Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 118: runaway harry

Latest website: Harry woke up at 1:00 a.m. on August 1.

His brain triggered the protection consciousness, and luckily, he used a coma to protect him from the day of his birthday and dragged him into the early morning of the next day.

Anyway, he didn't know what happened when he was in a coma.

When Harry woke up, Sherlock and Kingsley were staring at him, and Harry stared at them in confusion before jumping out of his chair.

"Where's the cloaked monster! And the horse face! And the horse face monster!"

Sherlock looked at him suspiciously.

"The cloaked monster is the Dementor. It's the jailer of Azkaban and has long since left. As for the horse-faced monster... what is that?"

Harry danced with excitement and painted them with his own face.

"It's a monster with a face that looks exactly like a horse and pink curly hair that laughs terribly!"

After hearing his words, Sherlock and Kingsley looked at each other, and they both saw speechless expressions in each other's eyes.

"You should be talking about Tonks, she's a natural disguise Animagus who can transform her face into any shape." Kingsley muttered, "Why did she turn into a horse? face to scare you?"

"She's not a monster, she's a human being!" Harry panted, clearly still in shock.

Sherlock patted his shoulder and comforted.

"Don't be so nervous Harry, this is the Ministry of Magic, or the Auror headquarters of the Ministry of Magic, there is no safer place than this."

Harry slowly came to his senses for a while, and he scratched his hair.

"Yeah, this is the Ministry of Magic...wait! Why is my hair so sticky!"

With a bad look on his face, he put the hand that had just touched his hair in front of his nose and smelled it, and smelled a sweet chocolate smell.

Because Tonks was too nervous, the cleaning spell didn't work in the right place, leaving a part of Coco on Harry's head.

Sherlock almost laughed at Harry's embarrassment, he raised his wand and said.

"Well, Harry, you can now choose between two cleaning methods, one is a cleaning spell, and the other is that I will conjure some water for you, and you can clean it yourself."

Harry said sullenly.

"It's better to use the cleaning spell. It's probably impossible to clean it with pure water."

Sherlock helped him clean his hair again with a cleaning spell, and it was only now that Harry realized that it was all because he was too naive.

I actually thought that Sherlock's crow's mouth had disappeared. There must be some other special reason for the temporary failure on the French road that day.

At this time, in the entire Auror headquarters, there are only a few Aurors who are still on the night shift, and the others have already gone home from get off work.

Harry had only met Kingsley until now and knew he was an Auror at the Ministry of Magic.

"Come on, I'll take you to a nice Muggle restaurant for a late night snack. We always like to eat there when we come back from a mission."

Kingsley took them to a 24-hour restaurant in London and treated them to a feast.

By the way, in order to make up for Harry's already ended birthday, they asked for a small cake and planned to sing a happy birthday song for him together, but they were forced by Harry's life and strongly discouraged.

Harry, who survived successfully and safely, was finally sent back to Dursley's house by Sherlock exhausted. During this period, he successfully interrupted a professor's curse casting "I wish you a good night's sleep".

But Harry's doom doesn't seem to be over yet.

The next day, Aunt Maggie woke up to find Harry back at the Dursleys, and she spoke sarcastically at him.

Harry never retaliated, he has long been accustomed to these words, and there is no anger in his heart.

After that, except for the one time he came out of his room at noon, he stayed in his room for the rest of the day to unpack the birthday present that Hermione Ron and Hagrid sent him with an owl last night.

Although Hermione was in France, Harry was very happy that a broom repair kit was delivered to him by Owl Express.

He had always wanted to go to Diagon Alley to buy this, but he had no chance. He didn't expect Hermione to give it to him as a birthday present.

Ron sent him a local special magic item from Egypt - a pocket mirror. According to him, this thing can detect whether there are untrustworthy people around for the wizard, and if there is any, it will sound the alarm.

Hagrid gave Harry a mouth-biting book, and it took him a long time to subdue the book before it rushed out of the room and got him into trouble.

Sherlock's gift he had received yesterday was a new birdcage for Hedwig, and Hedwig looked very satisfied with it inside.

But Harry couldn't stay in the room all day, and at dinner time he had to come out and have dinner with Aunt Petunia's family and that pesky Aunt Marge.

At this meal Aunt Maggie was getting more and more out of her mouth because she had been drinking.

She just started humiliating Harry's parents.

"It's always been like this with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, there must be something wrong with the puppy!"

The wine bottle in Aunt Maggie's hand burst open.

Penny and Vernon were taken aback, they knew what was going on, Vernon was pale and kept trying to change the subject, and motioned to Harry to go back to his room.

Dudley stared blankly at all this with his mouth open.

Harry's hands were shaking constantly, and he lowered his head, trying not to let the people at the table see his face.

He had to be patient, not only because underage wizards couldn't use magic outside of school, but because he needed to get Aunt Petunia to sign a parental consent form that would allow him to leave Hogsmeade Week in third grade.

He had to endure the humiliation, the humiliation to him and his parents!

Until Aunt Maggie said contemptuously that his father was a worthless, worthless, lazy beggar, Harry finally couldn't keep pretending that he didn't hear anything.

He had a heated argument with Aunt Maggie, and then the magic in his body couldn't control it any longer, turning her into a hydrogen balloon and floating to the ceiling.

The Dursleys were a complete mess, and Harry couldn't hold back the rage inside him.

He rushed back to his room, packed everything into a box, and planned to escape.

Vernon stopped him.

"You're not allowed to leave!" he growled. "Get it right!"

Harry smashed his wand out of the jar and pointed it at Vernon, he said breathlessly.

"That's what she deserves! You'd better stay away from me too!"

Harry never dared to rush past Vernon, who was blocking him, and walked alone into the dark, quiet street with the suitcase and Hedwig's cage.

He ran to Sherlock's house full of anger, but no one responded whether he rang the doorbell or shouted Sherlock's name.

Sherlock isn't home tonight.

Harry could only continue to drag the suitcase and walk aimlessly along the street.

Until a magic bus drove in front of him.


Sherlock stayed at home all day, but specially chose the time of night. He went out and found an uninhabited open space to test the effects of some ranged and powerful spells under the floating wand casting system.

Of course, he wouldn't carry out this kind of experiment in his own home, and it was easy for Muggles to discover it during the day, so he specially chose this time period to conduct the experiment.

Two wands were floating around him flexibly, and Sherlock could control the farthest distance it could reach, which was about ten meters.

Any further away, the control magic would simply lose its effectiveness, causing the wand to fall to the ground.

But the distance of ten meters is enough for him to make many special attempts flexibly.

Spreading his wand and floating to the limit of ten meters, Sherlock chanted a spell.

"Thunderbolt explosion."


A huge explosion sounded in the open space, and the orange fire illuminated an area of ​​more than ten meters in a radius, and also illuminated Sherlock's face.

The normally weakened Explosion Spell cannot exert such great power.

But like this kind of spell, the quantity is equal to the quality. Under the superposition of the power of the two explosion spells, the movement generated is enough to be equal to the explosion spell under normal casting.

And if you control more wands later, under the continuous bombardment of this magic, it must be a very artistic picture.

After a series of tests in the wild, Sherlock returned home in the middle of the night.

Then these days in August, he began to live at home again.

His usual main activity is to study various Defense Against the Dark Arts books in his study, and now his theoretical level of defense has basically reached the level of the original owner.

In particular, the two books written by the original owner ~www.NovelMTL.com~ are combined with some notes and materials left by the original owner during the creation. Now he has completely understood them.

If last semester, he had to rely on constant question papers and quizzes to cope with the advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts class, now he can give some more in-depth theoretical explanations.

No more stage fright in high-end magic theory.

Of course, whether or not to change the teaching ideas for senior grades depends on the results of the students' wizard rank exams after the school starts.

If the method of exam-oriented education can also show good results in wizarding exams, then Sherlock does not plan to change his teaching method. He will only add some interesting things on the basis of the original classroom to make The learning of Defence Against the Dark Arts is more lively and interesting.

In this way, August passed quickly, and on August 31st, Sherlock was ready to leave for Diagon Alley.

Go to Ollivander's wand shop and get back the 50 wands that you paid for.

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