It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 64: Someone Got Kidnapped!

In the backyard of the house, the birds were chirping and singing in the sky. Clara and Lily were in a stance having a stand-off with pressurizing intensity air around them.

At the sideline, there’s me eating along with Tsuki sitting on my lap eating some of her beloved meat, and also with Adelle with her brightening eyes fixated on the fight, diligently analyzing the fight that's about to transpire, understanding every sliver inch of movement from the two. “Wow~ The air around the two is something else. Especially Ms. Clara. I haven’t seen her this intense when we’re sparring. You already told me that Lily really wanted to defeat Ms. Clara. But I didn’t expect Ms. Clara would be so into it, too. I can’t help myself to anticipate who will take the first move.”

“Uh-huh... That’s probably it.”

Earlier, I overhead Lily and Clara’s conversation while passing by, making me fall to the ground, hiding from them instinctively. Their conversation baffled me. Despite Clara’s expressionless face, she spouted these words out of her mouth, right in front of Lily’s face. “No. I don’t agree.”

“You will accept it! I already overlooked this blasphemy of a harem and accepted it! You guys have been together for a year, and I just got back! You will join me as my attendee because you need to be a butler or the academy won’t allow you!”

“I can’t be separated from the young master. My loyalty is only towards him. If the academy won’t allow it, then I will cross-dress.”

"That's utter nonsense!"

"No. I’m pregnant."

“Bffft—” Behind where I’m hiding, I almost revealed myself. I could hear the distraught in Lily’s voice.

Then suddenly, I heard a slam on their end, spooking me. “That’s atrocious! I know Claude was a pervert, to begin with, but I’m certain he’s not... The type of guy... That would... Accept such a thing... He will... Nevertheless, I don’t believe it! And, what cross-dress?! Are you really that desperate to be with him?”

I gasped. Then I pumped my fist with a thought in my mind. ‘Let’s get it, Lily! That’s my Lily! Don’t believe her! Wait...'

While all that’s happening, my sweats are coming out of my pores—thinking the reality if Clara was actually pregnant. Then I saw a little girl with red hair, cat ears, and two tails swaying. Tsuki was in front of me crouching while eating something again from the refrigerator, innocently staring at me wondering what I’m doing.

“S-S-Shh... Be quiet.” I said, quietly.

Tsuki nodded in response.

Shortly after, from the look of things, they seem to be far from agreement, so they decided to talk things out with their swords than their mouth. That’s how we ended up in this situation.

Lily made the first move, freezing the entire ground and glistening over the ice smoothly. However, as the sunlight was above us, Clara was in an advantageous position as she descend into her shadow, evading Lily’s strike. Next, Lily anticipates Clara’s movement from behind, fending off Clara’s sword. That’s the typical angle that I would use often.

“Wow, Princess Lily was an impressive swordsman. Her keen and flawless movements are impeccable. She’s totally on a different level. You two have the same master, right? Because you're nowhere near her level.”

Hearing Adelle, leaving my mouth hanging. “Ah. For real? Adelle? Are you for real? You’re roasting me now, huh? After we’ve gone through yesterday. I even cleaned your place. That’s how you return the kindness that I’ve given to you? By roasting my swordsmanship? How cruel...”

“Okay, calm down and stop acting. I’m just curious. You’re definitely not on her level.”

“Yep. It’s way more refined now than before, plus she’s not holding back and letting loose of her tensed muscle. Even way before, she’s already on a different level. And I’m certain that I’m in no way near her the same foothold of where she’s standing. I’m only winning against her because of my spirit magic. I mean, you too. You two are monsters.”

“That annoying ability of yours, plus Tsuki, right beside you. Those itself are frightening, excluding your swordsmanship.”

“My, my, I’m grateful for the compliment.”

“Not really a compliment, but suit yourself.”

The fight between Clara and Lily was closer than I expected. They’re almost neck and neck. Finally, Lily was optimizing the usage of her ice more wisely and using it as her advantage in a given scenario such as making the opponent struggle with the horrendous fighting environment, traps, etc.

While watching the fight, I pinched Tsuki’s flabby cheeks while eating. “Auuu—! Mawter! It huwts!”

“Why are you such gluten for a cat?”

“Stop that, let her be.” Adelle slapped my hand that’s pinching Tsuki.

Later on, the lingering cold wind nips on my face, the sky became pale. The grass and other plants in my backyard lost their color and become barren. Towers of Icicles are standing up above, reaching the sky, reflecting colorful lights in the entire backyard.

At the pinnacle top of the mountain of ice, Clara was holding a wooden short sword pointed at the neck of Lily, who’s lying down. And, at the bottom, the Fenrir was knocked out unconscious with the shadowy figure of the eagle, flapping its flaming wings in victory as it stands tall on the body of the Fenrir. The outcome was to be expected because the difference between Clara and everyone else here was significantly vast.


After the fight, I ended up the one who got reprimanded for their fight. Lily went inside my room and threw a tantrum. I could hear the devastating state of my bed getting destroyed. Entering inside slowly. “Excuse me.”

Lying down on her stomach, as she shoves her face on my cushion and her lustrous golden hair was all over her back. Also, her big bubbly butt was tempting. I gulped at the sight of Lily.

“Hey, Lily,” I said, moving right beside the bed.

Lily rotated her head to me with tears in her eyes. Wiping the tears, I jokingly said. “Pfft, why are you crying? This isn’t the usual you. Are you really that upset about how things are going in our life?”

“Your life. Not mine.”

“You’re part of my life, so that counts. You can’t deny that. We’ve been through so many things. We faced hardships together, and that’s what created the bond we have.”

“You won’t sway me with those sweet words of yours. I’ve known your shtick for a long time now, Claude. But they’re all true... I’m just upset with how things turned out after I left. I thought everything would be the same, but I guess I’m still stuck in the past...”

“That’s not true, you’re just upset because I’m with someone other than you.” I shrugged.

“Don’t put words into my mouth.” Lily glared.

I lie down beside her with our eyes looking at each other. “Things changed for a reason. The only constant in this world was ‘change’. We can’t dictate our own fate, as our life goes through changes every day. I didn’t expect to use these words someday... Damn...”

“Way to ruin a situation. The last part of what you said was unnecessary. You said you would be responsible for what you did that day... Are you just playing with me?”

“I’m not. Plus, Clara was obviously lying.” ‘I think... Gotta ask her later.’

Just remembering those words makes me shiver. It’s not good for my heart.

“I know. It’s quite obvious. Do you even know why I’m upset?”

“Because you lost?”

“Ugh. T-That’s part of it... Well, you did listen to us arguing earlier. It’s for the academy. I was planning to make Clara my attendee, but she insisted on joining you and that’s not plausible as the academy was strict when it comes to the separation of gender. That’s why we had those arguments earlier...”

“Why didn’t you talk to me regarding that matter? Clara would surely listen to me instead of fighting over that. I bet you got ahead of yourself again?”

“Yeah. Plus, I'm just annoyed and jealous.”

The high-pitched cracking and popping sound of the ice melting overtook the air between us. I glance at the door and saw the frozen door with cold air circulating around my room. And then Lily and I looked at each other in awkward silence. 'What are you up to, now?'

“Hey, how are you lately? How’s the thing back home? I haven’t heard any news from your lately, and I’m quite worried about your situation back home.”

“It’s good. The elves didn’t really believe the rumors and trusted me. I only need to solidify my image as the princess and the new guardian from outside of the kingdom.”

“Good to know.” I smiled.

After a while, Lily and I talked things out of what happened with our lives during the past year; the journey, experiences, and things we learned. Catching up with things with our life. And during our conversation, one particular thing caught my attention.

“Wait, can you repeat what you asked?”

“Huh? I said, what the word sex is?”

While conversing with her, I accidentally slipped my ‘experience’, which is a bad thing to talk about, especially to Lily; however, I didn’t expect her to be oblivious to it. But it was to be expected, to say the least, because she’s a sheltered princess and his father was the type of person who would not let any atrocious dirty thoughts that would taint his daughter’s mind, one and only daughter.

However, as soon as I was about to explain it in a mild manner. A strong surge of wind came right after my window. At my window, a curvy-erotic woman, green hair, lustrous glistening eyes ogling at my figure with its devilish wings and tail fluttering. Moreover, the garments on her crotch and breast are barely covering it.

“”Master Irene?""

Lily and I gawked at the sight of Master Irene. However, seeing her, there’s something off about her; the heavy breathing, rapid twitching movement of hands, and tail quivering. Also, her eyes are only fixated on me. With a smile on her face, she said. “Hello, Lily. I need to bring Claude to me first.”


Shortly after, something coiled around me, entrapping my entire body and my mouth. Master Irene immediately brought me back to her shoulder before fleeing away from the scene, leaving the confused Lily back to my room. While gliding through houses and buildings rapidly, I’m too flabbergasted by the sudden appearance of Master Irene. Then I suddenly heard the voice of Master Irene. “It’s your fault. After a year, you did a lot of stuff and I suffered. You need to atone for those sins. Haah... Hahh... Haah...”

From her tone, I could easily distinguish that those words don’t stem from anger. More than anything, it feels like...

Special Mention: XYZ_Glxxsksy, Endre, IQ,MentalMoose, Ryuu Sakurai
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