Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 119: chaotic situation

Update: Sherlock Apparates directly to Diagon Alley.

He had known that Harry was living in the room at the Leaky Cauldron a week ago, and Harry wrote and asked Hedwig to deliver it to him before he knew what was going on.

After getting the wand from Ollivander, Sherlock went to the Leaky Cauldron to visit Harry, who had been living here for almost a month.

"...I really thought I was going to be fired, but Mr. Minister he actually said, 'We're not going to fire my aunt for the thing that the students used magic to blow up the aunt into a balloon. ""

Harry's face was still full of disbelief when he told Sherlock about this.

"I thought he was a good talker, and then I asked him to help me sign my Hogsmeade week leave form, but he didn't say yes, saying I was the safest only at school."

Sherlock hasn't seen the true face of Minister of Magic Fudge once since he came to this world.

But that didn't hurt, he already knew from all quarters that Fudge was a politically prudent man.

Everything he does seems to have to be considered before starting, whether this matter will shake his position as minister.

Just like he didn't hold Harry accountable for casting spells outside of school and targeting Muggles.

Now the whole wizarding world knows that Black escaped from Azkaban, and they are all concerned about the safety of Harry Potter.

If something unexpected happens to Harry in the current situation, Fudge will face intense public pressure.

"The night you ran out was really unfortunate." Sherlock recalled, "I was out for some things and didn't stay at home."

He didn't teach Harry anything about it.

At that level, he must have been unable to bear it.

Otherwise, he should have erupted a long time ago, so Sherlock didn't say anything, he shouldn't have run out of such nonsense by himself.

"It's okay, Professor," said Harry, shaking his head. "I've been feeling pretty good the past two weeks at the Leaky Cauldron. Now the Ron family and the others live here, and Hermione. We'll go to Nine tomorrow together. Another three-quarters of the station on the train to school."

After Sherlock and Harry chatted for a while, Mr. Weasley called him alone to a corner of the lobby of the Leaky Cauldron, intending to talk to the two of them in private.

"I heard from Kingsley that you've changed a lot after being a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts for a year."

Not talking about anything else, Mr. Weasley looked at Sherlock in astonishment as soon as he saw him.

"I heard the kids talk about what happened at Hogwarts at the end of last term, and Molly and I both sweated for you, Sherlock."

Sherlock said with a smile.

"Although the process in the middle is a bit thrilling, I think it's a good thing to have such a result, at least some things I can think about more clearly."

"Yes, we are very happy to think so, or we have all been waiting for this day for a long time." Mr. Weasley said with relief.

They were just chatting briefly on the matter, and Mr. Weasley turned the subject back to the point.

"You should already know about Black's escape from Azkaban," he said in a heavy voice.

Sherlock nodded.

"In July, I was traveling in France with Harry and I received a letter from the Ministry of Magic asking me to return Harry to his aunt's house as soon as possible. I already knew at that time that this matter had a lot to do with Harry. Big, Black escaped from Azkaban to find Harry and avenge his master."

Mr. Weasley lowered his voice deliberately.

"It's not that simple, Sherlock. You have to look after Harry at Hogwarts, and don't let him go to Blake himself!"

Sherlock's face suddenly became very surprised.

He looked around and made sure that no one was paying attention to the chat between him and Mr. Weasley. He knew that what happened next must be a secret that few people knew about.

Mr. Weasley's face darkened and distressed.

"Sirius Black, he was actually Harry's dad James' best friend before the Potter family accident. He was even invited to be Harry's godfather when Harry was born."

Sherlock held his breath and continued to listen to Mr. Weasley's words.

"The prophecy that there would be a savior defeating the mysterious man at that time has been circulated everywhere in the magical world. Harry's birth perfectly met all the conditions in the prophecy, so everyone advised the James family to hide as soon as possible."

"And they did. Jaime and his good brothers used a powerful spell together - the Faithful Charm. Tell only one person their hidden address, and if the secrecy never reveals the address , then even if the James family is hidden under the nose of the mysterious man, he will not find their existence."

"But anyone close to James can guess who he will choose to be his secrecy, only his best friend - Sirius Black!"

"Then what followed was that the mysterious man found the James family, and that tragedy happened in the end. And why did the mysterious man find the James family, nothing more than that James' most trusted secret person leaked the secret, the only one A possibility."

"It was on that day that James' other friend Pettigrew Peter went to find Black specifically for this, and wanted to ask him why he betrayed James. Then Black used an extremely powerful explosion spell and blew Peter up. Only one finger is left, and a dozen Muggles have died because of it!"

"In the end, Blake was arrested. He did not deny all his crimes, not even the trial of Wizengamore. The crime was established and he was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban."

Sherlock listened to the events of the year in full from Mr. Weasley.

He also finally understood why he wanted to keep Harry on his watch and couldn't let him go to Blake in private.

If Harry knew the whole story of what happened, he probably would have done such a thing based on his character.

To find Blake and avenge his parents!

Mr. Weasley looked solemn.

"So, if you can, you must be optimistic about Harry in school. It is very likely that Blake will take the initiative to let him know about it, and then stimulate Harry to find him on his own."

Sherlock also promised with a serious look on his face.

"I understand, I will try my best to be optimistic about Harry at Hogwarts and not let him make any risky moves."

"It would be best to have you look at it." Mr. Weasley nodded.

Sherlock sat in the Leaky Cauldron for a while, chatted with Mr. Weasley about the somewhat chaotic situation in the British wizarding world, and then left and returned to his home.

Sherlock didn't quite take the old stories that Mr. Weasley told himself.

He always felt that the story would not be so simple, and there would definitely be some reversals in the middle, just like he wasn't sure yet whether it was Black who turned into a mouse and escaped in the end.

But no matter where the story goes in the end, it is definitely not wrong to continuously improve one's strength.

While getting fifty wands from Ollivander, Sherlock went through legal channels and bought a bag that had been cast with a reinforced seamless stretch spell, which was used as a container for storing wands.

It was also that night that he once again came to the place where he had experimented with the Explosion Spell, and completely dispersed fifty-one wands, each of which floated in mid-air under the control of the magic.

To control such a number of wands, it is definitely impossible to achieve the level of proficiency at one time. Sherlock needs to practice it diligently to complete the precise control of each wand.

Like now, if he wants to simply mobilize one of the fifty-one wands, he is very stiff, and he always controls four or five wands in a row to move together.

There is no shortcut to this kind of thing, and only a lot of practice can be used to be proficient.

After that, he successively tried the release of petrification spells, stun spells and other spells, all of which were as he expected before, and there were no problems.

But when releasing the spell, fifty-one wands can only release one kind of magic at the same time.

The key to the release of magic lies in the wizard's thoughts on this spell. He cannot disarm the enemy while determining the petrification effect of the petrification spell. After all, Sherlock only has one head.

If you try to do this forcibly, the end result will only be that neither of the two spells will be released.

Sherlock just made an attempt. If he could do it, if he could release different magics at the same time, then he would really be able to walk sideways in the magic world. How many wands could one person control? , it is equivalent to a wizard army composed of some number of people.

Charms like Patronus Charm and Explosion Charm, Sherlock didn't dare to try it here.

With such a spell, fifty-one magic wands were released together, and the resulting movement was simply too great.

After trying it, it is estimated that someone nearby will report to the police that a supernatural phenomenon has occurred here, or that two armies are fighting.

As long as he is sure that he controls a wand with control magic, and can successfully use the magic spell, there will be no problem with the fifty-one.

After the experiment was over, Sherlock went home and spent the last night at home for the holiday.

Then on the next morning, after packing some commonly used daily necessities and clothes, Sherlock directly used Apparition to come to Hogsmeade Town.

The location he chose was in the alley where he had returned from the Apparition cram school.

After walking out of here, Sherlock felt something was wrong.

The streets of Hogsmeade are a little too quiet.

There wasn't even a single pedestrian in sight.

As the only wizarding town in the UK, even if there are no Hogwarts students, there are not a few tourists who come here to relax every day.

But now, from the main road of Hogsmeade, it seems to be an empty town with no one.

Just when Sherlock frowned at the strange situation in front of him, a three-person Auror patrol team happened to appear from the corner, and they also found Sherlock.

"Sorry, this gentleman, please don't walk around casually, stand where you are, and cooperate with our inspection."

The three Aurors immediately walked up to Sherlock, each with a wand in his hand, always on alert.

Sherlock did not make any dissatisfied actions, but cooperated with their investigation.

"We want to know your name and why you came to Hogsmeade."

"Sherlock Forrest, Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, is going from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts."

One of the Aurors was clearly the leader of the squad. He raised his head and took a serious look at Sherlock's face.

"Yes, I've seen your picture in the newspaper, Mr. Forrest. Well, you can go to Hogwarts as soon as possible, and try not to stay in Hogsmeade."

Sherlock frowned at them and asked.

"What happened?"

The Auror captain wasn't trying to hide it from him.

"There was an attack here last night. Johnson, the owner of the Literary House Quill Shop, was attacked. The matter is very serious, coupled with the recent Black incident, now that Hogsmeade is under martial law, the Dementors will be stationed soon. Here, they want to get Blake here. There's a lot of trouble in this town, and if it's not necessary, try not to come here again until it's resolved."

He said with a headache, and then prepared to leave with the other two Aurors to continue patrolling elsewhere.

Sherlock suddenly asked them again.

"Did the attacked boss look like he was kissed by a dementor?"

The three Aurors suddenly stopped, and the Auror captain who had just communicated with him turned his head and stared at him with a serious look.

"You know that?"

"Don't be nervous, Kingsley Shacklebolt in your department is my friend. When a similar case happened in the front-end time, I used to help."

Hearing him say that, the Auror Captain's expression relaxed a little.

"But wasn't it said at the time that the Aurors from Germany took over this matter? Why do attacks continue to happen?" Sherlock asked.

After learning that he knew some inside information~www.NovelMTL.com~ the Auror squad leader shook his head helplessly and complained.

"This case has been handed over to the three wizards from Germany. They are indeed a little capable. They predicted in advance that the murderer's next move would be near Hogwarts. But the attack still happened, we must To deal with the follow-up, Director Scrimgeour also gave the three German wizards an ultimatum to catch the killer before the next attack, or they will protest to the German Ministry of Magic."


Sherlock could hear how helpless Scrimgeour was in those words.

They have no clue about the murderer who committed the crime in the UK, and they have to devote most of their manpower to Black's arrest.

Even if another attack happened later, he didn't dare to drive the three German Aurors out, because no one could take over the case later.

The situation facing the British Aurors is very embarrassing, and Scrimgeour is under enormous pressure.

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