I'm Alexander Pierce's son

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

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I woke up in my bed not knowing what was going on. Like I had just been standing with Castle and here I was. But starting to use my meanderings I surmised one theory. Picking up my phone, I was able to confirm my hunch. The date had been pushed back a few days. Looks like the coin decided to bring his family back in a rather ingenious way. Well, it doesn't make much difference. The important thing is that he remembers me and his debt. And since I'm on time, I can rest tonight. I'll let Frank spend time with his family. Assuming the wish worked out okay.

Sitting down to watch another channel, I took a bite of the new pizza in my hand. I don't have to worry that I won't make it and his priorities will change. Because I could see in his eyes that it was only a matter of time before Frank had a new purpose in life. And that's when I wouldn't be sure how the coin would work. Instead of family, it could have killed every criminal in town. Or it could have given him superpowers to more comfortably exterminate them. The options for what could go wrong were numerous.

-It looks like luck is on my side today. - Said Raine, looking at the laptop screen that showed the view from the cameras outside Castle's house. It's unlikely that they would have ordered so much food before going to the park. Thankfully, my intervention wasn't required. Otherwise, it'd be awkward to stop a bloke explaining to him that he owes you and his family was kind of dead.


The next day at a coffee shop.

Walking in, Frank didn't know what to say. This man had given him back what was most precious to him. But did he? The time travel that had happened to him yesterday spoke directly to the second option. A human couldn't have such powers, and that coin wasn't some kind of technological peak. So for now, Frank settled on the mystical origin of this creature.Looking around the coffee shop, he immediately noticed a kid sitting in the corner, beating his finger to the beat of a song playing. Gerard way hazy shade of winter was playing in the coffee shop.

-Hello, Ryan. - Said Frank sitting down across from his new boss. The only thing he was thinking about at that moment was his future assignments. He didn't think he was a good man. Not after what they had done in the service. How many times they've had to stitch the enemy through women and old men God only knows.

-Hello, Frank. And let's not do that respectful thing. You're a lot older than me. - Said Ryan, sipping his coffee.

-Okay. What am I supposed to do? - The army taught him the importance of time. That's why Castle didn't like to scratch his tongue.

-Let's cut to the chase. -Okay. I need a personal force. I need people who are loyal to me. And you're gonna be the first of them. Here you go. - Pierce Junior handed him a sheet with account numbers and access codes.

-You'll have to start a security agency. Given your experience and skills, that shouldn't be a problem. There's about $20 million in these accounts. - Said Ryan enjoying the reaction of his interlocutor.

-Why so much? - Frank couldn't help but ask. Already thinking of acquaintances who would respond to his invitation.

-For the future. The equipment, the base, the salary, everything has to be top-notch. I'm not likely to need your combat services for the next year. But you should pick up a few trusted men to do some low-key work transporting specific cargo.

-People, drugs, weapons? - Asked with well-hidden displeasure, Castle.

-Well, you're almost right on the last one. Technology. Possibly military in nature. Perhaps even of alien origin. - Replied Ryan, not hiding a sinister smile.

-Also in the future, you'll be acting on my behalf quite often. Sponsor something or buy something. You'll keep in touch through it. - Said Pierce, handing Frank a cot.

-The phone has my number on it. It's pretty well tamper-proof. But after every fourth call, you'll have to change the SIM card. You can only make calls between the hours of 12:00 and 1:00 in the morning. The rest of the time, texts. They only indicate the importance of the information. where 1 is a normal weekly report and 5 is information related to the emergence of the problem of the total destruction of the firm.

-Okay. That's it? - Asked Frank putting the sheet with the phone in his jacket pocket.

-That's basically it. You'll be out of here in about 80-90 minutes. I almost forgot. Your colleague with the pretty face has a business of a similar nature. It's best not to do business with him. Unless you're planning to smuggle drugs in military corpses in the future. - Said Ryan getting up from the table and leaving the coffee shop under the shocked look of Castle.

Well with the profits from Stark's inventions sorted out. Now it's definitely a holiday. Unless, of course, Loki decides to jump off the Beavercrest a couple of years early.

As I boarded the plane to D.C., I contemplated my future.


In one of the lecture halls at the Shield Academy of Science.

-Remember I got called in to see Weaver? -You remember? - Asked the hairy kid to his friend.


-So I overheard her discussing the new guy who will be transferring to us this month. - Said Kevin, trying his best not to give away the most important fact too quickly.

-And what's so special about that? - Answered the boy, half-heartedly listening to his friend's news.

-And what's special is that he's an operative. - Dropping the bomb on his friend, Kevin smiled.

-Come on. You're kidding, right? - The teenager asked less confidently.

-No. -It's all true. - Continuing to smile, Kev said.

-But what's he doing here? They're all dumb as a cork. - He voiced his thoughts.

-I don't know. But it's sure to be fun. - Said the institute's head gossip.


Well, here I am. The exterior of the building doesn't look much different from their New York counterpart. They don't seem to like changing architects much. After getting a pass and information about the approximate location of the building with my room, I headed out. For some reason, many people gave me strange looks along the way. They ranged from the usual curiosity to dislike. And if the former I could still write off as a new face, the latter made me confused. Why someone would treat a stranger like that remains a mystery to me.

When I got to my bed, I found my neighbour.

-Hi. - I said, throwing my bag on the empty bed.

-Hi. So you're the new guy from Ops. - He was just beaming with positivity.


-You're gonna love it here. - He said with a weird smile. -Will you show me a trick? - He asked, getting off the bed.

-Here? - I asked, not hiding my bewilderment at his positivity.

-You're right... let's go outside. - Started trying to pull me out of the room this miracle of nature.

-Dude, are you serious? - I asked with a face full of astonishment at what was happening.

-Stop. Let me show you some moves, but later. Is that okay? - I asked, dodging another grab.

-Good. - The guy said a little sadly, clearly upset about something else.

-First of all, maybe we could at least get to know each other. - I said, realising I didn't even know his name.

-I'm David Tret. - Introduced myself to my future neighbour.

-I'm Ryan Pierce. -Well, I'm Ryan Pierce. Let's get acquainted. - I said, extending my hand to him.

While I was unpacking, we were able to have a little chat. That's how I found out what his obsession with operative agents was about. David's a big fan of the Bond films. And for him, being an agent is all about gunfights, beautiful cars and powerful women...or maybe it's the other way round I haven't quite worked it out.

Collapsing onto the bed, I was finally able to enjoy the silence. My cellmate remembered about some business and with quite a good speed for the operative retreated in an unknown direction. I finally decided to spend my points. Still, if I'm going to use my intelligence for the next few months, why not raise my last score over a hundred.

After adding the points to cross the line, I waited. A minute...two...five...ten. What the fuck.

Name: Ryan Pierce









-Free Points:182

Peculiarities: major, lab mouse, hitman, under-alpha.

Skills/skills: "martial arts 75ur", "shooting 70ur", "polyglot 5ur", "psychology 28ur", "strategist 39ur", "stealth 57ur", "player's mind MAX", "intimidation 33ur", "animal style 30ur", "drug resistance 40ur", "hackerman 28ur", "engineer 18ur", "alpha will 3ur", "regeneration 29ur", "alchemist cook 14ur", "poker face 29ur", "howl 17ur", "falcon gaze 28ur", "pain threshold 46ur", "max hit 11ur", "masochism 25ur", "biologist 15ur", "S class rights 17ur", "sixth sense 15ur".

Superpowers: "time acceleration", "lycanthropy", "hellfire".

Where's the new ability? Awww system? Intelligence over a hundred. Oh, great. Now even the system can screw you over. What a world.

After babbling for a few more minutes, I went to bed. Maybe tomorrow she'll be back to normal.

In the middle of the night, the room got too cold. I woke up with an unpleasant sensation and looked for the source of the cold. But I couldn't find anything. The window was closed, and there was no air conditioning. I smelled the smell of sulphur. It was so strong that it overpowered all the others. Deciding to wake up my neighbour first, I came across an empty bed. Since I'm not in Russia anymore and they don't seem to have Zhek here, I decided to go to shake my rights for proper heating. But on leaving the room I realised that it was only cold inside. Outside the temperature was normal. Not understanding what this anomaly was related to, I decided to go downstairs and ask the guards about it. But my thoughts were distracted by the sound of footsteps. And from experience, only a man in gear can stomp like that. You can feel the extra kilos. At the end of the floor, several armed men in military uniforms came out from around the corner. Before I could say anything, their automatic rifles were pointed at me and they opened fire.


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