I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 209 – The Greatest Escape Artist

A day or two after, streets of the same city...


So, today is the day of the grand escape operation.

Well, maybe that’s a much-exaggerated term considering the fact that all of it is going to be fake, I still never expected to play a part in a prison break. To properly prepare for the event, we had experts from various local dungeons in watchkeeps and guard stations chime in with their experience. Unfortunately, what I’ve seen in modern media might not be very useful.

But, many great minds, both lawful and criminal, were able to craft a scheme that should have no problems convincing the target audience that there’s nothing suspicious with Madeline’s escape. The master plan has been ironed in and out to the smallest detail. It attempts not to damage the Kingdom’s image too much in the public eye but we should expect at least some rumours to circulate.

Almost everyone at the castle has been practising for their roles. Those who haven’t most likely belong to the category of staff who are kept out of the loop to provide authentic witness testimonies and the mentioned rumours.

Can’t fake everything or else it will feel soulless, eh?

As for me, I’ve been spending quite a bit of time at Madeline’s temporary residence too, either trying to extract more useful information from the chaotic woman or to make sure that my influence over her doesn’t slip at any point. We did some additional tests related to distance and complete magical isolation of both of us too, just to be sure, but thankfully she remained loyal no matter what.

Albeit, part of it must be due to the obvious presence of Ailish, who per our agreement, shares some of her ancient knowledge with the audacious, worthless scum of a female as she privately tends to call our prisoner. My lovely Succubus was a bit reluctant to teach Madeline anything, but she’s fortunately not only unbelievably sexy, with her bright mind coming in pretty close after her assets.

Therefore, Madeline gets to hear and witness some spells and rituals that completely blow her mind or simply greatly excite the woman while Ailish picks up the flashiest but most useless techniques she possibly can recall from her studies ages ago. Some of that magic is also meant to convince the organisation that she is growing and has achieved a kind of enlightenment while in a certain death situation. They should be more willing to overlook her failure that way, knowing that she still may have other uses.

Saying all that, I’ll still need to meet up with our captive today. Ailish has helped me put an ancient seal tag on Madeline and it needs manual activation after settling down in the woman’s magic. It’s just another safety measure. Call me paranoid, but I’m not going to bet only on my skills and godly effects for something this serious. This bitch can be a great pain in the ass if she somehow crosses us so we need to prevent that from happening.

Before, though, since I’m already outside, I should go and greet Lyona at our headquarters. She and the girls are doing Goddess’ work out there. With how much they partied with me in recent days, I would have even expected them to become a tad lazy, but no, all that rewarding only fueled their desire to be more useful to the company. So many vouchers were used and so many interesting wishes were fulfilled. Even I wouldn’t have come up with a few of those ideas and have to admit that it was truly entertaining.

Now that I think of it, they must be eager to earn more of those vouchers.

Yeah, that explains it. After getting a proper taste, they’ve become addicted to the privilege of requesting almost anything from their boss. No wonder they are so motivated now. These horndogs are just hungry for benefits. Though, I can’t exactly blame them. I did agree to this whole system when it was presented to me.

Crossing the street while carefully looking both ways, I reach the building’s entrance. This world might not be as full of fast and dangerous vehicles but horse-drawn carriages aren’t that much safer for pedestrians. They certainly are much less predictable, introducing one or more variables in the form of animal minds besides the driver. Getting trampled is no joke.

Moving inside, I spot two people leaning on the main counter, currently engaged in a conversation with our cold but charming receptionist. At first, I did worry a little that Lyona’s rather emotionless expression or unconcerned nature would deter some commissioners, but it turned out great. My initial thought of her demeanour being associated with professionalism was actually right.

Suck it, anxiety.

Not wanting to interrupt, I stand aside, observing and trying to catch their conversation. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I don’t get to eavesdrop on the trio for too long as a side door next to me opens about three minutes in and Ressia shows up. I would call it perfect timing, but judging by her excited smile and quickly wagging tail, she’s been aware of my presence for at least a little while, coming here with a clear purpose.

“Good morning, Boss. Anything we can help you with while Miss Lyona is busy?” she asks respectfully, though it’s hard to miss the insinuation in her polite tone.

Smirking softly, I shake my head. “No, thank you, Ressia. I’m just stopping by. Do you have no requests to be taken care of instead?”

The wolfgirl’s mood falls a little bit and she shrugs. “I’m on emergency duty with Yuru today while the others are out. Just in case any important commissions roll in. So, if you do need anything, the two of us will gladly help you out, Boss. There’s not much else we’ll be doing until evening practice.”

Taking a glance towards the reception, I make sure that we haven’t been noticed yet, and turn back to Ressia. She flinches in surprise when I start reaching out towards her, but when my palm slides past her warm cheek and my fingers find purchase in her soft hair, her tail generates so much lift it’s a wonder she doesn’t take off at that very moment. With a strong tug, I bring her delicious lips to mine, quickly silencing the needy whine that follows my powerful pull.

My brave and valiant captain melts from the passionate kiss, pressing herself more into me and moving my other hand to her ass on her own. Obliging the submissive canine, I squeeze her firm rump a good few times, causing Ressia to pant into my face almost breathlessly. It’s rather clear she’s been expecting this kind of treatment when heading here and I don’t mind playing around with the talented Ranger a tiny bit.

But, everything has its limits and I soon release Ressia’s hair from my grasp, no longer holding onto it strongly. As I pull away, she still chases after my mouth for more, stopping only when I pinch her tender butt to cover her lips and prevent another, more audible whine from escaping her throat, growing increasingly red over her charming cheeks.

“Mind the others.” I wink at her teasingly. “Now get back to your post, soldier. They are wrapping up.”

“Yes, Sir!” she whispers loudly and skips forward for one more peck before hastily marching away, giving me one last glance over her shoulder while invitingly tilting her hips and raising her tail as she disappears behind the door.

These girls are going to be the death of me one day.

“Oh. President. Welcome.” Lyona’s voice erases the playful grin from my face as the white-haired lady announces my presence to the duo as they finish.

Yet, I have no doubt she’s been aware of everything that transpired since my very arrival.

“Morning, gentlemen.” I nod at the two men as they turn around. “Here to submit a request?”

“Yes, we have just finished, in fact,” one of the guys answers. “We’ll be on our way, then. Have a good day, sir.”

They make quick bows and scurry away, escaping through the main entrance. I look at Lyona with a raised brow.

“A tad weird, I would say. Are they that shy?” I ask.

“They certainly sounded suspicious, My Lord,” the Vampire girl replies. “I have a feeling they are attempting to use us for something not entirely legal, hoping that we won’t notice as a new company on the market.”

“Huh. I guess they didn’t do their homework. We aren’t exactly no-names, even if we are fresh.” I chuckle lightly. “What are you planning to do?”

“See through it and try to catch some criminals in the act. If there are any.” Her scarlet eyes shimmer with hidden glee. “I’ll contact the authorities if our ladies find out anything incriminating during the investigation of the client. Ressia should be free to begin right away.”

“Yeah, she’s definitely free enough to start getting horny out of boredom.” I snicker. “I’ll leave it to you, then. If I went to let them know, I might not be able to leave the barracks for an hour or a few.”

“It’s your fault for pampering them so much in the last few days, My Lord.” Lyona shows a hint of a smirk at the corner of her lips. “It’s certainly been amazing for morale, though.”

“That I noticed. How are we doing, by the way?” I walk behind the counter to stand next to my pale assistant.

Lyona gently rests her shoulder against mine while moving her hands over some documents. “Very good, My Lord. There’s nothing that requires your immediate attention. You don’t have to worry about anything and can focus on your journey. I swear to handle the company with care.”

“I’m glad to hear that. And I know I can trust you to keep an eye on the girls and our new business.” I wrap my arm around her slim waist. “What about you? How is my favourite Vampire princess doing?”

“I’m no princess, My Lord,” she replies with the faintest shadow of an amused pout. “And I’m doing well too.”

“I see. And anything you need? Or want?” I pry further.

As expected, her gaze wanders briefly to the door Ressia had gone through earlier. Looks like she isn’t yet used to asking for my attention that openly.

“Because if there is, it would be only natural for me to properly reward your hard work after showing my gratitude to Ressia just earlier,” I continue to make my point clear.

Our eyes meet as she returns her attention to me, and hers skip lower, but not to my lips. Their target is obvious.

“Then, may I request to be graced with more of your divine blood, My Lord?” Lyona peers back up at my face.

“Always.” I smile at her warmly and turn around.

Why? Because I know my quiet Vampire assistant loves taking a bite of me from behind the most, and soon, her arms wrap around my chest while her hands embrace my front dearly. Amidst the sensual hug, Lyona places a hot kiss on the connecting point of my neck and my shoulder before properly digging in. Her grip on me tightens as the delicious crimson liquid hits her system and a shaky sigh tickles my skin.

We stay connected for about half a minute. Lyona ends her second breakfast on her own, draining me much less than during our first try. She’s become more used to the bliss accompanying the transfer and has a lot more control over the process. Giving the two puncture wounds a few caring licks, and sealing the holes shut, she lets go of me and steps into my vision.

“I’m going to miss this so much…” she whispers with a melancholic tone. “It makes me look like a spoiled daughter of a rich family, doesn’t it?”

“Trust me, people get addicted to much simpler things.” I plop my hand on her hair and tenderly graze it. “Be strong. Just don’t forget to ration your flasks. I’ll give you a sip straight from the source as soon as I’m back.”

Naturally, Lyona doesn’t necessarily need to suck me to live, but from what she’s told me, all the other blood her family usually provides has lost almost its whole taste. I can’t blame her for this as it’s entirely my fault, of course. That’s why I don’t mind letting the kind girl partake in my goods whenever she feels like it.

But, due to my upcoming absence, that won’t be possible. So, since I don’t want Lyona to survive on something that tastes bad for her, we’ve been slowly filling up alchemical flasks with my blood and sealing them shut with preserving magic. Drinking from those lacks the euphoria of intimate contact which she is going to miss greatly, but at least it doesn’t taste like shit.

“Thank you, My Lord. Words can’t express my appreciation for your kindness. I know you are unaware of how rare it is for even the most benevolent of our kin to grant their followers or mates their blood this often.” The scarlet-eyed girl enters a deep bow in front of me. “Your gifts are wasted on the likes of me but I am overjoyed you find me worthy of them.”

“Master. President. My Lord. You certainly like the titles, but the last one is becoming more apparent recently,” I point out.

“After our first time in my office, I can’t see any other more fitting title, My Lord,” she answers calmly. “You are still my master as per the Blood Oath, but you were closer to a Vampire Lord when you brought forth your fangs and claimed both my body and my blood at the same time, and I believe I should address you with proper respect. Does it bother you, Master?”

“Not in the slightest. Thank you for your explanation.” I lean forward to steal a tiny kiss from my Vampire mate.

Lyona’s pale cheeks gain a bit of rosy shade as she looks into my eyes. “If we are still talking about what I need…”

Uh oh. Looks like I might really not leave the headquarters for quite a while. Perhaps it’s been fated.

“Yes?” I encourage Lyona to finish her thought.

“Would you mind meeting with my family, My Lord?” she asks, a trace of hesitation in her tone. “I believe they are ready to learn the truth.”

Ah. And who is the one with the dirty mind here now, hah?

“With pleasure.” I nod happily. “If we want to take care of this before my departure, then tonight?”

“I can arrange that.” A delicate smile paints Lyona’s lips. “Thank you, My Lord. It’s been getting harder to provide them with only half of the facts. We should expect at least some strong reactions, though.”

“That’s alright. I’ll do my best to get them to like me.” I wink at her and open my arms.

Slowly but surely, the shorter Vampire lady accepts my embrace and we hug without any additional stabbing, from either of us.

“Are you heading for the castle soon, My Lord?” she inquires as we let go.

“In a bit, yeah,” I confirm.

“I suggest you visit Cornelia in the brothel. There’s another matter that requires your attention before you leave with Sirgia. We hoped it could wait until your return, but they started waking up earlier than we assumed,” Lyona says. “I’ll leave the full explanation to the other females.”

My curiosity is piqued, but I manage not to assault her with a barrage of questions, nodding faintly instead. Allowing me to leave, Lyona focuses on her just accepted request. Gladly making use of the opportunity, I quickly make my way back home, crossing the street once more. I’m not exactly sure where I should go so I locate my beautiful magician through our bond and head to where the soon-to-be mother of my first child is hanging out.

That’s still such an alien concept, but the ladies insisted that I don’t worry about it yet as they are already planning things out regarding housing and such.

I find her in one of the chambers beneath the mansion alongside Elea so perhaps Lyona has already clued them in on my destination. Taking the shortest route to the duo, I reach the heavy wooden door and push it inside, revealing a small stone room with minimal furnishing. What stands out the most is the wide counter on the right side, riddled with what resembles a row of miniature beds atop it.

“You are here.” Cornelia smiles at me a bit wryly, though I’m not sure why. “We have a thing or two to discuss.”

Walking closer, I take note of Elea casting her magic on one of the small makeshift beds, only now noticing that there is something, or maybe someone would be more accurate, lying under the sheets. A tiny woman rests on the bedding, unconscious. Part of her visible skin is riddled with bandage wraps. One more glance at the row of beds confirms that they are all filled with humanoid creatures of a similar size.

Honestly, this whole situation feels like they are playing house with Barbie dolls but it’s obvious that’s not the correct conclusion.

“Are these… Fairies?” I wonder out loud, recalling what I know of the races from this realm.

“That’s right,” Cornelia replies. “Five of them in total. We didn’t manage to save more, unfortunately.”

“Save?” I look at her.

She gestures to the side with her head and I follow with my gaze, which lands on the last piece of tiny furniture. There’s another female Fairy on it, but rather than resting comfortably within its pleasant confines, she is tied up to its frame and gagged for good. She also seems to be the only one awake at the moment, sending everyone and everything vicious glares. A magical array has been put underneath her bed, most likely interfering with her magic or abilities.

“That one is the culprit,” my wise wife continues. “We stumbled on her during one of our investigations into the organisation. She’s been using her kin for ingredients while creating a potent drug for them. The others you can see are those who managed to cling to their life until we arrived. We’ve been tending to them for the last few days but they might need a bit longer to recover both physically and mentally.”

“Seriously?” My eyes widen to the brim. “What kind of monster does that to their own people?”

She only spreads her arms helplessly and shakes her head.

Taking a deep breath, I massage my forehead. “Okay, since she isn’t dead yet, I assume we need her for something. What about the others?”

“One has woken up and we’ve talked already,” Elea responds, coming to us from her patient’s side. “We explained the situation to them and offered shelter. We apologise for bringing this to your attention this late, Master, but we hoped to resolve everything without bothering you.”

“It’s okay. I’m happy you are doing stuff without concerning yourselves by asking about every little thing or seeking permission for the simplest actions.” I wave her concerns away. “But, since you are actually bringing this to my attention, I assume there’s something you need from me. I’m all ears.”

“It’s about what we are going to do with them going forward,” Cornelia takes over. “The one we spoke with is extremely grateful for our help and wishes to stay around until her friends heal up properly. We made an initial offer of providing them with a place to live in until they are all well and wish to leave for the forest. Since you are the boss and the owner, it’s more of a request for permission to go forward with this. The Fairy insisted on showing their gratitude by helping us out during their stay and we were discussing the tasks they could take care of.”

“Of course, you have my full permission to aid them in whatever way you can. Cornelia, Elea, you both have all the authority to make such decisions on your own. Alongside Ria and perhaps a few other ladies, but the three of you are the backbone of this place. Do what you think is best, and remember that we started all of this exactly to help those in need,” I remind them kindly, then take a glance at the sleeping Fairies. “What kind of tasks have you considered? Personally, and my apologies if this comes out as offensive to someone from this realm, I can’t really see them in that role, so I’m not so sure about that part.”

My gorgeous Dark Elf wife chuckles lightly. “I’m afraid that our tiny friends might not be properly equipped to partake in that side of the business, even though they do not lack the necessary organs. Maybe if we began seeing male Fairy customers somewhere in the future, they would be able to work their debt off that way. No, in this case, they would simply help out with manual tasks, cleaning, serving, or such. I’ve heard they are particularly good at getting rid of dust from hard-to-reach places.”

“Just keep in mind that Fairies, while extremely cute, adorable, and cheerful, are by nature extremely chaotic beings,” Cornelia adds with a note of warning. “The restrained one might be a borderline case of it, but the others are prone to causing mischief and playing pranks on others with their minor magic. Having fun is like their life motto.”

“And that could be a problem for the customers.” I smirk to myself. “I can see why you wanted to seek my input on this. Do you think it will be a nuisance?”

“As long as you display your might and divinity to at least one of them, I think we should be able to keep their tricks under wraps. Mostly.” Elea’s purplish eyes sparkle with mischief.

Yeah. Figured. She wants me to flex my Demigod dick on the poor Fairies before I go.

“I’ll see what I can do. When would be a good moment for this?” I ask.

“After you are done handling Lyona’s family matters or tomorrow,” Cornelia suggests. “Sirgia needs a bit more time to finish her preparations anyway. I don’t think it’s a surprise to you that she’s a massive prepper and can’t leave without making sure she is ready for everything and has all she needs for the trip. Especially now that she is travelling with her beloved.”

I snort softly. “Leave her to me. I’ll convince her not to go overboard. Too much, at least.”

“Can’t blame a girl for being excited about her honeymoon.” Elea shows a sly grin. “Who wouldn’t want theirs to be perfect?”

Well, I wouldn’t classify this trip as worthy of such a badge, but it might be rude to disagree with them. More reasons to keep Sirgia from being an overachiever and force her to relax a little. Thankfully, I know a method or two to keep her mind away from work and other stressful matters. 

And no, they aren’t both sex.

“Very well. Keep me updated on the Fairy situation. Help them however you can. Do you need assistance with the bad one?” I take a peek at the bound figure.

“We are good on our own.” My Ice Queen shakes her head. “There’s another evil bitch that requires your attention, isn’t there? We’ll leave that one to you. I don’t think I would be able to hold myself back with someone who hurt Lianne this badly.”

“Understandable. It’s not exactly easy for me either.” I take a deep breath. “I’ll be on my way, then. The zero hour is near. We can’t make any mistakes.”

“We believe in you.” My Faithful Head Priestess glances my way cordially. “And whenever you have a free moment, stop by our temple. I would like you to welcome our new initiates before you depart.”

I have a weird feeling that this welcoming might focus quite a bit on coming, but hopefully, I’m wrong just like in Lyona’s case.

We share a few farewell kisses and I leave the ladies to their work. Checking the time, I confirm that I’m not late and whistle quietly under my nose. My shadow ripples and my trusty canine companion emerges from the darkness. I scratch behind Diana’s triangular ear as she gives my face a few affectionate licks and I jump on top of her impressive back. We plunge into the shadows right away, emerging inside the castle a moment later.

She returns to hiding right away, but I can tell that she remains with me, sensing her closeness. Yet, Diana’s presence isn’t the only one trailing mine and I snicker to myself. A certain multi-legged individual must have dropped onto my steed from above right before we got transported because someone hangs over my head while staying unperceivable.

I can’t get rid of my silent bodyguard this easily, can I?

Directing an appreciative smile at my guardian angel, I start moving through the castle hallways, heading towards the secret section. Shortly before I reach the entrance, a familiar pair takes a turn into my corridor and spots me immediately.

“Sensei!” Shino’s face practically lights up as she waves at me joyfully.

She hastily jogs up to me, forcing her best friend and now also girlfriend to chase after her. But, it clearly doesn’t bother the dazzling blonde actress as she runs up with a happy expression too instead of her usual collected visage.

The petite samurai girl jumps into my arms and steals my lips as I hold onto her tiny frame. I let out a chuckle as she giddily kicks her feet in the air, acting as adorable as ever. Even Natalie can’t hold in the quiet snort at the silliness of the short affection gremlin.

“Are you here for the operation, Sensei?” Shino asks after I finally let her down. “Of course you are, why am I even asking?”

We roll our eyes with Natalie almost at the same time and catch ourselves doing it. I smirk at her and the talented Bard mirrors me to an extent.

“Yes, I’m on my way to Madeline. I get that you girls are ready to play your part?” I raise a curious brow at the shortie.

“Yep! We are patrolling the hallways just as instructed!” my Japanese princess replies. “Everyone else is ready too. I can’t wait to see how it all proceeds.”

“Good. I should be done with my part in a few minutes too.” I nod to myself. “I’ll see you afterwards, then.”

Shino glances aside with a thoughtful expression and leans closer to Natalie’s face. “What do you think about sucking Sensei off together in that niche over there real quick?”

Hearing her whispering perfectly well, I open my mouth to rebuke the little pervert, just to be interrupted by Natalie.

“I think I would prefer to suck you while watching from below as you deepthroat him,” the usually quiet girl answers with a trace of rosiness over her cheeks as she looks right at me.

Shino’s eyes instantly turn into saucers and her skin rivals a ripe tomato in its deepest shade.

We really created a monster, haven’t we?

“Later.” I give each girl a peck on the forehead. “We have work to do. Though, I appreciate the offer.”

Not giving either of them a chance of rebuttal, I stroll away without looking back. A few minutes later, I find myself in front of the hidden passage and start making my way through it.

“Ailish,” I say to myself about halfway there.

A purplish haze explodes from my chest and forms a feminine figure in front of me, albeit in a rather horizontal position. Extending my arms forward, I hold onto it with a bridal carry and the violet-skinned demoness materialises atop them with a salacious grin, throwing her own arms over my shoulders.

“You called?” She licks her lips ostentatiously.

“To your disappointment, not for what you have in mind.” I squint at the mischievous Succubus. “Let’s wrap it up. I need your help with the mark.”

Ailish whines like a disgruntled kid but obediently slides off my hands. “Yes, Master. I hope you can find time to reward my efforts properly afterwards. Mothering that stupid slut is a serious chore.”

“I know. You can count on it.” I give her behind a mighty slap that echoes throughout the tunnel like thunder.

She bites down on her bottom lip hard and gives me the eyes, but we somehow still continue ahead without staining the walls with any uncontained liquids.

Arriving in Madeline’s holding cell, we step inside and find our captive already waiting for us, geared for her escape.

“Master. Did you come to check on my preparations before the big event? I assure you that they are impeccable and you will find no fault in them,” the woman hastily says.

“Good. I’m here to offer you a small gift, an ancient rune that will let me sense you better. It will allow my ladies to locate you to receive your reports if I’m not present. It will also let me know when you are in danger,” I respond, revealing only part of the truth.

“Ah. The mark over my pubic area. I was wondering when you were going to activate that one.” She nods to herself.

Then, she unceremoniously drops her pants alongside her panties and stands there proudly with her privates at full display. A black womb tattoo adorns her underbelly as mentioned. Direct skin contact isn’t exactly a must, but I guess it does fit the theme.

Walking up to her, I palm her entire mound from below while pressing my thumb into the patterns. She sighs heavily while Ailish moves behind her and presses a hand to her lower back. The two of us release our mana at the same time and flood the woman’s lower body with it, causing her to shudder strongly.

Groaning in clear satisfaction, she grabs my forearm tightly as the mark gradually illuminates. By the end of it, it’s rather clear that she’s been driven to her peak during the process, unintentionally. When the two of us back off, she nonchalantly dresses up again, stumbling just a little at first. Ailish gives me a jealous glance but I remind her mentally that this is work, not fun, and she backs down with a faint pout.

Confirming with her that everything functions as intended, I tell Madeline to do her best as I’ll be watching and evaluating her efforts, and we leave the cell.

“You’ll go with her?” I take a peek at the beauty by my side, whose tail is inching dangerously close to the line of my belt.

“Anything for you, love.” Ailish beams at me. “Enjoy your vacation and don’t forget to fuck your cute dwarf much for me. I’ll be helping out Lianne and the others infiltrate those bastards from within the mark and collect enough good deeds for you to be forced to rail me silly for a week straight.”

“Yeah? Does that mean you aren’t going to sneak into my dreams for a quickie every other day?” I snicker under my nose.

“Hey! I’ll let you know that I can know restraint when I need it!” She huffs angrily. “Though… Maybe once a week is okay?”

Laughing openly, I squeeze her thigh and place a peck on her cheek. “Depends on how you perform. And be sure to consult with Sirgia.”

Fifteen minutes later or so, we get to our positions and wait for the operation to begin. Half an hour later, a light explosion occurs near us, marking the start of the grand event. Using a crystal ball given to me by Sirgia, I deepen my connection with Hecate while holding onto its metal base. It takes a bit of effort, but soon, we can see what she sees through the blurry crystal as my stealthy mate trails the escapee.

Madeline acts according to her role and rushes through the hallways as fast as she can. Naturally, she quickly encounters a group of knights who heard the explosion and engages them. We watch her use many sigils to hurt them convincingly, but as ordered, she doesn’t kill or maim anyone.

Dealing with that hiccup, she accidentally takes a wrong turn and barges inside one of the servant chambers. A small chaos erupts amongst the men and women, but she incapacitates some, silences the others, and makes a show of her magic by taking control of a few. She brings those as her hostages and flees.

So far, all is going according to plan.

Finding herself facing a few more challenges, Madeline finds a way outside and gets stopped at the courtyards by a squad of magicians. They aren’t paid actors this time so the fight gets a bit more heated. Still, she is strong enough not to need to critically wound anyone and abandons her hostages to escape at the first given opportunity.

Then, she runs into our fabled Heroes. Or at least half of them. Shino, Natalie, and Kamil attempt to stop her and spend ten minutes dancing with the criminal, trying not to hurt the hostages. A few onlookers catch the fights as intended, and they succeed in wounding Madeline lightly.

Part of the castle suffers a big blow but it’s to be expected.

She is forced to run, creating a smokescreen.

Finally, after passing the walls of the fortress, she dashes through the streets while making sure to cover her face. Causing enough commotion in the city, she heads for the nearby entrance to the sewers and disappears inside the dark tunnels. We observe her make her way at a slower pace for a while longer before I recall Hecate back and sigh heavily.

Now, the ball is in Madeline’s court. With Ailish as the referee, we shall see what comes out of this set.

In the meantime, I have a noble family to visit. Time to introduce myself to the parents of my newest girlfriend.


Home visit inc. 


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint.J, Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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