I'm Alexander Pierce's son

Chapter 33: Chapter 33

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Where's all the backup? I gave Stark the coordinates five minutes ago. Where's my red knight in flying armour? I didn't really want to get involved with the Hulk and the Abomination. DNA samples, tops. Still, I wonder why Bruce has an anger trigger and the Abomination has a permanent transformation. But apparently the system had other plans.

Mission received

"David and Goliath 18+."

Perhaps the effects of the Hulk's blood triggered these days in a soldier loyal to America. Or maybe it's something else, but this creature must be stopped. Help the heroes in disarming the Abomination.

Reward for completion: media and popular love for your image, increased relationship with Stark, respect from Spider-Man, friendship with the Hulk, reduced number of logical questions in your direction and S.r..

Punishment for failure: loss of interest from Fury, fractures/death, public hatred, lowered relationship with Stark and a video of you in the lab appearing online.

Awesome. The system, as always, won't leave me hanging. Well, at least he's easy to find. This fifth Bay turtle brother's been destroying everything in his path. And to prove my point, a car flew over me. Running to the edge of the roof, perplexed by this combat manoeuvre, I looked down and understood. A friendly neighbour was flying away on a spider web through the city streets. He was looping through the air dodging empty cars and trying to catch the filled ones in his web. This kid of about fifteen was being chased by a big green giant.

Realising that it wouldn't be long until the kid's acrobatic skills failed I jumped onto the Abomination with an internal scream of jeronimo. In flight I activated the fragmented blades and covered them in flames. After spending half of my energy reserve, I was rewarded with two deep wounds on the green giant's back. Hearing its cry of pain, I realised I had hit it. Let me tell you what's so special about my swords. They come in two forms. In the first, they look like standard medieval weapons. But in the second mode, the blade breaks into fragments connected by titanium wire.Now you can imagine the feeling of the giant as all those blades tore his flesh while simultaneously cauterising his wounds. Finished screaming, this green mountain of muscle began to turn towards me. I could see from his face that he was very unhappy with my actions. And his main concern right now is coming up with the most elaborate way to end me. I was saved from a dramatic ending by a wall climber who decided to hit our lost turtle with a hydrant. Then, taking advantage of his hesitation, he picked me up with a spider web and threw me on the roof.

-Who are you? Is that iron man armour? Are you the colonel from the Expo? - Spidey poured his questions at me.

-Do you really want to discuss this now? - I asked, watching as the creature decided to go rock climbing.

At that moment, I heard a loud roar from behind me. Turning around, I saw a familiar chopper hovering over the road at the end of the street.

-Want to live? - I asked the spider, heading towards the chopper.

-Of course I do! Have you come up with a plan? - Asked the wall climber, catching up with me.

-Let's bring him to an equal opponent. - I said, squeezing the most out of my body.

From behind, we could hear the whine of cement roofs under the carcass of our pursuer. To have a chance to get to the Hulk I fired a rocket salvo at the Abomination. Rockets are certainly no more dangerous to him than clappers, but it bought us time. After the shot, I could feel the fire in Parker's eyes under the mask right through the armour. When we reached Bruce's drop-off point, we found a disgruntled green giant in purple shorts.

-Hmm, are you sure they're not in cahoots? - Spidey questioned my plan.

-Well, you can stay and ask him about it. - I said, pointing at the approaching gamma mutant, then jumped down a few dozen metres away from the Hulk.

As I landed, I caught the green giant's attention. After giving me an annoyed look, he continued on his way. As you can imagine, this was not my intention. So I had to get his attention by shouting for Betty. When Hulk heard the familiar name, he turned 180 degrees and headed in my direction. I started counting down the seconds until they met. The moment dragged on treacherously long. And when the Hulk had only ten metres to go, the Abomination jumped from the roof to the roar of inhumanity.

The two gamma monsters clashed and began to beat the crap out of their opponent. Their battle resembled a typical street fight between hoodlums. Only instead of bats and tire irons, it was cars and buses. The two monsters, not noticing people, smashed everything in their path. The Hulk tore a police car in half and put his hand in each half, using them as brass knuckles. Abomination tried to counter with his army training, but because of his changed size, his techniques were ineffective. Towards the end, their battle began to resemble an animal fight. And the Hulk held his title of Alpha Predator for the time being. Venting his anger on his opponent Hulk, shattered his knuckles into scrap metal. Abomination took advantage of this and intercepted Hulk's punch and countered with a left hook. He then took a flying leap and launched himself two feet into the green giant's chest, sending him flying through a couple of buildings.

Having temporarily dealt with the problem with the shorts, Abomination turned his attention to the spider and me. All this time since their battle had started, Spidey had been running around pulling injured people out from under the rubble. I, on the other hand, was acting in a support role, I was pretty good at finding people. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see new casualties popping up every second. But Peter and I weren't superman enough to save everyone. As the Hulk flew, Spider and I were pulling a family out from under a collapsed part of the building. Realising that Spidey was running out of time, I decided to buy some time.

-You know, I used to catch one of your guys. -What was his name? What was his name? Flux? Isn't he a relative of yours? Cause you two look a lot alike, don't you? They're all the same. - I said as I began to take full form. The bottom of my armour changed and my helmet revealed a part of my face that was longer.

-Werewolf? -I was knocked out of my rut by his question.

-Have we met? - I was perplexed.

-My squad assisted you in the hunt for Potok. - The Abomination replied.

-Blonsky? - I asked, amazed at how small the world of Marvel is. His squad helped us a lot on that mission. Very professional guys. I remembered the actor who played Abomination's human personality. And it definitely wasn't Emil. That's why his transformation came as a shock to me.

-Why? - It was all I could ask. Given his career and his record in the army. All he had to do was wave a finger and tomorrow he'd have representatives of many paramilitary organisations standing outside his house. He was as good at missions as the Widow or Hawkeye. After Ross's mission, we all went to a bar in a small town and got drunk and he told us about a couple of his missions. Their squad was more banged up than Udar's guys. From the outside looking in, it's kind of ironic. A few months ago he was helping hunt a gamma mutant, and now he's one himself.

-That kind of power should only be reserved for the worthy. A mere doctor shouldn't have that kind of power. With it, I will rise above all rules and laws. - He said, clenching his fist.

-So show me that power. - Said I, getting into a stance.

-You asked for it. - Blonsky grinned at me.

I squeezed everything inside me, and squeezing my reserve to zero, I prayed that my plan would work. One hundred metres, fifty, twenty, ten, five. There he was, stepping into the hole and his kick took him sideways. Taking a chance, I stick the gathered blade into his right eye. Then I feel myself being dragged by something. Flying backwards, I realise it's Spidey. As I catch my breath, I notice Stark coming up from my left.

-Well, how are we going to fight him? -So how are we going to fight him? - Tony asks, seeing the wounded eye begin to heal.

-We're backing up. - I answer, hearing a disgruntled growl from a hole in the building. Then the Hulk comes flying towards Emil like a cannonball.

We decided to use Splinter's main battle strategy. namely, to attack him with the four of us.

The Hulk was pummelling the Abomination in a fury. Iron Man circled, overhead blasting repulsor charges into Blonsky's face. Spidey tried to swaddle him, but his webbing was only enough to make Emil uncomfortable for seconds. I, on the other hand, detected one unusual detail in the Abomination's condition. His wounds on his back were not regenerating. Burnt meat was visible in those areas. Taking advantage of this peculiarity, I fired a couple of rounds at them. And to everyone's surprise, he felt it and howled. Stark got the point and fired a couple of rockets into his back. That was enough to change the course of the battle. Now Tony and I's attacks were starting to have an effect.

After 10 minutes of fighting, we began to realise that the amount of ammunition we had taken would not last long. And while Stark's new reactor was still okay, I had no more than a hundred rounds left, and Spider had only one of the webshooters. At that point, Parker had a plan. We reduced the density of attacks and gave the Abomination a chance to get into a frenzy. After waiting for Emil to close in on the Hulk, Stark fired a laser at Blonsky's legs, causing him to freeze and open his mouth. At that moment, I used my falcon's gaze to throw the remaining spiderweb at his throat. The remnants of Parker's creation were ejected. The Hulk, who hadn't grasped the essence of our plan, pummeled the unconscious Emil for another minute. Then, realising that his opponent was knocked out, he let out a victorious roar and began to move quickly away to the south-eastern side of the city. I watched the comical scene of Spidey trying to flip the Abomination over to pour solvent down his throat. Finally achieving his goal, our hero heard the sirens and decided to flee the scene as quickly as possible.


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