I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 515

Chapter 515 Everything Is Revolving Around You

Lynn’s eyes grew deeper and deeper.

He stared at the woman in front of him, her appearance was very ordinary, ordinary like the commoners you can see everywhere.

But just based on the terrifying ability she showed when she attacked the Time God King just now, her strength has exceeded his imagination.

“Are you trying to ask me why I should help you?”

The woman said calmly.

Lynn said deeply, “What do you know?”

The woman poured herself a glass of wine, and said in a hurry, “It’s more than you think, in fact, from the moment you stepped into the realm of the gods, I have already noticed you. Since this time, I have also I’ve been following you all the time, in fact I’ve been around you all the time except when you were in the Abyss of Chaos.”

Lynn’s heart sank.

“But you don’t need to worry. I won’t do anything to you. In fact, not only will I not, but I have helped you many times.”

“For example, when you want to provoke a war between the two gods of the element and reality, the time god comes to mediate, if I hadn’t helped you cover up the cause and effect, you would have been discovered by the time god long ago, and you still think it’s luck ?”

Her voice and shadow are still as unhurried as before, without any fluctuations, but it makes people feel like falling into a cold pool.

Her fingers moved slightly.

The environment they were in changed in an instant, and when they opened their eyes again, they had already appeared in the orderly kingdom of the gods.

On the sacred square, the two of them sat in front of the tea seat, out of tune with everything around them.

But neither the sky nor the ground, all the angels were aware of them.

The woman said calmly: “You are very good, except for your strategic misjudgment due to your ignorance of the God King, what you have done in the God Realm has always been very concealed, even now, except for me. Besides, no one has really noticed your layout in the God Realm.”

“But after what happened in the underworld, several god kings have also realized your existence, which is one of the reasons why I have to end, because if you die, then the game between me and reincarnation will go backwards. A hundred thousand years have passed.”

“And we’re afraid we can’t wait any longer.”

Lynn’s fists clenched slowly.

And to this moment.

He also finally completely understood the horror of the reincarnation god king.


Whatever his ultimate purpose, he was never alone.

On every key node, he just arranged one giant hand after another, and firmly grasped his fate in his hands.

And the fate of the Karma God King is already directly playing against him!

It’s a clear message to you that everything you do is under their control, they already know it, but they don’t care.

This is outright viciousness.

The woman glanced at him and said slowly, “Lynn, you don’t have to feel depressed.”

“In fact, all your unwillingness comes from the cognition of the personality you have formed in these thousands of years, but this is meaningless.”

“When you really wake up, you will sit here with me with a smile, and you will not care about the absurdity of these thousands of years with me.”

Lynn laughed, “Then why don’t you just kill me now?”

The woman gave him gin wine and said slowly: “This question is ridiculous, isn’t it? You don’t have to worry that I will be hostile to you, and even in a sense, you can regard me as your protector. ”

“As long as you are still walking this road, I can guarantee that you will have no worries.”


Lynn laughed heartily.

It was almost the greatest irony he had ever heard in his life.

Because he also heard the overtones in her words, if he stopped going this way, then she would immediately become his hindrance and have the ability to defeat him at any time.

There has never been any freedom or resistance.

It has always been a hand destined in the dark, arranging everything in the open and secret.

And when you really reach that level, they will come and defeat the last fluke in your heart.

“It turns out that all my experiences for thousands of years are under your control and watch, isn’t it?”

Lynn smiled extra brightly.

The woman said slowly: “Although this is very uncomfortable, it will benefit you without any harm, because you are the King of Reincarnation, and there has never been any replacement or disappearance.”

“Especially after the resurgence of your beloved wife, which I think you know better than I do, doesn’t your wife still love you as much as she did? Lynn.”

The smile on Lynn’s face stopped abruptly.

The woman raised her head and held her cheeks, his expression reflected in her eyes.

“Don’t you think it’s all similar?”

The whole world suddenly became silent at this moment.

It was as if some kind of foreshadowing that had been going on from time immemorial was affecting him subtly and subtly from all aspects.

That moment.

Scene after scene from the past flashed through Lynn’s mind.

From the initial encounter to her fall, to the final return of unity…

“You guessed it right, Lynn.”

“Everything revolves around you, everything is to make you go on the trajectory that you are destined and must go on, in fact, your heart has long been without any resistance to reincarnation, right?”

“Especially when you saw your wife come back to life from the dead and come back to the past again, you are actually very happy, aren’t you?”

“Will the two flowers bred from the same root system be the same? I’m afraid you already have the answer in your heart, and this answer also affects your entire journey of destiny.”

“You have already accepted it, haven’t you?”

Her voice rang slowly in his ear.

But Lynn couldn’t hear anything anymore.

It seems to be the undead dancing wildly in the sky and countless fragmented pasts.

Like all experiences, they are gently instilling and advancing you for the ultimate fruit.

It seems that there are insurmountable snares in all directions, and you have already been trapped in them.


“I will send you to your former kingdom of God. What have you left for yourself, you can only explore by yourself.”

“Finally, I wish you all the best.”

In panic.

Everything around is like a cloud of smoke slowly dissipating.

When everything was reorganized, he was no longer in the divine kingdom of order, but appeared in a barren and vast ruin.

Countless dilapidated high-rise buildings stand in front of us.

Just like the original history once experienced on earth.



The depths of the chaotic abyss.

Lynn’s true being opened his eyes.

The boundless darkness rushed towards him from all directions like a tide, and he was so depressed that he could hardly breathe.

And feeling the return of Lynn’s will, Nanako’s voice instantly came to his mind.

“Teacher! Are you back?!”

A crisp and amazing sound.

Obviously, the present Nanako has woken up, and has also learned from the common memory everything that happened after that.

“Yeah.” Lynn said silently.

As if feeling a strange change in Lynn’s mood.

Nanako’s voice resounded in his head again, but it was already a little nervous.

“Teacher…what’s the matter with you?”

Lynn stood in the dark void.

He raised his head and looked into the darkness.

“I’m fine.”

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