Chapter 84: A Growing Hunger

In the aftermath of the fierce battle, a daunting task remained: the cleanup of the sprawling field of corpses. The stench of decay hung heavy in the air, a grim reminder of the relentless tide that had threatened to consume them. But Lu Ming, his mind still reeling from the loss of his morning routine, had little patience for such mundane concerns.

By the time Chengcheng had finished preparing a well-deserved feast, evening had fallen. Over dinner, she urged Lu Ming to rest, but he adamantly refused.

"A day's worth of 2.4 three-dimensional attributes is equivalent to about one billion!" he thought to himself, the financial implications of his lost training fueling his determination.

After a brief respite, Lu Ming began his daily exercise regimen. However, he quickly encountered a problem: Chengcheng's superpower no longer posed a challenge to his newly awakened body. The maximum output of her gravity manipulation felt like a light drizzle, barely enough to induce the muscle damage necessary for growth.

"Oh no!" Lu Ming exclaimed in frustration. "Damn Sima Xiao!!"

If not for the Devourer's attack, he wouldn't have Awakened prematurely, and he wouldn't be facing this obstacle in his training.

With a resolute look, Lu Ming turned to Zhang Chengcheng. "Let's advance," he declared. "Tonight!"

The timing was perfect. Lu Ming needed it, Chengcheng had no choice but to follow suit, and the abundance of Tier 3 zombie crystals gathered from the battle provided ample materials for their advancement. Additionally, the recent onslaught meant the surrounding area was relatively clear of zombies, minimizing the risk of attracting another horde during their vulnerable state.

Truth be told, with Lu Ming's newfound power, the threat of another zombie tide seemed trivial. He was their guardian, their shield against the encroaching darkness.

However, Lu Ming couldn't shake a nagging worry. Killing zombies was not his primary objective; his focus was on maximizing his attribute gains. Allowing the zombie threat to interfere with his training felt counterintuitive.

Despite this concern, he supported Zhang Chengcheng's advancement. She swallowed the Tier 4 zombie crystal, her abilities surging as the two nearest Level 4 Devourers, Simba and Lian Jie, sensed the power fluctuation and fled in terror.

Zhang Chengcheng's ascension to Level 4 was a success, and thankfully, it didn't trigger another zombie tide. By the time she completed her advancement, it was already 7:30 in the evening.

Lu Ming, determination burning in his eyes, declared, "Let's practice!"

Nothing could deter him from his training regimen. Yet, as Zhang Chengcheng activated her superpower, he realized the problem persisted. Even at its maximum output, her 200-fold gravity field was insufficient to challenge his enhanced physique.

The rate of attribute gain diminishes as the base value increases. Chengcheng's superpower can't keep up with my growth.

After an hour of strenuous effort, Lu Ming's attributes had barely budged, increasing by a mere 0.1. A sense of frustration washed over him as he pondered his options.

"What should I do?" Lu Ming wondered aloud, frustration creeping into his voice. Zhang Chengcheng's next words only deepened his worries.

"Brother Lu," she confessed, "my stamina isn't enough to sustain my superpower for long periods."

As her power grew, so did the energy required to maintain it. At Level 2, she had used Tier 1 zombie crystals; at Level 3, Tier 2 crystals. Now, as a Level 4 Awakened, she needed Tier 3 crystals to replenish her energy reserves. But where could they find such a large supply?

Lu Ming stared at her for a moment, his mind racing through possible solutions. Finally, he sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "Forget it, let's not train today. Let's wait until tomorrow."

That night, as Lu Ming went about his usual task of inventorying their supplies, another grim realization struck him.

Their stockpile was dwindling at an alarming rate.

That day, despite his triumph over the zombie horde, Lu Ming had consumed an entire day's worth of supplies in a single meal. Awakening had doubled not only his strength and agility but also his appetite.

This newfound hunger posed a significant challenge. Zhang Chengcheng, now a Level 4 Awakened, also required more sustenance, further depleting their dwindling reserves. A preliminary estimate suggested Lu Ming's supplies would barely last a month.

That night, Lu Ming tossed and turned in bed, his mind consumed by the pressing issues of attributes and food. The age-old adage rang true: "The one who gains the Tao will have many companions; the one who loses the Tao will have few companions."

Meanwhile, news of Lu Ming's predicament spread throughout the gathering place, carried by whispers and worried glances. Brother Lu's well-being was paramount to the survivors, his strength their lifeline in the face of the apocalypse.

"First problem, food," Zhang Chengcheng explained to the gathered group. "Brother Lu's been eating more canned goods lately, which means his food reserves are running low."

Wang Xiong, ever loyal, immediately offered a solution. "That's not a big problem. Brother Lu protects us, and we'll feed him."

Meng Jie chimed in, "The official shelter should have some supplies. Just tell Huo Sheng that Lu Ming is running out of food. He won't let him starve."

Zhang Chengcheng nodded, but her brow remained furrowed as she raised the second, more pressing issue. "The second problem is Brother Lu's training. He's too strong now. My superpower isn't effective anymore."

The implication was clear: Lu Ming's growth was stagnating. The news cast a shadow over the gathering place.

Wang Xiong, unable to remain idle, declared, "We need to find a solution using the superpowers of other Awakened. We need a new training partner for Brother Lu."

He resolved to visit the official shelter that very night. There, amidst the larger population of Awakened, he hoped to find a way to continue fueling Lu Ming's growth.

End of Chapter 84

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