I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 386 The star beast is about to hatch

Not to mention that the people of the island country are in a state of embarrassment and depression, but the sea area where the accident happened is still deteriorating.

The whirlpool is getting stronger and stronger, and the current is getting faster and faster, as if a big hole has passed through the bottom of the sea, and it has become a big funnel formed by seawater in this sea area.

Inside the funnel, it was full of warship wreckage, and the Izumo frigate was also sucked into the vortex.

Although the Izumo frigate had the largest displacement and the strongest hull in the fleet, it was unable to resist the tearing force of the sea vortex, and was suddenly torn into three sections.

Seeing that the last warship was destroyed, the people on the helicopter, who had been shocked and numb, exclaimed again.

Military expert Takenaka Shinosuke shook his head and murmured, It's over! It's over!

Facing the region-like sea scene, perhaps the most tenacious one was the cameraman of the TV station, who always controlled the camera to aim at the sea area where the accident occurred, and sent the disaster picture back to the island country. cry beside.

The whirlpool of the sea turned faster and faster, and Takenaka Shinosuke saw a shudder in his heart, and suddenly shouted: It's the wind! The wind is blowing!

Before the rest of the people could react, Takenaka Shinosuke said to the pilot angrily, Quick! Quickly leave!

The driver was stunned for a moment, and immediately followed the words of the military experts behind him, increased the speed of the plane to the highest, and returned to the island country.

Mr. Takenaka, what's going on? the cameraman asked with some puzzlement. Although the disaster scene is not a happy thing, it is a very good news material for journalists. If he can, he is willing to Keep shooting.

Takenaka Shinosuke's face turned blue, Hurricane! If it goes on like this, there will definitely be a hurricane!

What? You said there was a hurricane? The photographer doubted his ears.

Damn it! Damn it! The pilot pushed the accelerator to the maximum, subconsciously, trying to make the plane go faster. There are already enough dead islanders in this sea area, and he doesn't want to be one of them. .

My God! Are we going to die? Minako's round eyes widened.

Everyone was shocked. Even a three-year-old child could know what would happen to a helicopter within the range of a hurricane.

The helicopter tried desperately to escape, but after all, the speed was limited, and the hurricane had already appeared.

With the sea vortex as the center, a huge hurricane with a radius of ten miles appeared, and the sea water was absorbed and rose to form a huge water column, spectacular and terrifying.

For the people in front of the TV, they were just amazed when they saw the water column, but for the people in the helicopter, it was like seeing death descend.

Sure enough, with the rapid formation of the hurricane, the helicopter quickly lost control and drifted in the wind like a kite with a broken string within the hurricane.

The people inside the plane were knocked out and unconscious. The most unlucky photographer, because of the operation of the camera, did not wear a seat belt, and was thrown out of the cabin with his camera equipment. falling to the sea...

However, other people are not much luckier than him. The fate of the helicopter caught in the hurricane is already doomed, but it is only a little later than the photographer who fell into the sea.

The program crew on the helicopter was killed, and the live TV broadcast naturally could not be continued, but the deaths of the naval fleet and the TV crew were known to the whole island.

Today is definitely the day of national calamity for the island nation.

At this time, Shi Xuan also learned about the destruction of the island nation's fleet through Penglai's live broadcast, and once again deeply realized that in the face of alien technology, the earth's army is vulnerable. If the alien superhard federation discovers the earth, it will definitely It's a one-sided war situation.

There is no other way for the human beings on earth except to be slaughtered by others.

The fate of the island nation's fleet had long been expected by Shi Xuan, and the moment the planetary modifier was launched, the fate of the island nation's naval fleet was already doomed.

Shi Xuan is very satisfied with the power of the Planetary Transformer. With the energy stored now, he can launch two attacks. If necessary, he can deal with the Citi Army. Moreover, this can bypass all the current defense methods of Earth technology and directly attack the enemy's homeland. great power.

However, now is not the right time to let other countries know that they control such a big killer.

It is estimated that Citigroup’s controllers want to break their heads, and they will not think that the earthquake in the Pacific Ocean is the attack method of Kiris. After such a severe blow, it is estimated that it is impossible for the island country to participate in the joint military exercise, and it is even more impossible. A real fight with Kiris.

Citi's original plan to test the relationship between the island country and Kiris was completely in vain, and because the island country was a natural disaster that happened to encounter an earthquake at sea, there were good reasons not to send troops to the Southeast Asia region, and it was impossible to judge whether the island country was really Backstage of Kiris Country.

In fact, after this difficulty, the island country suffered heavy losses, and there is little chance of sending troops to Nanyang Kingdom again, so it is difficult to clear its suspicion in the eyes of Citi.

After destroying the island nation fleet, Shi Xuan asked Penglai to closely monitor the reactions of all parties, while he wanted to use the game cabin to play games for a while.

Suddenly, a strange feeling came from the bottom of my heart.

Huh? It's a star beast egg! Shi Xuan sensed it carefully, but it was the God of Life Gu, which had not moved for a long time, and had been absorbing heat in the depths of the island country's Ludao volcano.

Although thousands of miles away, Shi Xuan has always been able to maintain spiritual communication with the Star Beast Egg due to the existence of a special and mysterious spiritual channel between the Life God Gu and the Gu Master, but the Star Beast Egg has always been While absorbing the heat of the volcano steadily, Shi Xuan could feel its power getting stronger and stronger, but there was no violent reaction, as if it was a beast sleeping in the past.

This time, it was the star beast who sent the news, and the meaning was clearly: I'm coming out!

It seems that the star beast egg has absorbed enough heat and is ready to hatch.

Shi Xuan was very uneasy in his heart, how powerful a star beast is, this is a powerful creature that can treat the planet as food, even if an alien civilization encounters it, it will suffer.

Now that a star beast is hatching on the earth, I don't know whether it is a disaster or a blessing for the earth.

Fortunately, this star beast has been refined by Shi Xuan into a life god Gu, not only can it be controlled, but also able to communicate, which is better than those wild star beasts.

It's just that the star beast is such a powerful creature. I don't know if it is controlled by the refining Gu Master like other Gu insects. If it loses control, the consequences will be disastrous. Moreover, even if it can be controlled, where does Shi Xuan feed it from the planet? ?

But now that things have happened, we have to take one step at a time. When the star beast was born, Shi Xuan could not be absent from the scene.

Shi Xuan got on Feifei, and took the holographic simulation cabin for playing games with him, and flew to the Kashima volcano in the island country... rw

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