Chapter 83: End of the Devourer

"Is everything all right?" Huo Sheng greeted Lu Ming, who responded with a curt nod.

Lu Ming retrieved his deformed sword and turned towards Sima Xiao, whose expression was a peculiar mix of terror and desperation. The Devourer was utterly defeated.

Whether or not he was labeled a traitor held no weight for Sima Xiao; he bore no moral qualms. The only thing that mattered now was survival, but escape seemed impossible. Every time he attempted to flee during the chaos, the chilling sight of the blade dispelled his thoughts.

So... let's leave it at that... Sima Xiao sighed inwardly. As Lu Ming, Huo Sheng, and Bai Tianyu approached, he quickly adopted a sycophantic grin.

"Big Brother is awesome! Big Brother is mighty! Big Brother is eternal!!"

Flattery poured from his lips, a desperate attempt to appease the human who held his fate in his hands.

Before Lu Ming could respond, Sima Xiao pressed on. "Big Brother, do you think my ability to summon zombies is reliable?"

Lu Ming, caught off guard by the sudden change in topic, nodded slowly. "Quite impressive."

The Tier 4 Devourer's control over the horde had been evident. Even with tens of thousands of zombies under his command, none had broken free during their coordinated assault.

Sima Xiao, inching forward on his knees, offered an ingratiating smile. "So, my value is not small!"

"Big Brother, think about it. If you spare me, I can help you gather the zombies. No more fuss. Just a hundred thousand or eighty thousand at a time, and you'll wipe them all out in a few days! Then, Nanxiang will be under your control, right?"

Bai Tianyu was momentarily taken aback but quickly warmed to the idea. It was feasible, incredibly so. With Lu Ming's power and Sima Xiao's control over the horde, they could systematically eradicate the zombies in Nanxiang.

However, Lu Ming and Huo Sheng remained impassive. Huo Sheng discreetly tugged at Lu Ming's sleeve, shaking his head. No matter how convincingly Sima Xiao spoke, the fact remained: a highly intelligent zombie posed a significant threat. Releasing him would be akin to setting a tiger free in the mountains.

Lu Ming nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. He couldn't help but mutter, "...a cunning one, indeed."

"I'm very busy," Lu Ming declared, his voice tinged with annoyance. "I really don't have time to play these zombie-slaughtering games with you."

The morning had been consumed by the zombie horde's attack, disrupting his carefully crafted routine. No exercise, no lunch, no afternoon nap, and most importantly, no daily attribute gains.

The thought of missing out on a potential 2.3 points in his three-dimensional attributes filled Lu Ming with a deep sense of loss. With his newfound path to Awakening, every attribute point was precious. He had essentially lost millions in potential gains, all due to this unexpected interruption.

His frustration simmered into a quiet rage, a chill seeping into his gaze as he looked upon Sima Xiao.

Sensing the shift in Lu Ming's demeanor, Sima Xiao frantically scrambled for a lifeline. "Brother! Big Brother! I still have other uses!" he pleaded. "I have a superpower, Big Brother! I can foresee the future! This will definitely be useful for you guys! I also have fire, ice, strength, and healing superpowers!"

He paused, his voice growing more desperate. "I also know the secret about the Holy Tower!"

Huo Sheng's brow furrowed. "What Holy Tower?"

Sima Xiao gestured towards the towering structure in the city center. "That's the Holy Tower! The black fog... you all know about the black fog, right? The one surrounding Nanxiang City? My ability to predict the future tells me that a great crisis will emerge from the black fog one day! Only by going to the Holy Tower can we avoid that deadly situation!"

Huo Sheng and Lu Ming exchanged a look, their interest piqued. "Tell us in detail," Lu Ming demanded.

Sima Xiao hesitated, a bitter expression on his face. "I can't go into detail about this..."

His power of Future Prediction was passive, offering only fragments of the future, devoid of details. Realizing this diminished his value as a potential ally, he quickly added, "Big Brother, give me some time. Or you can tie me up. This ability will activate again one day! Once it does, I will definitely know more secrets about the Holy Tower."

Lu Ming pondered for a moment, his anger simmering beneath the surface. Damn, 2.3 attribute points... all gone because of you!

Huo Sheng, sensing Lu Ming's growing irritation, spoke up. "I need his body cells for research... Well, I only need his body cells."

Before Sima Xiao could react, a blinding flash of the saber filled the air. In the next instant, he was cleaved in two.

Lu Ming had never truly considered sparing Sima Xiao. No amount of promises or pleas could change the fundamental truth: he was a human, and Sima Xiao was a zombie. Their paths were irreconcilable.

"Zombies eat humans."

Lu Ming's voice was cold and resolute as he delivered the final blow. He cleaved Sima Xiao in half, leaving no room for the Devourer's regenerative abilities to kick in. Once Huo Sheng had collected his research samples, Lu Ming reduced the remains to ash, leaving nothing but dust to be scattered by the wind.

He stood vigil for nearly an hour, ensuring that Sima Xiao was truly gone. Only then did he sheathe his sword and deactivate combat mode.

A wave of exhaustion washed over him, a sensation akin to a well-trained athlete after a strenuous workout. He took a deep breath, the metallic scent of blood heavy in the air. The battlefield was a gruesome tapestry of shredded flesh and shattered bone, a stark reminder of the morning's carnage.

Opening his attribute panel, a bittersweet feeling settled over him.

Name: Lu Ming
Level: 1 Mortal Realm
Age: 25
Strength: 450.7
Physique: 462.1
Agility: 445.6
Free Attribute Points: 0

Superpower: Awakening in Progress...

The loss of his morning routine had indeed cost him a valuable 2.3 points in his three-dimensional attributes. But amidst the disappointment, a glimmer of joy flickered.

[Fitness Skill Level Up! Lvl 9 (251/1900)]

The notification brought a smile to his face. His fitness skill had improved significantly, a direct result of his relentless battle with the horde. It seemed that even unconventional forms of exercise, like whirling a 40-meter sword, counted towards his training.

His other skills, however, remained unchanged. Neither Basic Swordsmanship nor Swordstorm had been acquired, perhaps due to his lack of formal training.

What a pity, Lu Ming thought to himself. If I had mastered Basic Swordsmanship, imagine how much my skills would have improved after this morning's efforts.

He paused, a wry smile returning to his lips. Well, I suppose it's debatable whether a forty-meter-long sword even qualifies as a proper sword...

End of Chapter 83

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