I suddenly became the villain and I liked it


My maid, Melanie and I were all in my dorm.

“Melanie, what have you heard?”

For a while now, we have gone to school separately. Melanie has been going there first and listening around. We did make that arrangement when I went to see Emilia but I decided to let it happen for a bit longer since I overheard the conversation between red hair and blue hair.

“A lot of people were talking. Some of them even asked me. I just said that I don’t really know since you don’t really tell me a lot of things.”

“Then before we continue, do you wish to know my activities? It is not a surprise that I am hiding things from you. Even my maid is not fully aware of everything I do.”

“Not even Sylvia?”

“Mistress goes out to do things without me sometimes. So, we are both in a similar situation.”

“Of course, Sylvia has more knowledge as I do use her for some of my activities. For you Melanie, I have only requested things from you related to the school.”


“So, I ask again. Do you wish to be more involved in my business?”

“Can I say no?”

“Of course you can. If you could not, I would not have even asked you. Since you have chosen to be my underling, it is too late for you to back out now. However, if there comes a time that I do need to involve you then be sure to prepare yourself.

“Oh, okay. Then I don’t want to be involved if I don’t have to.”

“A wise decision. Let us hope that the day that I involve you will never come.”

“Did Sylvia have a choice?”

“No, Sylvia has been my maid for a long time now. She knows of my secrets for too long already. As such, I shall make use of her while she is able.”

“Okay. I get it.”

“Do not worry about me, Melanie. I have accepted my role in mistress’s side.”

It is only matter of time until then.

“Right, let us get back to the topic at hand. What have you heard, Melanie?”

“I have heard people talking about the private dorm and you meeting with the principal. Was meeting with the principal real?”

“Yes. The principal is already under me.”

“Oh, okay, cool. People were wondering when you plan to stir things up.”

“Stir things up?”

“Yeah. I hear some people are curious as to why you haven’t done anything yet. Like they were expecting that you were going to do things in school.”

What are those people expecting exactly?

“Although there were some people who said that this is the calm before the storm. That you are just a ticking bomb to explode. All of your meetings with the principal, your unknown location outside of class and how you don’t talk with others is just preparations for a big event.”

Technically they are not wrong, however even this event is just preparation for an even bigger event down the line.

“Then, something weird happened.”


“The prince stopped them from speculating.”

Why would the prince do such a thing?

“He said something like, we should not judge her until she does something.”


“He said to not worry. If you do anything, he will take care of it.

Typical vanilla prince. Well, no need to get yourself worried. No matter what I do will not affect you, at least for now. I do still have plans for you and red hair in the future.

“Typical prince, I guess.”

“Isn’t he your fiancé, Miss Athena? Shouldn’t you be more worried for him?”

“Here is a secret, Melanie. I am not interested in the prince.”

“What? You’re not? Why?”

“He is just not my type. That is all that you will get from me. Remember, this is a secret.”

“I get it. It’s a secret.”

“Good. Now are there any rumors about red hair and me.”

“Oh, that’s also something weird. There was literally zero rumors about it. Like most of the nobles don’t even care about the commoner classes. All of the rumors I heard were about other nobles.”

Understandable, there is a difference in treatment between the nobles and commoners. Something that both protagonists will have to confront at some point.

“Also, people kept asking me about how I was.”


“It was more of the lower ranked noble children though. The others always looked down at me. They would ask if I was being treated badly by you. The prince also asked me the same question.”

“What did you answer?”

“I didn’t really answer. I just waved it off. I wanted to make sure what you wanted me to answer with.”

“No need to think about me. Just answer what you feel like when you get asked again.”

“Are you sure? I don’t really know why but you aren’t trying to change your reputation. If I suddenly say that you are actually pretty nice, there will be people who probably won’t believe me.”

“Do not worry, Melanie. They are not wrong. You are just lucky enough to not be involved in any evil, cruel, and wicked acts that I partake in.”

“Oh, okay. I did find it weird that you haven’t been that cruel.”

“Do not forget that I did hit you when we first met.”

“But it didn’t hurt so it was just weird.”

“Do not worry yourself, Melania. You have done well.”


“On another note, after the weekend we will be having a scavenger hunt hosted by the school.”

“A scavenger hunt?”

“Yes. So, make sure to prepare items accordingly and let us use your shadow to bring some stuff.”

“Okay. I can help with that.”

“I will entrust what items we bring to you, my maid.”

“I understand, mistress.”

All I need to do now is to wait for the day of the scavenger hunt. I will not think too much about it, I will let my future self decide on what I will do when we are there.

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