I, the silver superman, am promoted to omniscience and omnipotence

Chapter 58

Derived from a new timeline

primordial universe, the origin of

the earth United States, New York

, in the sparsely populated alley near

the pedestrian street, a space tunnel appeared Ye Ritian was the first to walk out, wearing a blackened battle suit and revealing his head.

Xingchen walked out second, wearing a white costume robe and a red levitation cloak.

Deadpool came out third, wearing a black and red suit, two carbon steel knives behind his back, and two pistols in his legs.

Hulk,,, all green, green you panic, love is one....

Hulk: "..."

After the four came out, the space tunnel disappeared.

Ye Ritian looked around, his psychic ability was scattered, and he did not privately probe other people's memories, he did not like to do this, unless it was an enemy. After some searching from God's perspective, after hearing a group of young people discussing the plot of the manga, he knew that he had come to the right place, and he believed in his idealism and ability.

Ye Ritian smiled quietly and said, "We have arrived, this is the origin earth." Deadpool


"My big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

Ye Ritian looked at Deadpool and smiled strangely

, "Deadpool, come with me, I heard someone praising you, I'll take you to meet your fans." After

that, Ye Ritian took the stars, Deadpool, and Hulk out of the alley and walked towards the group of young people!

At this time, the group of adults were still laughing and playing

: "That's right, as a comic book character, you have to have the awakening of a comic book character, how can you think of breaking the fourth wall." Deadpool is clearly an idiot!

"What would you do if you were Deadpool?" After knowing the truth, stay inside the wall and continue to be the protagonist, the price is for people to say life and death, or to go outside the wall to slaughter ...!

"How nice it is to be inside the wall, a real world, after coming out of the wall, although it is a character for people to play with, but it is the protagonist!" As long as you don't know the truth, you can still live happily, but once you leave the wall and find the truth, it will be difficult to accept!! I like Deadpool a lot, I really hope the editors change it and don't write Deadpool so badly! Ye

Ritian approached this group of adults, and the four people looking at Ye Ritian on the street were already stunned, but reason made them feel that this was not the person who came out of the comics, and others could see that Ye Ritian, Xingchen, and Deadpool The three costumes and body types could more or less come out

But how can everyone not see how the Hulk Hulk, the strong physique, strong muscles, green face, four meters two tall and mighty body, how did COS come out, does anyone in the United States grow so tall? ? There is no one in the whole world, okay! Most importantly, that green face is very realistic no matter how you look at it? I can't help but wonder if these four people are authentic, could it be that ,,, really came out of the comics??? No, no, I must have shot a lot in the shooting game last night, and I actually believe how the virtual characters in the comics can come to the real world, and the people on the street shook their heads and didn't dare to think about it, but the next second they shocked and scared them away!

Deadpool listened to one of the five people in front of him, a thin guy spoke by himself, and finally felt better, and immediately decided to let this ordinary person go, without saying a word, pulled out a steel knife that was less than eighty meters, and slashed at the neck of one of the other four!


The man was still chattering, continuing to sarcastically and angrily scold Deadpool's stupid man, and in the next second the head fell to the ground, and he died without even feeling pain.

It can only be said that Deadpool has been too merciful since he met Ye Ritian, this method of death, too easy, the enemy humiliated him so much, he actually did not leave any pain to others!


"Ah, run

" "Quick, call the police, Deadpool is killing!"

"That's people pretending to be, not really Deadpool, what Deadpool killed people, what are you talking about!"

"You're so blind, isn't that Deadpool killing or who?? You tell me his name??? You name him by another name, and I'll call you Daddy. "

Let's just say, isn't he... Death..., death..." "

Dead what?? You go on? You call his name, Farke Squid, you dog thing, can't call it! shit!

"I admit, I didn't see clearly, it was Deadpool killing." Why do you scold people, and who do dogs scold?

"The dog scolds you! shit!

"Ah, yes, yes! The dog scolded me. "

Oh, shit, I'll kill you, you'll fool me..."

Deadpool's murder on the street frightened many people, some people fought because of the quarrel over whether Deadpool was himself, and the people on the street scattered, and in a blink of an eye, only the four adult passers-by A and B in front of Deadpool's eyes were left, and the pair of passers-by A and passers-by who were fighting, passerby B!

One of them looked at Deadpool with a steel knife in his hand and trembled

, "You, you, you really... Deadpool? That, that... Deadpool... That Deadpool who slaughtered the Marvel Universe?

Ye Ritian didn't interject, this is Deadpool's personal show, can't steal the show, so he took Xingchen's hand and looked at the scenery on the street!

The Hulk is quiet, it only has the owner Ye Ritian in its eyes, Ye Ritian did not let it bite anyone, then it will keep it so quiet, concentrate on protecting, once someone is wrong, go up and bite him.

Deadpool looked at the trembling tower, it was the passerby who spoke for myself before, so he nodded and said

, "That's right, I'm the Deadpool, for your sake, I won't kill you, you go!"

After speaking, he looked at the other three, passerby A, passerby B, passerby C!


The three saw that Deadpool saw that he ran on the street, no one wanted to die, he just wanted to say a few words, but he didn't expect to be killed by people along the comic strip in the next second, three fights one does not dare to fight, is chased by one counter-kill, these three are not able to play at all, real hammer!

"Can you run away? Dare to insult me, you have to die a little "painfully". Deadpool

laughed cruelly, the speed of ordinary people escaping is too slow in Deadpool's eyes, and there is no need to teleport the belt!

Deadpool caught up with passerby C and slashed off one of his legs, and the man "plopped" and fell to the ground, crying out in pain

, "Ah, help!"

The sound of this man's call disturbed the other fleeing passers-by A and passerby B, they looked back at passerby C while running, one leg was cut from under the stomach, terrified, fearful, couldn't help but raise the speed up a notch again, only hate that parents have two legs less, otherwise they run faster.

"Ah, let me go, I know it's wrong, Deadpool, I'm not going to lash out anymore! Please, spare me! "

Deadpool was indifferent, his hand rose and fell, and he slashed down again at the passerby who had only one leg left, and then looked unhurriedly at the other two....

No, or the familiar Deadpool, the cruel killing Deadpool returned, a passerby cut off two legs, and I don't know how to treat it later, the editor-in-chief must not be worse, the words say that the passerby A died suddenly so happy, there is no pain at all, maybe he scolded less!


In the main universe, 616

Origin Earth

in a room, the chief editor watched the comic plot in his hand being changed, and he was angry, jumping like thunder in the room, gritting his teeth

"Who is this person, why did he suddenly appear in the Marvel Main Universe 616, damn it, what the hell happened! Why is there a new timeline that does not exist in the history of comics, where does this weird timeline come from! There is still something protecting him, I don't even know his ability, origin, purpose, whether he is male or female, I only know that it is called Ye Ritian, damn it, it seems that this person can't move, I hope this person doesn't make Marvel a black miasma

." ............

The young man of the tavern in

the center of a certain universe

was mixing wine while watching Ye Ritian's crazy actions on the origin earth

, "Not bad, this fireworks bloom is really beautiful, choosing you as a firework to light up the starry sky is worthy of the right choice!" Spinning off a new timeline!!

"Creator, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, nothing, give, your wine. There are no outsiders here, no need to call me the Creator, you don't have to be nervous, those who can come to me are destined people, and those who come are guests!

"Thanks, don't dare! You are the Creator after all, do not dare to be disrespectful! "

Okay, whatever you want,"

the tavern youth finished speaking, and continued to observe Ye Ritian, and soon saw the future timeline, he led Deadpool to slaughter the editor, and then slaughter... Another Deadpool...! Good, really interesting, Ye Ritian, I really didn't misread you, and then stopped watching bartending.

And this customer in the tavern, this is a giant, no, to be precise, it has no neck, not even a person!

It is tall, a giant with a golden energy body, no neck, but a head with four faces, the middle face represents justice, the left face represents revenge, and the right face represents need. The last vacant place can present a fourth face.

It is worth mentioning that in the manga, the heads of the three faces are covered with a cloth that half-covers the face, and there are many colors, white, purple, blue, cyan, yellow, red, etc.!

The fourth vacant part can show the face of the interlocutor, "during the dialogue" aka "defendant", the face of the interlocutor appears, and the face representing "need" will also present the face of the interlocutor and talk to him. When the three faces formally intervene in the trial, they must agree.

Two meanings, the first is that He is a cosmic mirror, and anyone who sees Him will take on a different face, and the

second meaning: When the world looks at others, don't forget that they are also looking at themselves!

If Ye Ritian is here, he will definitely know this person, he has a well-known name, which may not have appeared in Marvel movies, but everyone must have heard of him, that is, the "Court of Life"!

This tavern in the universe, in fact, not everyone can enter, in a certain issue of the comic set is that it has always been in the concept of wandering and moving, and only if there is a fate person or the owner of the tavern he wants to see you, you can meet and come in, otherwise, if it is not fate, he does not want to see you, no matter who can see it, and then not!


Derived from a new timeline

primordial universe, the origin earth

in Deadpool's cruel torture of the three passers-by A B C, the two passers-by A and passerby B on the side of the road did not let go, killed together, before leaving, he was stopped by the passerby Ding who bypassed his life, it turned out to be asking for an autograph, in this regard, of course Deadpool does not mind, there is a fan who likes himself, although he is played and written without liking, but that is the editor's business, and it has nothing to do with ordinary people,,,

The main thing is that this person did not say bad things about himself, thinking that he Deadpool... It is not an indiscriminate killing of innocent people,,, that is impossible, he is an indiscriminate killing of innocent people!!

Ye Ritian's group walked towards the Marvel Company and office building.

Ye Ritian and Deadpool quickly found a place through their psychic abilities. Standing downstairs

"It should be this, let's go in!"

"My good dog Hulk, when he sees people, he smashes me, and there is no one left in this building!"


" "Hee-hee, don't you make a move, let the two of us kill!"

"I won't make a move, I said before, I will work, you will contribute, and, when another Deadpool will appear, if you can't beat him, I'll strike again!"

"Alright! Hulk, we rush!


Deadpool and Hulk rushed in, slashed with a knife, smashed with a fist, among superheroes, there are few people who are opponents of these two, let alone a group of weak and pathetic ordinary people!

"Ah! Kill!

"This first

..." "Enemy attack, there is a situation, there is a situation, the report team

..." "Someone broke into the building, everyone..."

Spare me, don't kill me, please

" "Help, kill!"

The hall was filled with messy exclamations, fear surrounded everyone's hearts, fresh life splashed hot blood, and the desire to survive burned in the bottom of the heart.

Security at the door, front desk lady, office staff, panicked. In the hall, heads rolled down, blood spilled, stump limbs were broken, corpses were sparsely shattered, and all the population was spared!

Ye Ritian calmly looked at Deadpool, the Hulks were brutally slaughtering, wantonly squandering the death sickle in their hands towards the group of living people.

In the building, an employee on a certain floor

is ignoring the image, hurriedly and frightened towards the innermost

conference room of the employee passage, pushing open the door, and finding that the editor-in-chief is in a meeting, the conference room is full of people, the editor-in-chief of the Marvel Comics editorial department and the heads of various departments are meeting to discuss the strange thing about Ye Ritian appearing in the comics, which bastard editor or staff secretly wrote and secretly painted the plot of the comic.

"Something is bad, leaders! Received the news from the front desk, then, that Ye Ritian came up from downstairs with Deadpool! What are we going to do? "

All the people present broke out in a cold sweat, after all, they knew that something strange had appeared in the comics. There are also a small number of people who do not believe in evil, and one wears gold-wire glasses, exudes the breath of a person in a high position at the helm, is the leader of the company, and he is even more bluntly said at the moment

: "Who recruited this person and opened him for me!" Our big company, how can anyone be recruited, in this alarmist, unscrupulous, fabricated right and wrong to mess around, people are panicked, their hearts can be blamed! "

That's right, how can Deadpool come to the real world as a virtual character, it must be that he doesn't go to work well, he fishes all day long, he has a lot of gossip, and he complains about the low welfare and low salary, so he maliciously slanders the company's reputation, what does the director of the personnel department do??" What cats and dogs are recruited to come in and disturb the meeting, do you know how much this will delay the planning process! Can you afford to pay for it?

The director wiped the sweat on his hands, trembling and standing up

: "Report the leader, it is me who handles it unfavorably, please the leader to punish!" I'll let the finance settle his salary and the front desk in a moment, and let them go! The

employees who came in to report the letter were frightened by this scene, like frosted eggplants suddenly ghosted, and their faces were full of tears

: "I really didn't lie, leaders," "

All quiet, Mister, what do you think about this?"

The editor-in-chief Mister, hearing the editor-in-chief call himself, hurriedly got up and respected the tone

: "Editor-in-chief, after many discussions just now, I haven't reached a conclusion, the top priority, I think we should go out to see what is going on downstairs, confront the front desk, and stabilize ... Popularity! The

meeting fell silent, quietly waiting for the editor-in-chief to give instructions.

The director stood up and said slowly, and said to the messenger again!

"Well, if that's the case, then everyone should move and follow me downstairs." Young people, in society, be down-to-earth, do not make up nonsense, if things are really what you say, you stay and I will give you a promotion and a raise, otherwise, you ... Let's go, do it yourself!

The editor-in-chief said to the staff who reported the message in a heavy tone, and left the conference room with a group of people!


, Ye Ritian walked into the hall unhurriedly with the stars, and before leaving, a transparent enchantment was arranged on the ground of this building to prevent ordinary people from going out, and super-capable people could enter! ,,

huh? When he felt that there was a spatial fluctuation about a hundred meters nearby, the corners of Ye Ritian's mouth turned up, You are here, Deadpool!!

On the sidewalk

, a vertical three-meter diamond-shaped crack appeared out of thin air on the main road, and a large number of blue fluctuation particles were produced in the space crack and void, indicating that someone here is creating a wormhole through some regular force to open the interstellar gate for shuttling and jumping!

The person who came was Deadpool, a Deadpool who was dressed exactly like Ye Ritian's side and had the same ability.

"Shit, this is the real world where those damn brain-dead editors live? This super high and infinitely wide east-west wall prevents people inside the wall from passing through the wall, and at first I thought it was protecting the Marvel world inside the wall, but I didn't expect that the people inside the wall discovered the real world outside the wall!

"This group of beast editors who have been slashed by a thousand cuts and have died in the dead, if I hadn't accidentally discovered that the observer family of frogs was talking to someone in the air, I would not have discovered the truth of this world, and the black shiny glamorous gemstone obtained by chance, through the guidance of the information in the gemstone, I understood that this was a plot gem"

"Through the guidance of the "plot gem", outside the high wall of all evils is a real world called Origin Earth, my world is called Marvel, all superheroes and evil villains, from the gods to the demon mutants, are just that group of ordinary people, no superhuman conceived comic works, our world is virtual! All of them are an after-dinner story, joke, ridicule, toy, denigrate, ridicule, ridicule, fun, devaluation for those editors, people, authors, fans, readers, etc.

"What a sad, cruel truth! Those dead editors with pig brains dare to edit so casually to fool the world, I'm afraid that those who live in the Marvel world still don't know the world view they have lived in for many years, here is just an anime work, people here casually draw a little character modeling, make up a word, color, base map, illustration, editing, dimming, background and other aspects of the process and then release, a world is born, a poor superhero has grown up after touching and crawling, haha, hee! Damn and damn it, can't accept it, I Deadpool absolutely can't accept it, die, give me death, I'm going to kill you all, the people of this world give me death! Not only Marvel editors, but everyone who has seen Marvel Comics has to die, Marvel company, chief editor Mister is it, let me find out, where are you!! "

Deadpool walking on the street, regardless of the reactions of the people around him, speeding on the street, holding two carbon steel knives, seeing a person kill one, men, women, children, children, and the elderly, without exception, died this knife, just like that

, maybe it was fate, or some inexplicable unknown in the underworld was guiding Deadpool, because he killed all the way to the direction, impartially it was Marvel!

People in the real world are like a domino effect, one after another inexplicably appeared, ran into Deadpool's field of vision, and dragged him all the way to Marvel!

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