I Found A Planet

Chapter 449 - Death to the Selain Civilization

Chapter 449: Death to the Selain Civilization

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Inside the main hall of the Tonghuang Clan.

“The Chens have rejected our request and refused to hand out the high-precision, rapid machining technology?” asked a malevolent voice.

“Yes, master. The Chens are ignorant and bold enough to reject us. They have even threatened that, if we coerce them any further, they will gift the tech to the Jinwu clan… an act of extreme atrocity.”

With an infuriated expression, the one who was reporting raised his hands and suggested, “Master, why had not we wiped out the Chens and stolen their technology, talents, and resources all together! Although the Jinwu clan will be dissatisfied, they will not dare to come head-on with the Tonghuang clan, which will cause destruction for both clans and allow the others to sponge benefits off us.”

This risk was worth a shot!

“This move will be unnecessary for the time being.”

The man sitting at the top of the main hall waved his hand, “Chen Jin is still useful to us. And besides, there are quite a lot of pretenders out there. We must not act rashly.”

“What worries you, master? The power of the Chens is now scattered throughout the cosmos. They have nothing left to defend themselves with. We will encounter only meager resistance in annihilating them. They are a ripe fruit. If we do not pick them, the others will!”

The subordinate standing below stomped his feet. The Chens were now the strongest and the only human clan left on Earth who were in possession of more than 10 trillion dollars worth of industries and assets. Once they were struck down, the Tonghuang clan’s power could swell by more than 50%! If the Chens could be smoothly digested, the Tonghuang clan would at least become equals with the Jinwu clan, thus becoming the strongest. Like an elixir capable of a massive power surge, the Chens were truly a tasty prey.

“The Chens are, by no means, a small force with no profundity like a rootless duckweed. On the contrary, they are very clever. The ‘Thunder’ Mech Bot made by the Chens is the Earth Federation’s number one mechanical bot in terms of overall performance index with power levels comparable to cultivators in the peak of the Jiedan Order. If we wish to engulf the Chens, we must at least ensure that we have the power to decimate them in one single blow, or else, we will be shattering our own teeth instead.”

That was unless they could make sure that they could destroy the Chens at a very low cost, otherwise, it would be better to leave them alone.

“Yes, master,” the subordinate said. Sigh, the Chens, the last piece of juicy meat left on Earth, how wonderful it would be to devour them.

Another few weeks had passed.

The Chens, who literally walked by the gate of hell, freed themselves from the Tonghuang clan’s protection and substituted them with the Jinwu clan with greater strength.

Of course, Protoss clans far more than the Tonghuangs thought of consuming the Chens. It could be said that the idea had emerged in all the bigger Protoss clans at varying degrees. After all, the Chens themselves had great knowledge. Among the remaining human forces on Earth, the Chens were thriving above the others, and would be the finest succulent meat. Yet, although many had the idea, none had taken practical actions until now.

If one clan were to abruptly launch a coup, the Chens would plunge into grave danger.

However, Chen Jin had made some preparations for this.

A batch of micro-monitors was secretly deployed, including multiple Protoss clans in the real-time monitoring system. Dialogues and conspiracies that were happening in countless of secretive corners were basically all within his grasp. He would be able to receive any movements in advance and react in time. One must know that the neutrino monitors that he had deployed were products of the state-of-the-art technology that would not generate any fluctuations of spiritual energy themselves. Hence, detecting them would be extremely difficult.

This was the advantage of technological equipment. In terms of concealment, it was more powerful than any magical instrument or weapon with monitoring functions.

But even with control over such a powerful intelligence system, Chen Jin did not tell anyone but had left it as a card to play only at a critical moment.

“The world is sinister. Loyalty and trust are not reliable. The only thing that can be relied on is the power in your own hands.”

Planet Haierfa.

In recent months, various news had arrived.

Among them, the one Chen Jin was most concerned about, was that the war between the remnants of human civilization on planet Walf and the Crystal Brainers had reached a turning point.

The winner and the loser were about to be revealed.

Mu Yunhu’s side was also pressing him to issue a large number of weapons orders.

Though the communication channel, she said,

“The Selains are about to collapse and have fallen into their final frenzy.”

“They have retracted all their forces from the outer ring and are concentrating most of their main battleships near the Central Galaxy.”

“At the same time, they have issued the highest state of defense readiness, frantically expanding their army and investing incalculable resources into building warships to prevent the demise of their civilization.”

“I have a strong hunch that the next war will probably be the finale to end the grudge between us and the Selains.”

“The thing is, as many as 5,000 ship may have gathered around the periphery of the Central Galaxy, while there were also hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized warships.”

“To pack up such a large number of enemies, we’ll need at least 5,000 gravity bombs, 3,000 antimatter bombs, and over 10,000 other supplies.”

“Jin, I hope that the cargo ships you’ve deployed will strive to deliver the supplies to the outside of the designated battlefield within six months.”

“We wish to fight a beautiful war of annihilation, and we are eager to realize a sparkling revenge. We hope to wash away the shame of our past.”

“But the Selains are indeed a highly intelligent species. Faced with a crisis of survival, in just a few years, they have erupted with astonishing potential, developed a lot of advanced technology, and even gained the wisdom and might capable to mount a heavy blow to the Silver Gun Lord.”

“If we were to give the Selains another 10 years, I’m afraid that they might actually come upwith ways to overcome the threats imposed on them by the Silver Gun Lord.”

“We have to end this quickly! A race like the Selains, which has massive potential, must be completely eliminated!” Mu Yunhua finished, revealing some of her concerns.

The potential of the Selains was too great, tantamount with human beings, or even stronger. They were definitely an intellectual race. Although it was not difficult to destroy such a civilization relying on a hundred “Silver Gun Lord” warships, as time went on, resistance would become bigger and bigger. They could only race against time and strive to eliminate the Selains in the fastest time. Therefore, she hoped that Chen Jin would allow her to overspend on some points in exchange for all kinds of weapons and resources and talk about the remunerations only after she destroyed the Selains.

“Sure.” Chen Jin agreed with alacrity. After all, systems were dead, but humans were flexible. Not only that; in order to avoid the Selains from suddenly unleashing a trump card at the very last moment, rebounding from unfavorable states, suddenly regaining hopes of preserving their civilization, defeating Mu Yunhua’s fleet with Superior Evolutionary Element Destined-factors, and leading to a reversal in circumstances… he vaguely had these kinds of premonitions.

Chen Jin did not wish for such variables and circumstances to appear.

Therefore, he planned to pull another card, adding a piece of insurance.

He intended to deploy the S-class interstellar battleship in his hand, the Black Emperor, and once it was completed, its weapon and resource delivery mission, it would strangle the Selains’ last chance.

“Yunhua, within six months, the weapons you ordered will be delivered to you. Besides, I have prepared a secret weapon to give the Selains a little surprise.”

He ended his speech with a somewhat mysterious tone.

Mu Yunhua looked intrigued.

Six months later.

The Selain civilization, Central Galaxy.

The place where the Selain civilization was born, the birthplace of all Crystal Brainers.

Home to the Selain political, economic, cultural, and military centers.

The essence of the Selain civilization lied within this very galaxy.

But at this very moment, the Central Galaxy, which was initially blooming, prosperous, full of vitality, and brilliant, was caught in endless fear and terror.

Above the head of every Selain was a kind of desperation and depression of a looming storm and impending doom.

The Haierfareans were coming.

With a vengeful fleet.

Thundering with a cry of retribution.

Launching a merciless attack.

Within the Selain civilization, more than 500 galaxies had fallen and more than 100 billion Selains had died.

Recently, they were even coming straight towards their lair, preparing to decimate the core of the Selain civilization and realizing their ultimate conquest. And in the frontier region, within a third of a light-year, the fleet of those Haierfareans were launching one or two military strikes a day on average, causing the loss of more than five million Selain soldiers. At this rate, in a few days, the Selain planet in the Central Galaxy would be facing the enemy’s muzzle, making a choice between surrender or death.

In fact, at this point of time, most of the Selains understood that they messed with the wrong civilization.

Some of the Selains blamed their schemers for the foolishness of not completely wiping out those Haierfareans, failing to exterminate them from their roots. Another part of the Selains were wrapped up in anger and hatred. Why would they go destroy the Haierfa civilization that never did anything to them? Who decided on such foolish conduct?

In this regard, after they found a way to contact the Haierfarean fleet, the Supreme Council of the Selain civilization expressed that they have already arrested those who initiated the evil practice and conducted an open, legal trial.

The President of the Selains said:

“Honorable Haierfareans. We have arrested those who have caused you harm.”

“Three clans were involved, totaling up at 86,542 members.”

“Now, they sit on the courthouse benches, awaiting trial.”

“There are relevant laws and regulations in the Law of the Selain Civilization that forbid one from harming any civilization by means of massacres or exiles. If one violates the rules, they will be charged with crimes against civilization and sentenced to capital punishment. ”

“Now, we have arrested these evil criminals, and they will soon be sentenced to death. As long as you nod your heads, the three wicked clans will all be executed as a repayment for their sins.”

“But of course, you could choose to take over those criminals and punish them according to your laws. We will not interfere.”

“As long as it will calm you down, no matter who the culprits might be, we are willing to arrest, impose punishments, or hand them over to you.”

“At the same time, I wish that you will cease your operations, stop harming the innocent, put an end to the war, and stop the killing of blameless Selains.”

“Hatred cannot be solved with hateful conduct. As long as you stop the war, except for those criminals, we are willing to pay for all war reparations and territorial lands. We will come up with utmost sincerity to make up for the grave mistakes committed by the small number of Selains.”

“We implore you to cease the onslaught, let go of hatred, and turn hostility into friendship. In this vast universe, we could become friendly neighbors, joining hands and welcoming a brand-new future.”

“War cannot solve anything. Only love and peace can save everything and bring about goodness.”

The President of the Selains was eloquent and his speech was sincere, persuasive, and had a strong appeal.


Mu Yunhua and the others were not having any of it.

She responded chillingly, “The sin committed by the devils among the Selains should be paid for by all Selains. I can’t place my trust in you, either. I am giving you two choices: surrender and become our slaves from now on or revolt but rebels will be eradicated, and those who surrender will become more miserable slaves.”

“Waste no time, make your decision now!”

The leaders of the Selains went silent.

No answer was given, while they only became more desperate in preparing for war.

On this day.

A warship coated in black rendezvoused with the fleet led by Mu Yunhua.

Unloading a large number of weapons and resources and conducting some minor repairs and maintenance.

The following day.

The day of the deciding battle had arrived!

An onyx battleship cruised straight towards planet Sela alongside hundreds of silver-white battleships.

Boom boom boom!

Bam bam bam bam!

Encountering numerous interceptions along the way, Umpteen amounts of Selain warships swarmed over.

As Mu Yunhua’s fleet was getting closer and closer, the resistance of the Selains had gradually plunged into madness.

“They must not pass!”

“Our homeland must not be occupied by the enemy.”

“Go! We shall perish with them!”

“Slay them! Let’s go together! We shall stop them with our own flesh!”


The resistance of the Selains could only be described as valiant and tragic.

They applied numerous tactics, like swarm kamikaze and the high energy pulse cluster technique.

They even deployed their triumph card. The Selains had actually placed a number of gamma star destroyers on several large planets, using the thousand-kilometer orbital acceleration to launch gamma-ray bursts with extremely high energy density!

If it connected, even a Class-A warship like the Silver Gun Lord would also suffer from collateral damage.

Since gamma-ray particles accelerated to near the speed of light, the destructive power of each single particle alone was already close to one gram of explosives. With hundreds of billions of high-energy particles superimposed, destroying even an entire planet would be a cinch.

Nevertheless, the gamma rays with horrifying destructive power, as well as the countless nuclear bombs and force field weapon attacks, were easily blocked by a rather unremarkable warship.

The Black Emperor.

The Selains deployed all their triumph cards but were unable to even lay a scratch on Mu Yunhua’s fleet.

In just three days, the fleet arrived at the periphery of planet Sela’s atmosphere.

Hundreds of nuclear bombs were launched, destroying dozens of large Selain cities and killing billions of Selains.

“We surrender!”

“We choose to submit and surrender!”

“We admit you as the stronger. We are willing to surrender and become the slaves and tools for the mighty, executing our utmost for your purpose.”


In the face of their inability to close up the power gap, in the face of despair before the generation-different technology, the Selains made the most sensible choice: surrendering the whole civilization.

“Excellent! We accept your surrender. From now on, let all of your people hand over their weapons, walk into the prison camps themselves, and put on the slave collar.”

“Hand over your Civilization Core and your authority of all systems. Then command the other planets to surrender alongside you.”

“Your fate is in our hands. The treatment you will enjoy from today onwards will depend entirely on your actions.”

Mu Yunhua issued a number of orders consecutively.

The leaders of the Selains could only comply.

After, various affairs were settled.

Mu Yunhua breathed a sigh of relief as her whole body relaxed, feeling a little empty in her heart.

Returning to her room, reminiscing on all kinds of memories from the past, her eyes became a little red as she suddenly felt like crying.

“Congratulations, your wish… has come true,” A voice laced with a touch of gentleness sounded in her ears.

“Yeah, thank you, Jin.”

The woman smiled, briefly showing a side of her she never had before.

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