king of los angeles

Chapter 851 851. Streets of Rage

Chapter 851 851. Streets of Rage
At four o'clock in the morning, even the bustling streets of Los Angeles fell into silence.

In the dimly lit nameless basement bar, a group of scantily clad men and women are twisting their bodies to the music, and the smell of alcohol and marijuana is everywhere.

Those addicts were lying on the sofa staggeringly, and some even rolled and twisted on the ground, like maggots.

Soon, six masked men in blue sportswear rushed in with guns, and with a burst of noise, a drunken white man was thrown to the ground.

The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at his forehead, and the guy was so scared that he immediately woke up.

"Coral Amiga." The leading masked man asked sharply.

"SOB! Get the hell out of here! Immediately!"

The white man tried to get up with the help of alcohol, but was knocked down again.

Bang bang bang!
Three shots were fired, and the bar's chandelier fell to the ground and shattered.The bar fell silent instantly, which was very different from the previous hustle and bustle.

Those women wanted to leave here but were stopped by the strong man at the door, and everyone stood there waiting for the man in blue to speak.

However, they all knew the identities of these uninvited guests in blue sportswear. No one dared to pretend to be members of the basketball team, and they all knew what that would mean.

"Chris, Dominic isn't here."

The young man who spoke was one of the three people who went to the hospital to visit Andrew that day, Demar, an Eastern European.

Chris nodded. He knew it would be hard to pry something out of these guys, but it didn't matter, the Blue Gang had a solution.

With a fistful hello, Chris gets an address, and the drunken white guy is dragged from the basement to the car.

Soon, the three jeeps were back on the streets of Los Angeles.

In the apartment at 78 Lowy Street, a woman's scream pierced the night sky, followed by the sound of a fight.

Not long after, a young man in only his underwear was pinned down on the sofa.

Chris aimed his pistol at his forehead, as long as the guy dared to move, the bullet would probably shoot through his head.

The woman in pajamas next to him sat on the ground and shivered with fear. He didn't know what he had done wrong for his boyfriend who had just celebrated his birthday.

"I can give you money if you want it, just let him go!" The woman tried to stand up, but was held down by Demar.

Chris snorted, "Your boyfriend, Dominic, has messed with people who shouldn't be messed with. Let's guess what happens to him."

Then Dominic was tied up and thrown into the car. The kid was obviously frightened and kept shaking.

Chris glanced back at him before driving and sneered, "Asshole, it seems you don't like basketball, that's a pity."

At eight o'clock the next morning, Lin Feng was woken up by the phone ringing, it was Lord Dog.

That number reminded him of a shooting case. Dad just had an operation the day before yesterday, and the last bullet in his body was successfully removed. He is recovering well now, but he needs to recuperate for a few months.

The elder sister has already left the hospital, and since the gangster has not been caught, she is temporarily staying in Lao Pa's house.

"Good morning Gary, good news, I'm sure you'd like to meet some assholes."

Lord Gou speaks with a hip-hop style, and he can't help but want to beat the rhythm when talking with him.

How many bastards?Lin Feng raised eyebrows.

He called Lao Pa, not because he didn't believe in Lord Dog, but because he was worried that he would not be able to control his emotions and do unexpected things.

The location was a farm outside of Los Angeles. Lin Feng knew that it was a little remote but rich in water and grass. It was a paradise for cattle and sheep.

Soon, the red Ferrari was driving on the road to the suburbs, and Old Pa sat nervously in the co-pilot.

He knew what he was about to face, that those guys had hurt Evelyn.

"Wait Gary, why didn't we choose to call the police."

Old Pa turned his head and asked in a panic.

Lin Feng took a look at him, and then smiled, "You also know the efficiency of the Los Angeles police. Do you remember Evelyn lying in pain in the hospital? Let us kill those damned guys with our own hands today!"

Lin Feng raised his voice, which shocked Lao Pa who had never done any "big things".

He was experiencing a fierce ideological struggle whether to rush over to snatch the steering wheel, with a serious expression on his face.

Lin Feng held the steering wheel with one hand and couldn't help laughing, "Dude, do you really think I'm going to kill someone?"

"Don't forget, this is a society ruled by law. Even those gang members don't advocate the use of lynching. I believe that the police believe in those damn laws."

With Lin Feng's rambling tone, Lao Pa really didn't know what to do. After all, the victim was his closest family member. He wasn't sure whether the Ferrari was armed or not.

Arriving at the agreed farm, the first thing you see is a peaceful picture of cattle and sheep everywhere, which doesn't match the tricky things you're about to deal with.

Someone on the farm spotted the Ferrari not far away early, and soon drove a sightseeing car.

It's DeMar, old Pa knows him.

"Hey Gary, I'm a fan of yours, how about signing me when the matter is over." DeMar smiled hippie, looking relaxed.

Old Pa was inexplicably nervous, he had never dealt with gang members before.

"Just call me Demar." The young man in blue took the initiative to talk.

Old Pa forced a smile, "Kiki Perkins, Gary's manager and good friend."

The battery car started, and DeMar joked that this kind of thing does not need an agent, and bullets can solve everything.

When they arrived at a warehouse on the farm, there was a smell of cow smell, stronger than the smell of Lin Feng's own farm.

Meet in this kind of place?very funny.

There were nearly ten people standing and sitting in the warehouse, among which Chris was the most eye-catching. Mr. DR authorized him to handle this matter. It seems that his status in the blue gang is not low.

Seeing Lin Feng, the people inside were very respectful, just like seeing their own boss.

Of course, besides the "Party in Blue", there were three unknown guys who were thrown on the haystack with their hands tied behind their backs.

After some simple opening remarks, Chris told Lin Feng that the three guys in front of him were the culprits of the "Smith Farm Case".

And also revealed an important news, the three murderers are all members of the Ku Klux Klan, they belong to the Los Angeles branch "always vigilant".

The shooting that night was a targeted mission. Those extremists believed that Lin Feng had acted too bravely in the previous "black boy Armand was shot and killed", and he and his family should be given some deterrence.

In addition, Lin Feng's foundation is committed to helping minorities change poverty, which makes some extremists very dissatisfied.

Those bastards have a "white supremacy" theory that god is white just like them and everyone else deserves to die.

So the guns were aimed at Lin Feng's family. Father Andrew and Evelyn became innocent victims and almost lost their lives.

Race. Discrimination is an eternal topic in the United States. Even if the president is a person of color, he cannot change this fact.

After knowing the reason, Lin Feng wanted to throw the three guys with still arrogant eyes into the cesspit.

But he still didn't attack right away, just staring at the three guys.

(End of this chapter)

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