I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 45:

When she saw the wolf cubs appear, Xia Feishi’s mood instantly faded, and her eyes were filled with only her animal friends.

Seeing the opponent’s attack falling towards the wolf cub, Xia Feishi almost forgot to breathe, and was full of worries about the wolf cub.

It looks so small, and although it is round and round, it actually has no weight, and even its claws are not sharp enough. How can it fight against the group of people who look fierce?

Xia Feishi couldn’t help but want to rush over and protect the wolf cub in her arms.

But just before he took two steps forward, before he had time to make any action, the wolf cub fell to the ground, and as the smoke and dust of the night flew away under the light of the flashlight, the tall figure gradually appeared in people’s sight. .

And in the shadows, the fluffy tail, and the furry ears on top of the head.

…tail and ears?

If the wolf cub appeared and what happened tonight, it was just an accident for Xia Feishi.

Then the scene that happened in front of him at the moment, in Xia Feishi’s eyes, was something that really surprised him.

His wolf cub turned into a human?

How can this be?

But this scene really happened in front of everyone’s eyes. As the intruders didn’t notice the change of the wolf cub, they were secretly trying to get close to Xia Fei, and they were going to take him away.

But they didn’t have time to approach at all, and they were stopped by a hand stretched out in the night.

It was a hand as white as snow, with slender and clean fingertips. Even in such a dark night, with only the weak light of the flashlight and the faint starlight above it, it seemed to be so white. will shine.

Not only the hand stretched out from the smokescreen, but as everyone looked up and followed the arm, only to find that it was a man with snow-white hair.

At first glance, it was all white, only those cold eyes flashed with a strange red.

Xia Feishi never imagined that an animal would turn into a human being.

But almost the moment he saw the figure clearly, he was already convinced that this was his wolf cub.

That chubby, soft and cute little wolf cub turned into a human, and was obviously a mature and calm adult. Compared with Xia Feishi’s impression of him, it was really different.

But before Xia Feishi thought of anything more, he saw the man in front of him walking towards him after subduing the intruders in front of him.

Xia Feishi stared at those eyes, feeling inexplicably nervous.

He was about to speak, but the man had already clasped his wrist silently.

That hand was slightly cold, not only as white as snow, but also like ice when touched. When he held Xia Fei like this, before Xia Fei made a sound, he quickly pulled him and easily overturned it. The people around, and then quickly reached the top of the manor’s attic in a few ups and downs.

Xia Feishi only had time to call the wolf cub’s name in a hurry, and then she felt the world spinning, and her whole body seemed to be floating in the air.

At the moment of rising into the air, he felt that all the ambient sounds around him seemed to be stretched and slowed down, the faint chirping of insects in the garden, the shouts of the intruders in the back, and the maid and doctor in the distance. Their screams, footsteps, and the sound of leaves being blown by the wind, they all seemed to come from a very distant place, with a hazy veil in between, so everything seemed insignificant.

The only people who are related to him in front of him are probably the person beside him and the starry sky above his head.

Xia Feishi stared blankly at the starry sky, feeling that the stars staggered their tracks and woven into a new galaxy at that moment.

But soon he realized that it wasn’t their trajectories that had changed, but that he was being led by that person in a circle in the air.

When his feet landed on solid ground again, he finally realized that his heart was beating faster than before, and his vision was in a trance, finally falling on the person in front of him.

Just now, because of the emergency, Xia Feishi didn’t have a chance to seriously observe it even after seeing the general appearance of this person.

Now that they were stepping on the roof of the manor’s attic, Xia Feishi didn’t dare to look at the distance from where she was standing, so she could only focus her eyes on this person’s face again.

His facial features are actually very beautiful, it is a delicate and unusual face, his eyes are long and narrow, and his lips are very thin, which makes his beauty look very aggressive, but probably because he is slightly drooping his eyes at the moment, then The red eyes were sharp, so in Xia Feishi’s eyes, although he seemed a little inhuman, it didn’t make people feel scared.

This kind of refusal attitude and the emotions hidden in his eyes made Xia Feishi extremely sure.

This is his wolf cub, absolutely impossible to be someone else.

Even if the wolf cub becomes a human being, it is completely beyond the comprehension of normal people, but Xia Feishi has been exposed to too many incredible things before this, so now he doesn’t even feel any nervousness or fear.

After returning to his senses, he was only pleasantly surprised.

He blurted out: “Rice…”

However, before he could fully say the title, his words were interrupted by the other party: “Yu Mo.”

Xia Feishi suddenly heard these two words, and was about to ask, the other party had already added: “My real name.”

Xia Feishi realized that the other party actually had a name, and it was only then that he remembered that every time he called the wolf cub’s name, the other party was actually very resistant at first, but then he seemed to be slowly getting used to it. Come here, so there is no more strangeness.

But anyway, he should not be very satisfied with the name, right?

Xia Feishi muttered the name “Yu Mo” over and over, and then whispered, “I’m sorry, I gave you a new name without authorization.”

Yu Mo said, “It’s good to know.”

His words sounded very calm. Although he said so, it didn’t sound like he meant accusation. It was more like expressing a connivance to him, telling Xia Fei that he did something unreasonable, but he didn’t. Not going to pursue anything.

For some reason, Xia Feishi felt that when the other party spoke, the tone and demeanor seemed strangely inconsistent.

It seems that he is using something to hide his original posture.

Xia Fei couldn’t understand it, but the movement downstairs caught his attention at this time. He saw that the group of intruders had been arrested by the guards who had rushed over, and the doctor and maid were also below. , seems to be conversing with the guards in earnest, and looks at Xia Fei on the roof from time to time.

Yu Mo’s shot just now had already cleaned up these guys in a very short period of time, so now everyone can subdue the intruders so easily.

It can be said that Yu Mo’s combat power has completely exceeded their imagination.

After Xia Feishi glanced at her, she first reported to the maid and the doctor that she was safe, stating that she was all right, and then turned her head to look at Yu Mo beside her.

Yu Mo was too silent. If it was someone else, in such a silent and coercive situation, they would probably feel extremely uncomfortable and couldn’t help but want to escape.

But Xia Feishi didn’t feel the pressure on Yu Mo at all.

On the contrary, he is very worried about the autism of the wolf cub.

Unexpectedly, the wolf cubs used to be so silent on the island of the game world. Now they have become human in the real world, and they still refuse to communicate with anyone. It is impossible to continue like this.

Probably because he was used to the wolf cub’s appearance, and Xia Feishi was used to taking care of him in the game world, so even though Yu Mo had turned into a human form that was much taller than him, Xia Feishi couldn’t help it. Worried a lot for him.

Xia Feishi sighed in her heart and said softly, “It’s so high.”

After he said this, he felt that his lower back was pulled a few steps forward by a gentle force, and he stood at the inner position on the top of the building.

“Don’t look back and don’t move when you’re afraid of heights.” Yu Mo said in a shallow voice.

There was a smile in Xia Feishi’s eyes, but he couldn’t see any sign of fear. He shook his head with a sip of a smile, and then said, “I’m not saying that this place is so tall, I mean that you are so tall.”

As he said that, he couldn’t help raising his arms, comparing the position of the top of his head, and then reaching for the top of Yu Mo’s head.

Yu Mo was obviously much taller than him.

Yu Mo replied as a matter of course: “You are human, I am not.”

Xia Feishi asked curiously, “You are a fox immortal, right, a wolf immortal?”

Yu Mo: “…”

He paused for a moment, did not immediately respond to Xia Feishi’s words, but just looked at the human boy with an inexplicable complex and strange look.

And Xia Feishi regarded his silence as affirmation, so she confirmed her conjecture in her heart.

When he was just brought up to the roof by Yu Mo from below, he looked a little cramped and nervous. Human beings are innately afraid of heights, and a weak human like Xia Feishi should be less timid.

However, in just a few minutes, Xia Feishi seemed to have become accustomed to this place, and no longer felt nervous. On the contrary, more thoughts came out of his heart, and he seemed to be a little more lively than before. .

His eyes fell uncontrollably on the top of Yu Mo’s head, and he seemed to be hesitant to speak several times.

Yu Mo noticed his expression: “What?”

In the end, Xia Feishi couldn’t restrain her curiosity, so she reached out her hand cautiously, lowered her voice and asked, “Can I touch it?”

Because this sentence was too sudden, Yu Mo was silent for a while before asking, “What?”

Xia Feishi blinked and said, “Ear.”

He was so curious about those furry snow-white ears.

It looks very touchable.

Xia Feishi was accompanied by animals in the game world every day, and it was not wrong to play with them, but all that was done in the game. In fact, after leaving the game, he spent his days studying or recuperating in the manor. Physically, even if he got a little closer to the stray cat, he would be stopped by others.

So in reality, Xia Feishi had never been so close to a furry animal.

Except for the last brief encounter with a kangaroo.

Now seeing Yu Mo’s pair of ears and the big fluffy tail behind him, Xia Feishi really couldn’t restrain her thoughts. He really wanted to know how these plush felt when touched, it should be very soft and smooth…

If possible, Yu Mo even wanted to touch the big tail.

But because the tail is too sensitive for animals, the wolf cubs usually don’t want to be touched in the game, so Xia Feishi can only choose to touch the ears.

Xia Feishi’s words made Yu Mo stunned for a while.

No one had ever made such a request to him.

For the entire orc empire, the beast form is something they don’t want others to see. As long as it is out of childhood, unless it is in a state of injury and weakness, everyone will show it in human form at any time.

In their habits and culture, the animal form is barbaric and uncivilized, and it is impolite to meet other people in the animal form.

Probably because of the traditions that have evolved over the years, they actually don’t like their animal forms very much.

In the eyes of the people of the empire, they are those with incomplete blood, which is a sign of the weak and a sign of low-level orcs. In the empire, they are not accepted anyone can look up to.

During Yu Mo’s entire growth period, there were almost always contemptuous or contemptuous eyes around him.

There is always a voice of sympathy or reprimand.

At that time, his ears and tail were ugly signs of his mutilated status.

Later, when he stood in the hall of the Imperial Palace and ascended the throne that was admired by thousands of people, no one dared to call him “the handicapped” in front of him again.

Everyone started to pretend to be blind, and no one dared to mention the bloodline issue again. They would pretend that they couldn’t see the ears on top of Yu Mo’s head and the tail behind him, as if he was a normal orc without any flaws.

Sometimes Yu Mo would find it funny.

Whether they can see it or not, those characteristics are there and it doesn’t change because of anything.

But others never seem to know exactly where they are going wrong.

But now, when Yu Mo heard Xia Fei say something like touching his ears.

When he heard this request, Yu Mo initially felt only absurdity and rejection, but when he met Xia Fei’s gaze and saw the pure interest in his eyes, he noticed that what he was stubbornly guarding The bottom line, those things he cared about incomparably were nothing in front of Xia Feishi.

Xia Feishi couldn’t feel any shame or insistence. In the eyes of a human teenager, it was just a pair of snow-white ears and a tail.

It’s something that he finds cute or funny, that’s all.

Yu Mo’s long silence made Xia Feishi feel something different. He was worried that he had said the wrong thing or done something wrong, which would make Yu Mo angry.

Maybe the wolf fairy doesn’t like to be touched by people’s ears and tails.

After realizing this, Xia Feishi quickly waved her hand and said, “I’m sorry, I just said this on a whim, I apologize if I accidentally offended you…”

Yu Mo shook his head to stop his words, and then he saw Yu Mo leaning slightly towards him.

Following his movement, his silver-white hair also slid down his shoulders and fell in front of Xia Feishi, and because of this, the top of his hair also fell into Xia Feishi’s eyes with this movement. Inside, those furry ears were right in front of him, as if acquiescence and invitation.

Xia Feishi couldn’t help being stunned. After he glanced at Yu Mo for a while, he asked in a low voice, “Is it really possible?”

Yu Mo didn’t speak, his eyes fell silently on him.

Xia Feishi finally found the opportunity in front of him, and Xia Feishi didn’t want to miss it. He had already determined Yu Mo’s response, so he slowly stretched out his hand, with some kind of cautious feeling on his fingertips, and then lightly touched the one on Yu Mo’s left. ear.

Because Yu Mo’s demeanor seemed very serious, Xia Feishi’s appearance had to be serious, so that when he sensed the other person’s ears like this, it looked more like a more serious scene.

Xia Feishi seriously felt the touch of the other person’s ear.

The ears were softer than they seemed, but not thin, but thick. The fur on the top is very delicate, all of which are very light fluff, and it feels like a cloud in the sky, so fluffy that it seems to sink in.

Xia Feishi couldn’t help but slightly opened her eyes during this process.

In order to be able to experience the feeling more carefully, he couldn’t help pinching it gently, and after he did this, he felt that the temperature of the pair of ears seemed to be slowly rising.

It’s because the human world is too hot, so Yu Mo doesn’t feel used to it?

Xia Feishi was slightly puzzled. His fingers had been on Yu Mo’s ear for too long. Before he could continue to say anything or express his feelings just now, Yu Mo had already taken a half step back and raised his head again. The communication between the two began to stop in this way.

Xia Feishi’s hand was still in the same place, and there was a feeling of unfinished business.

However, he looked at Yu Mo, and finally withdrew his hand and said in a thin voice, “Thank you.”

When Yu Mo heard this “Thank you”, he couldn’t help frowning slightly, not understanding why he said this.

Xia Feishi has been very concerned about these ears since just now. After touching them now, not only did he not soften a little, but he seemed to have a taste for the essence and it was difficult to restrain him. After a while, he whispered: “Your The ears are so pretty, and they’re soft to the touch, so cute.”

Speaking of which, Xia Feishi noticed Yu Mo’s frowning brows, so she changed her tone and said, “I’m sorry, don’t you like being called cute?”

Yu Mo was silent.

It has been a long time since their communication started, but Yu Mo could actually feel that there was a force surrounding him in the environment around him.

This clearly reminded him that he did not belong to this world, and he could clearly know that he was about to leave here.

It seems like it was just an accidental coincidence to be in this place.

He could only stay for a few minutes, Yu Mo lowered his eyes, not letting his scarlet eyes frighten the other party, only said: “I’ll send you down.”

Xia Feishi had already seen the pattern from the previous two experiences, so when he heard Yu Mo’s words now, he immediately guessed something, so he said, “Are you leaving?”

Yu Mo was a little surprised that Xia Fei would say such a thing.

This human boy looked innocent and clean. In their eyes, it was probably just a glass doll that needed to be taken care of, but he didn’t expect that when they didn’t notice anything, Xia Feishi had already guessed a lot. matter.

Xia Feishi didn’t show too much surprise about the appearance of pets in the game world, but Xia Feishi just quickly accepted his change from an animal to a human being. Yu Mo thought he should have guessed it long ago. to some truth.

Xia Feishi’s words made Yu Mo pause for a moment, and he couldn’t help but change his opinion.

Xia Feishi asked, “Where will you go after you leave?”

He knew that Yu Mo wouldn’t stay here for too long, so he took advantage of this short time to quickly ask the questions he cared about.

There was no need for Yu Mo to tell Xia Feishi anything, because this delicate human being would not be of any help to the empire.

But such a thought only flashed in his mind for a moment, and then he said, “Go to our original world.”

Xia Feishi asked, “Is it very far?”

Yu Mo nodded.

He wrapped his right hand around the waist of the human, ready to send him down. He brought Xia Feishi just now because he felt that there was a commotion below, and he was unwilling to deal with it unnecessarily in this situation.

But now that he was leaving, it would probably be inappropriate to leave Xia Feishi alone in such a high place.

Just when he was about to jump off with someone, Xia Feishi suddenly leaned over, raised her arms and hugged Yu Mo.

Yu Mo’s movements suddenly stopped, and even those eyes that were usually used to indifference had a faint but obvious emotional change at this moment.

“When will you be back?”

Usually in the game world, because Yu Mo looks like a wolf cub, Xia Fei is always holding Yu Mo. The wolf cub is held in his arms every day. Both of them are very used to it, and they are almost used to it. level.

As long as he goes online, Xia Feishi will take the initiative to hug Yu Mo, and Yu Mo, who looks like a wolf cub, will also lie in his arms very obediently.

But now, for the first time, they have swapped places with each other.

Because Xia Feishi was thinner and petite, he hugged Yu Mo like this, it looked more like he was throwing himself into Yu Mo’s arms, he hugged Yu Mo tightly and said, “Take me with you. Are you going to go?”

In fact, even Xia Feishi himself did not expect this sentence.

He was just holding Yu Mo when he suddenly had such a thought.

He was unhappy in this manor. The years before him seemed to be unhappy at all. He used to have a happy family, but now as time goes by, this manor is more like a ruined It was an empty shell, and he was the only one left here, and there was actually nothing inside.

In contrast, he felt that if he could leave with Yu Mo, or even if there was no way to go to their world, it would be good to go to the game.

So when hugging Yu Mo, he just asked.

As for Yu Mo, he raised his eyes slightly, and after Xia Feishi let go, he focused on the human boy.

“You said you want to leave?”

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