Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

104 - Food coma

David crouched low in the underbrush, his camouflage blending seamlessly with the dappled shadows of the swamp. The Wandering Pulverizer stomped and snorted, its massive head swinging from side to side as it tried to locate its elusive attacker. Gloom still clung to its shaggy coat, wisps of silvery mist rising with each labored breath.

Alright, big guy. Let's see how you handle round two.

With a thought, David sent two of his Cuddlebugs darting out from different directions. The tiny creatures zipped past the beast's face, their high-pitched chirps drawing its attention. As the Pulverizer turned to follow them, David made his move.

He burst from cover, wings spread wide as he glided silently towards the creature's exposed flank. At the last moment, he tucked and slid, coming up in a crouch directly beneath the beast's belly. In one fluid motion, he spat a glob of acid upward, aiming for the softer skin he'd identified earlier.

The sticky acid struck true, sizzling as it made contact. The Pulverizer bellowed in pain and rage, its massive body twisting as it tried to locate the source of its agony. But David was already gone, melting back into the shadows before the beast could spot him.

Not bad. Float like a butterfly, sting like a…bat? Eh, we’ll work on that. But let's kick it up a notch.

As the Pulverizer stomped around in confusion, David circled to its other side. This time, he focused on creating a more convincing decoy. The illusory bat that blurred into existence was nearly perfect, its movements a mirror of David's own. It darted out from behind a gnarled tree root, catching the beast's attention immediately.

The Pulverizer charged, its thunderous footsteps shaking the ground. At the last second, the decoy vanished, leaving the beast to crash headlong into the tree. The impact sent shockwaves through the swamp, dislodging a shower of moss and debris from the canopy above. A tearing, rippling crackle rang out as the tree slowly sagged to the earth, smiting the ground with a hollow thump and the sound of smashing foliage.

David didn't waste the opportunity, leaping into the air. As the Pulverizer staggered, momentarily stunned, he swooped in low. Another glob of acid, this time aimed at the creature's front leg joint. The corrosive liquid found its mark, eating away at the tough hide and seeping into the muscle beneath.

That's gonna smart in the morning. If you would have made it to morning, that is. That Analgesic is going to make this a lot harder to deal with once I get it up and running.

The fight continued, a deadly dance of stealth and precision. David would create a distraction, sometimes a decoy, sometimes the Cuddlebugs, once even a carefully timed rustling of leaves with his wingtip, then strike from an unexpected angle. Each hit was calculated, targeting the weak points he'd identified earlier.

The Pulverizer, for all its size and strength, was fighting a losing battle against an enemy it could barely see. Its movements grew slower, more labored, as David's acid attacks took their toll. The beast's frustrated roars turned to pained groans, its once-mighty stomps reduced to unsteady stumbles.

As the fight wore on, David found himself settling into a rhythm. The nervousness that had plagued him at the start faded away, replaced by a cool, predatory focus. This was what he was built for, what his evolution had prepared him to do. He wasn't just surviving anymore; he was thriving.

Sorry, big guy. It's nothing personal. Just the food chain doing its thing.

With the Pulverizer weakened and disoriented, David prepared for his final assault. He created three decoys in succession this time, each one appearing to attack from a different direction before vanishing as they hit dense patches of underbrush. As the beast's head swiveled frantically between the illusory threats, David made his move.

He shot upwards, higher than he'd gone before, until he was level with the canopy. Then, with a deep breath, he folded his wings and dove. The wind whistled past him as he plummeted, aiming straight for the Pulverizer's broad back.

At the last possible second, David flared his wings, killing his momentum. He landed on the beast's spine, claws digging in for purchase. Before the Pulverizer could react, David tapped into his Wildsoul, feeling the energy surge through him. He focused intently, channeling the power into his acid glands. A burning sensation built in his throat, far more intense than usual, bordering on painful even for him.

With a forceful hawk, David unleashed a torrent of Empowered Acid directly onto the base of the Pulverizer's skull. The glob that erupted from his maw was significantly larger than his normal acid spit, glowing an eerie, luminous green as it arced through the air.

The Empowered Acid struck its target with a sizzling hiss that seemed to cut through the ambient swamp noise. On impact, it splashed outward, covering a much larger area than usual. The beast's fur and hide began to smoke and bubble instantly.

What truly set this attack apart, however, was its aftermath. The acid didn't just sit static after landing. It seemed to have a life of its own, creeping outward in tendrils of caustic green, spreading slightly under its own power. The effect only lasted for a few seconds, but in that time, it managed to increase the affected area significantly.

The beast's agonized roar shook the very air, louder and more pained than any sound it had made thus far. It bucked and thrashed wildly, trying desperately to dislodge both David and the searing pain eating into its flesh.

David clung on grimly, fighting the urge to recoil from the acrid fumes rising from his own attack. Exhaustion seeped into his body, the added toll of the Infused acid almost weakening his grip on the large creature. Between the decoys, Gloom, and Echolocation, he'd tired himself out a bit more than intended.

Holy shit, that packs a punch. Note to self: use sparingly. And maybe gargle some water after.

As the Pulverizer's movements became more erratic, David leapt clear, landing gracefully a few yards away. He watched, wings tensed and ready, as the massive creature staggered and swayed.

Now's the time. Let's see how it handles a dinosaur.

David focused on the mental link with Claire's Cuddlebug, sending a clear signal: It's safe. Bring her in.

There was a moment of stillness, the swamp holding its breath. Then, a split second before Claire's arrival, the empowered Cuddlebug burst through the foliage, chittering excitedly.

The peace shattered as Claire exploded through the trees, her massive form barreling into the clearing with earth-shaking force. Leaves and branches scattered in her wake as she skidded to a halt, her eyes locked on the Pulverizer.

The beast, despite its disorientation and injuries, reacted with primal fear at the sight of Claire. It scrambled to face her, its legs trembling with the effort to stand. The paralysis was clearly deeply rooted by now, and its movements sluggish and uncoordinated as it's eyelids sagged dangerously. Yet still, it fought against the encroaching sleep, driven by pure survival instinct.

David watched with a mix of pride and excitement as Claire squared off against the Pulverizer. This was what they'd been training for, what all their practice had led to. A true test of their abilities as a team.

Alright, Claire. Let's show this overgrown fur ball what we can do.

As Claire stared down the Pulverizer, David noticed a golden glow emanating from the base of her throat. The light pulsed beneath her heavy scales, a clear sign she was infusing her Wildsoul into an ability. Without a sound, she charged, her massive form moving with surprising speed.

The Pulverizer, still reeling from David's assault, barely had time to register the new threat. Just before impact, Claire unleashed a roar that seemed to physically batter the air. The sound was deafening, raw power made audible, and a wave of energy flattened the few bits of swamp grass still standing in the clearing. David felt the effect wash over him, a surge of strength that made him feel invincible.

Claire's jaws stretched unnaturally wide as she slammed into the Pulverizer. The impact was a brutal combination of headbutt and body-slam, clearly designed to overturn her massive opponent. The sound of the collision was like a freight train derailing, felt as much as heard, but organic and wet.

The Pulverizer was lifted off its feet, its bulk no match for Claire's momentum. It sailed through the air, crashing down with a thunderous impact that sent tremors through the swampy ground. Mud and water exploded outward from the point of impact.

Dazed but not defeated, the beast lashed out reflexively. Its enormous tail swung around like a battering ram as she bore down on it, catching Claire square in the back. The blow was strong enough to drive Claire's feet into the mud, but she barely seemed to notice. Her eyes remained fixed on her prey, golden light building once again, this time in her jaws.

In seconds, she was upon the fallen Pulverizer. Her glowing maw snapped shut repeatedly, each bite precise and devastating. David watched in awe as she skillfully avoided the acid-burned area at the base of the creature's skull, showing a level of control he hadn't expected.

Suddenly, Claire reared back on her hind legs. With a movement that belied her size, she delivered a massive kick to the Pulverizer's exposed belly. The sound that followed made David cringe, a sickening, tearing noise like heavy fabric being ripped apart, but infinitely worse.

Before the beast could recover, Claire spun, her thick tail whipping around in a savage arc. It connected with a resounding crack that echoed through the clearing. The Pulverizer's head snapped to the side, a dazed huff escaping violently from its lungs.

David, still riding the high of Claire's empowering roar, decided it was time to rejoin the fray. He launched himself into the air, wings spread wide as he circled the battleground. From this vantage point, he could see the full extent of their teamwork, his precision strikes combined with Claire's raw power were proving to be a devastating combination.

Now this is what I call a dynamic duo. If it wasn't for the fact I have to finish Omegas Quest solo, I don't think one regular Boss would be nearly as hard as it was before…

As he prepared to dive back into the fight, David couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. This was what evolution was all about, becoming stronger, smarter, more efficient. And right now, watching Claire physically crush a creature that had given him so much of a workout, he felt like they were at the top of the food chain.

The Pulverizer struggled to rise, its movements growing more sluggish by the second. The combined effects of David's toxins and Claire's brutal assault were finally taking their toll. But David knew better than to underestimate a cornered beast. As he swooped lower, preparing to coordinate his next attack with Claire, he kept a wary eye on the Pulverizer's powerful limbs and that deadly tail.

Alright, big guy, let's see what you've got left in the tank.

As David dove towards the Pulverizer, Claire suddenly lunged forward, seizing the beast by the base of its throat. Her muscles bunched and surged under her scales and armor, the last echoes of her empowering roar still reverberating through the air. With a display of raw strength that left David momentarily stunned, she bodily lifted the front half of the creature off the ground.

For a split second, the Pulverizer hung there, its legs kicking uselessly at the air. Then, with a vicious shake that reminded David of a dog with a chew toy, Claire whipped her massive head back and forth. Finally, she slammed it back to the ground with earth-shattering force. The impact sent ripples across the surrounding swamp water, small waves lapping at the shore of their impromptu battlefield.

Just as David pulled up from his dive, a series of notifications flashed across his vision as his afflictions faded along with the last bit of vitality the Pulverizer had.

He landed gracefully nearby, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. David’s tongue lolled out, and he noticed with a mix of amusement and resigned acceptance that it was still freakishly long.

Some things never change, I guess.

Almost immediately, the Cuddlebugs swarmed towards the fallen Pulverizer. They dove eagerly towards the gaping wound Claire's kick had left in its belly, their tiny forms disappearing into the creature's innards. It was a sight both oddly endearing and deeply disturbing, like watching kittens play with a particularly gruesome chew toy.

Claire let out a long, rattling snarl of triumph. She took a stance and slammed her tail against the ground repeatedly, the sound carrying through the swamp like some sort of primordial war drum. The display was so unexpected that David couldn't help but laugh.

"What's with the victory dance? Trying out for Jurassic Stomp Dancing?"

Claire's snarl morphed into a chuckle. "I don't know, it just felt right. Like I should be announcing our win to the whole damn swamp. Not sure if it was very smart now that you mention it…"

She sank down into a crouch near the Pulverizer, watching the feasting Cuddlebugs with a mixture of awe and mild disgust. "You know," she mused, "I'm pretty sure if you'd wanted to spend half an hour harassing that thing, you probably could've killed it yourself."

David shrugged, wincing slightly at the movement, muscles still burning from the fight. "Honestly? I'm pretty worn out. Might be true, but if I was going solo, I'd have waited till dark and started in while it was asleep. Way less chance of becoming a Pulverizer pancake that way."

Claire rumbled thoughtfully, her eyes still fixed on the grotesque feast before them. "You should do that with the Boss Omega wants you to kill. Give yourself the best chance, you know?"

David nodded, a grim smile playing across his features. "Yeah, that's the plan. No heroic charges for this bat. I'm all about that sneaky, sneaky life now." He paused, glancing at the Pulverizer's massive form. "Speaking of which, any ideas on how we're gonna haul any of this thing back to camp? Because I don't think my 'carry capacity' covers 'bigass rhino-horse hybrid'."

Claire's answering grin was all teeth as her jaws fell open in amusement. "Oh, I'm sure we'll figure something out. After all, teamwork makes the dream work, right?"

David groaned at the cheesy line, but he couldn't suppress a grin of his own. As they sat there, basking in the afterglow of their victory, he felt a sense of real hope for the first time in a while.

Then his stomach growled loudly enough that even the Cuddlebugs stopped to look at him curiously. He suddenly felt completely hollow, and the smell of the Pulverizer was suddenly…delicious.

Claire's snout crinkled in amusement. "Here we go again," she chuckled.

David felt the familiar, primal urge surge through him. "Hold that thought," he managed to say before scrambling over to the Pulverizer's carcass.

The Cuddlebugs chittered excitedly as David joined their feast, though he opted for the beast's shoulder rather than sharing their rapidly expanding locale. He tore into the flesh with gusto, his new sharp teeth making quick work of the tough hide. For some reason he wasn't quite sure of, he felt the urge to growl almost continuously as he tore into the feast, and Claire seemed to find it adorably amusing.

"You know," Claire called out between snickers, "most people bring a bib to a barbecue, not their entire face."

David paused mid-bite, blood discoloring his bald face. "I'll have you know this is a very sophisticated dining technique," he mumbled around a mouthful of Pulverizer steak. As he spoke, he slowly extended the smallest claw on his wing, mimicking the gesture of raising a pinky finger while sipping tea.

The Cuddlebugs, thrilled by David's participation, redoubled their efforts. Soon, the clearing was filled with the sounds of enthusiastic munching and the occasional belch.

Some time later, David lay on his side, looking like a furry, bat-shaped balloon. The Cuddlebugs, equally stuffed, were sprawled across his bloated form. With half-hearted movements, he attempted to pick them off and place them in a pile nearby, grimacing at the mess they'd made of his fur.

"Ugh, it's like trying to clean up after a toddlers' food fight," he grumbled, jiggling a particularly sticky Cuddlebug off his wing.

Claire, having enjoyed her own portion of the feast, was swishing her jaws in the murky water nearby. She lumbered back, settling down in the shade next to David with a contented rumble.

"So," she said, "what's the plan for Omega's bullshit challenge then?"

David burped softly before responding. "Well, I've got about 19 or 20 days left, give or take. Might have a few extra days of wiggle room, just in case."

Claire nodded, shadows dappling her snout from the canopy above. "Smart. So what's the strategy?"

"First, scout out the surrounding bosses. Use my infused Echolocation to find one that's vulnerable to my abilities. Then, hit up some other bosses for Fusion Tokens. Need those to use my new abilities."

"Need any help with that part?" Claire asked, a knowing glint in her eye.

David grinned. "Thought you'd never ask. I mean, if you're not too busy with your 'baby questing' and all."

Claire snorted, sending a small cloud of mist into the air. "Please. Like I'd let you have all the fun."

"You know," she mused after a moment, "I might even evolve before you take on the big boss."

David's eyes widened. "Oh yeah? Well, let me tell you, Sub-Adult evolution is a trip. Just... be prepared for anything."

He paused, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Though at the rate you're growing, we might need to keep moving just to keep you fed. You'll be eating entire forests at this rate."

They both froze, the joking mood evaporating as they realized the very real possibility of Claire's increasing size becoming an issue in the future. She already ate an outlandish amount when she did eat, and if her last increase in size was any indication...

David, sensing the tension, quickly quipped, "Hey, look on the bright side. If you get big enough, we can just roll you into the boss fights. Instant victory!"

Claire snorted, amused despite herself. She leaned over and poked David's distended belly with her snout, eliciting a comical series of noises from the overstuffed bat.

"Blurgh!" David wheezed, his eyes bulging. "Warn a bat before you go pressing the self-destruct button, will ya?"

As he lay there, desperately trying not to explode, David couldn't help but think that despite the challenges ahead, moments like these made it all worthwhile. Even if he did currently feel like a furry water balloon on the verge of bursting.

Next stop, fusion tokens. But first…maybe a mild food coma.

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