I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 387 Exploring Aliens

Feifei's speed was very fast, and after only half a day, Shi Xuan came to the sky above the Ludao volcano.

Shi Xuan felt a little emotional when he revisited the old place. The last time he was near Kashima in the southwest of this island country, he was attacked by a neutron bomb from Citi. Fortunately, he was in Feifei at that time and was not attacked by neutron rays.

Now, Shi Xuan's strength has grown by leaps and bounds. If he does it again, he will be locked by the satellites in the sky when he keeps the cruise missiles in Citiland. It only needs a beam of energy from the railgun to solve the problem. Ontology is in trouble.

Looking carefully at the volcano below, it doesn't seem to be anything special, but Shi Xuan knew that it was because the star beast egg absorbed a huge amount of heat deep underground, so the temperature of the crater was not high. Even cooler than a normal mountain.

The consequence of this is that the hot springs all over the place have closed down, and all the hot springs in the mountains have become cold springs, so naturally no guests will come to entertain.

Shi Xuan could feel the emotions of the star beast egg under the volcano, it was a kind of happy and joyful excitement, and he was inexplicably excited about the upcoming egg breaking.

Spiritual communication is possible between the refining Gu Master and the Life God Gu. Shi Xuan seized the opportunity to get in touch with the Star Beast Egg and increase his favorability with it.

Hey little guy, are you coming out soon?

Well, um, I'm still a little full, and I'll come out when I'm full.

faint! This snack!

Shi Xuan was speechless. The character of this star beast is just like the gluttonous beast of ancient Chinese legends. It is a well-deserved spokesperson for food products. It is no wonder that adult star beasts can use planets as food. It turns out that there is such a tradition from eggs.

How long will it take then?

I don't know, I'll be full soon, just a little bit.

The description of the star beast egg is very vague, but Shi Xuan is a little difficult to judge how long it will take. God knows how long it will take to eat a little bit of such a big stomach king.

In fact, before the final moment of breaking the egg, this star beast egg will be in a state similar to dormancy, and will not disturb Shi Xuan. It is only because of the undersea earthquake that Shi Xuan made in the Pacific Ocean by moving the planetary modifier. Because it was not too far from Kashima, the energy fluctuation of the earthquake awakened the star beast egg.

It happened that the star beast egg was on the verge of hatching, and Shi Xuan sensed the situation and rushed over.

Now that he knew that the star beast egg would take a while to come out, Shi Xuan was not in a hurry, he simply let Feifei land on the volcano to hide, and he entered the holographic simulation cabin to play the game.

In the game, Shi Xuandeng 6 is in the alien development system, located on the planet that has already begun to colonize.

During the short period of time when Shixuan was offline, the colony base, under the command of the intelligent core, has carried out various colonization constructions in an orderly manner, and the base has some exhibitions.

In addition to the construction of 6 laser turrets, nuclear fusion reaction towers for energy supply, ore refining plants and other buildings last time, a new robot factory was built.

The robot factory can use the local minerals collected and refined by the ore refining factory to produce robots. Now the number of engineering robots has increased to more than 100, and three more valuable minerals have been found. The robots are constantly mining.

In addition, there are also dozens of armed robots patrolling near the base. As a supplement to the laser battery, the base's defense has been improved.

It has to be said that due to the exhibition of intelligent technology, the colonization of alien technology is convenient, just watch it from the side, make some simple judgments at the right time, and the intelligent core will arrange the construction.

After entering the alien development system, the fighter aircraft driven by each player is no longer the fighter aircraft in the previous game mode.

It's another hard federation's standard colonial fighter, with a colonial smart cabin attached to it.

There are intelligent cores and engineering robots to start the base construction in the cabin, as well as a series of accessories, including 10 engineering robot components, basic defense system components, and controllable nuclear Parts of necessary modules such as fusion towers and ore refining plants allow players to quickly build a small-scale colony base with these equipment.

With Shi Xuan's easier-to-understand explanation, the Colonial Smart Pod is a bit like the base vehicle of a famous strategy simulation game on Earth, and it is the basis for carrying out alien colonization.

After watching the hot base construction for a while, Shi Xuan felt a little bored and wanted to find something to do. He looked up and saw that all around was a vast expanse of green, and the plants on this planet were too abundant.

Shi Xuan thought for a while, then left the base and flew towards the green plants in the small individual mecha carried by the Colonial Intelligence Pod.

If you really colonize aliens, it is naturally inappropriate to leave the base rashly. Without the defense facilities of the base, there may be unexpected dangers when encountering the natives of the planet.

However, Shi Xuan is a remote holographic simulation manipulation, so naturally there is no need to worry too much. As long as the real body is not teleported, even if it encounters danger, it will not threaten life.

The area where the base is located is a black piece of land with a radius of about one kilometer. There are only scattered small plants on the ground, which looks a bit desolate.

Outside this circle of desolate black land, there are endless dense plants, just like the virgin forest on the earth, there are tall and tall trees everywhere, completely blocking the light from the stars.

The speed of the mecha was very fast. After a short while, Shi Xuan came to the edge of the black earth and observed the dense alien virgin forest in front of him.

There are many of these plants, all of which are very different from the plants on earth, and Shi Xuan knows none of them.

Taking a closer look, the plant with the largest number is a bit like the bamboo on earth, but it is much larger and tougher than the bamboo on the earth. Shi Xuan used the mecha to break it off, but he broke it all at once. Constantly, the toughness of this alien bamboo is comparable to the steel of the earth. It is really hard to imagine how it grows.

Shi Xuan wanted to go inside the bamboo forest to take a look, because the leaves above the forest blocked the light, and it was dark inside the bamboo forest, and it was difficult to see what was there.

So he turned on the searchlight on the head of the mecha, a beam of light shone into the forest, and Shi Xuan fixed his eyes on the bamboo forest.

Before I could see what was happening, suddenly, a rustling sound sounded, as if something flew out of the bamboo forest.

Shi Xuan frowned, knowing that it was the mecha's searchlight that alerted some kind of existence, and quickly turned off the searchlight.

However, the rustling sound didn't stop because the searchlights were turned off, on the contrary, it became more and more intense. In the blink of an eye, this kind of existence was about to come to the edge of the forest.

Feeling that something was about to rush out, Shi Xuan pulled the mecha away, maintaining this alert state.

I saw a flower in front of me, and in a rustling sound, countless watermelon-sized creatures flew out from the bamboo forest.

It was too fast, and before Shi Xuan could see what it was, the first batch of creatures hit Shi Xuan's mecha.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The creature did not seem to be particularly hard, and it burst open when it hit the mecha, turning into a pool of green liquid attached to the metal armor on the surface of the mecha.

There are too many, and after a while, the front of Shi Xuan's mecha turned green... 8

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