It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 133: My Friend (1)

"Hey, the class is over. Oooi, Laaars!" I'm waking Lars because he fell asleep halfway through the class. He's quite lucky because Instructor Sienna has been glancing at him from time to time, but didn't do anything. It's so unfair! But I can't even be mad considering that Instructor Irene probably knew that Lars was tired from his face... But still!

I did my best to wake him up, but it seems impossible. After the class, I've been calling his name for over ten minutes. I tried shaking him up and even shouting, but they didn't work.

"Erik, any helping hand?"


Erik was too engrossed in preparing notes for today's class that he hasn't moved an inch from his seat, despite the class being over for a while. "Wake up. You're going to miss lunch."

"Lunch!" Lars woke up, wiping out the saliva on his mouth.

"I should've started with that... Let's go, Erik."

"I'll be there. I'm fixing minor stuff. Give me a second."

"Mmnnnn—! That's good sleep. But my body is still sore. Let's go, I've been craving for something to eat—"

"You're not worried about sleeping in class, huh?"

"Yiep! Oh no! Am I in trouble?"

To answer his question, I shrugged my shoulders. In truth, Instructor Sienna has always been the strict type, so we're expecting Lars' punishment to be somewhat rough, but since she didn't call him out. It is safe to assume that he's safe... for now...

"It's not like she's going to kill you," I said to ease him.

"Ever since the training, I haven't been able to get a good sleep. Every night, my body aches in pain because of the hellish routine. According to the notes given to me for this week, I need to double my work because apparently, I'm falling behind... And now, she's going to double it again!" Lars grabs my shirt.

"Whoa, whoa, no need to be aggressive. Okay... Okay... No need to grab me... Did she say that to you?"

"No one told him that. He misunderstood Instructor Sienna's instruction to him." Erik interjected

"Then why did she double it?! I'm busting my ass every day. There's only one logical conclusion, my training is not enough and she clearly stated that through it. Does it sound illogical what I said?"

"Hm, no. But you also forgot to take into account that perhaps it's the other way around? You know, I'm speaking from my experience, but don't you think she's just raising the difficulty because you're doing well?" Erik said.

"Yeah, I agree with Erik. I'm also speaking from my experience, but my master always tends to raise the bar because she knows I have the capability to achieve it. And I tell you, I don't want to relive those moments..." I added.

"See? Claude also agrees with me. It's like that since your body is not used to being pushed to limits. Once your body got handle to it, you will certainly improve a lot in no time. At first glance, I can say that you're not physically active."

"I'm too busy on other things, okay?! I have no time because my circumstance wouldn't allow me to do so. Even if I would like to, I don't have someone that can teach me—Anyway, let's just get something to eat." Lars said, but while addressing the reasons he stopped and chose to not continue further.

In response to this, Erik and I respectfully didn't question him. A while later, we entered the cafeteria packed with students. As usual, we encountered the gazes of the unfriendly.

"Hm... Why are they looking at both Erik and me?" I asked.

As usual, Erik doesn't seem to be affected by the attention that we're receiving. Then there's Lars who's too hungry to answer me, as it's apparent in his face.  As soon as we were about to head toward to get out food, we encountered Prince Lykos out of all people. He was sitting at a table with the two people that I saw last time and Aldrich is not among them. He's currently waving his hand to me.

I slightly bow my head. "Greetings, your Highness."

Erik and Lars quickly realize the person in front of us, and they immediately bowed their heads. "Greetings, Your Royal Highness, we're pleased to meet you." Both of them perfectly said it at the same time.

Naturally, I was taken back by them. I almost burst into laughter, but I held it back with everything I can. From my understanding, Erik would surely recognize the prince because he's a noble and probably met him on the prince's grand banquets. But Lars too? I remember that the prince's face is not publicly known, so there's no way Lars would know that since he said it himself that he's a commoner.

Because I don't even know the prince's face until Lily and I met him last time. It's natural because the real Claude hasn't attended a royal banquet, or any banquet in general, not even on any of his own blood-related family. But speaking of banquets, I didn't see the prince nor the king of Maiveil on Lily's coming of spirit ceremony celebration.

"There's no need to be formal. Call me Lykos." Prince Lykos laughs.

"I can't do that, your Highness. That would bring me trouble." I forced a smile.

"Troublesome? It won't. I assure you. Think of it, as a way of building a connection with you. All of my associates also do the same. Furthermore, you have my permission and it's just a name."

A name... You're clearly announcing to the public that I'm acquainted with you. Calling a royalty by their name is a controversial matter, especially if the person calling is an exiled noble despite my status as the disciple of the Saintess. He's still pushing, huh? But at the same time, it's not a bad idea. So, for now, I'll take my steps slowly until I can discern he doesn't have any malicious intention.

"Forgive me, but I really can't." I rejected him.

"Is that so? There's no need to rush. Would you like to eat with us?"

I look at their table and one spot is open. "Thank you, but I would like to decline. As you can see, I already promised with my friends."

"Is that so? That's upsetting, but I understand. I shall see you around then." Prince Lykos smiled melancholy.

One person caught my attention, the woman. She's giving me the impression of a snob noble. As for the other person, it was a man that doesn't seem to really give a shit about me. He had this laid-back demeanor, yet frightening because those types of people are hard to read.

"I forgot to mention." Prince Lykos added as I was about to turn my heel the other way.

"What is it?"

"There's a rumor circulating around about an infamous student that beaten a poor student the other day and escaped through exceptional student with ease as if he vanished through the air like a ghost, leaving no tracks. They say he's a handsome and tall man, wearing a black uniform like yours."

"Eh? What a coincidence." I acted dumb for no reason when the prince himself probably knew it was me.

Prince Lykos burst into laughter. "No need to act dumb. I know everything. How sad that the draconian princess got you first. I was hoping we could work together. So, what do you think? The door is still open."

"That'll be a bad idea." I flashed a smile.

"Sadly, you're right. I don't have the courage to go against her, yet. I still need a lot of work." He flashed a smile in response.

"Yet, huh? Godspeed then. Godspeed."


'Likewise, huh? This guy...'

This sudden encounter is absolutely not a coincidence, considering it's my first time seeing his face around here, especially when the students surrounding us are making a commotion about him. He's already aware of the newly-founded faction that Arya created. But the question will be, what's his goal? From his earlier statement, he's not afraid of going against Arya—Or was it just a bluff?

"Well then, our time is getting wasted. My apologies for wasting your time since you and your friends haven't eaten yet. In addition, if you got into trouble, don't hesitate to ask me. As the disciple of Saintess, I'm obligated to care for your needs as it's my duty as part of the royal family. We're indebted to her heroic actions that saved my kingdom countless times in the past. And remember, the door will remain open for you once you change your mind."

"I see, I appreciate the kind offer. I'll surely use it when the time comes. I shall see you around, Your Highness."I bowed my head slightly to him before turning my heels the other way. Erik and Lars also bowed to him and rushed next to me. Prince Lykos was just waving his hand to me with a bright smile plastered on his face.

"Um... You and the prince knows each other?" Lars asked first.

"Yeah. Is that weird?"

"Kind of? The prince of our kingdom is talking to you in a friendly manner. In what world, would that be normal? I would be considered lucky if I was able to greet him, like earlier." Lars' mouth slowly turned into a smile. "Hey, do you think I did a good first impression?"

"You didn't do anything other than greeting him..."

"I'm pretty sure he has keen eyes with people and I'm confident he would able to evaluate me based on my greetings alone."

"You're optimistic. I like it, but..."

"Because of that reason, I'm also certain that you're the key to my success for my future. That's why I'm here to say, if you're ever in trouble you can count me on and I won't leave you. I will stay by your side forever, my dear friend." Lars placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Oi!" 'He's not even listening to me...'

"It's not. I'm just being honest with you, my friend. As a friend, I will not lie to you and you deserve to know the truth."

"Truth? Or your intentions?"

"They're the same, my friend."

"Stop with the friend, okay? It's creepy."

"I'm just calling what you are, my friend. And you called me that earlier when you decline the prince, a promise to a friend. Furthermore, I forgot to mention, the balls to decline the prince. As expected of my friend, you're something else."

"I swear to heaven if you call me that one more time." I coldly said.

Lars immediately shuts his mouth and backs away. "I'm just kidding around. No need to be scary. I'm just trying to lighten the stiff atmosphere. It's for good intentions..." He rolled his eyes the other way.

"Was it because of your master?" Erik finally asked.

"Yeah? I think he already said it himself earlier..."

"As a son of a baron, my knowledge about the Saintess is hardly any. I know that she's one of the greatest sword wielders on the continent or even the world. I don't know how influential or anything related to your master's. But I'm certain she's considered one of the greats."

"It's interesting that you're not familiar with it. I thought you will be one of the people who are interested in my master because knowing you, you're quite a battle-junky."

"I do. I'm a firm believer that a man shall wield any weapon that his hand touched. Moreover, why would I take interest in someone that I haven't seen fought right before my eyes? By believing words? That makes no sense."

"I don't know how that works, but it does make sense... So, do you have someone that you look up to?"

"Of course, my father He's the person who elevated me to the person I am today. He will be the person I will be indebted to forever. He's also the person I'm looking forward to surpassing someday. It may not be today, but surely in the future." He grinned and hits his chest.

"I see..."

Erik doesn't seem to have any interest in the prince, unlike Lars. Sometimes, I've been trying to understand him. He genuinely doesn't care about the fact that the prince and I have some sort of connections with each other.

Lars is the person that reacted in a normal way, as a person should. I mean, I would also be acting like Lars. I can't deny that because the title of royalty symbolizes power. Erik, on the other hand, he's a person that only looks forward on his own path to push himself to greater heights. That's solely from my impression after knowing him for a while.

At that moment, I realized that I forgot to ask an important matter to Prince Lykos—about Ciel Klaox! Considering his status, Prince Lykos is most likely the type of person who holds important student profiles in this academy. I could've learned a thing or two about Ciel Klaox, but at the same time, I don't trust the prince. There's a slight chance that he might be connected to him, and once Ciel learned that I'm digging some information about him, everything will turn ugly. Because of that reason, looks like, I will be needing the bunny's help once again. She's still not even done with the current one.

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