Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

230. Surreptitious

Hey guys. I know it's been a while since I updated, but there have been a couple of reasons for that. As I mentioned before, I've been a bit preoccupied with some house moving, and was set to be done last week. But things caught complicated when the tenants had barely moved anything out by the time they were set to vacate the premises. Following a bunch of arguing with them, and their corrupt realtor, I finally had no choice but to go straight to the latter's boss and move things along. They're finally out, but the house needs some work. I'm staying elsewhere with bad reception until it's done, so I've been forced to write and upload chapters elsewhere (This one was made while I was in a Starbucks LOL)

Words to wise, ALWAYS get everything in writing!


The Northern Sea

"H-Hello? Hello?! Can you hear--rgh! Goddamn it, I lost the signal! The stupid, crappy weather is causing all kinds of interference...!"


"Come on...come on...WORK!"

"HEY! Get off the bow!"

"Give me a damn minute! I've already paid you, so don't worry about it!"

"My ass! You have any idea what'll happen to me if Kumogakure discovers I let YOU of all people die on MY boat?! The tides are only gonna get worse here!"

"Okay okay! I'll return to my cabin... but captain! You better inform me the second we arrive in the Land of Earth, got it?!"

"Again, I promise I will the moment we're past the Land of Fire's border, now please, just get inside before the waves throw you off the ship!"


Disheartened his attempts to make a radio call failed, the client who paid for this voyage into the Earth country reluctantly returned to his cabin beneath the deck of a modest-sized ship. Several well-dressed men awaited him inside, all showing their respect to this individual who seemed to be very important

"Any luck sir?"

"No...our location is even less ideal than I anticipated. Shō-san, you're accustomed to travel more than anyone else here. Give me a rough estimate for the time until we reach Iwagakure1Hidden Stone Village"

"Well...we're about to cross the border between the Earth and Fire countries. Factoring in our current rate of speed and distance from the country, not to mention our means of travel on land through the smaller nations...I'd say two to three more days until we're there. Less than a day until we make it on land" (Shō)

"Ugh! Boats are my least favorite means of transportation! Why didn't we move on land?!"

"Because you wanted to get to Iwagakure as fast as humanly possible?" (Shō)

"K-Kuh...! Yeah, I did say that..." {As if I'd ever ignore orders from him...}

Sailing to the Land of Earth, it was none other than the company president of Mori Sp., Tetsuo Mori

Rei, once again under the guise of "Developer R", had long since requested his presence in Iwagakure via Genjutsu Communication days ago. Along with certain "tools" he requisitioned to be built following the delivery of several schematics he drew up

Being the ever loyal follower, Tetsuo immediately organized the engineers in his company to comply with this request. Shō, both his chief of security and right-hand man, made arrangements for transport and soon enough... they were sailing towards the Stone village in haste with a small batch of bodyguards in tow

"It crazy how, despite the heat, the sea can still be THIS violent during the day. All of the equipment is close to frying as well..." (Tetsuo)

"What about the contents of that briefcase you brought with you? Is it okay?" (Shō)

"Hm? Oh...not to worry. The radio equipment is just a prototype, definitely in need of repairs but... I made extra steps to ensure our precious cargo's protection. If I bothered to show such disinterest in its wellbeing, I never would've personally come to deliver it to our Kumogakure allies" (Tetsuo)

"You would've come anyways, considering this year's Chūnin Exams are a perfect chance to advertise Mori Sp.'s services. owe a huge debt to Team Tango" (Shō)

"Heh! You owe them a favor yourself, otherwise, the chief of security wouldn't have come either" (Tetsuo)

"I won't deny that..." (Shō)

Tetsuo clutched a small black briefcase of intricate design. Several high-tech locks were present on its surface, demonstrating clear signs of concern towards keeping its contents secure


"Won't be long now..." (Tetsuo)




Journal Log - Entry number... It's been a while since I've done one of these but... I haven't felt such a need to be the best since my time in the academy, so it seemed appropriate to reopen this book

Let's get up to speed...

It's been just over a week since the boys and I resumed our training in preparation for the last stage of this year's Chūnin Exams. Taking refuge in an obscure, large cavity in the Earth found just outside the village. Members of Moroi's "Kumo's Barrier Team" have kept us isolated and hidden with their skills for good measure

To keep our training and abilities a secret, Tango-sensei has dictated that none of us are allowed to reenter Iwagakure until Raikage-sama arrives...which will probably be within one or two days before the finals begin. Obviously, the village leader can't be away from the village for too long

We now know our hotel is under surveillance by interested parties. While mostly hailing from Iwagakure, there have been confirmed sightings of spies from other villages as well. All with the hopes of scoping out the competition...or eliminating it

With the completion of the Second exam, the fact Kumogakure only sent one team to participate, and that same team made it all the way to the end, drew quite a bit of unwanted attention. However, the real nail in the coffin was the release of the First Exams written test results... Rei's in particular

His score was actually tied with the highest one in exam history, the 4th Hokage's2Fire Shadow! It's funny, I should be much more surprised... but all I'm thinking is, "As expected of him, I guess"

The only one to come even close to his score was some kid from Konohagakure3Hidden Leaf Village... odds are it's the same guy Tai and I encountered during the Second Exam

Regardless, there's a bunch of chatter going around as many begin to pry into our backgrounds. I reckon it's only a matter of time until rumors of "The Shaman, The Star, & The Dragon" begin to circulate. This time, things will be different...the enemy is actually focusing on us now...


"Sensei?" (Suzu)

"Hm? Oh sorry, just stretching the bones in preparation for what's next. You can relax, the break's not over yet, and I need to get ready. We'll continue in ten" (Tango)

"Understood, I'll be waiting" (Suzu)

Iwagakure's capacity continues to grow as more and more interested parties make their way into the village. It's become so crowded, camps have sprouted like weeds just outside the walls, stretching for miles

Merchants, diplomats, shinobi, and any other sort of foreigner has shown up. All of them eager to spectate one of the, if not the biggest Chūnin Exams in history. The month isn't even over, and people have already begun betting on the victor. This place is quickly turning into a cornucopia for those seeking to enrich themselves in whatever manner feasible

On the bright side, it's become easier for the adults to sneak into the village whenever we need to resupply our food, there's a ton of new food stalls and stores selling all kinds of commodities. Not to mention, making contact with our comrades remaining in the hotel. To throw the enemy off, four of them have transformed into my team and I, in order to maintain the façade we're still in the village.


"Nice swing Tai, but your stance is too weak in my eyes. When it comes to using the blade, your feet are just as important as your it again!"

"Y-Yes sir!" (Tai)

"Mm...that's a little better, but such a basic move should feel as natural as breathing. You're still trying too hard. We'll begin sparring once these exercises are complete" (Funsui)

Tai continues to give it his all, and he's improving at a record pace...

He may not have much confidence, but it's become clear he didn't become one of Kumogakure's "Gifted Generation" on family connections alone. Though, it's understandable that we'd all feel a bit more motivated after receiving the latest news...

"Faster! I don't wanna see any wasted movement whatsoever!" (Funsui)


"Hngh! Hah! Sei!" (Tai)

"Keke...!" (Funsui)

"Hmph! Eh-?!" (Tai)


"?!" (Suzu & Tai)

"Hoh?" (Funsui)

"Funsui-senpai! What are you-?!" (Tai)

"Nice job blocking that surprise attack...let's see if you can do it again!" (Funsui)

"H-Huek!" (Tai)

"I'm not wasting a single second of this time we have left to prepare!" (Funsui)

"Sigh... I have to work harder..." (Suzu)

At the end of our first training day, the Daimyō-sama showed up with unsettling news. Apparently, Iwagakure had a total overhaul of their coliseum prior to the beginning of the exams. As for what? I don't know, but given their track's likely to give their ninja another edge for the Finals

Because we don't know what, the pressure has only grown worse, for both students and teachers alike

My training shows progress, but not as fast as I'd prefer. Even now, as I write these words, I continue to wear the unique cuffs Tango-sensei gave me. Yugito-sama and Killer B-sama had already demonstrated how difficult it was to control this kind of power. I don't have a Tailed Beast and yet, it seems impossible. My respect for them only grows further as I continue to train my "ascended" chakra

As of now, I can separate my arms up to 21 inches, but it's not enough. A third of the month is already gone, I need to hurry and get past this step so I can work on new Ninjutsu

Despite the struggle, we've kept to ourselves, hardly interacting at all, as to not disturb each other's training. Tai and I knew what we had to do

And speaking of not disturbing...



"Still nothing but breathing exercises...I guess you could call it training?" (Suzu)

Rei has continued his strange meditation since the start of our sessions. Even in the blistering heat, it's like staring at a statue. Days in, and he hasn't muttered a single word, only the faint sound of his breath remained

Other than some small reactions to news from the Daimyō-sama, and correspondence regarding Tetsuo Mori-san's upcoming arrival...there's hardly been any action from him

Every now and then, he'll open his eyes and train. But for some reason, it's nothing serious, just stretches and light workouts, followed by what I can only describe He hardly eats anything as well

Many have always found it hard to accurately guess what he's thinking. And though I've had a descent track record of discovering what, this time... I have no clue as to what he has planned

It's not just me, everyone's curious. Both the team, and the other shinobi alike. But Rei demonstrates such a level of concentration, and along with his reputation... no one dares to come close and inquire to what he's actually doing

Myself included...

"..." (Rei)

{This feeling again...} (Suzu)

A sensor-nin I may not be, but sometimes, it's like I can feel his chakra. No...that's not right, it's more like a "presence", or "instinct". Ever since my body changed from the LIFT pill, I can't describe it. I believe it's how I found him in "Rengoku no Kyōkoku4Purgatory's Canyon after we were separated

"'s just like..." (Suzu)

"..." (Rei)

What I picking up right now is... calm

But it's not a usual calm, more cold...yet not dark. Like a void, with not a single hue present...

No...that's not right. It's not colorless. Rather, a blank canvas poised to be touched by a brand new color no one's every seen before...

"Just what the hell am I writing now...?" (Suzu)

I don't know what I'm feeling. I don't know how to put it into words

This is probably just the exhaustion talking right now. It's pretty hot out here. Summer is not too far off and Iwagakure's rocky terrain is almost entirely barren... I should probably stop writing and drink some water before I pass out from heatstroke

Whatever the case, all I can do is trust in my teammates and focus on myself instead. Tai seems to be in good hands, and worrying about Rei's training serves no purpose whatsoever

"Suzu! You ready?" (Tango)

Time for me to break these annoying cuffs...

"Whenever you are Sensei!" (Suzu)

"Oh? You're uncharacteristically enthusiastic all of sudden... something I should know?" (Tango)

"It's indeed something, but I haven't the time for idle chatter. Let's go!" (Suzu)




"That's what I like to hear..." (Tango)


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