Legendary Traveler: By Earning Progress Points I will Become Supreme!

Chapter 65: Benefits Of the Blood (2)

For several seconds after having gotten her first taste of the Golden Blood, Glacia appeared to be completely incoherent, and if he didn't know better, Aoni could have easily mistaken her condition as what happens when cats get their hands on catnip, AKA high as Fuck.

Thankfully, he had enough knowledge stored in that backlogged mind that the Lad understood what his beloved summon was going through; it was essentially creatures, beasts, or monsters' way of getting stronger.

After all, unlike humans or other humanoid beings, they didn't progress through ranks due to effort and experience; instead, 99.99% of the growth of non-humanoid's Grades came from devouring other beings.

Think of it like in a video game: non-humanoids get XP for kills, whereas Humanoids only get it through effort and training and Dungeon Instances.

Careful not to spill the bowl's contents on the ground, Aoni placed it down and gently picked up his summon before placing her in his lap and giving her some comforting pets.

Eventually, with a shake of her head, Glacia's eyes finally opened, and being the little glutton for attention she was, she instantly closed them right back, faking like she was sleeping.

However, how could something like that work on her Lord, who not only could sense her thoughts and emotions but was also carefully watching over her just in case something happened?

'You're a hundred years too young to try and pull a fast one on me like that kid,' rolling his eyes and saying the same phrase his mother used to use on him whenever he faked being sick to stay home from school, Aoni lifted his summon off his lap and placed her down beside him, replacing her position with the bowl of blood.

Feeling her body move before the comforting warmth of her Lord's attention vanished and was replaced by the cold, hard ground, Glacia popped up like she had been lit on fire and shot Aoni an offended look.

"Fakers don't get rewarded," turning his face to the sky with a hmph, the Lad peeked at his summon out of the corner of his eye and found her panicking before she noticed he was stifling a laugh.

That did it in her book, so without a care in the world, Glacia placed her butt on the ground and her back pointing at Aoni in protest, causing the Lad to burst out laughing.

"Okay, Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it; look here, you can have another taste of the blood, see," against his better judgment, and dipping his finger in the blood a second time, Aoni offered it to Glacia, who in return, turned around so quickly that she nearly knocked the bowl out of her Lord's lap.

That was how a strange trade-off began between the two; for every few minutes that Aoni spent studying the Golden Blood, Glacia was given a few drops.

Falling into a rhythm and seeing there weren't any adverse effects on his baby yeti, Aoni eventually worked up the courage to try some himself, and although bitter, he had to admit the Golden blood was quite tangy, almost like a sour candy of sorts mixed with the sensation of pop rocks.

The instant it hit his tastebuds, it was like a thousand micro explosions crackled across his tongue. Although it only lasted a second at best before wearing off, it was more than enough for the Lad to try it a second, then a third time before eventually stopping and focusing on what was actually happening.

'Since my body has Energia mixed in on a molecular level, its presence isn't noticeable; however, when I introduce a random influx of said Energia in the form of a consumable liquid, it's almost like my body is hungrily devouring it…but that shouldn't be possible.' Squinting his eyes and trying the blood a fourth time, he couldn't help but draw a comparison between the sensation and what he had been told about when Someone absorbs an Energia Crystal.

The strange thing was that it wasn't supposed to work unless your external Energia level surpassed that of the object being consumed.

For example, if Someone had an Energia rank of B-, they should have no problem drawing in the abundant Energia stored within a Three-Star Energia Crystal.

However, if Someone like Aoni, whose Energia Rank was only at F- were to try absorbing the same Crystal, the case scenario would be that he couldn't wrangle control of the mysterious resource, while the worst…well…BOOM.

That's right, he would inflate like a balloon and pop fleshy gore all over the place.

In a sense, it was like trying to fill a water balloon from a garden hose at its lowest setting versus using a firehose at full blast.

So the fact that he was able to notice a faint transfer between the blood and his body upon consumption stumped him to no end.

Meanwhile, Glacia, on the other hand, was an entirely different story altogether. Given her being a non-humanoid, she could probably down the entire bowl, and the worst thing that would happen was burping before falling asleep for a few days or weeks.

Even so, Aoni knew that what he had was a GOLDEN opportunity, All the puns intended, because, on top of being able to consume and absorb the mass amount of Energia directly, it also was traceable as it went down.

From the moment it hit his tongue to the instant it flowed down the back of his throat, Aoni was fully capable of following the bundle of condensed Energia as it flowed and traversed toward his stomach, then spread out toward his EC.

By following this movement, obtaining the Manipulation Passive was within his reach…the only question was how much blood he would need to consume, along with what kind of time frame it would take.

*Inhale* *Exhale*

As Aoni stared at the bowl, which had gradually cooled down as the temperature slowly dropped, he took a deep breath before exhaling loudly and glanced over his shoulder to make sure that the bloodletting of the second carcass was going well.

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