Legendary Traveler: By Earning Progress Points I will Become Supreme!

Chapter 66: Benefits Of The Blood (3)

Upon inspection and giving the carcass a few smacks, Aoni found that the 2nd one had been completely drained of what little blood had been stored in the body; thus, he went ahead and swapped it out with the 3rd one before rejoining Glacia on the ground.

Or, at least, he would have rejoined her had he not spotted the greedy look in her eye as she slowly crept toward the unguarded bowl of golden blood, like a cat stalking a mouse.

"OI! You aren't sneaky, Glacia, give it up!" jumping over the pile of bled corpses, Aoni scooped up his summon and held her away from his body with both arms outstretched.

"MEEP …..GAoooOoO OooOo!" Uttering a startled meep sound, Glacia was quick to begin spouting off in her language while flailing around.

"Don't you, Gaooo, at me; we had a deal, and you can have some, but I need it to unlock a new ability; once I do, the rest is yours."


"So what if I get more than you? I won't be taking all of it."

"OoOOOOO GAO!" Thrashing about as she continued her tantrum, Aoni stared at her with dead eyes, knowing technically he was in the wrong because it was her kill.

"Yeah, I know you did all the work, but if we are going to grow the territory, I need to use the resources we have on hand,"

"….oOo," falling limp in Aoni's arms, Glacia knew she didn't have much ground to stand on here because he was the Lord, so what he says goes, but after getting to taste the Golden Blood, it was natural that she'd want more, especially since she felt like she was on the cusp of something new.

With Glacia effectively giving up, Aoni sighed and brought her to his chest for a hug.

"Don't worry, ima butcher up the meat you brought home and plan on using some of the blood as spice later on, so just hang in there," booping her nose, Aoni gently placed her down and went back to his repetitive cycle of tasting the blood then following its absorption.

And this pattern continued until the time came when Aoni swapped out the 3rd dried carcass for the last one. By this point, the Basin was getting close to full, so he quickly swapped it out, and after pacifying Glacia by letting her have a little extra directly from the Basin, he went back to work.

By this point, he had long since lost track of not only time but also how many times he'd tasted the blood, yet he still couldn't do much else apart from following the flow of Energia, which was a testament to how difficult a task he was trying to achieve.

The main reason was his low Energia Rank. That's not to say what he was doing was ineffective; it's quite the opposite.

With each taste, the lad was drawing closer and closer to his goal, but there is a finite difference between walking and flying, and right now, Aoni could be considered jogging along the correct path.

As for Glacia, unknown to the lad or even the ball of fluff, she had undergone a significant change.

Deep within her skull, her Energia Cell was constantly absorbing every speck of the mystical resource, reinforcing and strengthening itself, and as such, had grown twice its original size.

Unfortunately, due to her low Grade and Potential, this growth was practically useless and served almost no purpose apart from increasing the maximum amount of Energia that could be stored within.

On a surface level, that sounds amazing; however, one must understand that the amount of Energia doesn't have any bearing on its density or utility.

Or at least that would be the case if it weren't for the existence of Progress points.

Regardless, that was only one of the multiple changes Glacia was experiencing; as for the rest, only time would tell if they would be useful or wasteful because, as of this moment, they were minor at best. She would be required to consume a large amount of the blood for them to be visible to either Aoni or the ball of fluff.


After several hours of testing and the final carcass emptied of blood, Aoni knew he still had much to do if he was to follow through on the promises made to his beloved summon.

Even though he wished he could continue his endeavor, the little glutton would NEVER forgive him if he didn't cook up something good and use the blood as a spice; thus, after dumping the bowl's contents into the Basin, Aoni replaced the Basin full of blood with an empty one, twirled his knife like an expert, and went to work.

With the creature hanging upside down and by its legs, he had full access to its entire body, so starting with a single slice in the abdomen, he completed the first step all hunters do after killing game, and that was gutting.

Due to the size of the "chimera," it was vastly more time-consuming than with something like the small game animals Glacia had hunted the first time, but he wasn't too bothered by that fact.

If anything, the one thing he was concerned about was not making a mess on the pelt, especially when digging out the intestines and bowels.

Once fully gutted, the most intricate process began: skinning.

Starting with the cut he had made to remove the bowels, Aoni carefully separated the meat from the hide, carving along the inner side until he had something that could be grasped, and then it was off to the races.

Honestly, it wasn't too different from pulling up a carpet; it was just a bit slimy and WAY more gruesome. Tug Cut, tug Cut, tug Cut, if anything, it was boring, but still required Aoni's full attention because one mistake, one accidental slip of his knife, and either he would mess up part of the pelt, or worse, mistakenly slice open his hand.

At the same time as Aoni was working to gain access to the meat, Glacia was sitting on the ground beside him, drool dripping out her mouth, and eyes wide as saucers, because she knew…oh she knew, it was almost dinner time.

But more importantly, it was going to be the first time she was allowed to eat till she dropped because there was going to be MORE than enough food for thirds or even fifths.

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