I! The Salted Fish Law God Was Eavesdropped On By Master Loli

Chapter 514

Chapter 514: Cause And Effect Reincarnation

Because no matter who it is, any substance that exists in the real world has its own destiny.

In the field of destiny, all your trajectories will be turned into lines of destiny, which will be engraved on this world in the passage of time.

Because that represents evidence that you have existed in the past.

But when he looked at it at this moment, he found that the thread of destiny he left here had all disappeared.

And at this moment.

Lynn also finally confirmed his identity.

“cause and effect!”

Lynn looked up suddenly and said those two words.

But the voice did not reply.

But Lynn can already be sure that the owner of that voice is definitely the supreme god who controls cause and effect!

And just like wind, fire, thunder and lightning all belong to the category of elements, the mysterious law of fate belongs to the category of cause and effect!

Causation is the supreme controller of this field!

And if truth is the cornerstone of the world, then cause and effect is the foundation for the world to function!

Because without the law of causality, there would be no difference between the orderly world and the disordered world!

Karma is definitely one of the supreme god kings!

Lynn said deeply: “You and the King of Reincarnation, are you on one side?”

The only reason Lynn could think of for him to help him was this possibility.

The voice resounded in his mind again.

“We have a common philosophy, so I’m happy to help him, but you don’t have to think about how much information you can find out from me. You will always know when you should know.”

The voice was very gentle, without any ups and downs,

But it is this kind of gentleness that makes people shudder even more.

But it also means that he acknowledges his identity.

There are so many mysteries in Lynn’s mind, which makes his brows furrowed, all kinds of power flashing wildly in his eyes.

“you arrived.”

The next moment, the voice sounded.

And Lynn immediately saw that the matter and energy in the entire void suddenly and strangely constructed a picture that stretched thousands of miles.

In front of him, a deep door slowly opened.

That is the law of space!


Lynn immediately discovered that what he mobilized was not the power of space, but in some natural form, the entire void happened to form a door leading somewhere in front of him.

It is cause and effect!

Lynn frowned even more.

He subconsciously wanted to step into that door.

But at the next moment, Lynn’s body suddenly froze.

A mysterious force instantly touched the origin of a certain part of his body, and a grand disturbance came from the realm of time and space in an instant, directly shrouding him in it.

Time suddenly turned back at this moment.

The door that just appeared also disappeared quickly, and the energy in the void was also regressing towards its previous form at a very fast speed.

However, just when that force was about to interfere with his will, the origin of the firstborn in his body was triggered, so that his will would not be interfered by that force.


Those two words popped into Lynn’s mind instantly.

But only for a moment.

Time goes back quickly.

It was like the reverse button was pressed for a movie, and everything was going backwards a few minutes ago at an extremely fast speed.

And it was in that trance that Lynn finally heard the voice ringing in his head again.

It’s just that this time, compared to before, it is no longer gentle, but a little deeper.

“Because the reversed time interferes with the normal operation of reality, the impact on reality is stagnant for a ten-thousandth of a second.”

Almost at the moment when the voice sounded.

The time of the reverse flow is the same as the sentence said, and there is a very short pause suddenly.

And in that one ten thousandth of the time, that voice sounded again.

“Because of the abnormal movement of space under the influence of the reverse flow of time, and this change happened to happen at his position, he seized this opportunity and successfully stepped into the door of this space.”

“He arrived and was not disturbed in any way.”


Under Lynn’s gaze, in that brief 1/10,000 stagnation, a space door suddenly appeared in front of him just as the voice said.

The gate of space swallowed his body in an instant.

And almost at the moment of disappearance, the torrent of time resumed again, and in a panic, it went backwards a few minutes ago.

In the deepest part of the distant void, a pair of eyes with countless fragments slowly emerged.

It’s like two wills confronting each other at this moment.


Lynn opened her eyes suddenly.

And what appeared in front of him at this moment was not the incomparably brilliant palace he imagined, but in a city where people came and went.

In the ear, the crowd is surging.

There were constant cries and laughter.

Several children quickly and playfully walked past him, the sound of horseshoes and wheels in the distance, a lively scene.

But the strange thing is that these people in the city seem to be unable to see him.

Real yet unreal.

“you arrived.”

The voice rang in his ears again.

Lynn looked up suddenly, and his eyes immediately landed on the second floor of a pub next to him.

Lynn frowned.

With a slight jump, he jumped to the second floor in an instant, stepping in through the window.

And at that moment, in front of the table by the window, he saw an ordinary-looking woman sitting there with a glass of wine in front of him.

Everything is in a trance, but I don’t know why, but it is very real and familiar.

The woman didn’t raise her head or look at him, but drank to herself and said calmly:

‘sit down.”

“Don’t worry, this is my domain now.”

“Unless they really want to tear their faces away from me and cause this world to be turbulent, even if they know you are here, they won’t dare to break through.”

Lynn narrowed her eyes and looked at the figure in front of her.

He sat down.

But he couldn’t see anything unusual about this woman, and even everything here seemed extremely real.

Really scary.

“This is your kingdom of God?” Lynn asked deeply.

The woman said slowly: “The kingdom of God? Maybe, within the sphere of my influence, no matter where it is, it can be said to be my kingdom of God.”

Lynn frowned.

He looked at the surging crowd outside the window, and the strong sense of familiarity became stronger and stronger.

The next moment, he suddenly spread his perception out.

And for a moment, Lynn’s heart sank.

Yueer Lan City!

That’s right!

He finally determined the source of that familiarity, this was his former capital!

That is, they are in Violet World right now? !

And he finally understood what she said.

Cause and effect… God King!

Lynn stabilized his thoughts and said solemnly: “The one who shot me just now was the God of Time?”

The woman drank a glass of wine, picked up a dish with chopsticks, and said calmly: “Well, he used to be with me and Samsara, but since his conception changed, he has become our enemy.”

“But it’s also an object that can be fought for

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