king of los angeles

Chapter 852 852. Three minutes of silence

Chapter 852 852. Silence Three 10 Minutes
"Let go of me, you niggers!"

"Don't touch me! Xuete, I just took a shower last night!"

"Y'all go to hell! Total bastards!"

In the warehouse, the three people who were rolling in the haystack with their hands bound were talking profanely.

DeMar couldn't stand it anymore, and kicked the guy named Dominique over.

"Dominic is notorious. He once went to prison for fighting. It was six months in prison that made him a racist. Since then, he has often posted racial remarks on social media." Chris said with his arms crossed. Now, he doesn't look like he's 19 at all.

Chris and Lin Feng are the same age, but their different life experiences made them take different paths.

"How do you know?" Lin Feng was surprised that he knew everything about Dominic's past.

Chris smiled, "Mr. DR has many partners in Los Angeles, including the county jail."

The Los Angeles County Jail is the largest prison in the United States, with as many inmates as there are students in a private university and an annual budget of $7 million.

As for the mysterious DR, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Lin Feng to meet him if he doesn't personally enter the circle.

Facing the three furious Ku Klux Klan members, Lin Feng was unusually quiet, without any words or actions, just staring at them.

After entering the warehouse, Old Pa was so nervous that he was sweating. He was worried that Lin Feng would suddenly pull out his pistol and kill them. Fortunately, those things didn't happen, at least for now.

"You bastard, I'll scrape off your flesh and feed it to the dogs! Go back to the jungle and don't come down from the trees! By the way, bring your basketball, your color is ruining the game!"

Dominic cursed incessantly, and it was obvious that he was a typical white supremacist.

Ku Klux Klan?Lin Feng didn't even know there was such a group before, and he learned a little through Lao Pa's explanation.

An organization left over from the South American War era, when a group of veterans intended to restore the Democratic Party's power in the southern United States and aimed to recreate the "black slave policy", usually expressing their demands through violence.

Today, thousands of 3K members are still active around the world, mostly in the United States.

Unlike the last century, many members of the Ku Klux Klan no longer wear their "symbols"-white robes and pointed hoods that only expose the eyes, but instead shave their heads and wear clothing with the *** logo.

In fact, members of the 3K Klan are afraid of being arrested by the government. They never reveal their identities in public, and even members confirm each other through code words.

The white father and son in the previous "Amander case" were considered to be members of the 3K, but there was no evidence to prove it.

Mr. DR verified the identities of Dominic and the other two through his own means, and the three guys didn't seem to be defending.

"You're already on their blacklist." Chris said with a smile.

"Because I helped minorities? Schett, because I didn't put money up their assholes."

In fact, the reason why some white people hate people of color is because they are lazy and want to get rich.

When they see those black and Asians who have changed their destiny through their own efforts, they will feel unbalanced, and they can only find a sense of existence from the "color class" that does not exist at all.

Chris told Lin Feng that they were only responsible for catching these three rotten people, and of course they could hand over the matter to him or directly to the police station.

"I believe you have already figured out a solution, right." Chris looked at Lin Feng playfully, and he didn't know what the NBA star in front of him would do.

Shooting and killing three people is the most refreshing way of revenge, but it will undoubtedly cost a lot. Not only will his basketball career be ruined, but he will even spend his entire life in prison.

The three white men seem to understand this. They think that the 19-year-old basketball star in front of them will not do anything to them. After all, no one will live with a brilliant and rich future.

"Gary Smith, I've seen you walk out of Pelinka's office disheveled. Pelinka has a satisfied smile on his face. Is this how you get hundreds of millions of dollars?"

"Then come and lick my little brother, I have billions of banknotes waiting for you, hahaha!"

Dominique didn't seem to have recovered from his drunkenness, or maybe that guy was born that way.

"What else do you want to say?" Lin Feng responded lightly.

His calm attitude was unexpected by Chris and the others. Basketball players are a group of passionate guys. Before that, we often heard news about players fighting outside the court.

"Bastard! Your mother is a daughter-in-law!"

Dominic yelled hoarsely, and then the three of them laughed, and the sense of superiority of the white people was born spontaneously.

Old Pa's heart was shocked, he knew Lin Feng's temper, if he really became stubborn, those three guys might not survive for a minute.

"Calm down Gary, we'd better hand them over to the police." Old Pa was so nervous that his forehead was sweating. If Lin Feng had punched and kicked the three fuckers at the beginning, he would feel more at ease.

But now, a person who is usually passionate suddenly calms down, this is no joke.

Lin Feng still had a calm expression on his face. He wanted to listen to them before solving the problem.

But Dominique mentioned his mother, a woman he had never met, and had no memory of her.

This is normal, because "self" was thrown into the trash can from birth.

At this moment, Lin Feng sympathized with Gary Smith very much. If he had met a mother as dedicated as Lao Zhan, I am afraid that his life so far would have less detours.

Papa Andrew's educational philosophy is great, but he is a man after all, and some things that a mother can give cannot be replaced.

This also caused "my" chaotic private life after high school. Although Lao Zhan's mother Gloria has done very controversial things, there is no shortage of her being a great mother. She provided Lao Zhan with a healthy growth as much as possible. environment.

But Lin Feng was abandoned, and "self" was like an accessory after pleasure, thrown into the trash can at will and ignored.

"You're right, Dominique, and I agree with you."

Dominique was surprised by Lin Feng's words, but he didn't expect those ironic words to inspire a sense of identity.

"WTF?" Domega, who hadn't opened her mouth, shook her head and smiled wryly.

No one spoke for 2 minutes, Lin Feng looked at his watch, he didn't want to spend all his time on the bastard.

"Anything else to say, gentlemen?"

Lin Feng suddenly laughed, and that kind of smile made the three white men tremble in their hearts.

No one knew what he wanted to do, so no one spoke, and everyone was watching his next move.

"Wait for me ten seconds."

Then Lin Feng walked out of the warehouse without looking back, and went to get the black backpack on the sightseeing car, which contained the treasure he had brought.

Old Pa followed out, staring at the backpack, and then the two returned to the warehouse.

Lin Feng took out a pistol, which shocked everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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