two are together, it won’t be a triumph due to compatibility, so it’s okay for you to fight without worrying.

Now, let’s begin the strongest quarrel on earth.

Eleanora shouted from the side to my heart’s content.

“Yumeira-san, you said you had surpassed level 99, right?”


“So you were going to use this crystal, right?It was a while ago, and you forgot? ”

That’s right.

Well, I wasn’t level 99.I didn’t notice anything until Eleanora pointed me out.The strongest decision was an event that Patrick would definitely do if he climbed high, so his feelings preceded him.

Sometimes when things change and they don’t need it anymore, they stick to executing their appointments.

A story from my previous life when I was a family college girl.I stopped traveling, but I bought a mobile battery that I wanted to take with me.I didn’t plan to go to the electrician, but I couldn’t help but notice the moment I left and opened the battery box. I don’t need this.

That was a blind spot. So it’s okay that I’m still the strongest in the world?Do you want to play the strongest game just in case?

If I’m not sure if I want to solve the battle, Patrick will persuade me to stay here.How much I don’t want to fight.

“That’s right! Yumiera has exceeded her maximum level.In other words, Yumeera is stronger than me on level 99.That’s why you don’t have to fight. ”

“Am I number one in the world?”

“Ah, Yumiera is number one in the world.”

“Good, what if I was second in the world?”

“… isn’t that second place?”

The second place in the world was second in the world.The second place in the world is the second place in the world, the first place in the world is the first place in the world, and I am not the second place in the world but the first place in the world, so I am the first place in the world.

Well, then you don’t have to decide between Patrick and the male.

He sighs loudly when I solve the immediate situation.

Thank you, Miss Eleanora.

Have you forgotten about Yumiera’s level, Patrick?

“I’ve always been afraid of things like this… and I didn’t realize the prerequisites had changed.”

Oh, Patrick had some.

He was reluctant to measure the level because I expected him to fight.It doesn’t fall into my heart. Who’s the most uninterested boy in the world?

Well, look. Patrick, who’s full of levels, doesn’t need any more crystals.It doesn’t matter if I break it enough.

Well then, it’s my turn.

“Why were you waiting for me to go home?Yumeera is the most measurable. ”

That’s what I look like after all.

Briefly describe the explanation to Eleanora to Patrick.Describe the possibility that the crystal will break because it cannot withstand my power.

“That’s how the crystals break.”

“It’s valuable, even if it’s out there somewhere. Don’t break it.”

“That’s why it breaks with force majeure!”

“Don’t do it deliberately.”

You can’t do that.Either force majeure physically breaks, an error indication, or more than three digits.It’s impossible to destroy an important magical instrument by your own will.

Patrick’s gaze, “This guy is going to break on purpose,” is hard, so let’s measure it quickly.

Well, let’s measure it.

“Yes, please!”

The smiling Eleanor offered me a crystal.

If the crystal explodes like this, her hands will be covered in blood.It would be bad if scattered fragments hit my face.

I retreat the vase from the desk nearby.

“It’s going to explode. Please put it here.”

Eleanora placed the crystal in the designated position, with a slightly dissatisfied face.Afterwards, the boulder is afraid of exploding, or it takes a few steps back.

On the contrary, Patrick leaves one step ahead on guard.It’s okay. I’ll take care of all the damage from the explosion.

Okay, three, two, one, zero until the explosion! Zero! Zero!


Light touch of the crystal does not change.

The explosion didn’t feel a trace of dust.

I wonder why. Was it an error pattern?

Looking around in a daze, Patrick’s eyes met those of a gloomy face.You didn’t like the explosion that much?

I can’t help it. Let’s get back to it and see if it’s an error or more than three digits.

When she tried to turn her eyes back to the crystal, Eleanora slipped through the side of Patrick.

Judging that there would be no danger, she approached without being stopped.Pinch the crystal and stand directly opposite me.

And Eleanora bent down and peered into the crystal.

“13!…… it’s me!”

Yes? 13?

What’s level 13?I guess my level isn’t that low.

Ah, not “13”, but “13!I guess? It’s the 13th floor. 13x12x11x10… and then, uh… 10!Multiply by 11 to 13… about 6 billion?

I’m proud of Level 6 billion.I didn’t know that there was so much money that had been overflowing since I canned.

As I was struck, Patrick approached and peeked into the crystal.

“Oh, it’s really 13. What the hell is this…?”

“That’s good. 13!… right?”

“Why did you raise your voice?”

Patrick’s way of putting it, it’s like 13.

Hmm? How does it appear in the crystal?

It’s hard to imagine that the measured level is displayed on the floor, and if there are about 6 billion numbers, why did Eleanora bother to change it?

Yes, I remember. Eleanora is generous enough to affirm that 100-77 is 33.If you see more than a billion numbers, you freeze them and count to a hundred thousand… digits.

I have a bad feeling about this. My back sweats even though it’s not hot.

Ignoring the discomfort on his back, he peeks into the crystal.Cover the crystal with your hands and see the measurement results.

“Ju… san…?”

The number in my eyes was 13, a natural number greater than 12 and less than 14.In English, thirteen.There is no other notation, only the devil’s number appears in the crystal.

The results were the same even once the hand was released and then remeasured.

Ask Patrick about possible eye problems.

“Thirteen, right?”


It was 13.

The world bends with gunya. I was more calm than anyone while my sights glued.

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