It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 74: Arya The Disaster

"Due to some unprecedented incident earlier relating to the mana compulsion, we will postpone the academic assessment later until we can deem it's safe now. Fret not, it should take only a few minutes for our staff to investigate. Please, rest assured."

As Tino announced, I lay down on the grass field and daze off on the sky on top of me. Reminiscing the time that I spent inside earlier in the dimension. During all that time, I completely forgot about it being a test and fully immersed myself in the fight without taking into consideration the backlash that I will face—my instincts took over my body and went full throttle. 

"Ugh... I feel stupid as hell."

I said gruntingly and slammed my palm over my face in frustration. I completely forgot the purpose of those golems! They're like dummies, that's only meant for evaluating our abilities and it's not meant to be conquered by defeating it. In addition, I did an incredibly stupid mistake, testing the waters without any discrete knowledge behind the skill. Diana told me, it's space-related magic that creates another type of reality within my grasp. 

Within my peripheral sight, Lily's face welcomes my eyes with her beauty.

"What's going on with you? Are you upset?"

"Not really. I'm just too tired. Want to do some 'quickie' over there?"


I got a slap because of that. "I deserve that."

"You do. What's the problem, anyway—" Lily narrows her eyes to me. "You're the one responsible for what happened earlier, do you?"

"I... I may be... I may have? Yeah, I do. I got too engrossed in the fight that I went all in."

Lily hits my head along with Adelle, who also hits my head then Adelle added. "How can you be so reckless?"

From my eyes, I'm getting berated by these two, but not with the eyes of others. The male envious, murdering gazes were all sent to me, among them was the woman called Ami. She's been giving me the daggers since earlier. To be completely honest, I'm so used to it that I didn't even notice it. Once the two were done, I heard a feminine tiny voice that I heard back at Adelle's place.

"Hey, you!"

"Ami, stop it! Stop causing a scandal! Many people are looking at us!"

In front of us, I saw Ami getting held off by Shin behind her. Her piercing gaze was about to stab me in the chest. Adelle and Lily turned their head around confused. Once Adelle saw Ami's face, she exclaimed. "Ms. Ami? Good to see you here! How are you?"

Baffled by Adelle's friendliness, Ami was taken back. "Uh... Um... I'm good. Wait a minute! My apologies, Ms. Adelle, but can I ask about your relationship with this man?"

"Me?" I pointed to myself, as my mind is still in another stratosphere.

"Yeah, you."

"Hey, Ami, please stop. I beg you!"

Seeing Adelle's expression, she's also on the same boat as I am. I felt a tug on the arm. "She's quite funny," Lily whispered to me.

"I don't think so..."

Adelle pulls me in over to her, separating me and Lily. "This man right?" She squeezes my cheeks with her hand. However, I know why she's acting like this—because of jealousy, otherwise, she wouldn't even bat an eye. It has always been like it whenever we're situation where the people's eyes are on us.

Because of Adelle's confusing action, Ami's response was bafflement. "Uh-uh, yeah..."

"I wonder? But, I would answer that as a 'yes'." Adelle firmly declared, shattering the hearts of young men who heard it in the vicinity. But, their heart revitalized upon knowing they still have a chance with the elf right beside me—the one and only princess of the Askar kingdom, Lily Blanch. All of their ears perked up.

I nod like a diligent dog, as my brain is too tired to respond with these shenanigans. A sensation grapples around my entire body, a dreadful sensation of one's intent, or killing intent. As seconds pass by, the intent has become apparent. I woke up from my daze state and glances in the direction of the person sending me the killing intent. I also sent a dreadful, pressuring aura; however, I unintentionally let out the entire thing throughout my surrounding. The people around me got caught by it, but not enough for it to be devasting as I entirely focused all of it toward the person.

"Claude?!" Lily exclaimed.

Then suddenly, I heard a scream. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

It's not far from us. The onlookers glanced over the man screaming, and they scattered away from the man. What caught my eyes was the familiar figure of a certain man with fiery red hair, the man who's downright obsessed with the person I'm in a relationship with also—Stephanie. Albert was on the floor with his legs shivering in fright, and noticeable wet stains over his crotch. Behind him, it was his twin sister, worried about him. His eyes had this fear embedded within his pupils, tears of despair are coming out.

After confirming who it was, I lay down on the grass once, ignoring the baffled onlookers. It didn't come to my mind about Albert being the same age as I am because of his childish act every single time; the persistent yet spineless attitude. I don't really get him. Is he crazy?

"Wait, isn't he the one...?" Lily held her chin.

"The person who's infatuated with Stephanie, the weirdo."

"Yeah, he is. I didn't expect him to be here." I said and closes my eyes.

With our exchange of words, Shin and Ami stood there like statues, looking at the three of us as if we're some sort of monster along with the other onlookers. Shin wrinkled his nose before confronting me about it. "Why did you do that?"

I thought they would leave me alone. The aching pain inside my head was gradually worsening because of the aftermath of the skill [Desolate]. We looked at each other's eyes, not even blinking. I sigh before answering him. "I know that guy. We are not on good terms. You also felt it right? That should answer your question."

"I did, but that doesn't mean you can do that to him."

"What do you expect me to do? Let him do whatever he wants? He sent an aura with murderous intent behind it. I've been tolerant against him before, but I'm in a bad mood right now."

"There are ways you can do, like talk things out. I can tell you didn't do enough for the situation between you two, to be resolved."

"Talk things out? How can you talk things out if the man himself can't even look at me in the eye? He's just a spineless coward, who can only do things behind my back. Don't pity him. Look at him, does he look scared at all?"

Shin looks over Albert. "What?" He didn't notice anything. Albert's body and mind were shaking in fear, but his eyes tell a different story; resentment, desperation, and envy. I see it very clearly with my eyes. Stephanie already told me about his idiotic attempts from before. I haven't gotten any confrontation with him because he would evade and hide from me.

"Nevermind. Just don't probe to that matter, it's not simple as you might think. Good day to you, I'll go back to my sleeping. Fuck off."

The headache is not going anywhere.

"You're just making excuses. You didn't care at all. How lazy can you be? Instead of thinking of ways to resolve the problem, you're just running away. A simple excuse of 'because he's not talking me' is stupid enough for me not to believe with your words." Shin said to me with a straight face.

"Hey, Shin, let's just go, please?" Ami beside him said as she's trying to drag him away. The position was reversed from earlier, Ami was now the one who's trying to avoid causing a scandal.

"No, Ami, I'll talk him out of his—"

"Just fight, will ya'? I'm getting bored here!" a feminine voice shouted, interrupting Shin's speech.

We all glance over the person and saw a transcending beauty pairing it with her ivory skin. She has beautiful light-blue hair reaching below her waist with two horns upfront facing in an upward trajectory. And, dazzling eyes, it's unique; yellow pupil with a vertical slit. Also, in a further closer look, she has this demeanor that's kind of similar to Lily, but on the barbaric side. How can I forget her body? It's slim and muscly; with a narrow waist and heavy breast—full of proteins. That made me think about how can her body support that breast of hers.

"Arya?" Lily said.

"Sup' Lily! Tell your man to have some balls and fight!" Arya stands on her feet and walks toward us.

"You know her?" Adelle asked.

"She's the friend that I'm talking about. I apologize for her behavior because her mind has few loose screws."

While Arya was walking, her heavy breast was going up and down, my eyes can't help themselves but follow the motion of it. At the back of my head, it goes like this. 'Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing!' I'm not the only one, as my fellow men are also the same except for Shin. When Lily noticed that I'm looking at her friend's jugs, she grinned. "Liking what you see, you pervert?"

"Yeah, I do," I answered, honestly.

"Lily! Introduce me!" Arya shouted once again.

"Damn, she's loud." I covered my ears.

"Agreed," Adelle added.

"Okay. Uh, Claude, Adelle." Lily then pulls us two together close to her mouth, whispering. "She's Arya Draco, the princess of the draconian from the kingdom of Regin. The kingdom of the dragons. Her kingdom is sovereign across the continent even the Council doesn't want to mess with them. They are one of the strongest races in the world, so don't mess with her."

Adelle and I nod in response.

"So, I introduced them to you, so this man over here was Claude Weiss. You already know him, right?"


"And, here, this is Adelle Fabien, the one that I also mentioned to you earlier."

"Indeed! The woman who's also copulating with your man, Claude." Arya leaned her head close and whispered. She even gave Lily a thumbs up, as if this is like some sort of test for her. Lily, Adelle, and I choked over our saliva.

"Excuse me?" I voiced out my confusion.

"Fret not! I revere your manly ways! Lily told me about the obscene daily activities of you three along with others! And, I fully support it as her friend!"

That gave me a heart attack because it's loud enough for the others to hear, especially Shin and Ami. They were baffled by what they just heard and resulted in their jaws hanging. Adelle beside me was pale as a ghost, her soul left her body. As for the culprit, she's smiling with her fangs out and maintaining her thumbs up to us.

"Waaah! Shut up!" Lily immediately covered her mouth. "I-I-I'll bring her somewhere okay?! Don't leave here! Wait for me! And, you! You're coming with me!"

Lily drags Arya away. Now, we're left with the awkwardness lingering in the air. Adelle has her head cast down, rooted on the ground as if life had given up on her. I'm pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration. Because of what happened, all the stress that I accumulated from the tiny time span that I spent with that woman was about to break me down.

"I-I'll just excuse, myself..." Shin said.

"Me too..." Ami said as she follows Shin from behind. Shin completely forgot about his sermon. Although, I'm sure that it's only because of the dreadful atmosphere surrounding us.

Afterward, Tino announced that our examination shall continue and we're instructed to go to our respective examination rooms. I'm eyeing the sky with all my plan shattered into tiny pieces because of a single woman.

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