It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 75: What Could Go Wrong.

Staring blankly at the piece of paper in front of me, I tapped my pen rapidly on the desk and desperately racked my brains out to seek up some answers from my memories—both from the old Claude and the one that I studied, last week. Mustering up some courage, I wrote the answers on everything despite having some doubts about some parts of it.

As soon as the sound of the bell rang, it indicated that the time was up. I remembered the words of Lily if I ever fail this exam. "If you don't pass it then there will be no more sex!" The memory of her words made my brain paralyzed, I stared at the test and prayed for the best. The exam is not entirely important like from my world, but Lily's words terrify me. As a man, I shall take it as a challenge and my pride on the line.

After the last assessment, I wandered around the building. Searching for the two, as we part ways to our respective rooms where we got assigned. While looking around, I bumped into someone. "Ah, are you okay?"

The girl fell on her butt. I was thunderstruck by her captivating appearance. She has colorful shades of color in her hair; blue, pink, yellow, and red—all mixed together in her short hair that reaches just right on her neck. Furthermore, she's not any ordinary girl because she's a kid wearing an obnoxious cloak! I panicked and reached my hands into her to assist her from standing up.

"Thank you," she said in a dull tone.

"I apologize for bumping into you."

"It's fine."

Then she went past me without even batting an eye, only looking at the ground all the time. I only saw a glimpse of her face.

"What a weird interaction," I said to myself.

After that weird interaction, I found myself in an open hallway where a training ground could be seen behind the pillar of stone. From what Lily said to me, this is not the actual academy. But still, I found it somewhat amazing to look around the place. Then I heard a scream near me. "Kyaaaaaaaaaah!"

I run towards it and saw obscene scenery in front of me. Spectacle imagery of man on top of the woman with his planted over her breast and also touching it, and at the side I saw Ami's gawking eyes. It was Shin who had his face planted on the breast. I could see his face sinking in.

'Nice. You lucky bastard.' I thought to myself.

"W-W-Wait, I-I didn't mean to do that!"

The very next thing that happened almost caught me off-guard. The woman below Shin toss him in my direction at lightning speed, but luckily enough, I step to the side and he collides over the wall behind me. "Aaaagh!"

I glance at the woman to take a closer look at her appearance. It was the twin sister of Albert. Her scarlet hair was rippling in the air and her face was all red with her eyes darting on killing the man right beside me. Shin was clutching over his abdomen. "Ugh."

On her hand that was directly toward Shin, I saw the gathering of mana that was about to implode and cause combustion to the entire room. With no hesitation, I teleport right in front of her and raise my palm upfront, blocking the fiery fire of mana.


A piece of fire bounces off from my protection barrier onward to Ami, but she fends it off with just her bare hands. My brain was shooked after seeing that spectacle. She fended it off as if it's nothing. As soon as the fire dispersed from the air, Rosalyn with her anger plastered all over her face. She fell to the ground with tears bursting out from her eyes. "Waaaaaaaaaah!"


The parenting instinct that I cultivated from taking care of Tsuki kicks in. I kneel and carry her into my arms like a child despite her older appearance, caressing her hair as she cries her misery. A while later, realizing my actions, I saw Ami and Shin's dumbfounded faces. The air became tense. I bit my lip, sealing my inner emotions from leaking up.

"Hey, what are you doing to her?!" Ami shouted.

"Uhh, I have a reason for this."

When I loosened my hold, Rosalyn only tightened her embrace on my neck. I choked. "Kaf! Uk!" Her face tears are falling to my neck, making it wet. I raise my hands in bafflement. "I'm not doing anything, okay?" I said to Ami.

Rosalyn kept sobbing like a child. "Waaah! I got defiled! Brother and Father will deem me unworthy and kick me out of the house! I don't want to live alone!"

Ami glares at Shin who's still clutching over his stomach. I also joined in and glares at him. "Hey man, be responsible and do something about this. I clearly saw your face on her boobs. That's sexual harassment you know? I'm a witness."

"I can't believe that I would agree with this person, but he's correct. Do something than dazing off there. You clearly violated this woman here." Ami added.

"Wait, Ami! What are you saying! You clearly saw what happened! I bumped into her and fell to her... Chest... I'm innocent! Back me up please!"

"Wuuu, I can't get married anymore. Father and brother will surely banish me..." Rosalyn pulls her face and her eyes are looking at me."... Can you take care of me? Please?"

"See?! Look what you did to her! She can't get married because of you! And now, I need to marry her! Wait, what?"



Shin and Ami also had the same reaction as me. I blink my eyes for few times. "What are you saying? Are you implying it to me?" I pointed to myself.

Rosalyn nod in response.

"Really? Not him?" I point to Shin behind me.

Rosalyn shakes her head, repeatedly before saying. "Am I not enough?"

"What are you saying? You have some few loose screws aren't ya'?"

"Please, I beg you! You can love me right?! Right?!"

I could see her eyes darkened; the desperation and the distress behind her dark eyes. She's clutching the collar of my shirt with her hands quivering in fear. Ami and Shin were on the same page as me—utterly confused. Then a thought emerged at the top of my head, if she's this desperate there's only one person I could've thought of. A hot-headed person whose temper would be the worse among the people that I know. Her brother Albert. Furthermore, her arms are too thin for someone at my age, it's like there's no flesh just bones.

At a low audible voice, she's whispering to herself. "Love me, love me, love me..." She kept whispering that to my ears.

"Claude. Be mine, mine, mine..." sending a shiver down to my spine. Whenever she mentions 'love me.', her skin was gradually getting hot. "Accept me."

Ami who's close to us also heard her disturbing words, she's looking at Rosalyn with terrified eyes and pitful eyes for me. I'm confident with my combat skills. I can fight anyone, but this situation is on another whole level. The air in the room became tense and dark.

At that moment, a suffocating sensation circled around my neck as if a knife was pointed to my neck. I'm getting some real bad vibe from this girl. She's bad news yet it's hard to overlook this incident. Stephanie already said once to me that she feels bad for her, for many reasons. However, I can't really deal with this. Instead, I attempted to pass the baton to Shin.

"Uh, um, um, you!" I point my finger to Shin. "Look at what you did to her, she's broken to the inside better send her to the clinic or infirmary!"

"Me?! Oh, that makes sense."

Ami was shaking her head to Shin furiously, indicating him to go nowhere near us. However, thankful enough, he's dense as a rock. When Shin was about to get her. "Nooo!" Rosalyn screamed.

She's not letting go of my neck. I'm suffocating because of it. With no other choices left, I teleport outside of the room. I gasped for air, clenching my chest.

From another person's standpoint, what I've done would be considered a dick move but my instinct told me to never ever get near her. Once the academy starts, I'll have a deep conversation with Stephanie regarding Rosalyn. However, as soon as I was about to walk out. An explosion came from the room where I was earlier. Ami and Shin blast through the smoke of the explosion with their mana barrier, ending up crashing to the wall. The debris and dust hinder my sight, to see the person who's responsible for causing a huge mess.

After crashing on the wall, Shin stands up and went into a fighting stance, raising his arm tight to his chest and taking a large stride. There's a glowing white man over his fist, an image of a tiny dragon. Suddenly, the smokes disperse from the strong wind blasting over the room. There it stood, Rosalyn with her emotionless expression and a flaming wing over her back, fluttering in the air, enveloping the entire hall with its excruciating heat.

"I think, I may have dealt with the situation poorly."

Instantly, Rosalyn combusts a rain of fires from her wings, destroying the entire hall before dashing forward to Shin who's in a stance. Shin puts his guard up, receiving the impact of Rosalyn's burning fist. Then from her sides, countless little firebirds materialize from her wings and shoot right off to Shin. He blocks it by waving his hand over it, creating a sequence of magical patterns, and ending up fending off Rosalyn's firebird.

"Where is he?!"

He then takes a large stride before spinning his torso and kicking Rosalyn's solar plexus; however, it got blocked by a wall of flames, separating the two into two sides. Ami behind Shin also supported him with a water barrier up his front.

A few feet away from the fight, I could hear Shin's loud voice. "Ms! Let's have a talk! There's no need for us to fight! I know I have wronged you, but please! Don't do this! You're destroying the building! And, I don't know the answer to your question!"

However, she can't seem to hear him because her eyes don't have any light to them. She's like an emotionless doll that's being controlled by someone. Nonetheless, a lot of her inner emotions are showing out, revealing her true feelings that have been hidden for a long time—and letting it all out. Taking a closer look, there are tears of sadness coming from her eyes but it would disintegrate before it could even go below the eyelids.

Across the hall, I saw the panting Albert from his running. "What are you doing Rosalyn! You blockhead! How can you be this stupid! You're so useless! You're disgracing our family, you good-for-nothing!"

Rosalyn turns her head to Albert.

"What do you want, you incompetent? Want to fight me? Bring it on! I'll teach you a lesson here!" Albert screamed.

The mana around Albert had some tingling strings connected to Rosalyn, like threads controlling her. Is he controlling her?

At that moment, I took action by teleporting behind Rosalyn and hitting the back of her neck, or giving a whiplash. As a result, Rosalyn fell unconscious on the floor. I made sure to control the blow to her neck, as it can lead to her death if I didn't do it correctly.

Next, I teleport to Albert and grab his jaw with my single hand. "Mguh!?" Before teleporting the both of us, to the roof just above the training ground that I saw earlier. I smash his head to the tiles of the roof, enough for the back of his head to bleed or shatter his back skull. His screams were muffled because of my hand. "Mgggggggggggggggh!"

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