I, the silver superman, am promoted to omniscience and omnipotence

Chapter 57

Listening to Deadpool's inhumane and profound paper, Ye Ritian frowned lightly, and kicked him

: "Don't say such bloody things in front of my girlfriend, just the two of us!"

, "Xingchen came over

"It's okay, you will protect me!"

"Ah, yes, yes! That being said, the girl's family, too bloody is not good!!

"What's wrong?? I was born as your person, and died as your ghost, and I have followed you, and you are not allowed to do without me!

Xingchen hugged Ye Ritian tightly with both hands, buried his head in his shoulders,,, Ye Ritian did not speak, Deadpool rubbed his butt and it didn't hurt, and came over and said cheaply,

"Death is??" Deadpool? Dead is = Deadpool?? ,, Deadpool your ghost? What the heck? When did I become a ghost? Return your ghost??

"Go and go, while playing eggs, the stars say "death is", death is your ghost, not your Deadpool's "attendant", not Deadpool's ghost," "

Huh?? Not me dead is a ghost ?? Why did you get more confused the more you listened to it?? What the hell!

"Okay, don't care so much, stand next to it, adjust the state for a while, I feel the timeline of the origin earth!" I'll go get the plot gems in a moment! "

Deadpool snorted, finally honest

, the origin earth is the timeline of the primordial universe, and there is a wall separated from the multiverse, this is a fourth wall, outside the wall is the real world, inside the wall is the Marvel world, the secrets of the origin earth are many and very large, his location is also extremely secret and deep, there is no other world after its world.

Even many people don't know that this origin earth is inhabited by a special group of people ~ Marvel editors, and this group of people has another layer of identity in the future,,,, that is, beyond the Protoss. The predecessors of Beyond Protoss were the Marvel editors.

Whether it's Marvel or DC, there's such a so-called fourth wall "real world."

Marvel and DC editors not only know that the comics they write can create worlds, but they also know that the story series that take place in these worlds are real.

They also often link occasionally. For example, Superman and troublemaker have come to Marvel, and there is a madman in the timeline of a certain universe who opened the door of the universe and single-handedly created the creation of the Avengers vs. Justice League!

The linkage was in the 1976 comic book "Superman vs. Spider-Man", and since then, it has been out of control, dozens of linkage comics have been produced over the decades, and a two-hero fusion Amalgam (translation: amalgam) universe (DC main universe new earth and Marvel main universe earth-616 fused), with the help of hero Access DC's ghost and Marvel's life court to separate the DC universe and the Marvel universe again, the amalgam universe was ended. Later, Doctor Fate tried to recreate the amalgam universe but was stopped by Doctor Strange, who sealed the amalgam universe and gave it to Access for safekeeping.

The DC side is relatively stable, the structural core of the DC world is Superman, the entire world exists because of the existence of Superman, if Superman dies, the structure and framework of the entire world will collapse and destroy.

DC can be without any person, but definitely not without Superman, otherwise it will cease to exist!

So in DC's origin earth, there is also a special superman, this superman, that is, the famous supreme little superman. Also known as Supreme Superman

, this humble critic was originally an ordinary person from the origin earth, but one day suddenly basking in the sun can become stronger. Since then, he has become the only superhuman in the entire origin earth.

This critic's biggest hobby is to run into the DC editorial office, beat up the editors, and ask these damn editors to draw him a little more handsome, a little more powerful, a little more charming, the kind of beautiful girl who falls at a glance.

Then this critic will often run to the DC multiverse next door to make an appointment with the Justice League, either on the basis or on the way to the dry fight, which can be described as a DC stupidity.

His favorite slogan is "Who else", like in "Darkest Night" and "Infinite Crisis", Supreme Superman pressed the spicy chicken superheroes of the Justice League to the ground and rubbed it, excitedly shouting "Who else!" "。

Every time he shouts this sentence, within three seconds, he will be beaten, which is the causal law of the DC world. Just like the saying "you can fight Superman, but you can't fight with Batman", the laws behind this are extremely funny and correct!

Despite this, there are still many people, a large number of fans who love this supreme little superman!

The real trouble is that the first Protoss of Marvel surpasses the Protoss. In this race, the weakest, cheapest, and most garbage battlefield consumables are all monolithic cosmic level starters!!

The top ivory king of this group has had the terrifying record of three ivory kings killing the court of life in seconds. Beyond the Protoss, originating from Marvel's ultimate, rivaling the OAA above all things... Original Transcendent.

It has always been known as Marvel's top hanging group of molecular people, as open monsters who destroy the almighty universe in minutes, are just (experimental bombs) created by surpassing the Protoss.

The three ivory kings even killed the Court of Life in the comics, and the OAA came out to clean up the situation and appointed the second generation warlock Adam as the new Court of Life!

Marvel's first surpass of the Protoss race, but not by Marvel fans touted, Xuanzhi and Xuanzhi, that is a real fight, a terrifying record.

The Transcendent Protoss is powerful and powerful, and there are many drawbacks, among which it is necessary to rely on the power of the primordial transcendent to lead the whole clan to ascend to the Transcendent Protoss Race, otherwise it is just an ordinary human race. Secondly, it was later blown up by more than twenty molecules, causing them to die and live in the explosion, and the brilliant quickly fell lonely, but it cannot be denied that it surpassed the strength of the Protoss.

Beyond the setting of the Protoss race, a group of ordinary people is to open and hang, do not have to do anything, just wait for the primitive transcendent to die, in Marvel, if not open and hang is really unable to stay in the world, the degree of danger is extremely high, in Ye Ritian's view, not to mention the world level and combat power, just say the degree of danger, not much weaker than the position of the Terrans in the previous life, ordinary people on both sides of the world are extremely weak and self-preservation, the top saints and Marvel hangs above to fight is to collapse the universe and timeline, Down to the superhero villain Tianxian fights mortals suffer, trillions of living beings die and resurrect and start again, in the flood barren race died, that is really dead, a mortal man, how can there be so kind to let you resurrect. And Marvel is different, the gods above generally restart the universe and push back the timeline, and ordinary people can be kept in the dark again to regain a new life, which is much better than the flood famine!

Origin Earth, this is a deep and hidden, and special planet, with a real world, there are Marvel comics editors writing comics, Marvel's comic book superheroes and villain stories, is sought after by countless ordinary people after work every day, with a large group of fans.

Now, Ye Ritian is ready to reopen a new timeline from another timeline to come and go to the origin earth on that timeline, it can be said that this is a bold, crazy plan, because there is no such comic plot in Marvel Comics, Ye Ritian is off the original track, Ye Ritian opened a precedent. , 616 The timeline of the main universe originated from the earth, Ye Ritian did not dare to take Deadpool to do it, otherwise ,,, a person who did not do a good job provoked the group of predecessors who had not been promoted to the transcendent god race, was revenge by them, and they would be miserable in the future, one of themselves is not afraid but they are a family, but this group of people can calculate, when the time comes, control this group of people in advance, once they advance beyond the god race, they will take it for their own use, used to attack DC's god field and Darkseid,,, Ye Ritian touched his chin and pondered.

In the original timeline, it stands to reason that Deadpool was unintentional, and by chance he got a black plot gem, the plot gem setting = comic book editing, is to enable Marvel characters to pass the original timeline events have not happened in the past, but also logical and modify the plot, theoretically similar to Scarlet Witch's modification of reality, but the definition of the scope concept abstract body plot gem is better

, using gemstones to modify the plot, is to ignore the laws and settings, You can even use the story gems to put someone better than you to work for you! The use of story gems has nothing to do with your own ability!

It can be said that when you get it, you should be a Marvel Comics editor, forcibly open and hang for yourself, and modify reality.

But Ye Ritian's idealistic ability, it seems that it is not so powerful, the plot gem involves editing permissions, similar to the author, , this is Marvel, idealistic ability is not so powerful, if it is in DC, Superman is the core of DC, then the idealistic ability is strong, this is not mentioned!

Ye Ritian's consciousness came to the system space, and suddenly found that the system space had an extra pink bed, and the starry sky was lying on it to sleep, maybe the system space temperature was good and it was transformed by the system ability, so the starry sky was not covered with a quilt!

The clothes are still that dress, and the maid pretends to be starry!

Ye Ritian stepped forward to wake up the starry sky, explained the intention, and immediately agreed, the starry sky used the system ability to strengthen Ye Ritian's idealistic ability, so that his idealism was as powerful as in DC, from then on, idealism no longer has shortcomings, and the starry sky continues to sleep and restore strength!

Ye Ritian was happy, before leaving, looking at the sleeping maid pretending to be starry sky, lying on her side to sleep, her face facing her side, lovely pink cheeks, slightly trembling eyelashes, breathing calmly, very cute, Ye Ritian looked at the starry sky quietly like this,,, as a result, the starry sky just opened his eyes at this time,,, the frightened Ye Ritian disappeared in place and retreated!

Ye Ritian didn't look at each other like in the film and television dramas in his previous life, what looked away, what looked away to change the topic, what quarrels to find a reason I didn't look at you... Wait, Ye Ritian didn't make any excuses, yes, only the kind of girl who didn't dare to look at his crush!

I want to see her, but I am afraid that she will find out that I am peeking at her.

Wanting her to appear, and being afraid of his inferiority and not worthy of her.

I wanted to approach her, but I couldn't find an excuse to interest her.

I want to let go of her, comfort myself that there will be a better than myself He will take care of her, love her as much as he loves her.

I want to forget her, until my life has reached the end, I can't let go, and I still haven't been able to forget that kind girl at the cost of my life, and I have been lingering in my mind!

After Ye Ritian withdrew, Starry Sky pretended not to see it, closed his eyes and went to sleep... It's just that he can't sleep, his face appears red, Ye

Ritian patiently feels the origin earth


Derived from a new timeline

primordial universe, originating from the Earth

United States, New York, an office building 60 meters high near the pedestrian street,

Marvel Corporation.

A forty-year-old middle-aged man with eyes, named Bull Mister, Marvel's editor-in-chief, was sitting in an office chair at this time, holding coffee in one hand and looking at the assistant sent over (Marvel Corporate Earnings Graph Trend), with a smile on his face, and no matter how bitter coffee became honey in his mouth at this time.

The marketing profit is huge, the comic is very popular, it is a hot sale as soon as it is sold online, the crazy slaughter of Deadpool, and the wonderful and clever plot are loved by readers. Let them make a lot of money, Marvel comics have become a popular global heat, if you want to read comics, not only must you make an appointment in advance, but also be taken to the auction site to compete, in

the way of the highest price, the buyer can not disclose to others after reading! , although the last request is a little unreasonable, but no one cares, they really want to read manga too much!

The latest two comic book issues are "Deadpool Slaughters the Real World with Plot Gems" and "Deadpool Slaughters the Marvel Universe 5 vs. Thanos" series, the first "Deadpool Slaughters the Real World with Plot Gems" has nothing to say, the same plot as Deadpool slaughtering the Marvel Universe, but the world is replaced by the real world, and the plot gems are plug-ins opened by the editor to Deadpool.

The second part is the focus, "Deadpool Slaughters Marvel Universe 5 vs. Thanos" After Deadpool slaughtered the Marvel Universe quadrilogy, readers thought it was over, people watched comics less popular, the editor-in-chief was not happy, how to make money. So I wrote a fifth, so it's 5.

Instead of thinking about updating other superheroes, he continued to harvest Deadpool leeks, forcing the editors to increase the plot of Deadpool and change the comics, and then the editors came up with bold ideas

"Let Deadpool go to the main universe 616 to mess up, in their plot, Deadpool first arrived on Parkway Street in New York, saw the Hulk and Abomination War, then killed these two as the starting point, walked towards Stark Tower with a knife, and finally slaughtered the Avengers and superhero villains and S.H.I.E.L.D., leaving only ordinary people, and then slaughtered Asgard and the Nine Realms, collecting the Infinity Stones, yes, they want to use Deadpool and Thanos to make another profit, Three Gems Deadpool vs. Three Gems Thanos, Lay foreshadowing at the end, let Deadpool pretend that he can't beat Thanos, Deadpool travels back to the timeline of the past just came to the main universe 616, stops the past Deadpool from hunting the Avengers, takes them back to the future together to kill Thanos, and when Deadpool brings the past people to the future timeline to kill Thanos, Deadpool backhanded himself to put on the Infinity Gauntlet filled with six Infinity Stones, and snapped his fingers, so that the people of the universe died, the Avengers were stunned, angry and corrupted, Deadpool you play us??? Just when the Avengers were about to kill Deadpool, everyone felt a dizziness in their minds, and the Avengers woke up to find that their group had not traveled to the future at all, everything was fake, and the next second Deadpool from the future wore six gems to kill Deadpool in the past at this time and threw it in front of them and said, "No, you guys are not dreams, it's all real, plus I've already lured Thanos over, he wants to make half of the population of this universe disappear!" Come on, hold on! ",, So Deadpool fled, Thanos successfully killed the Avengers, Thanos just turned around and was cut off by Deadpool, and it was too late to even have the Infinity Stones! , this plot, just think about it to know how exciting and expected.

Thinking of this, Mister laughed wantonly, and he also admired this editor's brain, I don't know what will happen if Deadpool finally cut off Thanos' head, and he turned around and was also cut off by another Deadpool,,, thinking of this, the editor-in-chief expressed his admiration for his brain!

At this moment, a male subordinate hurriedly ran over, didn't even have time to knock on the door, pushed it open in a panic and violence, walked in with the latest comic book issue in his hand, the comic plot of "Deadpool Slaughters Marvel 5 Universe vs. Thanos"

, "The big thing is not good, chief editor, our comic has changed, a strange person broke in, single-handedly modified all our plots, Deadpool was accepted by him as a little brother!"

The editor-in-chief was not in a hurry, because he was too happy and was not angry at all at the rude entry of the employee, and said lightly: "What's the matter, panic, what a system." Breaking into individuals? Deadpool into his little brother?? Show me"

Mister took the manga and opened it, his brows furrowed slightly.

Browsing quickly, constantly turning pages, the pupils shrank as if he saw something extremely terrifying! Angrily scolded

, "What is going on?? Who secretly changed my plot? Didn't I say that the plot should be carried out according to the previously approved, did you not receive my notice, who secretly drew this ?? The

employee was aggrieved: "We don't know, this is just ten minutes ago, an insider bought the company's comics, and as soon as they bought it, it became like this!" At first, I thought it was a prank, but when I looked at other comics, I found that they all became like this, and we also learned about it after receiving internal information.

The editor-in-chief roared, "Damn! How did it become like this, check, check it for me immediately, don't let me find out who changed it, otherwise I will never spare him. Even if I change it, I can't accept it, but Deadpool is the protagonist, the protagonist has become someone else's little brother, how can this work, he has become a little brother, how can the world develop for him?? Damn, damn it! This is a good thing done by which bastard editor! The

employee hurriedly said: "Chief editor, don't be angry first, you better hurry up and take a look at the last page, according to the latest news from insider feedback, the person who took Deadpool as a younger brother is called Ye Ritian, the ability is unknown, the comic picture he shot in the comic was erased by a very strange unknown way of existence, in addition to Deadpool, the behavior of the other three people we can't see at all, we can only see the results describing what general sentences they did, and I don't know what abilities and news channels he used, After knowing that all this was done by us, with Deadpool, Green Man, and a Chinese girl, the four came towards our origin earth! Threatening to kill us, Deadpool even said in the comics that he would kill you, twist your neck with his own hands, cut off your fingers and blood, and personally eat for you..." The

editor-in-chief roared, holding a profit trend chart and smashing at the employees

"Shut up, idiot! Roll me, go to deliver notices to me, call the editors and painters in charge of various departments to come to a meeting, this matter touches the bottom line of my anger, ask me who has a problem will not be tolerated, severely punished! "

The employee ran away in fright and gave the notice.

The editor-in-chief sat in a comfortable chair but was not comfortable at all, thinking about who Ye Ritian was, he always felt a bad premonition, his right eyelid kept jumping wildly, as if some bad disaster was about to come, and his mind was restless! ! !


the United States of New York, sidewalks

, pedestrian streets, vehicles rampant, people on the road, groups of three or two, endless streams, chatting constantly!

"Shock! The issue of "Deadpool Slaughters the Marvel Universe 5 vs. Thanos" is really wonderful! Amazing! Wonderful, wonderful, this idea is perfect!

"yes, who says it isn't! However, if I want to say that it has to be the issue of "Deadpool Slaughters the Real World with Plot Gems", the comic is good, slaughtering the real world? Hehe, does he know what the real world is, it's just a plaything in the hands of editors!

"Haha, this Taoist friend is right! But I feel like you have a way to die! Watch out for him coming out of the comics and killing you!

"Afraid of what! If he can drill out and kill me, I will chop me live!

"6, brother, do you mean this? I'm a murderer who has been absconding for many years, I'll COS Deadpool kill you in a moment, when will you chop up? I want to see you chop before "going in"! "


"Xiu'er, is that you! I think it, "Deadpool slaughters the real world with plot gems "Deadpool slaughters the Marvel Universe 5 vs. Thanos" is very good-looking, this bold conjecture, imaginative brain hole, bizarre Deadpool, impossible crossing, characters broken, the fourth wall to the real world, how is this possible, what a madman!! The editors really dare to think and draw, hahaha, and are not afraid that Deadpool will really break the fourth wall and come over and twist his neck with his own hands, cutting off his head and fingers! On

the sidewalk, everyone laughed and discussed, but unexpectedly, four people had quietly come behind them!

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