Kardashian Jenner's Bodyguard

Chapter 15: Chapter 43-44-45

Chapter 43: Comforting Kendall

It was a quiet morning in Kendall Jenner's house. The sun was shining through the large windows in the living room, but the room seemed dull, reflecting the mood of its resident.

Gabriel, attentive as always, was in the kitchen, adjusting the clock while drinking coffee. He knew something was different that day, but he wasn't sure what it was until he heard a soft sob coming from upstairs.

Climbing the steps with careful steps, Gabriel made his way to Kendall's room. The door was ajar, and he heard muffled crying. He hesitated for a moment.

Although he was an expert in dealing with high-pressure situations, the sound of someone crying was something that made him uncomfortable, especially since it wasn't exactly part of his job description. Still, he knocked lightly on the door.

"Kendall? Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice calm but firm.

"No, it's not," she replied through tears. "Come in."

Gabriel opened the door carefully and found Kendall sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed. She was wearing a large sweatshirt, her face wet with tears, holding her cell phone. He walked in slowly, not sure what to say.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, slowly approaching.

Kendall looked at him, her eyes red. "It's Benito... I mean, Bad Bunny. We broke up."

Gabriel sat on the floor, keeping a respectful distance, and waited for her to continue.

"I thought he was different, you know? But now he made a song... about us. About private things. Things that should have stayed between the two of us."

She handed Gabriel her cell phone, where a new song was playing. He listened to the verses for a few seconds, understanding the Spanish lyrics perfectly. It was explicit, mentioning intimate moments in detail. Gabriel closed the player and handed the cell phone back.

"That's... disrespectful," he said, choosing his words carefully. "I understand why you're upset."

Kendall wiped her face with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. "I trusted him, Gabriel. And now I feel like he just wanted to take advantage of that."

Gabriel took a deep breath. "I didn't know Benito personally, other than that day on the walk, but... people show who they really are in situations like this. What he did says more about him than it does about you."

Kendall was silent for a moment, staring at the floor. "Do you think I should respond? Like, expose what he did?"

Gabriel shook his head. "No. You're better than that. Responding only feeds the cycle of drama he probably wants. If he chose to do something so low, let the public see who he really is. Your dignity lies in not stooping to his level."

To distract Kendall, Gabriel decided to share something from his life, something he rarely did.

"You know," he began, "I've been through something a little bit like that, in a way. Back when I was in the Marines, I had a friend who… leaked personal information about me to impress other people. It wasn't as intimate as what you're going through, but it was a betrayal of trust. I learned the hard way that not everyone has the same code of honor."

Kendall looked at him intently, as if she were absorbing every word. "What did you do?" she asked.

"I cut off contact with him. And I moved on. In the end, I realized that my energy was more valuable than wasting it on someone who didn't deserve it."

Kendall smiled slightly. "You're really good at giving advice. You don't sound like the serious, silent guy I used to know."

Gabriel shrugged. "Part of the job is observing and understanding people. But in the end, I'm just someone who's learned a few things through experience."

She sighed deeply. "Thank you, Gabriel. I guess I just needed to hear that. I'm not going to pay attention to him. I'm going to let people see who he is on their own."

After a while, Kendall started to get up. Gabriel held out his hand to help her up, which she accepted with a shy smile.

"What do you say we do to distract ourselves?" he suggested. "Maybe take a walk, go to the studio...anything that makes you feel better."

Kendall nodded. "Maybe some sunlight will help. Let's go out. Thank you, Gabriel, really."

"Whenever you need," he replied, returning to his professional demeanor.

Later, as they walked toward the car, Kendall looked at Gabriel and said,

"You know, you always seem so serious, so distant sometimes, but...today you showed me that you really care. I didn't expect it, but it felt good."

Gabriel just smiled slightly. "It's part of the job, Kendall. Protecting isn't just physical; sometimes it's emotional, too."

She laughed. "Well, you did a good job on both of those today. Maybe I should give you a bonus."

Gabriel laughed for the first time that day. "You don't have to, but thank you."

In the days that followed, Kendall seemed more cheerful, resuming her routine and ignoring the media's teasing about Bad Bunny's music. Gabriel remained by her side, as always, ready to protect and, if necessary, offer words of support.

At that moment, Kendall realized that, in addition to a reliable security guard, Gabriel was someone she could count on, even in the most difficult moments.

Chapter 44: Family Revelations

It was a quiet afternoon at Kris Jenner's house. The Kardashian-Jenner family was gathered in the living room for a casual moment. Kim and Khloe were settled on the couch, reviewing some business matters. Kylie played with Stormi on the floor while Kris checked something on her phone. Kourtney read a magazine next to Kendall, who looked thoughtful, holding a cup of tea.

"You're being very quiet, Kendall," Khloe observed, frowning. "Is everything okay?"

Kendall hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Actually, yes. I was just... thinking about what happened these past few days. Did you know that Gabriel helped me a lot when I was sad because of Benito?"

The sisters looked at her with interest. Kylie, always the first to speak up, interrupted. "What did he do? Because he seems so serious all the time that I can't even imagine him being sentimental."

Kendall smiled slightly. "I was in a bad place after the breakup with Benito. That song he released...it was like a stab in the back. I didn't know what to do, and Gabriel came and sat on the floor with me and just...listened to me. He didn't judge, he didn't say anything cliché, he just...was honest."

Kourtney closed the magazine, now interested. "That's not something any security guard would do. He seems to really care."

"He does," Kendall agreed. "He said I didn't have to react to Benito because it would be giving him the attention he wanted. And you know what? He also shared something personal, which helped me a lot."

Kris looked at Kendall with a motherly smile. "That shows how professional and human he is. I always knew hiring Gabriel was a good decision."

After a brief pause, Kendall added, "And one more thing. When Gabriel first met Benito, he was very... direct."

Kim raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, direct?"

"Well," Kendall began, a little embarrassed. "During that private tour we had, Benito asked what Gabriel thought of his music. And Gabriel told him straight up that he didn't like it. He said the lyrics were too explicit and that he didn't relate to them."

The sisters were silent for a moment before bursting out laughing.

"That's so Gabriel!" Khloe said, laughing loudly. "He's so serious, you can almost imagine the look on his face when he said that."

"What about Benito? How did he react?" Kourtney asked, still laughing.

Kendall shrugged. "He was a little embarrassed, but he took it as a joke. At the time, I didn't care, I thought Gabriel was just being honest."

Kylie shook her head, still smiling. "That's so hilarious. Gabriel has literally no filter, but I think that's why we like him so much."

Kim, who had been quiet until then, decided to share her opinion. "I think Gabriel is unique. It's not just his looks that get you noticed, but his attitude. He doesn't let fame or who he's around get to him. He's always authentic."

"That's so true," Kris agreed. "He's so professional and respectful. Even when he's been with us for so long, he never crosses any boundaries."

Kourtney nodded. "And that's why his presence is so important. He makes us feel safe and at the same time treated with respect. It's not easy to find someone like that."

Kylie joked: "But he's also straight to the point, right? Too much! Benito must have been wondering if he should stop singing!"

Everyone laughed, imagining the scene.

As the conversation continued, Kendall felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. Sharing what Gabriel had done for her not only showed how important he was to the family, but also reinforced how much he was respected and admired by everyone.

Kris, ever the attentive matriarch, concluded, "Gabriel was an unexpected gift to our family. I truly hope he's with us for a long time to come."

Kendall smiled, silently agreeing. Gabriel wasn't just a bodyguard; he was an ally, someone she could rely on, even in the most difficult times.

Chapter 45: Intrusion in the Shadow

It was a quiet night in Gabriel's house. He was sitting on the couch in his living room, reading a book about modern security tactics. The silence was broken only by the soft sound of the wind outside. But this calm was interrupted by an unmistakable sound: the gate to his house being forced open.

Gabriel stood up instantly, his military instinct taking over. He turned off the lights with a quick flick of the nearby switch and headed to the room where he kept his weapons. He knew he needed to act quickly, because whoever was invading his property seemed prepared.

In the darkness, Gabriel grabbed his pistol and a tactical rifle. He put on a lightweight ballistic vest that he kept for emergencies and inserted a two-way radio in his ear, tuning in to the local police channel to monitor any movement of public security.

He positioned himself in the corner of the room, strategically behind a piece of furniture, with a clear view of the entrance. Outside, he heard footsteps and murmurs. Their voices were steady, coordinated. This was no simple robbery, he realized. These men were professionals.

"Move fast. He might be armed," a male voice murmured from outside.

"Split up. Two through the main entrance, two through the south side," another replied.

Gabriel took a deep breath, adjusted the grip of his rifle, and waited. His Amphibious Commando training was fresh in his mind. He knew that in the dark, he had the advantage. He knew the terrain like the back of his hand.

A loud boom echoed through the living room as the front door was forced open. Gabriel saw two figures rush in, guns in hand. He took precise aim, firing two shots. The intruders fell immediately.

At the same moment, he heard a window shatter on the side of the house. He moved silently into the hallway, where he had a clear view of the kitchen. There, two more men were trying to get in. Gabriel fired again, hitting one of them as the other retreated out of the house.

"He's armed! Back off!" a voice shouted from outside.

But Gabriel knew they wouldn't give up so easily. He heard quick footsteps heading toward the opposite side of the house. Keeping low, he moved down the hallway to the stairs that led to the second floor. From there, he had a privileged view of the backyard and the surrounding area.

Now from the second floor, Gabriel saw two more men trying to break in through the backyard. They were using automatic weapons and communicators.

He took careful aim, neutralizing one of them before he could fire. The other responded with a burst of gunfire toward the window where Gabriel was standing, shattering the glass and hitting part of the wall.

The sound of gunfire echoed through the neighborhood, and lights began to come on in the surrounding houses. Some neighbors, alarmed, immediately called the police.

"Gabriel, you are surrounded. Surrender and nothing will happen," a voice echoed from outside the house.

He smiled slightly in the darkness. "You clearly don't know me."

With a quick shift in position, Gabriel silently descended the stairs and exited through the back door, surprising the last man guarding the entrance. He disarmed him in one swift movement, throwing him to the ground and neutralizing him with a precise blow.

Minutes later, sirens were heard in the distance, quickly approaching. Gabriel, now in the backyard, held his gun tightly as he monitored the situation. There were only a few invaders left, and they seemed to be retreating as the authorities arrived.

He heard one of the men shout, "Abort! Retreat!"

The remaining invaders ran to a black vehicle parked on the street. Gabriel did not shoot, as he knew the authorities were close. He remained where he was, still on full alert.

Outside the house, neighbors gathered on their sidewalks, shocked and frightened by the sounds of gunfire coming from Gabriel's home. Some tried to peer through the fence, while others frantically spoke on the phone to the police.

"What's going on in there?" a woman whispered to her husband.

"I knew this guy was mysterious, but this? It's like a war!" another man responded, looking worriedly at the house.

When the police cars arrived, with lights flashing and armed officers quickly disembarking, the commotion grew. The local media, always on the lookout for newsworthy events, were already beginning to flock to the scene, drawn by the residents' reports.

When the police entered the house, they found Gabriel calm, with his weapons holstered and the intruders neutralized. He introduced himself to the officers, explaining what had happened.

"Mr. Silva, we're receiving reports of intense gunfire coming from this residence," said the leader of the police team. "What exactly happened here?"

Gabriel, in his usual calm and collected posture, replied: "My house was invaded by an armed group. They seemed professional. I used the training I have to defend myself. Four of them are neutralized inside. The others fled before you arrived."

The police were impressed with Gabriel's control and skill, but they still had many questions.

While the investigators did their work and the ambulances took away the injured invaders, the first news began to emerge. Photos and videos from neighbors showing the police movement circulated on social media.

"Intense gunfire at the home of Gabriel Silva, security guard for the Kardashian-Jenners," read one headline.

"What happened at the home of the enigmatic Brazilian security guard?" asked another.

But, as usual, no one knew exactly what had happened. Gabriel refused to speak to the press, leaving everything up in the air.

And so, the night ended with more questions than answers.

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