Into the Darkness: Devotion

Chapter 6: The Will to Protect

[Artoria, Norvesta]

I looked down at Astrea's sleeping body. He was someone I cherished more than anything.

So why won't he let me protect him? Why does he insist his life holds less value than mine?

Why is he so set on keeping me safe when he's already done that time and time again?

I stood from the bed quietly, sighing as I walked over to the door.

The room was small, with a single bed tucked in the corner, a rickety table nearby, and a dim candle casting flickering shadows across the walls.

I opened the door and shut it softly behind me, leaving him to rest. There was no point in telling him my plan, he'd reject it without hesitation.

But I'm going to venture out and slay a demon.

I'll prove to him that I'm strong. He barely lets me help during fights, always stepping in even when he's injured.

Like the time he lost his sword, he still managed to take control, while I could hardly keep up.

This damn arm slows me down. It's heavy, and clunky, and makes dodging fast monsters nearly impossible.

It weighs as much as I do, maybe more, crafted from dense metal designed to resist damage.

They covered it with bronze because it was cheaper than iron, steel, or gold.

Still, I made sure I was prepared, with my sword, a lantern, potions, and medicine.

If I'm going to hunt a demon, I need to be ready to die. And I am.

Because I need to show him that I'm strong, that he doesn't have to shield me to protect me.

I left the tavern, waving goodbye to the woman at the bar, her silver hair catching the candlelight as I stepped out the door.

The day was just beginning to fade, the sky streaked with shades of orange and purple. Soon, people would flood the tavern like children to sweets.

Odds are Astrea will wake within the next hour. I need to hurry.

I walked through the streets, watching as people slowly returned to their homes, the faint scent of seawater lingering in the cool air.

We were on the closest island to the mainland, a small stretch of land with modest homes owned by the empire's wealthier citizens.

A large bridge connected it to the mainland, a bridge usually guarded.

But tonight, everyone was out hunting the demons that had been spotted. I was going to be the first to face one.

I finally reached the bridge, its rusted metal beams plunging into the dark waters below, old, weathered planks creaking beneath my steps.

I sighed, running my hand along the cold metal railing, then took my first step.

Crossing the bridge, I reached the mainland once more. I drew my sword, taking a deep breath.

This was it, the start of the most dangerous mission of my life.

I just hope Astrea isn't too mad at me.

Demons are strong creatures. They use fire magic, hell flames that burn as long as time continues.

Like the Black Death, they can heal from most wounds as long as they don't sustain too much damage.

They are immune to curses and weak against blessings.

Even more so, their creatures wield immense strength and keen intellect.

They're masters of combat, merciless, and destructive, evil incarnate.

To spot a demon, it's usually because of their animalistic features, or if they're hiding, their red eyes.

This is mostly why those knights attacked me, but it's not like any of them gave me real trouble.

If I wanted, I could have killed them all, well, other than that blond-haired man. I think his name was Castor.

However, none of this matters because I'm going to make a pact, a vow to myself.

My ability allows me to bind myself to my own will and grant myself power as long as I complete a task of equal evolution.

For example, if I want more magical power, I'd have to steal the grimoire of my opponent.

Or, for more physical strength, I'd have to land a hit within ten seconds or die.

But it's not really all that bad because no matter what, the task has to be achievable with the power I gain.

Truly, Astrea worries too much. He acts as if I'm some fragile, hopeless little girl.

He thinks I'm the same person who had her arm taken off, but I'm not. 

I'm stronger.

I'm stronger than him, stronger than anyone I want to surpass.

The darkness grew ever closer, the moon's gradient light cascading down upon me.

The barren wastelands seemed so empty, so quiet, as if all the creatures that lived and thrived in the darkness were scared.

Of course, it wasn't because of me, no, that would be foolish. It was because of the oppressive force.

All living beings give off a distinct aura, a force, a will they emit. This will affect all things if their power reaches it.

I could feel the demon's aura, or maybe demons.

It felt as if pure, utter darkness, evil, hatred, fire, and cold all came to be.

I looked down at my sword and took a breath. The deeper I went into the wastelands, the more… oppressed I felt.

Of course, I was prepared to face monsters, but even still, without Astrea, it felt strange sensing one nearby.

Monsters can appear from nowhere. They can be in dreams, in reality, they can even be in you.

But even still, I could sense the monster watching me. Its gaze was like piercing bullets.

I started to walk without purpose, my thoughts drifting, as if I had completely forgotten the monster.

I hid my thoughts, and the very moment I did, I heard a screech, a sound akin to a bird's call.

The monster hunting me was a Thought Bird. They are flying creatures that prey on the thoughts of others.

They're only as powerful as a person thinks they are, which, because of what we've been told, makes them infinitely powerful as long as we believe.

I do not.

Thought Birds have no set physical form, so when one swooped down and landed in front of me it took the appearance of a large hawk.

Of course, this was nothing to me, its power was most likely going to be just what its form portrayed.

Like my Gift, my magic is also give and take, I can harden, refine, and polish.

Blood is heavy and dense, so when I apply it to my sword I use my own energy to give it power as do all.

Mages are able to use mana, an external force to create all kinds of spells, which is why they are wanted by most kingdoms.

But normal people used their own stamina, while man is everywhere only those taught by mages can use it.

However, if you cannot contain or limit the destruction of your spell then you might suffer drawbacks.

I slid my blade across my arm as the bird charged in the wind swirling around its beak.

Then a pressurized beam of wind shot at me, and I with my blade covered in blood split it in two.

Then I flicked my blade down using blood as a blade slicing the bird in half.

The more damage I did to my body, the stronger the blood came out. If I stab myself even one drop could destroy a mountain.

But if I wanted to, and used my stamina I could mimic the same power, just with less pain and more energy.

I continued walking past the corps of the Thought Bird, its dead body turning pale white as I did so.

There was nothing in this world I was afraid of, only things I did not know if Astrea wanted to act like I was a child.

Then I'll have to rebel like one.

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