Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 46: : New members and assembly

In these five days, in addition to the very important thing that the supersonic bat's strength has been greatly improved, Nitoran’s elven egg was finally hatched on the third night with the help of the super incubator. , A very healthy Nitoran joined Sato Kaede's team.

The newly-born Nitoran is only about the size of a slap Sato Kaede, very petite and cute, because Sato Kaede is by his side every day and because he saw Sato Kaede at first sight when he was born, Nitoran He immediately treated him as one of his dearest relatives. He was too sticky all day long. As long as Sato Kaede left for a while, he immediately cried and made trouble.

In these two days, apart from spending time training for the supersonic bats, Sato Kaede spent almost the other time taking care of the newborn Nitoran. Not to mention all the behaviors that human babies have. Elf babies are also gathered, and because the metabolism is much faster than human babies, the frequency of eating, drinking and sleeping has also increased a lot.

   Now, Sato Kaede must always focus his attention on Nitoran, otherwise, he might mess up the whole dormitory, and it will be accompanied by a harsh cry.

For this reason, Sato Kaede has been working as a full-time dad for the past two days, and in order to pay for Nitoran’s milk powder and future plans, Sato Kaede must not create energy cubes for sale again. He made all of them this time. 2,000 energy cubes were sold, 1,200 of them were sold, and 5,400 points were obtained.

Among them, there are 300 orange and orange fruits as the raw material. The price is 120 points because of the 20% discount. The total price of banana and cranberry fruits is 50 points. The total price is 100 points. The tree fruit mixer is used 100 times, and the total price is 1000 points, so the total cost of making energy cubes is 420 points.

According to an inquiry with Feiyali, a professional elf doctor, that Nitoran’s juvenile period is one week. For this reason, Sato Kaede specifically spent 210 points to purchase a high-grade milk can that Nitoran is interested in drinking. Milk (10 points per bottle, three meals a day), and also spent 300 points to buy 3 boxes of high-level elf food (a box of 10 cans) that poison elf likes to eat.

   At the same time, in order to provide Nitor with proper physical training in early childhood, Sato Kaede also spent 100 points to buy a small running wheel, so that he can freely and release his vitality through the small running wheel.

Also, Sato Kaede spent 4000 points to purchase the 4 skills of Grinding Claw (500), Water Wave (1000), Gang Wing (1000) and Poison Strike (1500) from the Rockets' point exchange system. CD, and then through the learning machine, Ni Duolang learned the three skills of claw grinding, water wave and poison strike, and the supersonic bat learned the rigid wing.

  Finally, in order to cope with the next possible jungle training, Sato Kaede also spent 500 points to buy a set of jungle equipment, which are some wild tents, wild dry materials and the like.

In the past few days, in addition to the cost of the above points, there are also food expenses and training ground rent. Sato Kaede’s daily food remains fixed. Three meals a day, 5 points for each meal, and the supersonic bat due to physical development For anomalous reasons, he now has to drink at least 40 liters of fresh cow blood a day, which is worth 10 points. The training ground is rented for 6 hours a day and 30 points a day. These costs add up to 275 points.

   At present, after adding income and deducting various expenses, Sato Kaede still has 660 points left in his hands. (1255+5400-1220-4000-500-275)

   In this way, the one-week recruiting test period has passed. Now on the morning of the eighth day, Sato Kaede, who received the order, once again came to the square where he came to the underground base of the Rockets in Nibi City to gather.

And this time, the entire square has become more empty than it was the first time. Of the 99 recruits in the same recruiting group led by Kaeder and Kaede Sato, only 23 succeeded in reducing their hands. The elves are tamed, so there are only 24 people eligible to stand in the square at this time.

   Sato Kaede was sitting against the wall at this time, while feeding the supersonic bats beside him, while eating the hearty breakfast in his hands with relish, instead of looking at other people scattered in the square from the corner of his eye.

The time to announce the concentration came very abruptly. The hit was announced at 5:50, and it was required to gather in the square within 10 minutes, so everyone was unable to have time for breakfast. Now the time has come. 7:12 minutes, 1 hour and 12 minutes have passed since the scheduled assembly time.

Perhaps the time given this week is too free. Most of the new recruits who have successfully promoted to the minions have developed the bad problem of sleeping late. At this time, many people are constantly rubbing their open eyes and longing. With a long yawn, some people fell asleep directly against the wall.

   And, perhaps because of getting up too early and staying here for too long, a symphony with the subject of "Hunger" is being played in the entire square.

But Sato Kaede is different. Because of Nitoran, his daily routine for the past two days is quite chaotic. When he received the message requesting to gather, he happened to give Nitoran who was crying because he woke up from hunger. For feeding, he has plenty of time to go to the dining hall to buy today’s breakfast. (I chose the big beef burger which is easy to carry)

"It tastes really good." Looking at the different performances of the people around and listening to the "cuckoo~" sound from time to time, I sent the last bit of beef burger in my hand together with the last bite of the big milk can into my own. In the mouth, the heart was full of joy, but his face thought blankly.

   After a week of nutritious diet, Sato Kaede has finally grown flesh, and his face has also become a lot rosy, no longer like the yellow and thin face and sickness when he first entered the Rockets.

   Nowadays, Sato Kaede is a handsome and handsome guy, but the big panda eyes on his face at this time make his appearance drop a lot.

   Now in the entire square, there are obviously a few people like Sato Kaede who have breakfast, but there is no one like Sato Kaede who eats a rich breakfast, so he is very conspicuous in the whole square now.

Of course, the main reason for this is that the original aroma of the beef burger and the big milk jug in his hands was caused. Sato Kaede bit by bit he swallowed the beef burger jerky with the big milk can. When I entered my stomach, the sound of drooling also appeared from time to time.

It’s a pity that Sato Kaede’s extremely eager gaze in the eyes of other people is completely unseen. UU reading www.uukanshu.com and those who have such an extremely eager gaze, they have been restraining themselves. Appetite and the urge to go up and give Sato Kaede a punch.

   In fact, in addition to the attractive food scent in the air near Sato Kaede, there is also another dangerous odor, which comes from the things contained in a large basin next to Sato Kaede.

   At this time, a great-grown bat was lying next to the plate, and then drank the blood from the basin into his abdomen with relish.

Whenever someone approached Sato Kaede within 10 meters, the big bat would immediately turn his head to look at the intruder. His big blood plate mouth covered with blood would appear especially infiltrating at this time. All the intruders retreated knowing the difficulty.

When most of the new recruits in the square were starving, as the initiator of this assembly, Caesar was in his spacious and luxurious room at this time, eating the rich breakfast on the table in front of him, Several cronies (Sophia, Alice, Ryoichi Sakata) leisurely looked at the images on the big screen in front of them.

The image displayed on the big screen at this time is really the scene of Sato Kaede and others in the square. A dozen different images are separated on the screen, and different angles and roles are switched at any time. Among them, these small In the image, Sato Kaede appears the most often.

   "The time is up, follow the plan." Looking at the time displayed on the Rockets watch in his hand, Caesar said to Ryoichi Sakata who stood straight behind him.

   The next second, Ryoichi Sakata, who received the order, immediately pressed the red button on a remote control hidden in his hand.

   At the same time, a colorless and odorless gas quietly intruded into the square along the vent.

   to be continued...


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