I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 208 – Through the Eyes of Another: The Magician Discovers the Vile Den

After I manage to cool down a little, or technically warm up from the subconscious use of my ability, the thin frost that has spread over the floor retreats too. Thankfully, no equipment and utensils ended up damaged by the cold, but we can’t be exactly sure about the contents of any alchemical experiments. Yet, at the same time, who knows what might be the result of this unexpected variable and that’s what the others try to tell me when I apologise for ruining their work.

While the sight of a frozen guy lying atop a table does induce some anxiety in a few people, it’s rather clear that he isn’t that well-liked amongst the group. It honestly isn’t anything surprising if it was that bastard who raised him academically and in other aspects of life. I’m not letting another Ruther into this place if I have any say in it.

But, as satisfying as the crystal coffin is to me, I can’t really leave it in the room like that without having it bother everyone constantly. This is a place of thought and focus. A dead body sitting in the middle of everything doesn’t help that. Especially when the reason behind its current state is nearby.

Of course, he isn’t dead, and he should be thankful to Al for it. If not for the strength, power, and speed of progressing my Class I received from Alastair, I would have never been able to put a living person into a magical, frozen coma. And I don’t know if I would have been able to hold back like in the past.

I guess people really do change according to their environment.

Making sure to leave an important mental reminder not to get lost in my new capabilities, I contact Lianne and give her a brief rundown of what has transpired and how it has ended. As expected, she apologises for the oversight even if she most likely didn’t play a big role in the selection of the researchers, but I reassure her that it’s alright now. She doesn’t need any more guilt and self-blame at the moment.

We arrange for the body to be picked up and transported somewhere else until a decision about the man’s future is made. He isn’t important right now. The others can definitely manage without that pompous asshole and I’m going to do my best to aid this group now that I’m back. As much as I can while taking care of the rather insidious issue.

When the atmosphere warms up a little bit, both literally and figuratively, I have a nice chat with each person to learn what has changed since my leave and what they are all working on personally. A few men are still tackling an ambitious project from way back but it’s a complex thing and it feels like they made a lot of progress. Since it’s related to the spatial element, I might even be able to help them out if Sirgia agrees to aid me. I’ll have to see if she can spare me a minute amidst her preparations for the upcoming trip.

It gets even better when a group of knights arrives to put the coffin away. Their eyes jump to me a few times with anxious gazes but I can’t really blame them, can I? As long as they behave, they have nothing to worry about. I don’t think I can freeze people solid and keep them alive multiple times a day.

Since I don’t have that much time to stay here, I promise everyone to catch up with their research soon and give them some peace by returning my focus to our main objective. Lyona is already linked up with us after being embraced by Al so I can easily locate her in the city and exit the castle. A marked carriage is waiting for me as always and I slip inside, letting the driver know about the location.

As the beautiful fortress moves away, I tune everything out and focus my mind on our task. This might be a less important family we are visiting but that doesn’t mean we won’t be able to extract any useful information Madeline might have not been privy to or just haven’t had the chance to eavesdrop on. We can’t rely only on that traitorous bitch. That wouldn’t end too well.

One last look through the window makes me consider the date. According to our plans, Madeline’s escape should take place in a few days. We still aren’t totally certain about it but she assured Al that the organisation won’t have a problem believing her if we do everything just as designed. Her wonky ancient magic is somewhat special to them and they won’t question its capabilities of brainwashing a few guards and escaping undetected.

Personally, I think teaching her anything is too good for her but I can understand why Al doesn’t just completely break her mind to turn her into an obedient thrall. It’s clear that manipulation isn’t his best talent but the overpowered abilities from his Class fill up that hole nicely. With a decent idea about psychology from his world, he is able to make things work rather well.

In the end, everyone else’s part is just as important. It makes me chuckle that we’ll all have to act so silly. I’ve seen multiple people or parties try to conceal their failures with awkward half-lies and misdirection but this is going to be a first for many of us. However, I find it somewhat entertaining. We’ll have a lot of fun with it for sure. Ross is surprisingly good at coming up with almost ridiculous excuses that make you question his awareness.

Nevertheless, that will come soon, most likely after Al and Sirgia leave our little love nest. Things will be ready until then. And hopefully, we’ll get something useful from our visits to a few houses and families Madeline pointed us to. So, let’s start with the first one.

The carriage stops a street away from my destination, just as I have instructed the driver. Thanking the man and sending him home for now, I walk the remaining distance on foot and spot my partner for this operation near the gate to the fairly modest but still noble residence. The stone walls are decorated with iron fences in an attempt to bring up the artistic value of the estate.

“I hope you didn’t have to wait too long,” I begin as soon as I’m close enough.

Our new Vampire friend gently shakes her head. “I arrived shortly before you, Lady Cornelia. It gave me time to finish the initial survey of this place.”

“Drop that Lady, please. We are comrades and even more now.” I sigh softly. “Al might not mind everyone calling him Master or Lord now but I think that’s deserved. Meanwhile, we should be treating each other with some more familiarity as sister-wives. Especially since you are an actual respected noble so it feels a bit strange to be the one addressing me like this.”

“I see. My apologies, then. It might take a while for me to get accustomed to such values. In my eyes, you can be considered one of the main wives, someone who is amongst the first ones to be accepted, and in our culture, such a position demands proper respect,” she explains calmly. “I’ll try my best to prevent my upbringing from making things uncomfortable for anyone.”

“It’s alright.” I wave at her dismissively. “We all come from different cultures and places. I dare to say there isn’t a more diverse home anywhere else in this world. I would have never imagined living under one roof with so many different races, not to mention sharing my love with a bunch of them. Yet, it comes almost naturally now.”

“That I can understand.” Lyona nods faintly. “Our kind rarely intermingles with other races too. We often keep to ourselves since our secret is great and it’s hard to trust anyone with it, even the recipients of our most honest feelings. The good of the whole overshadows the wants and preferences of the individuals rather frequently.”

“Any problems with your family in that regard?” I raise a curious brow at her. “This has to feel abrupt and unusual to them.”

“I’m actively working on it and Master offered all the help he can provide,” she answers confidently. “I believe we will be able to find a common ground. But, even if we don’t, I’m ready to leave my title and status to join your household as long as my own house doesn’t get antagonised and wiped out in revenge.”

I let out a small snicker. “You still don’t know Alastair that well, then. Your family would have to be damn wicked for him to hurt you like that. But, I believe everything will work out fine. I’m fairly sure Vampires do value personal strength and power of influence and he doesn’t lack either.”

“I know. That’s why I’m going to soon reveal that I became Bonded to him. That way, we should be able to secure even more support for our operations. There’s only so much I can request from my relatives without appearing too demanding. It would be different if they knew Master directly, not just as someone I admire greatly and decided to dedicate myself to,” Lyona replies.

“Try to do that before he leaves, then.” I place a hand on her shoulder with a smirk. “Knowing him, the worst case scenario that can happen is your entire lineage trying to submit to him after learning everything. Ah, that reminds me, are Vampires okay with our new faith?”

A shadow of a smile sneaks onto the corners of her dainty red lips. “I’m in the process of introducing my family and friends to Master’s ideology. It helps that I can now directly ask questions and receive answers straight from the source, which can happen mentally over massive distances. The prayers and worship should fit our communities. The only problem is the oldest conservatives but things are never easy.”

“True,” I agree with her wholeheartedly. “So, let’s get back to something that shouldn’t be hard for now. Are you ready?”

Lyona snaps her fingers and a red mist swirls around her, fully covering her figure. After a few seconds, it disperses and reveals her new attire. She’s switched from the neat uniform of our mercenary receptionist and assistant into a dress more fitting for a noble girl such as herself. The crimson gown Al mentioned is often called a lolita fashion back at his place suits her extremely well. The frills and ribbons aren’t overdone and only emphasise the extravagance of the apparel while matching her scarlet eyes and white hair perfectly.

Vampires know how to dress to impress.

And turn heads.

Even though her short dress still ends up slightly above the knees, her smooth back and thighs are fully exposed and can capture not just one man’s gaze. I guess this is what it means to be effortlessly sensual. Or maybe it’s part of her magical charm, who knows?

We share a nod and enter the premises of the noble house in front of us. My Vampire partner has no issues opening up the heavy gate on her own. I bet I wouldn’t have much trouble now either but her smaller than mine stature makes it look much more impressive.

As if reading my thoughts, Lyona turns to look at me. “I wish I could have such beautiful, long legs as yours.”

Warmth spreads throughout my face and I quickly glance away. “Stop it. They are nothing much. Yours are perfect for your lithe build.”

“I’ve heard Master admires them greatly so they definitely aren’t nothing much,” she says, still focusing on the cut in the side of my robes that exposes my thigh.

“Oh, cut it out! We have a job to do! Come on!” I huff and start walking forward, catching the tiniest smile in the corner of my vision.

We reach the entrance and I pull the fancy string next to the front door, ringing a bell to notify the residents. It takes about three minutes before someone answers and a neatly dressed guy in his twenties shows up with a cheerful expression.

“Miss Lyona! It’s an honour! We’ve been eagerly awaiting your arrival!” He gestures at us to come inside. “And of course, I kindly welcome your companion, Lady…”

“Cornelia,” Lyona introduces me before I have a chance but I don’t mind. “And I’m no longer Miss, Baron Whitefield. I would be grateful if you could address me as Ms. or Mrs. even if I’m not yet formally bound by the laws of the kingdom.”

Now, now. Someone is already taking their new position rather seriously.

The man blinks a few times before bowing politely. “My sincerest apologies, Ms. Lyona. I was not aware you are now spoken for. None of my friends heard anything about that and it seems that my social information-gathering skill is a little bit lacking.”

“You are not to blame, Mr. Han. There was no official announcement yet as it’s a recent development. Even my family is just learning of it.” Lyona graces him with a respectful nod. “Now, if we may?”

“Naturally! Please, make yourselves feel at home!” He steps aside and keeps his head lowered as we pass him.

~You are aware that everyone is going to gossip about it, right?~ I ask Lyona mentally.

~Of course. The news will spread like wildfire during the next gathering he attends. But, I’ve heard what kind of a man he is and I would prefer he didn’t try his luck with me while I already have a mate. Plus, this will slowly put more pressure on my parents and grandparents,~ she responds without a hint of worry.

Looks like he might be a handful but we should be able to deal with him. Honestly, I didn’t expect the head of the house to be so young. I know Lyona said it wasn’t necessary for me to go into every detail about these households but I think I’ve seen something about an older head so this might be a recent change that happened in the last few years.

Plus, the hate for non-Humans is usually much stronger amongst the older generations so that’s why I’m expecting most families to belong to more ancient lineages. We welcome plenty of young guests in our mansion of bliss and pleasure and nobles aren’t that scarce amidst them. But, there are always some bad apples that grow from contaminated soil, I guess.

We are escorted to a captivating lounge where sweets and drinks are already prepared. No servers are standing around and waiting to offer help but that isn’t too shocking. Lesser households tend to keep their servants at a low number, mostly focusing on menial tasks of cleaning and so on. Besides, I bet he wants to serve Lyona on his own to get in her good graces, maybe even try to dissuade her from her choice.

I’m partially hoping he does just to see how it ends.

Joining us, he shows a big smile and spreads his arms. “It’s not much, but it’s honest work. I have only two cooks and they did their best since it would have been rude to greet a lady of such standing with bought goods. Let me know if there’s anything wrong with these or if there’s anything I could get you.”

The two of us exchange glances.

“Should we begin?” Lyona asks.

“I don’t think we should waste our time with him if you are ready to start,” I respond, putting my hands on my hips.

“Then let’s. I will gladly skip the formalities and the unnecessary chatter.” She nods.

The man of the house looks between us with some confusion but I’m also happy not to oblige him with pointless banter where he attempts to gain favour or court her. Then, Lyona steps forward and looks up into his eyes as hers glow even more than usual. His brows rise and his mouth opens to say something but no words come out as he stumbles a little before correcting himself.

I can sense a faint aura of magic around my Vampire companion and I might even be seeing some delicate streaks of reddish mist floating around her figure if I’m not imagining it. The guy gapes at her for a few long seconds before giving us a silly smile and gaining a slight sheen over the whites of his eyes.

“Huh. That was much faster and easier than usual,” Lyona comments, tilting her head a bit.

“And what exactly did you do?” I ask curiously.

“Simply charmed him with one of my natural abilities. It was supposed to make him a bit more susceptible to my requests while his body is made to feel like he is fond of me and perhaps yearns for my affection but it looks like he is completely obedient now. I didn’t even have to bring forth any of my blood, just my scent was enough to capture him,” she explains with a hint of wonder in her collected tone.

A chuckle escapes my throat. “That’s what you get for banging a Demigod. Better test your other skills and abilities whenever you have a moment of spare time because they will be nothing like you remember them. Don’t forget that your stats are now insane too, though maybe not as crazy as if you would have been a simple Human before.”

“I will.” Lyona glances down at her petite fingers.

“Still, this is scary, even if he is a basic Human of a low Tier,” I admit. “Anything to do with the mind has always terrified me. There’s nothing worse than being forced to do something you would never do on your own. Even worse if you have to watch yourself do it or remember it after the fact.”

“With Master’s protection, I don’t think you are capable of being affected by those effects anymore. At least excluding the most powerful ones in the world,” she responds, turning to me with those glowing scarlet eyes of hers.

“Hmmm. There might be something to that. Maybe you want to try it on me? I trust that you won’t make me do anything shameful if it succeeds.” I stroke my chin ponderingly.

“I can try. And I swear I won’t make it uncomfortable.” She nods.

A second later, her irises glimmer once more and the edges of my vision blur a tiny bit as her charming frame becomes the focus of my attention. Her eyes invite me alluringly while her red dress seems to come alive and only enhance her sensuality. There are scarlet tongues of spiritual aura wafting from her body this time. But, as soon as it begins, the mystical effect fades and leaves only her glowing eyes.

“Looks like you were right. Unless you can’t do anything to me since we are both connected to Al,” I say after a moment. “Honestly, I would rather not find that out but thanks, this makes me a bit less anxious about the future.”

“I’m glad to be of service to my fellow sister-wife.” Lyona lowers herself into a tender bow. “Well, then. Since our plans have been accelerated greatly, let us get to the heart of the matter. Are you part of the organisation that opposes the changes in demihuman legislations and schemes to control the kingdom from the shadows?”

“Yes, Mistress,” the guy answers with a smile.

“And what’s your position?” she continues.

“I’m just an outer member supporting the organisation’s core in exchange for wealth and influence,” he replies.

“Supporting how?” I squint at him.

Since he doesn’t seem as eager to answer my questions, Lyona repeats it once more.

“I supply them with the drugs we produce,” Han reveals.

“Drugs? What kind of drugs?” A deep frown makes its way onto my forehead.

Lyona has to convey my words again.

“A strong substance that can take the form of powder and be dissolved in any liquid. Its main purpose is to numb the senses of Beastkin but it works great for any non-Humans, especially those with better spirituality than us. It puts the target into a state similar to heavy intoxication while preventing them from using any spells or focusing enough to activate their abilities,” he explains happily.

“Fuck. He must be part of their illegal slavery circles,” I curse under my nose.

“Where can we find the source of that drug?” my Vampire friend inquires.

“The basement. It’s the only place you can find its source since it’s our invention. It’s my only leverage in case I ever need it and the organisation hasn’t investigated it so far. They care about the result.” The man obeys.

“Thank Goddess. We can stop it once and for all.” I sigh heavily. “It will be great to remain off their attention too. We can have the kingdom take credit for busting his illegal drug den after some kind of a tip or a leak.”

“I’m surprised he isn’t cursed or limited in any other way,” Lyona comments.

“It’s clear that he can’t really be considered a member. He’s just a pawn they are making use of. His information about the organisation is most likely almost none and he only works with them for his own benefit. It would be hard to do business with all of your partners being under a death oath. Not impossible, but it wouldn’t grow to such an enormous level.” I shake my head.

“I wonder how many others like him there are amongst the noble houses I thought I knew,” she adds with a tinge of sadness.

“We’ll get all those bastards. And hey, it’s not like any of your kin is involved, right?” I pat Lyona on the back and she nods in confirmation. “As for this guy, perhaps we could use him too.”

“I’m afraid my charm won’t last forever, even with the growth I experienced after my bonding with Master Alastair,” she informs me. “It will start fading after an hour or two and I have to be in the target’s line of sight to keep it up.”

“A shame but it’s understandable. Shall we deal with his little laboratory?” I wink at her.

“Tell us if you have any guards or traps,” the Vampire lady orders the guy.

“I have eight guards watching the underground area. They think they are protecting my vault. There are no traps,” he answers.

“Go and take a nap for six hours,” she gives him another instruction and he starts skipping out of the room. “Now we can.”

“Good thinking. I can see why Al got to like you so quickly.” I offer Lyona a smile and she reciprocates it a little.

Right after, we drop the happy smiles and focus on the objective. At first, we take a moment to search the mansion just in case and then head to the bottom floor. It’s rather easy to find the entrance to the underground area but they do say that hiding in plain sight is best hiding. Exchanging a glance, we push through the heavy wooden door and move forward.

What greets us is no normal cellar or vault chamber. There is a long corridor with numerous sections on the sides, separated by half-sized walls. They don’t look like labs or workshops but more like storage for his drug. A person is sitting on each simple chair at uneven distances, scattered throughout the room. Thanks to its design, they spot us immediately and begin standing up with their hands on their weapons.

“Who are you?” the closest man asks with a glare. “This area is off-limits. I don’t see the head of the house anywhere near you, ladies.”

“Come on, Zefh. Don’t be so aggressive right off the bat. The girls must have gotten lost in that grand house of his,” another one rebukes his colleague. “We’ll gladly escort you two back up and chat a little if you are curious, but you gotta get Boss’ permission to be down here.”

I glance to the side at Lyona and she glances back.


“Are you guys hired mercs or part of Baron’s operations?” I ask firmly.

They pause for a moment, most likely not expecting either of us to come off this unfazed.

“And what’s it to you, missy?” an older guy grunts out.

“Your fate depends on the answer,” Lyona answers.

“As much as I like them a little crazy, I think these two are past that line,” the first one comments and a few others chuckle at his quip.

Shaking my head I cross my arms over my chest. “There’s an alchemical lab behind that door.”

They grow silent until one of the further members, a younger woman speaks up. “What? It’s a vault you dumb bitch. Can’t see the ornate door?”

“You are a fucking dumb bitch!” the bearded merc rebukes her for freely giving out information.

As expected, there’s always at least one slower individual among guards.

But, this clears it up.

“Let’s try not to cause permanent damage, alright?” I take a peek at Lyona and see her nod softly while rolling up her sleeve.

With a flick of my wrist, I summon a long silvery staff into my hand, courtesy of Sirgia, of course. There’s nothing wrong with my old one, but how could I not wield a gift from one of my best friends? The fact that it’s a concealed masterpiece is just secondary.

The mercenaries immediately go for their weapons the very moment something appears in my fingers but the first five standing at the forefront get their equipment stolen by insanely quick crimson thread twisting through the air like deadly serpents. The scarlet strings yank their swords, axes, and crossbows right from their grasp and pull all of that onto the ground in front of Lyona. Everyone looks at her with stunned gazes as the strands retreat into a small cut on her wrist, leaving only a few wiggling tips awaiting further orders above her skin.

“To think I would get a chance to fight alongside a legendary Hemomancer. I can’t even imagine what kind of life I would be leading right now if I hadn’t met Alastair.” I smirk at her and the talented Vampiress gives me a delicate smile in response.

Then, I smack the ground with the butt of my staff and an ankle-high wave of ice rushes forth, catching most of the guards off-guard and freezing their feet to the ground. The ones at the back manage to escape that fate, jumping over it and starting their advance. Noticing the not-so-smart woman raising her hand crossbow, I twist my weapon and a small pillar of ice expands from the crystal covering the floor, smacking her right in the gut. She keels over and slips, getting completely stuck a second later.

Something flutters before my eyes and I catch Lyona gracefully and unbelievably quickly hopping from one tiny spire of ice protruding from below to another, dancing between the men and women almost effortlessly. Her strings wrap themselves around their throats and choke her targets until they fall unconscious. The others can only watch, stuck in place.

The brash young guy finds an angle on her, but I simply extend my free hand forward and silently send five icicles his way. They have small hooks on the back and catch on his clothes while piercing through them, pinning him to a nearby stack of tied crates. Lyona spins around and hits him in the side of his neck, knocking him out cold.

In mere seconds, six out of eight people are down and only one man and a woman remain. The two of us stare at them and they stare back at us. Then, they drop their weapons and raise their hands. As Lyona starts approaching them, I clear the ice under her feet so she isn’t inconvenienced by it.

“I’ll make it painless. You will wake up in a few hours and be questioned by the kingdom’s representatives. If there’s nothing on your conscience, you won’t have any issues,” she explains as she nears the guy.

He nods and turns around, perhaps making it easier for her to knock him out.

But no, that’s not it.

When she’s at arm’s reach, he shoves himself backwards while spinning around, something glinting in his right hand. That something turns out to be a concealed dagger that rushes right for Lyona’s face from the side. Before I can do it, something stops it from reaching its objective as it pierces into a crimson plate that has just formed on its path.

The bastard tries to pull it out but his weapon is completely stuck even though only the tip made it through. Lyona casually looks at it right by her cheek, then at him, and sighs delicately.

“Wrong choice.”

The scarlet shape swirls and suddenly covers the man’s wrist. He screams as it effortlessly breaks his bone with a strong twist before pulling him forward. My Vampire partner meets his forced movement with a fist to the chest and sends him flying into a nearby wall. He smashes into it with a loud thud and falls down completely unconscious and most likely heavily battered on the inside.

When she turns her cold gaze to the last person, the woman’s eyes grow wide and she frantically looks around. I prepare a spell just as her body tenses as a sign of an upcoming movement, but instead of rushing at Lyona, she sprints the other way and surprises me again by slamming her head into a section pillar as hard as she can, knocking herself out in the process.

“Well, I can’t say I don’t understand her.” I snicker lightly and Lyona gives me a curious look. “If I was a normal Human, I would be pissing myself just right now too. You little beast.”

“I have to say, it’s refreshing,” she replies.

“What is?” I raise a brow at her.

“Being able to fight another outside a formal sparring who also isn’t always another Vampire,” Lyona explains. “We are taught to always be careful around Humans or even other races to not show our strength and characteristics. I know it’s not exactly the right mindset, but I enjoyed going against them, even if they are much weaker than us.”

“There’s nothing wrong with craving a fight.” I smile at the shorter lady as I approach. “And you shouldn’t feel bad about fighting weaker opponents either, since now that you are one of us, it will be quite hard to find your match. And this is all for a righteous cause. They chose not to stand down.”

She doesn’t respond, only nods, but there’s not much else she needs to say. For now, we leave our opponents as they are and turn to the fancy door at the end of the chamber. Just in case, I cast a few simple detection spells but nothing triggers my survey. It truly might only be locked by a mundane lock. And before I can get to it, Lyona summons more of her blood into a small orb and inserts it into the keyhole. There’s a click soon after and she withdraws the crimson liquid.

No wonder her Class is considered one of the strongest with such a fine and effortless control.

Sharing a quick nod, we push the door together and it opens with a loud groan. Something squeaky squeals from inside and we take a peek into the room. It matches our expectations of an alchemical laboratory with plenty of shelves, counters, beakers, and other utensils. There are also plenty of cups and glass jars set around.

Lyona walks in first as we try to locate the source of the high-pitched voice. It reveals itself to us a moment later.

“Master?” the mysterious female asks shyly. “You are not Master.”

“A Fairy?” My Vampire partner frowns for the first time.

Truly, a tiny humanoid figure floats up from the furthest counter, no bigger than a big man’s entire hand, including the wrist. She wears a yellow dress and has short black hair. A pair of translucent butterfly-shaped wings flap lightly behind her minuscule figure, glowing green.

“Who is asking? Did Master send you here? No, he never lets anyone come here. Are you intruders?! Oh no, oh no, oh no! This is so bad! Master is going to scold me!” She flutters from side to side frantically.

“Calm down. We aren’t going to hurt you. And if you are the Baron’s slave, we have a way of freeing you as long as you cooperate with us. My husband actually manages a safe haven for non-Humans and we can shelter you until you are ready to find a way back home.” I try to ease the small lady’s worries a bit.

“Really? You will?” She stops mid-air and then floats down onto the counter. “Oh, thank Goddess. I’m so tired my wings are going to fall off. I think I might already not be able to move. Oh no. Can you maybe pick me up, hahaha? This is so embarrassing.”

As Lyona slowly walks up to the Fairy, I take a look around the dimly lit cellar. It’s hard to make out the details of many things down here. There are so many empty jars everywhere, though a few seem to have something in them. That something seems eerily familiar so I squint to investigate it a bit more.

After a single step, a shiver runs down my spine and I immediately turn around, thrusting my staff forward. My spell goes off just in time, raising a thin wall of ice between Lyona and the Fairy a split-second before a cloud of magical powder hits my partner. She instantly dashes back to my side and prepares her blood for a fight.

The tiny woman clicks her tongue. “You had to be a perceptive one, didn't you?”

Lyona gives me a questioning glance and I nod to the nearest shelf. “Hard not to be when there are Fairy corpses stored in jars all around the place. What’s going on here?”

My companion’s eyes widen as she spots a few small bodies in the glass containers and her expression turns way colder.

“Oh, this?” The suspicious fairy gestures around herself, talking with a less squeaky and cute voice now. “Well, you see… Like hell I’m going to tell you!”

She shoots into the air and starts zooming around like an oversized fly.

“The door!” Lyona shouts and I instantly snap my fingers.

The Fairy stops before slamming face-first into another wall of ice that blocks the exit and turns back to us. Something gathers in her small palms and I dodge aside, evading a hail of magical poison darts. They melt right through the protective layer I raise from my forearm, forcing me to weave around the workshop to avoid getting wounded. I could easily go all out and freeze that bitch solid but we shouldn’t destroy so much evidence and possibly the only person knowing how it’s created, and thus to fight it.

Thankfully, I’m not alone here and the assault soon stops. Peering past one of the wooden counters, I spot a multitude of blood spears of normal size all around our small opponent, making them appear quite large by comparison. Her limbs are bound by scarlet manacles too, including her neck. Lyona stands where she had been with dark red patterns all over her visible skin, resembling some tribal tattoos, in this case made of blood for sure.

“Speak or remain silent forever,” she demands coldly.

Our Fairy swallows heavily. “I just make drugs for that guy.”

“That’s not all.” Lyona tightens her fist and the tiny girl squirms under pressure. “Why do you keep your dead kin just lying around?”

Her captive just stares back at her for a moment until letting out a heavy sigh. “The drug requires three things to work. The first two are Fairy Dust, which comes off our wings when we are either happy or think we are in danger, and Fairy Blood, which is rather self-explanatory. The third one isn’t anything special since it’s just cat whiskers for additional potency against Beastkin, but I think you can see how only one of these is simple to harvest.”

“You are harvesting ingredients from your own brothers and sisters?” I glare at her incredulously.

“I’m not going to use myself, am I?” She attempts a cynical smile but squeaks when Lyona tightens the bindings again.

“I should kill you on the spot.” Lyona’s tone could freeze even my ice. “Why? Why are you assisting Humans in enslaving other races? I don’t understand. Fairies were almost if not as tormented by Human greed as Beastkin due to the value of those two things you listed.”

“I was just tired of hiding in a forest, alright? Everyone lives in towns and cities while we have to stay in those damp trees and pray no one finds us. So, why not charm some random Human to have him provide for me? I needed Human money to get stuff so I just helped his friends a bit through him. It’s unfortunate that I couldn’t supply enough ingredients on my own, but it’s not my fault if my stupid kind keeps following me here to rescue me. They don’t believe me when I say I want to be here and end up attacking my Human. That I can’t have,” the Fairy explains herself, but perhaps it would have been better if she hadn't.

I can see Lyona getting angry even through her collected nature so I send a small cube of ice right at the tiny woman’s forehead, putting her to forced sleep for now. 

My Vampire companion looks at me in confusion and I put a hand on her shoulder. “We can deal with her later. Let’s first see if any other Fairies are still alive, okay?”

Lyona takes a deep breath and the markings slowly retreat from her pale carnation. “This makes me sick.”

“Trust me, I feel the same. This is not what I expected to find here. Just our luck that we stumbled on this on our first investigation.” I gently squeeze her arm.

She nods lightly and floats the unconscious Fairy down onto a nearby table. We split up and get to work trying to save lives.

It just had to pop up right before Al’s upcoming journey. It looks like he’ll have another thing waiting for him after his return, as long as any Fairies can still be saved.

In the meantime, we are going to be busy tracking down all this vile substance.


Who would have thought. 


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint.J, Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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