Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 47: : Tokiwa Forest and Field Trial

   If someone asks, which is the largest forest in the Kanto region? So if he was asked to be a Kanto native, he would not hesitate to blurt out the term "Tokiwa Forest".

  Yes, Tokiwa Forest is the largest forest in the Kanto region. It is located between Tokiwa City and Nibi City in the Kanto Region. There are many wild elves living in it.

   Of course, like other normal forests in the world of elves, the elves living in it are mostly insect and grass elves.

   However, as the largest forest in the Kanto region, the types of elves that live in Tokiwa City are naturally far more than insect and grass elves, almost all elves of various attributes exist here.

And as the exchanges between the various regions of the elven world have become more frequent, some elves who should have only lived in one area have also appeared in other areas under the influence of intentional and unintentional human activities, and have stubbornly adapted to the local environment. Then thrive locally. (Experimental accidents of wild elves, accidents in the process of transporting and capturing elves by poachers, unscrupulous human trainers abandoning elves, etc.)

  Of course, the number of these alien elves are generally very rare in the local environment.

   There are many reasons for this. It may be that the water and soil are not acclimatized and have not been able to fully adapt to the environment, or it may be rejected by the local wild elves, expelled or besieged.

   Among them, the exclusion of alien invading elves from the local wild elves is the biggest reason. There are roughly two reasons for the rejection.

  First, because the invading elves have not yet been able to stand up in the local environment, it is difficult to thrive and thrive, causing their own ethnic groups to be weak and easily expelled by the powerful local wild elves.

The second reason is that the invading elves have harmed the interests of the local wild elves. After all, there are so many cakes. Suddenly there is someone who wants to share the cakes. The old forces are naturally unwilling to share their cakes. (Site) Let it out.

(Note: I have written so much information about alien invading elves, and I hope that some stubborn readers will understand that elves in other regions may appear in the Tokiwa Forest. This is also for my next story. There is a foreshadowing.)

In fact, the league has worked hard to nurture its own direct line members. Being a father and a mother, not only has it established the league competition, a game that has attracted countless league trainers, but it has also established a number of special safety programs in various regions. Wild elf habitat. (Self-designed)

   The so-called safe habitats for wild elves are safe areas created by the Alliance in the habitats of wild elves by force.

  The little elves living in these safe areas have very low levels, and some little elves that are particularly harmful to humans rarely appear in these safe areas.

   Among them, forest rangers play a very important role in these safe wild elf habitats. These powerful trainers directly under the alliance are the guarantee for the alliance to maintain a safe area.

   It’s not wrong. The big reason why the safe wild elf habitat is so "safe" is that these rangers work hard every day to expel the powerful elf from the safe area.

   Of course, the safe area only occupies a small part of the wild elves' habitat. After all, not all wild elves are vegetarian.

  If the pressure is too much, some powerful elves will resist at all costs for the survival of the group. Therefore, the rangers are also the department with the highest mortality rate in the league.

When the time came to 10 o’clock in the morning, in the area outside the safe zone in the Tokiwa Forest, a teenager wearing a Rocket soldier uniform was lying in a dense grassland. The weeds growing in this grassland Each one is at least one meter tall and grows very vigorously.

   The young man who is now in a coma in this dense grass is Sato Kaede, and he is now in a coma.

   When a thick cloud over the grass was blown away by the wind, the sun also shined into the grass as desired.

   At this time, Sato Kaede also experienced some discomfort on the head due to the long-term sunlight exposure, and his consciousness began to wake up quickly.

   Sato Kaede slowly opened his eyes, but because of the glare of the sun, he had to cover it with his hands. After his eyes adjusted to the nearby light, his dim sleepy eyes returned to their usual sharpness and calmness.

"Where is this place? I remember that I should be in the square. By the way, I was in hypnotic gas." Looking at the strange environment around, Sato Kaede was still a little sore when covering the matter with his hand. Head, trying to recall everything that happened before.

In the end, Sato Kaede’s memory was fixed in the scene where he was forced to sleep due to hypnotic gas. Before he was close to falling asleep, he saw a woman walking towards him in a daze. Then, he just got nothing. I don't remember, I appeared in this place after waking up.

A minute later, Sato Kaede looked at a map in front of him solemnly. After a little time of recovery, he found that nothing on his body was lost. The two most important elf and Rockets watches were all on his body. , And the only thing that came out was a small backpack next to him.

   This is an ordinary backpack, not a space equipment, and there are only two things in it, a flare gun and an unopened envelope.

When Sato Kaede removed the envelope from the backpack and read the contents inside, he also understood where he is now and why he would be here. The one inside the envelope was folded several times. map.

   This is a hand-painted Tokiwa Forest map, and the painting is quite exquisite. The information of various terrains is marked in great detail. Unfortunately, there is no information on the habitat of various elves.

And judging from the information given on the map, this is obviously just a broken image. The map clearly marked his current location with a red star, and some skull symbols (white and red) are also used to mark some dangers nearby. The area, finally, there are some triangle marks on the map, and these marks all fall in some areas with red skulls.

   It is worth mentioning that the grass where Sato Kaede is now has a white skull drawn on the map.

   When the map is reversed, it becomes a letter. Judging from the delicate handwriting, this letter should have been written by a woman.

The content of the letter is probably like this: "Sato Kaede is going to conduct a two-week field survival trial now~www.NovelMTL.com~ If he chooses to give up, he can use flare guns for help anytime and anywhere, and try The consequence of the failure of the practice is that the elves confiscated and demoted to handyman."

At the same time, the content of the letter clearly stated that the green triangle mark represents mission items. He must obtain all these mission items within the specified time. Otherwise, even if he survives two weeks, this trial of wild survival will Counted as a failure.

"I was caught off guard. I actually fainted us without saying anything, and then threw us to this place. This is real, real field training." After reading the content of the letter, Sato Feng thought seriously.

Then, according to the information given on the map, Sato Kaede stood still on the spot, replaced the wooden stick with her body, and used the sun and wooden stick shadow method to identify the direction, and then quickly moved to the direction of the supplies closest to her. Go.

   And when Sato Kaede first left the place to move, the eagle who wandered above Sato Kaede also shone brightly, and then flew with both wings and flew towards the north.

   Soon after the eagle flew away, the grass that had fallen into a weird and quiet state returned to its usual noisy, and bursts of rapid rustling began to appear from all directions of the grass.

"Are you awake? Very good. Let me see how good you are. If you can't even pass this level, you won't be able to compete with the monsters in the newcomer match. You can only go through the field. An inconspicuous little supporting role." After seeing Bi Diao coming back, Sophia, who is now on a lonely mountain, touched Bi Diao's head, and then said to herself with a dim expression.

   to be continued...


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