Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

229. Tabula rasa

Happy Father's Day! On this special day, I'm breaking my rule for no releases on Sunday!


{It's gone...}

{That strange yet congenial feeling I've always carried with me, like there was something lurking on my shoulders...}

{All traces of Notitia's existence has vanished, but I feel something new from this "Black Gem". Considering it's my subconscious personified, absorbing all of Notitia must've changed it. Call it an's as if...I just know what I'm supposed to do now}

{I wonder...}


With a subtle glance at the floating orb, it immediately tore open the path for Rei to leave the "Soul Space"

{Controlling the gem is so much easier now... I no longer have to intensely focus just to get it to work}

Knowing there was nothing else left for him here, Rei opted to depart from the space. There were still a great many things he had to deal with now...






"Not a bad swing Tai, but...!"

"?!" (Tai)


"...not fast enough!"

"K-kuh! Damn it...!" (Tai)


As Rei opened his eyes, he found himself in the exact same position prior to his use of Kisshōten1Auspicious Heavens, the isolated rocky pass his seniors had picked for training

Suzu was studying with Tango while Tai continued his sparring with Funsui. However, his concerns lied elsewhere, for upon removing an old-looking watch from his pouch, the position of the "hands" had indicated...

"Time actually passed. Not much compared to the conversation I had did. Kisshōten is no longer timeless..." (Rei)

"What was that Rei? Do you need anything?" (Tango)

"H-Hm!? Um--it's nothing sensei, I'm fine. If I need some help, I'll be sure to ask" (Rei)

"If you say so. Now then, as we discussed Suzu, what we need more than anything is to expand your arsenal of elemental properties. First off, we'll take a look at these..." (Tango)

{My Kisshōten is just a copy of the Interloper's, and now that I've shut off my connection to it, some of its perks have gone. If I'm ever to get mine to the same level, I'll have to form my own "connections" to other potential "acolytes" in this world. But that can come later...} (Rei)

Rei strongly wanted to begin studying the massive consignment of Isshiki Ōtsutsuki's memories now stored inside the "Black Gem" . But he understood his biggest priority as of now, was to stabilize his body

Barely a month remained before the Final stage of the Chunin Exams begun, there was much he needed to prepare for

"I can feel new's being born. Until it's ready, training is most definitely not an option. All I can do, is aid it along. And the best way to do that is..." (Rei)


Rei sat back down, crossed-legged, eyes closed, before continuing his meditation. Keeping a calm and sound mind is a basic principle for keeping one's chakra flow stable. This method remained the most efficient means of speeding up the process taking place within his body

However, that wasn't to say he held some unease. For he, nor Notitia, knew exactly what would happen once his new chakra emerged. Nor the changes it would bring...




{Just what the heck is Rei doing?} (Tai)

"STAY FOCUSED!" (Funsui)

"Hm?! Crap!" (Tai)


With another clash of the sharp blades in their arms, Funsui overpowered Tai, sending him tumbling backwards into the ground

"Haaa...haa... shit!" (Tai)

"Come on, get up! Or are you planning on sleeping there?" (Funsui)

"No at all...haaa...senpai2Term denoting a superior, upperclassmen, and/or colleague with more experience!" (Tai)

While Rei continued his meditation, Tai was struggling with the "wall" known as Funsui as they proceeded with their sparring session

Not only was his senpai more skilled in Suiton3Water StyleNinjutsu, he demonstrated a surprising amount of finesse in Kenjutsu4Sword Techniques

A trait one would usually expect from his more serious partner, Ronri, as a opposed to himself, who remained as free-spirited as ever

"Funsui-senpai...just how are you-?" (Tai)

"Keeping up with you, who hails from the Yotsuki Clan, in swordplay? That'd be the years of experience fighting those who've attempted to attack our nation by sea. Despite being used to sea battles waged at a distance on ships, I've had my fair share of getting up close and personal" (Funsui)

"Haaa...that's...!" (Tai)

"Tai. Your mistake is assuming you'd have an edge, just because your mom trained you for the last three months" (Funsui)

"!" (Tai)

"True. Her title of The Beheader is well warranted but, there's no way you'll become a prodigy in such a short time, no matter who's teaching you. In fact, I'm willing to bet that to be the reason she barely taught you techniques, and only focused on building up your foundation over all" (Funsui)

"..." (Tai)

"With only the Wakizashi5Side SwordTomoe-sama gifted you, as your only weapon, things aren't gonna get easier. Even if you inherited the Tachi6Main Swordfrom your father, as per your clan's customs, you still couldn't beat me with your modest level of skill. Let alone...the upcoming foes you'll face in one month" (Funsui)

{I know that...better than anyone else} (Tai)

While it pained him to hear it, Funsui's logic was sound, as Tai had long since come to the same conclusion. Only recently rejoining his clan after living away from the main house for so long, his skill with a blade still had a long way to go

The Final exam typically included One-on-one battles, meaning he couldn't rely on Rei and Suzu to protect him as per usual. Plus, due to him being the team medic, he mainly focused on defensive measures, such as avoiding attacks from the enemy, rather than engaging them up front

His offensive capabilities were vastly limited compared to his peers...

{I have my poisonous vapor mist, but it usually works when my partner distracts the enemy. Direct confrontation is gonna be a problem. My only reliance is my sword, and there's probably a few in the competition that'll give me a run for my money} "Damn..." (Tai)

"Heh...don't sweat it kid, Tomoe-sama's training wasn't for nothing. I can tell, after observing you keep up during our spar, I'd say you're more than ready to learn tricks" (Funsui)

"?!" (Tai)

"I can't teach Yotsuki clan techniques, but Kumogakure does have it's fair share of Kenjutsu I can pass on to you. Are you ready?" (Funsui)

"Yes! Please guide me, Funsui-senpai!" (Tai)


"That's the spirit. Time for a regimen you can't experience anywhere else!" 




While the training ramped for the others, Tango and Suzu calmly discussed a new process for the latter's training. For the young kunoichi's situation was no less "unique" than Rei's

"Thanks to our colleagues, I've managed to acquire an entire slew of instructional scrolls containing Ninjutsu for you to learn. But I believe the best thing to do is start off with more chakra control exercises" (Tango)

"Because of my...power?" (Suzu)

"Yes. That chakra functions completely different from your normal one, in other words, you're going to relearn many fundamental principles when it comes to the kneading and manipulation of chakra in general" (Tango)

"And then what?" (Suzu)

"Only when I feel your control with it is as good as your normal chakra, will I give you access to these scrolls" (Tango)

"Where do we start?" (Suzu)

Tango reached into his pouch and pulled out a pair of metal cuffs

"U-Um, Tango-sensei...are those?" Suzu asked in trepidation

"They're different from the chakra control bracelets I gave to each of you. These were specially made and ordered just for you, cost me quite a bit wallet's never been so thin" (Tango)

"Except whenever you're treating Rei to dinner" (Suzu)

"Fair enough. Regardless, these cuffs are made from special material straight from the Land of Iron. Possessing even stronger reactions to chakra than your training bracelets. Though its effects are different" (Tango)

"How so?" (Suzu)

"Try them on and find out" Tango coyly suggested

Following her sensei's orders, Suzu placed the silver cuffs on her wrists...

"Huh...they barely weigh anything?" (Suzu)

"Wait for it..." (Tango)

"Wait fo-OOOF!" (Suzu)


...only for the cuffs to suddenly bring her arms together as they reconnected. Somehow, the items were drawn to one another, as if there was a magnetic effect in play

"The more chakra you put in those cuffs, the weaker the pull. Give it a try" (Tango)

"...Yes" (Suzu)


Suzu circulated the energy within her chakra network, releasing her power through the points located near her wrists. The more energy she inserted, the easier it became to separate her arms


{I've poured this much, and I still only...!} "N-Ngh...! Gah!" Suzu eventually relented, and her arms were once again rejoined due to the cuffs

"So...your first try was only 6 inches" (Tango)

"...In other words, my control skill is determined by how far I can separate my arms?" (Suzu)

"You're just as sharp as Rei. Past 28 inches is when the connection is broken completely. The cuffs will automatically come off at such a distance...assuming you make it that far" (Tango)

"Assuming...?" (Suzu)

"This first attempt was with your normal chakra. From here on out...well, I shouldn't have to explain how difficult this is going to be for you" (Tango)

"..." (Suzu)

She didn't need Tango to tell her, for the girl had a clear understanding of how difficult this special training was going to be

Controlling her "ascended" chakra was hard enough as is, but this trial only made things all the more complicated. Plus, she was on a time limit, for this training was only the first step. The next phase was to apply the stronger, more chakra-taxing techniques Tango brought to go hand-in-hand with her power

There's was so much to do, with very little time...

"From now on, practice only using your special chakra. We'll take our time and-?!" (Tango)


A white aura violently emerged from within Suzu's body, and her hair turned snow white soon after

The abrupt transformation gathered the attention of everyone nearby. Both her team, and the Kumo-nin standing guard around the perimeter couldn't help but shoot a glance at the girl whenever they could

The sheer level of power emanating from such a young girl was mind boggling. So great in fact, the other ninja promptly created an invisible barrier around the site, just to keep what the team was doing hidden

Rei didn't bother to open his eyes, but a light smirk emerged on his face

"We're on the clock Tango-sensei, no time for dawdling..." (Suzu)

"...True. Move at your own pace, I'll offer advice when needed" (Tango)



She wasted no time resuming her training, doing whatever it took to pass this latest trial thrown her way. Her actions inspiring her peers to give it their all



{Can't fall behind...!}




Iwagakure7Hidden Stone Village


"You can't just take off like that, we're your security! If something happens to you-!"

"Oh please, I'd pay to witness the moron brave enough to try and take me out in broad daylight!" retorted a man who'd just burst through a pair of twin doors

"That doesn't mean you should-!"

"Cut the chatter and hurry up!" 


After announcing his official arrival to the village in front Iwagakure's upper brass, as per custom for any Daimyō, the Lightning Daimyō exited the main governmental office before making a beeline to Team Tango's location

His shinobi security stumbling right behind him in confusion for his sudden change in behavior

"Let's go!" (Daimyō)

"S-Sir? Why are you in such a rush?"

"I need to inform Team Tango!" (Daimyō)

"Inform them of what exactly?! What did you learn?!"

"It would seem that integrity is in real short supply these days. I thought the last exam would be the end to their foul play but...tsk!" clicking his tongue in anger, his pace increased as he strutted down the road

" don't mean...for the Final exam, they still-?!"




"Mm. Iwagakure was far more bold than we initially wanted, or dared to believe..."


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