I Found A Planet

Chapter 450 - Gains and Crisis

Chapter 450: Gains and Crisis

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“You don’t have to be thankful. Say, since you’ve got your revenge, what are your plans for the future?” Chen Jin asked.

The future? Mu Yunhua thought about it for a moment. Confusion flashed across her face and she shook her head, “I don’t know, I haven’t thought about the future.”

She had originally thought that it would take at least a few hundred years to fulfill her vendetta against the Selains and exhausting an infinite amount of energy in the process. She might even die before realizing her wish.

She felt that she was lucky enough to be able to take revenge in her lifetime.

She had never imagined that it was so easy to realize her wish with Jin’s help.

It was so easy that her heart felt somewhat empty, she did not know what to do next.

“If you don’t have any plans, then continue to work for me according to our previous agreement, and strive to occupy more galaxies and planets.”

“After annexing the Sela civilization, I plan to take a break for a while.”

Mu Yunhua wore a weary expression, “After all these years, I’m a little tired, let me take a break.”

“Well, you really should have a good rest for a while.” Chen Jin said.

After the central mother galaxy of the Sela civilization issued a signal of surrender.

For the next six months, most of the Sela colonial galaxies chose to give up on their resistance and joined the Haierfa civilization.

The small number of stubborn resistors who chose to hide out in dangerous terrain to carry out their resistance, even under the threat of death, soon met with attacks from a powerful interstellar warship. They had no choice but to yield after paying a heavy price.

Thus, such a civilization with great wisdom and knowledge was in the control of a group of human survival forces.

From one galaxy, the strength of mankind suddenly swelled by a thousand times in an instant.

As a classic example of counterattack, it could be described as a model of inspiration.

Moreover, the Selains (Crystal Brainers) were extremely valuable, and their potential was huge. Except for their appearance, which was rather ugly, they scored well in other aspects.

For example, they had powerful learning abilities. They could achieve rapid dissemination and absorption of knowledge through the use of their brain wave signals.

They belonged to a race where everyone was an elite.

Their ability to innovate was not bad either.

Also, because their treacherous, cunning, and overly clever characters were engraved in the soul of many Crystal Brainers, they were very fond of dallying in power plays and conspiracies.

So in theory, humans couldn’t defeat the Crystal Brainers.

In the end, it was because Chen Jin had provided external assistance by giving them a special shortcut, that the human survivors led by Mu Yunhua could finally realize their dreams. They trampled a powerful and wise civilization under their feet, and all the Crystal Brainers became slaves.

Very quickly.

Two years passed.

The power of the Sela civilization had been “digested” by the human forces.

Chen Jin, who had been standing behind the scenes and investing his resources into the war, had also been rewarded.

The best portions of the spoils seized by Mu Yunhua and her forces were put on the Black Emperor and transported back to Haierfa.

This included nearly all of the information on the Crystal Brainers’ science and technologies.

Including a rich variety of special mineral resources.

And a batch of up to ten million “brain crystals” – that’s right, it was that special crystal that grew at the backs of the brains of the Crystal Brainers. Those crystals were very valuable.

After years of research, Alice believed that brain crystal could even become a strategic resource and develop very important functions.

Besides sending and storing brain wave signals, the brain crystal had two other magical functions.

First, it could increase the realism of virtual games from the original 78% to more than 95% in an instant… it could even possibly increase the realism by up to 99%.

The original realism of the gaming experience was like a bottleneck that simply could not be broken through (as it was reflected in the human brain), experienced a qualitative improvement.

This principle behind this phenomenon had not been fully understood by Alice, but there was no doubt that the brain crystal could bring about a qualitative evolution to the virtual games that had not seen much change in the past hundred years or more.

The sense of immersion was better.

The gaming experience was more realistic.

It could be said that it had brought immensely good news to the vast number of veteran gamers.

“If the new generation of game helmets that are embedded with the ‘brain crystal’ was integrated with the virtual game Galaxy Era 2.0; the realism of the game would become infinitely life-like. It will set the game on fire with an all-new vitality, attracting at least billions of players.”

“A better game experience and a greater number of players would allow the Galaxy Era 2.0 to analyze the celestial powers and new laws of cultivation at double the speed; the efficiency of the game in analyzing these subjects will be doubled too.”

Besides this, after the brain crystals were brought to earth, it was discovered that due to its magical brain wave amplification effect, practitioners could obtain a 30% to 50% improvement in their cultivation efficiency by using the “power amplification” function of the brain crystal during meditation and cultivation processes.

If it was used for the arrangement and deployment of certain spell formations, the formations could be maintained for twice the original amount of time using the same amount of mental power.

These additional accomplishments were extremely impressive.

Its existence was akin to that of a magical artifact.

There were, of course, some magic weapons or special jades and stones that also had the effect of boosting one’s cultivation. But they were generally very expensive and their boosting effect was relatively average.

Magical items that could produce such obvious results like the brain crystal were very rare.

More importantly, after Mu Yunhua gained control of the entire Sela civilization, Chen Jin proposed an additional requirement of “handing over 100 million brain crystals” every year. This was not an enormous task because there were over a few hundred million Crystal Brainers who died of natural causes every year. Their brain crystals could be retrieved after death.

Of course, the brain crystal was very important to the Crystal Brainers. It was said to be the home of the soul. After death, the crystal should be properly laid to rest for the soul to ascend into the kingdom of heaven. If it was taken away, there would be no chance for the departed soul to enter the kingdom of heaven, it could only fall into darkness.

Typically, the Crystal Brainers would never surrender their brain crystal even if they were faced with the threat of certain death (although they would also quickly die after the crystal was cut out). According to traditional thought, the brain crystal must be placed in a beautiful dream-like cathedral where it would form part of the tower made up of soul crystals.

However, after being relegated to the status of slaves, the Crystal Brainers had no choice.

If they resisted, they would be killed and their brain crystal taken away immediately.

If the number of brain crystals collected was insufficient, then the humans could only kill those who were disobedient or guilty of crimes, to make up the amount that needed to be handed over.

This seemed a little cruel.

It did not give people a good feeling.

Mu Yunhua also hesitated for several seconds. She felt that no matter how she looked at it, this was not a kind act. Instead, it was somewhat like farming. They would wait until the brain crystal was matured before cutting them out to be used.

“This is the rule of the world. The strong can do whatever they want and the weak are turned into feed. Besides, 100 million brain crystals per year are only equivalent to just a few thousandths of the Crystal Brainers. The harvest ratio is not high. And since they have been defeated in battle, they should have the awareness that they are the losers. If they still dare to resist, then all of them will be slaughtered. Then, the hundreds of billions of brain crystals would be sufficient!”

Using a few natural substitutes, which were only a very small minority, in exchange for the continuation of the entire population; the Crystal Brainers should know what was their choice.


Mu Yunhua did not say anything more and simply carried out this task.

In this way, Chen Jin had in his possession, this magical resource of the brain crystals.

As for the cost, it was almost zero. But by parking the crystals on earth, it could bring many benefits and advantages.


During this period, millions of brain crystals had been moved out of the villa where Chen Jin lived and entered the possession of the Chen family.

So, after a mere few days, all of the Chen family’s descendants and their hired high-ranking guest staff who had the qualities for cultivation used the brain crystals. Everyone’s cultivation efficiency had been greatly improved.

A large number of brain crystals were also sent to two mysterious underground research facilities, one of which was the development unit responsible for the New Generation Virtual Reality Headset; the other was the mecha research facility, which was developing a bio-mecha with the ability for self-cultivation.

That’s right.

The Chen family’s powerful technological strength could develop a semi-mechanical, semi-organic biological machine that similarly also had meridians, dantian (an area where one’s spiritual Qi energy resides) and spiritual Qi circuits. Through the control of the biochip, these bio-mechas could cultivate themselves, just like the practitioners. By putting their spiritual strength to use, they could constantly transform this spiritual strength into a powerful combat force.

The secret code name for such a bio-mecha was “The Naga.”

This project had been running in secret for more than ten years. The Chen family had invested countless resources into “The Naga.” There had been many occasions where they saw no hope of success. But as long as it was theoretically plausible, as long as prospects were great, it was necessary to persist and they should continue to invest resources and time into it.

After 99 failures, there would surely be a success.

Hard work always paid off. Shortly after the success of the biochip, the bio-mecha, “Naga,” that had received heavy attention by the Chen family achieved one of its initial stages of success.

A few days after the brain crystals sent by Chen Jin were received by the facility, fatal issues, such as insufficient strength of nerve signals and weak control functions, were easily resolved due to the magical amplification effect of the brain waves by the brain crystal.

The “Naga” bio-mecha was up to five meters tall and weighed more than five tons. They could hope that the design would be finalized and mass-production could begin within one or two years.

Regarding the combat power of this type of bio-mecha, the “Naga” was equipped with the terrifying computing power of the biochip and the meridian network that had experienced the ultimate optimization by supercomputers. As long as it had cultivated itself for about half a year and matched with various high-tech weapons, it could face-off against a practitioner from the Jiedan Order in a battle.

If the cultivation period lasted up to one year, three years, or five years, it would have the ability to battle against practitioners from the Yuanying order, the Jushen order and even the Shenguang order respectively.

The potential of bio-mecha was vast.

If the Chen family could have hundreds or even thousands of bio-mecha units in the future to form a fighting force, they would have a role to play on Earth, which was under the pressure of countless Protoss.

But… time.

No matter how many aces they had up their sleeves, the one thing that the Chen family needed the most was still precious time.

“Three years, as long as the Chen family can have three more years, we’ll be more or less ready.”

Chen Jin had secretly calculated and found that after three years or so, the Chen family would have the power for a showdown.

Because a breakthrough was recently achieved in the “Sage Plan,” which was another project that he most valued.

To be precise, it because of the genetic engineering sub-plan of the “Body Of A Sage.” After the success of the biochip, this sub-plan had also begun pulling its weight and produced shocking results.

The purpose of the plan, “Body Of A Sage” was to improve a human’s natural aptitude for cultivation. The fundamental principle was to transform the human body and improve people’s natural aptitude by altering and adjusting human genes. This would allow those humans who were useless in cultivation or who only had mediocre talents to morph into talents and geniuses, maybe even the best genius in the world.

In the past, the occurrence of Protoss who were naturally more suitable for cultivation, the probability of the birth of cultivation geniuses was about one in 10,000.

For humans, which were a race not particularly suitable for cultivation, this probability was a pitiful one in a million.

There was a saying “nurture cannot beat nature.” If one’s natural aptitude was too terrible, no matter how hard one tried in life, there would be times when it was hard to catch up. The gap between one who was naturally talented and one who was not would get bigger and bigger. In the end, the one without natural talent would despair.

However, the Chen family’s genetic engineering technology aimed to smooth out the inborn gaps in terms of talent. They wanted to achieve something that would go against the natural order.

Moreover, modifying genes was not easy. The process of injecting the evolutionary compound and changing human genes involved modifying many genes bit by bit. The process was divided into many stages. The more stages to go through, the more perfect the genes would become. One’s natural aptitudes would then gradually tend to that of a genius.

In general, as long as a person went through five rounds of genetic evolution, he who originally had zero talent for cultivation could become someone who had a mediocre talent for cultivation.

And after another ten rounds of genetic evolution, one with only mediocre talents could become outstanding.

Only after yet another 20 rounds of genetic evolution, geniuses could be successfully nurtured and be completely reborn.

That meant that one would only need to bear with 35 rounds of evolution for the successful “manufacture” of someone who had no talent for cultivation into a genius.

As for this process, it was similar to the bodies who had participated in the biochip experiment. The process was accompanied by tremendous torture and unimaginable pain.

The combined mortality rate was close to 40%.

The overall success rate was less than 30%.

If the later stages of the evolution process were continuously improved and optimized, the risks involved would be significantly reduced and the success rate greatly improved.

Of course, the extent of pain that the participants had to go through would not be significantly reduced.

Moreover, the first case who had withstood 35 rounds of evolution and successfully transformed from an ordinary person into a cultivation genius, Sun Yang, had walked out of the facility amidst cheers from the scientists. After this, both divisions that made up the entire “Sage Plan” achieved successful breakthroughs.

But, there would be more upcoming work.

The entire “Sage Plan” could not be considered completely successful…. Unless there was an experimental body who had had a biochip implanted and completed 35 rounds of genetic evolution at the same time to obtain the natural aptitudes of a genius… Only when a body had completed both types of optimization to combine the results from the two processes could the genius that was born be called a Sage.

It was just that Su Jian and Sun Yang had both lost the courage to complete the other half of the plan after the endless torture that they had endured. They were very satisfied with the temporary results and had no yearning to become a so-called “Sage”… In other words, they had lost the guts to participate in the other half of the program to complete the entire plan.

Therefore, the remaining experiments would take about three years.

Chen Jin could only rest a portion of his hopes of enhancing the family’s self-defense ability on the “Naga” bio-mecha… Moreover, it also only needed another three years or so before the first batch of naga bio-mechas could fully come into play and make their shocking debut.

But… unfortunately, time did not wait.

The more that you hope bad things would not happen, they would, more often than not, happen anyway.

On this very day!

The monitoring system fixed up by Chen Jin sent out the highest level of alarm – A Protoss family had decided to attack the Chen family.

And it was not just one Protoss clan, but three!

They were the Jinwu clan, who was the top family in terms of strength, the second-ranked Tonghuang clan, and the third-ranking Mugu clan. All of them wanted to devour the Chen family.

“The Jinwu clan provides asylum for the Chen family. Why do they suddenly want to make a move against us?” Chen Jin asked the smart brain of the intelligence system.

“Maximizing the benefits; 50% of the profits can no longer satisfy their appetites.”

“And what about the Tonghuang and Mugu clans? Why would they join forces to deal with the Chen family?”

“The main reason is to limit the strength of the Jinwu clan. Because of the help from the Chen family in the past two years, the strength of the Jinwu clan has shown a vague tendency to grow to equal the combined strength of the two clans, so they can’t sit still anymore and decided to take action to restrict the Jinwu clan.”

“All right~”

Chen Jin took a deep breath. The Chen family’s biggest crisis had arrived!

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