It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 134: My Friend (2)

Following the small talk with Prince Lykos, we sat at a table and ate peacefully... or so what I thought because Lars has been nonstop talking about the prince from how noble and smart he is, as a person, as soon our butt touched the seats. Our mood gradually worsened because of Lars.

We're supposed to be eating peacefully, but Lars is here talking about someone we're not interested in and the stares. At some point, I was so frustrated that I had the urge to forcefully shut his mouth with magic. Erik was also at the point of erupting. However, we haven't seen him acting excited like this, so we let it slide. Lars looks genuinely happy while telling this story.

During all those times when Lars was talking about Prince Lykos, I redirected my attention toward the other table where a group of beauties is chattering happily with each other. Upon attracting their attention, I smiled dearly and winked at them. They responded with a cheery smile. I waved at them and they waved back. They're from Class-C from the color of their uniform and a second-year from their badge. I've done this before out of boredom, but it feels good when they respond positively. Does this count as flirting? As soon we finished our meal, they stood up and were about to approach us, but Lars aggressively smashed the table.

"Shit! We're running late!"

I almost skipped a beat because of Lars.

"So?" Erik asked.

"Let's go!"

"Oh, it really is..." Erik added.

Because of that, the two hurriedly got out of the tables and I followed them from behind, leaving the group of beauties behind. But I'm not upset about it, considering I did it out of boredom, but still... there's a sense of bitterness. So in the end, I smiled bitterly at them as we leave the cafeteria.

We went outside of the building, mainly to our training ground where Instructor Sienna is sitting at her stool waiting for us. And there, we also our other classmates already in their respective spot. We're the last ones to get here. We get into our spots. I was placed at the back-end corner of the training ground with Lars in my front and Erik in my left. I sat slackly, waiting for Instructor Sienna's instruction.

"Hey, I'm seriously in trouble. We barely made it in time and I slept earlier. I'm screwed. Help me out." Lars looks at Erik and me.

"We barely made it in time because of a certain someone who can't shut his mouth," Erik replied.

"Whoa, whoa, no need to blame me. Okay, I have no excuse for that. I'm too stoke because I met someone from the royalty. Do you have any idea how lucky for us to meet someone from the royalty? I basically have zero chance. In addition, it's the first prince of all people! I'm extremely lucky today!"

"Earlier, you kept complaining..."

"Ho-ho~ My good days are finally catching up. It balances it out! This is why they say whenever there's always up in every down in life! I love the world! The world still loves me! Woo-hoo!" Lars flails his arms around the air.

"He's gone insane," Erik commented on my left. I can't even deny Erik's comment about Lars since I also thought the same exact words.

"Insane?! I'm just expressing my emotions! There's nothing wrong with that! You two are supposed to relate!"

"Relate?" I asked.

Erik also questions him with his gaze.

"You guys realized that my class is already starting, right?" A voice resounded to our ears.

"Hiiiik! Instructor Sienna!" Lars shrieked.

"Why are you still chatting with each other? What are you guys doing? Can I join?" She smiled at us.

"No, mam! Ah—I mean, yes, mam! Wait... No, mam? Wait, yes?" Lars said in a panic.

"Lars. I already let you slide with your sleeping because you've been training hard lately, but I hope you won't take advantage of my kindness. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?"

"Yes, mam! Thank you for your benevolent kindness!" Lars shouted.

"And you..." Instructor Sienna looks at me in the eyes. "... I already scolded you earlier? Do you want another beating?"

"Is that normal to say to your students?" I retorted.

"It is indeed. A way to toughen them up. And I didn't mean it that way. I'm asking if you're that bored, do you want me personally train you? You're still rough around the edges, so do you want it? Your hand-to-hand combat was extremely sloppy, let me fix that for you."

"Really? I think I'm not that bad..."

"Erik shall vouch for my words."

"Yes." Erik raises his hand.

I glanced at Erik questioningly.

"Anyway, I will be assisting others since you're not interested. You two should follow Erik's example. He's an exemptional student who doesn't complain and willing to follow everything he was told because he understands it would benefit him the most. Not only that, but he's also exemplary in terms of potential. Learn a thing or two from him. The class will start in a few minutes, prepare yourself." Instructor Sienna left us alone while waving her hand in the air.

"Since when did you become a teacher's pet?" I asked.

"Teacher's pet? Why would I be one? I'm just following her instructions because that's my job as a student. That's also your job, you know? I'm just being a diligent student." Erik said nonchalantly.

"What happened to you, dude?" I blurted out.


"Never mind, don't think about what I just said. So what am I lacking?"

"Hmm... There's this idea of fighting where we had habits whenever we fight. For instance, you see that guy over there?" He pointed at Otto who is one of our classmates.

"Yeah, what about him?"

"He has a habit of using his right foot as the back foot and kicking the right thigh or knee. He likes to target the knee because that's where the sweet spot lies. The opponent's balance will be thrown off instantly if the kick worked. So in his mind, since it's effective, he will always force it. Creating a bad habit. It's the same for you."

"Really? What's mine then?"

"Your eyes." Erik pointed at my eyes.

"My eyes?"

"From what I've gathered, you're a person who fights through analyzing opponents and finding openings, so in order to do that, you rely on your keen observation too much making you predictable. It's not bad, but against Instructor Sienna... It won't work. At all. And you're too obsessed about attacking the openings, rather than creating one yourself. You're waiting for your opponents to make a mistake. Above everything else, you like attacking blindspots of the opponents the most with your disappearing and appearing ability of yours. Also, you like to lean forward with your left shoulder the most whenever you're taking the first move. Honestly, there are more... Do you want me to continue?"

I'm rendered speechless by Erik's immaculate observation because Master Irene said the same thing about mine, a month ago. It's been a habit of mine for years that I can't get rid of.

"What...?" I'm flabbergasted.

"In combat, we always prepare ourselves to anticipate what's coming and for our counter move. But I don't understand, you have a great sense of your center gravity, yet you're wasting it. I feel like you can easily gain advantages against your opponent when you use it wisely. Hm... You're actually insane, Claude. The amount of repertoire you can use in a fight is absurdly insane. Hm... There's a lot. I think I'll take back what I said, your keen observation was your strong point, not all people can use it the same way you do... Hm..."

"What? What are you talking about now?"

"Shhh! Shut the hell up! I can't concentrate because of you two! She's been looking here! Hiiik! Please, don't double it. Please, please. I'm so sick of this hellish training." Lars interjected.

"Oh, I see. That's my bad. Looks like, I'm talking to myself. Hahahaha..." Erik laughed.

That's when I realized that class started.

'That's not some observation of a normal person. The way he described it in detail was absurdly accurate. It's frightening. I have so many questions...' I thought while watching Erik's back.

At that moment, I found myself some new profound respect toward Erik. He has a lot of potentials. His future ahead of him is bright. On top of all, he's the most modest noble that I've ever met. As I mentioned before, he's doesn't seem to show any interest in the prince which differentiates him toward other nobles. In regards to that, Rosalyn would also be the same... as for Albert, he only joined us because of his priority. Erik is such an interesting person that I'm starting to think that he may have played a major role in the storyline of the game. Because if so, he will be a valuable person that can help me in the future.

During one of our breaks...

"Hey, Erik."


"You're a noble from the same kingdom as I am. So I want to ask what you think about the prince?"

"That's an odd question. As you said, as a noble, and as a part of the hierarchy system, I'm obligated to not answer your question. Any comments about the royal family can be used against me if it was proven, so in short, I'm not going to risk my family's status from your question, Claude. I know that you're seeking something." Erik said coldly.

Erik heaves a sigh. "So, what's with the question anyway? I want to give you a piece of advice, don't ask someone regarding the prince, especially a noble because you and I will get into trouble."

"Getting trouble for what?"

"When it comes to the topic of the royal family, they always bring trouble for a lower noble family like mine. So I promised myself not to involve myself in capital politics or anything with the royal family. I want to stay neutral. First of all, I'm not the guy you're supposed to be asking in the first place. You got the wrong guy. You're supposed to be asking this guy over my shoulder."

"That's the worst idea you could've brought up. I meant in a personal way... Never mind, I'm so stupid to even bring this up." I glanced at Lars who was breathing heavily on the ground.

"Aren't you in a relationship with the red-hair female from the Mora Family? Perhaps she can help you. She's a rank above my family, but it's worth the try."

"I could..." 'That's a great suggestion. And wait, how does he know?'

"Why are you even asking this question?"

"Prince Lykos invited me over to his faction. Wait, since you're a noble, did they also invite you?"

"There's no way they would invite a spiritless like me."

"Spiritless, huh? You're lucky that your family didn't banish you." I jokingly said.

"Hahaha, true. Despite being a noble, I have a loving family that cherishes me. They're my treasure and benefactor forever. They accepted my decision, in spite of being outrageous. I truly love them. That's why I'm here to be stronger for them and return the kindness and love back to them three-fold."

"W-Wow... That's not something I usually hear from someone. You didn't even hesitate."

"That's how grateful I am for having them."


Later that day, our class ended peacefully. That later became more troubling than I thought because Lars overexerted himself from today's class. He's completely out. So right now, he's over on Erik's shoulder, unconscious.

"He's so dumb," I commented on Lars.

"That's certainly true. He's the dumbest person I've ever been with, but he's also fun to be with. He always throws a tantrum like a child. Overall, he's a fun person to be around."

What Erik just said is certainly true about Lars. And then suddenly, Erik's expression darkened upon sighting the three people ahead of us.

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