It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 65: Intermission (Adelle)

Reading the reports about what happened to us back in the Herbaria mountain, that I got access from the guild master himself. According to the reports, the entire forest, and the village crumbled into nothingness along with the people in it. When the investigators reached the village, the village with full of smiles from my memory suddenly vanished, as if everything was a dream.

Because of that, the investigators started doubting our claims regarding our findings of the village. However, there are traces of life left in the scene, which made the case more mysterious than it is. The guilt of my failure that’s weighing on my chest became an uncanny feeling. There are a ton of questions at the top of my head that need to be answered about how my life drastically changed with that mission alone.

“Ms. Clara. What do you think about this?”

“Through my years and experience, working with Madam and exploring different places in the world. I’ve encountered similar to that; however, not to the certain degree of the village getting wiped off.”

“You’re right. Claude didn’t really specify what happened, but there’s something odd about that monster. When I stabbed my sword right to its neck, my sword suddenly died...”

“Blood art magic?”

“Yeah. I imbued my own blood with the blade.  I feel those blood since their part of me. It’s weird. It feels like it suddenly disappeared in a matter of seconds when I stabbed it. It just died. Like, someone consumed the blade and the blood.” I’m tapping the table in a calm manner.

Suddenly, I felt a funny feeling inside of my chest from Claude’s room. “Did something happen to him?” I glance at the stairs.

“Madam has arrived,” Clara said calmly.


Princess Lily descends on the stairs while dazing off, seemingly lost in her own world.

“Princess Lily? Um, are you fine?”

“Oh? Um, I’m just utterly confused... Claude got kidnapped by Master Irene...”

"Oh, I see," Clara replied without any hint of worry.

“Wait! Why are you not panicking?! He’s been kidnapped! How can you guys know if it’s the real Blade Saint?!” I slammed my hands on the table frustratingly. However, their response to me was mind-boggling.


“Covenant connection with Madam.”

“Ah. Are you guys serious? Do you really trust your sense that much?! Unbelievable! I will go find him myself.” When I was about to leave, Clara grabs my hand tight. “It’s really Madam. We have a unique constitution that possesses us an incredible ability to know our location. From why she did it, it’s probably correlated to the mark.”


“Madam told me not to disclose it, as it’s a long history of our heritage. I deeply apologize if I can’t disclose it to you. Young miss, would you please attest to my statement?”

“Ohhh... Ohhh... Claude has my condolence. Wait, that’s preposterous. He would surely enjoy it! That sex fiend! I can’t even believe he would shamelessly explain that to me earlier... I was just messing with him... His audacity.” Princess Lily bit her thumb up in frustration.

Glancing back and forth at the two. “What?”

“Young miss, probably tried to have sex with him by acting ignorant on the topic of ‘sex’. The innocent girl trap or what she called on her diary.”

“Clara! Don’t spout outrageous claims about me! That’s not true at all!” Princess Lily retorted with a beet-red face.

“What is it then, young miss?”

“U-Uh... Uhm... Uuuuh... I-It’s... I’m testing him. Because as a man who shall be my hus—Close aid. He shall have the proper uprightness, fitting for a royal status like me... Ehem, nevertheless, my intention was purely for his benefit, as it could affect his image since he’s acquainted with me.”

“If you say so, young miss.”

"Shut up! Plus, it's not my fault if those books of Master Irene were just lingering around the library!"

Truly gracious, for how a proper lady, like Princess Lily, would fall for him. The princess was rumored to be a person who mercilessly killed an aristocrat; however, the rumors were falsified, and the truth was that her actions were meant to protect herself from the man. When he mentioned that he’s acquainted with her, I didn’t believe him until I met her. Furthermore, Claude and Princess Lily have the same master.

Observing Princess Lily, every action she makes was so graceful, as I should be expecting from a princess. Except for now. “I can tell that you’re not believing me, Clara!”

“...” Clara averts her eyes.

After their not-so-fun exchange of words, if I could even call that. Princess Lily was sitting across us with her legs crossed. At my right, the cute familiar of Claude was eating happily with her chubby cheeks packed. With the silence enveloping the entire air around us, I broke it off by saying. “Um, if I may interrupt. Since you guys are calm about Claude’s sudden disappearance. It’s safe to say that he’s in good hands?”

Clara and Princess Lily nod in unison.

I sigh in huge relief. “If you guys say so. Huuu...”

“Weird... Claude said earlier that you guys are not in a relationship...”

“Eh—? What are you saying?” I asked.

“Claude said, you two are more in an intimate relationship without love. How do I say this... Friends with benefits? That’s how he described it to me...” Princess Lily confusingly said, tilting her to the side and holding her chin.

I fell on the sofa.

Those words... I couldn’t move. It was a hot, yet cold flow circulating around my body. A filthy sensation. I've felt this before it was the exact time during the times that I looked up at the ceiling of the night, all alone. The days of seeking. Furthermore, it felt like cold water poured upon me. The bright days’ memories of mine with him crumbled on the ground as reality snapped. The throbbing pain inside my chest; the difficulty of breathing was unbearable.

The joyful memories.

‘Friends’, I couldn’t even swallow that word. It sounded like an absolute luxury, but to me, it does not. It pains me. Did he really think of me as a friend? Despite everything that we’ve gone through? The emotional connection and my heart opening to him? The smiles and his kindness—were those just him being considerate? Does he really think of me that way? Or was it all just acting because he just felt a sudden surge of responsibility for what happened that night?

That night, I’ve known that it was just a mere accident. However, I cherished every moment that I have with him, every single moment. I can’t reciprocate any kindness that has been given to me. I just don't know how to.

During the past year, Claude and I went through various hardships on our missions. Did he just accompany me because he pitied me? I don’t know.

To be honest, when he got back and showed his spirit cat of his. I suddenly got this sudden urge to desire his blood, despite not happening before. That alone seems odd to me. Then that night happen which only made my hunger worst. There's something unique taste with his blood that I haven't tasted before, and it's driving me crazy.

While having those thoughts, a wet feeling dripped down my blurry eyes. That seems to be tears falling from out of my eyes. “Eh? Why are there tears coming out? Why does it hurt?” I muttered to myself while clenching my chest.

“... But he said he wants to talk things out to you because he truly likes you—Eh?! Wait! Why are you crying?!”

With tears falling from my eyes, I’m wiping those tears out and realized that I’m sobbing like a child. Because of that, Princess Lily panicked, making her way to my side, rubbing my back and easing me out. “Wait, uhhh... How do I do this? There, there, it’s fine. Everything’s going to be fine. I’m here.”

I stand up and explicitly tell them with a shaky voice. “I-I’m fine. I’ll just go home...”

“You will not.” Princess Lily said in a vicious tone.


“You cried because of something that I said, right? We will talk about what upset you, and you will not leave until I say so. You see, I’m trying to understand people and for that to happen, but first, I need to be a listener. We will sort these out. I know that I’m inconsiderate with the things I say, so we will talk things out and identify what causes you to be upset!”

 Princess Lily used an intimidating aura to me; however, it doesn’t work for me. But in the end, I chose to say because of her unwavering eyes. “Okay...”

From that forward, another form of friendship bloomed into my life once again, a special friendship that I would cherish along with the person I—

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