I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 46:

Xia Feishi nodded heavily, the answer was an absolute certainty.

But Yu Mo didn’t immediately respond to Xia Feishi, he just jumped off the roof with Xia Feishi silently.

If it was an ordinary person who just jumped off the roof like this, everyone present would probably scream in shock, but just now it was Yu Mo who jumped up on the roof of the attic with a height of dozens of meters in his arms. Although it is difficult for others to believe, they have long accepted this fact.

But even so, in the face of Yu Mo’s features that were obviously not normal human beings, everyone couldn’t help but feel puzzled and scared.

“That’s…” The doctor still tried to believe in the science on which he was based, and pointedly pointed at Yu Mo’s ear above his head and said, “Is it an ornament?”

Yu Mo turned his head indifferently and glanced at the person who was talking.

The doctor closed his mouth immediately.

Intuition tells him that it is better to talk less.

At this time, the others were thinking about various things, and couldn’t help but turn their attention to Xia Feishi again.

Xia Feishi was still holding Yu Mo’s clothes tightly. He raised his head and asked, “So is it possible?”

What he asked was the answer to the request just now. Yu Mo looked directly into Xia Feishi’s eyes. Human pupils were dark black. For a moment, Yu Mo even felt that he saw himself in those eyes, and only himself.

Yu Mo slowly released his hand from Xia Feishi’s body, and took a half step back: “No.”

Apart from them, no one else heard the conversation between Xia Feishi and Yu Mo just now. The doctor and the maid were waiting in front of them now, and they didn’t quite understand the meaning of their conversation, so they could only watch blankly.

Xia Feishi originally looked at Yu Mo with anticipation, but after hearing the answer from the other party, the hope in his eyes slowly dimmed, and then he pursed his lips and said, “I understand.”

He had no intention of continuing to question or request.

But at this moment, Yu Mo suddenly said, “Not now.”

Xia Fei was momentarily stunned, and he asked, “Now?”

So it’s not that it doesn’t work, but it’s not working now, because…

Yu Mo: “I haven’t found a way to take you away.”

Xia Feishi finally understood what Yu Mo meant, and almost as soon as he understood what he meant, he asked again, “So it can be done in the future, right?”

Yu Mo should have answered truthfully, but he is not yet completely sure that he can find a solution in the future.

But Xia Feishi’s eyes were too fiery, as if he believed in Yu Mo unreservedly, and believed whatever he said. In such a trusting gaze, Yu Mo, who usually speaks without fear, suddenly suddenly An emotion called hesitation arises.

For Xia Feishi, this pause took a long time, but in reality it was only a few seconds.

Then he heard Yu Mo reply, “I will find a way.”

When Xia Feishi heard this, his eyes that had already dimmed were filled with hope again. He smiled and nodded to Yu Mo, and even stretched out his hand to make a pull hook: “I will wait for you here.”

Looking at Xia Feishi’s actions, Yu Mo looked at his little finger with a puzzled look, wondering what it meant.

He raised his hand inexplicably and tried to touch Xia Feishi’s finger.

But at this moment, the power surrounding him suddenly became apparent. Yu Mo didn’t even need to feel it with his heart to know that the time he could stay in this world had come.

It’s a pity that in the end, he still couldn’t understand the movement of Xia Feishi’s little finger, but he had to leave.

Then everyone in the manor saw that the mysterious man with ears and tail who was standing in front of Xia Feishi suddenly descended with a ray of light, just like when he came, strangely disappeared in front of them.

In the end, not even the slightest trace was left, as if it had never appeared.

The next step is to handle this event.

Because Yu Mo’s appearance was too bizarre, everyone put it aside for now, and dealt with the group of intruders first.

The maids and the others informed Xia Feishi’s father about this incident. Xia Feishi’s father was immediately furious when he found out about it, and then ordered someone to investigate carefully to find out who wanted to kidnap Xia Feishi. But it is a pity that no matter how the intruders pressed their questions, they were always tight-lipped and refused to speak out. In desperation, they could only think of ways.

However, during this process, for some unknown reason, Xia Feishi’s father, who was still angry and insisted on finding out the cause, did not know why his voice gradually became quieter.

In the end, nothing could be concluded about this matter, and they could only let people take these guys away.

The maid in the manor was hesitating about how to convey these words to Xia Feishi, but Xia Feishi behaved unusually calm. It seemed that he was not surprised even if he couldn’t find out anything later.

He seemed to have guessed something, but he didn’t plan to say it.

After things returned to calm, Xia Feishi returned to her room again and reopened the game.

It was the second day when he returned to the game, no surprise, when he played the game again, the animals immediately surrounded him.

It also includes a kangaroo and a lion who just came back not long ago. These two animals and Xia Feishi have not seen each other for more than two months. Xia Feishi has missed them for a long time. Even though they have been greeted once last night, today He hugged them again.

Xia Feishi murmured, “Welcome back.”

Hearing Xia Feishi’s words, the animals looked at each other and seemed a little hesitant. When Xia Feishi saw this, she quickly understood the reason for their hesitation.

Because then he saw three parting letters handed over by Lion Kangaroo and Black Face Sheep.

Only then did Xia Feishi know that Xiao Sting and Xiao Hong, who had just returned, were going to leave, and they had to leave with Xiao Yang.

But this time, Xia Feishi did not show concern and reluctance about parting like last time. On the contrary, he seemed very open-minded and even had some expectations.

After all, now that they know that every time they leave, they will stay in their own world for a while. Xia Feishi has changed from fear of parting to expectation.

What’s more, he has seen Xiaohong and the others come back once, and he believes that they will come back here again as long as they hope.

Xia Feishi’s smile puzzled the other animals.

Do humans just expect them to leave?

Ying Mo was the most puzzled, but Hong Yu and the others quickly figured it out, and gradually had guesses in their hearts.

Next, Xia Feishi took the animal companions to Yu Mo’s room. The wolf cub, who used to lie in Xia Feishi’s arms every day, is no longer in the room. He didn’t even leave any letters. left here.

If it wasn’t for seeing Yu Mo in the real world today, perhaps Xia Feishi would not have noticed that he had left early.

It was only now that Xia Fei remembered that Yu Mo didn’t seem to have said the word “goodbye” to him.

If there is no goodbye, is it not a goodbye?

However, looking at the furnishings in the room, almost all the furnishings have not been moved. Even the toys he prepared for the wolf cubs still exist in their original form. It seems that the owner here may come back at any time, but it is very I simply went out the door, so I didn’t plan to clean up or say goodbye.

Looking at this scene, Xia Feishi couldn’t help laughing.

He is in a good mood now, even if what is happening in reality may not be so wonderful, it still won’t affect his mood.

Compared to those things, he prefers to stay in the game world with his animal companions.

Then he and the animals did their daily routine for a while, and when it was almost dusk, Shi Xiaohong and the others pointed to the aviation center over there and expressed their intention to leave. Xia Feishi didn’t hold back, she just nodded and quickly took them to the aviation center over there.

At this time, the new spaceship had been refreshed. Xiaohong and the three animals boarded the spaceship together, and then the fairy-tale spaceship swayed into the sky and headed for the distant stars.

Xia Feishi watched as the spaceship on the screen gradually shrunk, and finally disappeared.

He held the phone, and only then did he quickly stand up, then quickly put down the phone, pushed open the door, and ran outside.

The maid downstairs was busy preparing dinner. When she saw Xia Fei coming out, she couldn’t help being a little puzzled and a little worried. Did their young master suddenly run out of the room more often recently?

The maid inexplicably asked Xia Feishi why, and Xia Feishi still had a smile on her face. Hearing this, she couldn’t help but said to the maid, “Is there any dinner to prepare for tonight? Can you prepare three more for me? ”

When he said this, the maid was stunned for a moment and asked, “Does the young master have any friends coming?”

Xia Feishi nodded: “Yeah!”

It was rare to see Xia Fei looking so happy, and the maid also became happy, and quickly replied that she was okay, but she quickly recovered and realized that something was wrong: “Young master’s friend?”

She has been staying in this manor since several years ago, knowing that Xia Feishi will never have the opportunity to contact people outside, and it is impossible to have the opportunity to make friends with anyone. thing?

The maid couldn’t figure it out, but looking at Xia Feishi’s demeanor, she couldn’t bear to disappoint Xia Feishi, so even though she didn’t understand, she nodded quickly and said, “I understand, please wait a moment, young master, I’ll prepare now. , must have done very well.”

While the maid was preparing the meal, Xia Feishi also came to the window.

He began to look tentatively out of the window.

He knew that the animals in the game world would come here in the spaceship, but he wasn’t sure when they would arrive.

So he was reluctant to blink even for a moment, for fear of missing them.

However, Xia Feishi’s waiting was not in vain. After a few minutes, he really found the direction his window was facing, and suddenly three familiar and somewhat unfamiliar figures appeared.

It is said that they are familiar because Xia Feishi sees them every day, but they are not familiar because they are no longer the Q version in the game, but real animals.

Among the three animals, the lion and the kangaroo seem to be very accustomed to this kind of crossing, so they are very shocked.

There is only the black-faced sheep, and it still looks a little confused.

Of course, this was guessed through his body movements. After all, Xia Feishi couldn’t see his face clearly.

Xia Feishi didn’t hesitate, and the moment she found them, she pushed the door and quickly came to them.

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