Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

105 - Hit List

David stood back, admiring his handiwork on the Observatory wall. The map he'd sketched was, by any artistic standard, a disaster. But what it lacked in aesthetics, it made up for in accuracy.

The Observatory itself was marked by a crude drawing of a bat perched atop what was supposed to be Claire's head, but looked more like a lumpy potato with teeth. Scattered across the map were simplistic angry faces denoting boss locations, each accompanied by a unique symbol.

To the north, a squiggly line with fangs represented the Coiling Horror. Beside it, David had drawn what he insisted was a monstrous bird, but looked more like a feathery tornado, the Stormshrieker.

The eastern section featured a stick figure with absurdly tiny arms and large legs, the Leaping Brute. Next to it, a blob with multiple eyes that David claimed was a ‘very accurate’ depiction of the Hive Queen.

In the south, a lopsided star-shaped creature marked the Creeping Colossus, while a scribbly lizard with exaggerated spikes indicated the Cave Devourer’s lair.

The western area boasted a boulder with stubby legs for the Rolling Thunderer, and what appeared to be a walrus wearing a crown, David's artistic interpretation of the Ice King.

As he stepped back to take in the full map, David couldn't help but chuckle at his artistic "skills". His eyes roamed over his makeshift map, a crooked smile tugging at his snout. The crude drawings and squiggly lines belied the danger they represented, transforming days of tense scouting into something almost comical. It was almost funny, his life-or-death mission rendered in the style of a preschooler's art project.

Note to self: Drawing with finger-knives is harder than it looks. Maybe I should add a few happy little trees?

His mind wandered back to the scouting missions. He had covered an impressive amount of ground, pushing his newfound abilities to the limit. David's empowered Echolocation had proven invaluable, allowing him to gather intel on the bosses from a safe distance. His wings still ached from the long hours of scouting, but the memories of each encounter were seared into his mind.

The Coiled Horror had proven elusive, its serpentine form melding with the swamp's murky depths. David had spent hours circling the area, sending out pulse after pulse of Echolocation before finally catching a glimpse of scales shifting beneath the water's surface. The sheer length of the creature had sent a chill down his spine, even from a safe distance.

Stumbling on the Stormshrieker had been a near-death experience, and he wasn't sure he was game for taking it on. Ever. David had been gliding silently, scanning the canopy, when a gust of wind strong enough to flatten saplings had nearly sent him tumbling. He'd barely managed to right himself in time to see the massive, storm-grey wings of the beast as it took flight, leaving a ring of flattened vegetation in its wake.

The Brute's trail had been impossible to miss. Massive craters pockmarked the landscape, each impact site surrounded by splintered trees and churned earth. David had followed the destruction, his heart pounding as each new crater grew larger than the last. When he finally spotted the shaggy monstrosity, its size had him questioning how something that big could jump at all.

The Hive Queen had been a surreal, and more than a little concerning. David had noticed the insects growing larger and more grotesque as he ventured deeper into her territory. Beetles the size of his head buzzed menacingly, while mutated ants scurried about, each easily as large as one of his Cuddlebugs. The Queen's lair, when he found it, was a nightmarish structure of pulsating, organic material that made his skin crawl.

The first, he'd mistaken it for a particularly aggressive patch of vegetation. It was only when he saw an entire tree being dragged into its mass that he realized the true nature of the beast.

Locating the Devourer had been more about following the absence than the presence. Swathes of barren earth cut through the landscape, leading to a maw-like cavern entrance that seemed to grow slightly larger each time David circled back.

The Thunderer had nearly given David a heart attack, though it had been entirely his own fault. He'd been perched on what he thought was a huge boulder, taking a breather, when the whole thing had shuddered and begun to move. He'd taken to the air just in time to avoid being crushed as the creature unfurled, its armored hide glistening in the sunlight.

As for the Ice King, well, stumbling upon a winter wonderland in the middle of a sweltering forest had been surreal enough. But seeing the massive, tusk-laden beast lounging in a glacier pool, that was an image David knew he'd never forget.

Each located target had left David more anxious than the last. He couldn't help but wonder if he was in way over his head, but then again, when hadn't he been since this whole mess started? As David continued to stare at his masterpiece, he couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and apprehension.

They'd gathered valuable intel, but the sheer power of some of the bosses was daunting.

Especially the Colossus. Absolutely no way in hell I'd be able to kill that thing myself, it counters all my abilities as far as I can tell. If it wasn't for all the stuff growing on it, I might have a chance but I’d need a weed whacker Mutagen or something just to get to it.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear Claire approach until she was right behind him.

"You know," she said, startling him out of his reverie, "I'm pretty sure that's not what I look like."

David turned, a grin spreading across his face. "What are you talking about? It's a perfect likeness. I've really captured your...essence."

Claire snorted, a puff of warm air ruffling David's fur. "If by 'essence' you mean 'what I'd look like in a funhouse mirror’, then sure."

As they stood there, chuckling at David's artistic endeavors, the laughter slowly faded, replaced by a weighty silence. The crude drawings on the wall took on a more ominous air, each squiggly line and lopsided face a reminder of the very real, very dangerous creatures they represented.

David's grin slipped, his eyes scanning over the map with newfound intensity. They had the information they needed, hard-won through days of risky scouting and near-misses. But having the intel and knowing what to do with it were two very different beasts. The farther he'd gotten from what remained of civilization, the larger and more dangerous the beasts had become, the Stormshrieker and Colossus in particular seemed out of their current weight-class.

So much for 'normal bosses will be easy now'. Heh. That's what I get for being so cocky about it, honestly.

"So," Claire rumbled, her voice low and serious, "which one of these nightmares are we taking on first?"

David's wings twitched nervously. "That's the million-dollar question, isn't it? We need those Fusion Tokens, but picking the wrong target could end with us as some monster's snack."

He reached out, his claw hovering over each boss marker in turn. The Coiled Horror? Too aquatic to safely harass with Gloom. The Stormshrieker? Too airborne, and flying was one of his major advantages. The Brute? Possibly, as long as they could avoid being flattened when it landed.

"It's not just about which one we can take down," David mused, more to himself than to Claire. "It's about which one gives us the best chance of walking away in one piece. And then there's Omega's little solo boss hunt to consider..."

Claire nudged him gently with her snout. "One step at a time, bat boy. Let's focus on getting those Tokens first. Then we can worry about your solo suicide mission."

David shot her a snarly grin. "Always the optimist, aren't you?" He turned back to the map, his expression turning determined. "Alright, let's break this down. We need a target that plays to our strengths, something I can trick and you can overpower."

As David and Claire continued to stare at the map, a movement caught David's eye. One of the empowered Cuddlebugs was sitting a few yards away, scratching at the wall near the ground. At first, David didn't understand what it was doing, but realization slowly dawned on him.

Is it... trying to draw?

The tiny creature was making seemingly random marks, but there was a purpose to its movements that couldn't be ignored. It wasn't just scratching; it was attempting to imitate David's map-making.

"Claire," David whispered, nudging her. "Look at that."

Claire's eyes widened as she watched the Cuddlebug. Its 'contribution' was just randomly spaced out scratches, but it was clearly trying to mimic David's actions.

"Well, I'll be damned," Claire muttered. "It's actually trying to draw."

David couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. "Look at that. My little protégé. Next thing you know, it'll be giving art lessons to the others."

Claire snorted, but her expression was thoughtful. "You know, I love these little guys. Even the rat-tailed ugly ones, grudgingly. But sometimes...I'm not sure I'm comfortable with how smart that pair of empowered ones are."

David turned to her, confusion evident on his face. "What do you mean? Why not?"

Claire opened her mouth, then closed it again. Her tail thumped against the ground as she struggled to find the words. After several seconds of visible internal debate, she let out a frustrated growl.

"I don't know how to explain it," she finally admitted. "It's just...unsettling sometimes."

David shrugged, deciding not to push the issue. He turned back to the map, changing the subject. "So, about these bosses. You know, there might be more that I just didn't find. There are miles between each one, and they tend to favor their own little biomes."

He pointed to different areas on the map. "See, we've got a few scattered in the mountains around here, like the Thunderer and the Devourer. Then there's the Horror in the swamp. The Colossus and Stormshrieker are pretty far away and…weirdly powerful. We should probably avoid those for now."

Claire nodded, her focus slowly returning to the conversation. "Smart. So we're looking at the closer, hopefully less apocalyptic options?"

"Exactly," David agreed. "We need to pick something challenging but not suicidal."

As they continued to discuss their options, David couldn't help but glance back at the empowered Cuddlebug. It had stopped its drawing attempts and was now watching them intently, its eyes gleaming with an intelligence that was indeed somewhat unsettling.

Maybe Claire has a point, But that's a problem for another day. Right now, we've got bigger, scarier fish to fry. Besides, it's just trying to help. Good effort you creepy little shit, don't let her get you down. If you were a puffball too she'd probably be trying to teach you sign language or something.

"Okay," he said, turning back to Claire. "Let's break this down. The Horror is out because of the water. The Thunderer might be doable, but that armor is going to be a problem for my acid. The Brute...well, if we can avoid getting flattened, we might have a shot."

Claire's eyes lit up. "The Brute, huh? I wouldn't mind going toe-to-toe with that overgrown kangaroo."

David grinned, his fangs glinting in the light. "I was hoping you'd say that. Alright, let's start planning. We're going to need every trick in our book for this one."

The harsh sun beat down on them, its rays reflecting off the massive radio telescope dish that dominated the landscape, though the shadow it cast provided no shelter for them. David blinked hard, suddenly aware of how bright and hot it had become. His throat felt parched, and a wave of fatigue washed over him.

How long have I been at this?

David suddenly realized he'd lost all track of time since returning from his scouting mission. It had been early in the morning still when he'd glided down into the camp, and still mercifully cool. Now, heat seemed to radiate from the ground below him and his dark coloration was definitely not helping.

He glanced longingly at the shade cast by the lean-to, wishing he had the time to spare for a bit of lounging and napping. The cool darkness seemed to call to him, promising relief from the relentless heat. David shook his head hard enough to make his ears flap, forcing himself to focus instead.

Focus, David. You can rest when you're not planning life-or-death missions.

Still, he couldn't shake the sudden awareness of how hard he'd been pushing himself. The map, the planning, the constant vigilance during scouting, it all came crashing down on him at once. He felt the urge to gulp down gallons of water and sleep for a week.

Maybe a quick break wouldn't hurt, can't fight the Brute if I pass out from dehydration first. But first…

As they hashed out the basics of their plan, David found himself absently scratching more details into the dirt with his claw. The journey to the Brute's territory would take them through varied terrain, from their rocky mountain peak, across a stretch of dense forest, and finally into the crater-pocked landscape of its Territory.

"If we push hard, we could probably make it in a day," David mused, his claw tracing their potential route through yet more poorly drawn landmarks. "But going a bit slower would be safer, give us time to rest and scout before engaging."

Claire nodded, her massive head bobbing in agreement. "No sense in rushing into a fight with that thing half-exhausted."

As they continued to refine their strategy, David found himself growing restless. With a quick flap of his wings, he hopped onto Claire's back, settling into his familiar spot behind her head. A scattering of chirps drew his attention back to the lean-to, where the rest of the Cuddlebugs were hiding from the heat. They shot him longing looks of jealousy as he perched atop Claire, though they didn't leave the comfort of the shade to join him.

Tough luck, team. If you wanna sit on the lizard you gotta come outside. It is pretty miserable out here though…

"So," he chirped, getting comfortable, "how have the others been doing while we've been out scouting?"

Claire began to lumber around the camp, her movements causing David to sway gently in his perch. "They've actually been going out on Quests together," she replied, a note of pride in her voice. "Kozlov's been leading them."

A warm breeze whistled across the mountaintop, stirring up small dust devils that danced between the rusted hulks of long-abandoned vehicles.

Claire chuckled, the sound rumbling through her body. "You should see Kozlov. After watching your evolution, he's taking this whole thing so seriously. He's going to be a terror when he evolves again."

David felt a surge of satisfaction at the news. "Really? That's great to hear. Think they're strong enough to make it back to Riverport without an escort yet?"

Claire fell silent, considering the question as she continued to wander around the camp. Her massive feet crunched against the sandy soil, kicking up small clouds of reddish dust with each step. The heat shimmered in the air, distorting the view of the distant landscape.

Finally, Claire spoke. "You know, I think they probably can," she said thoughtfully. "As long as they circle around the swamp instead of cutting straight through. They've come a long way since we first found them."

David nodded, a mix of pride and relief washing over him. "That's good to hear. It'll be one less thing to worry about when we're out there facing down the Brute."

As they continued their leisurely stroll around the camp, the conversation drifted to the finer points of their upcoming hunt. The empowered Cuddlebug followed at a distance, its eyes never leaving the pair as they planned.

"You know what?" David said, his tongue feeling like sandpaper in his mouth. "I think I need a drink. Care to join me at the spring?"

Claire snorted, a puff of warm air ruffling David's fur. "Oh, I see how it is. You just want a free ride, don't you?"

"Who, me?" David placed a wing over his heart in mock offense. "I'm wounded by your accusation. I simply enjoy our conversations...and this comfy spot, right here. This one."

Despite her teasing, Claire began to lumber in the direction of the spring. "Alright, you parasitic fuzzball. Let's go then."

David grinned and called out to his Cuddlebugs. They fluttered over from the lean-to, a mix of excited chirps and grumpy squeaks as they settled around him. Most tried to wedge themselves under his wings, seeking refuge from the relentless sun. The two empowered specimens hung from Claire's horns, swinging back and forth with every step but not seeming to mind at all.

"Onward, noble steed!" David declared, pointing dramatically with one wing.

Claire's huge head swiveled around, fixing him with a baleful glare. "Call me a steed again, and you'll be walking."

As they made their way down the mountain path and out of the Observatory grounds, David couldn't resist offering helpful directions.

"Watch out for that rock," he chittered. "Oh, and there's a dip coming up. Maybe we should take a left here?"

Claire's low grumble of amusement vibrated through her body. "You know, for someone who can fly, you're awfully concerned with the ground."

"Just looking out for you, big girl," David patted her head affectionately. "Wouldn't want you to chip a scale or anything."

The banter continued as they descended, the harsh landscape gradually giving way to bare rock and scrubby vegetation. The spring finally came into view, a welcome sight in the barren terrain.

Yep, just like I remember it. Glad there's not, like, a hideous jellyfish living in here now or something. Or an Owl. Fuck Owls.

As Claire lowered her head to drink, David hopped off, the Cuddlebugs scattering around him. He skittered to the side a bit, Claire’s head occupying most of the pool, and gulping water down greedily. The Cuddlebugs wisely waited for more room after the first one was almost sucked into Claire's mouth as she downed gallons of water with every scoop, and it emerged sopping wet and hissing furiously from the pool a few feet away.

Refreshed, David settled on a familiar nearby rock, watching as Claire continued to drink. With a snort he saw that the claw marks he'd left as he'd picked at it all those nights ago were still easily visible.

We're really doing this again. Taking on a boss, just the two of us, like always. And after that...I've got to do it solo. Man, life got weird and stayed that way at some point, and I almost missed but somehow.

He listened to Claire slowly doing her best to drain the entire pool in one shot as he watched the tiny stream of water trickle away down the rocks, lost in thought.

Bring it on, Omega. Your little science experiment is about to surprise you.

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