I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 140

Chapter 139

[The family is broken? ? Which star is chasing so exaggerated…]

[Speaking of which, although Gu Zhisang is engaged in metaphysics, her job is to be a star in the entertainment circle and filming movies. She is now considered to be a top-tier actress in the entertainment circle. She is super-first-line. Many people in the live broadcast room are fans chasing her, right? Wouldn’t it be provoking public outrage if someone asked for help to say this (dog head)]

Ms. Sun and her husband sat on the sofa and looked at the screen. Naturally, they also saw the barrage of jokes in the live broadcast room, and hurriedly waved their hands and said:

“That’s not what we mean, it’s just ordinary star chasing, of course we don’t object! But, but…”

The couple faltered, and finally let out a long sigh, telling the truth about their daughter Wang Yunyun’s crazy star-chasing behavior.

Regardless of Wang Yunyun’s young age, she has been chasing stars on the Internet for several years.

She was taken to the urban area by Ms. Sun and his wife when she was seven years old.

She stayed in the country until primary school, and her grandparents could not speak Mandarin, which caused her to have a heavy accent. After transferring to the school here, she was often imitated and ridiculed by her classmates because of this, and eventually developed a withdrawn and introverted personality.

In Ms. Sun’s memory, her daughter has always been a loner and has not made any good friends.

But after she came to the city and came into contact with the Internet, she also developed a longing for those glamorous stars on the Internet.

In the beginning, Wang Yunyun stole cash from the family to buy the album posters and magazines of those idol stars, and she was beaten many times for this.

If Ms. Sun and her husband hadn’t found many colorful celebrity accessories under the sofa at home and behind daughter Yunyun’s bedside table, she would still refuse to admit that she stole money from the family.

Later, it was the teacher in the school who contacted him suddenly, and let them know that their daughter even stole the class fee.

This kind of thing happened often, and Wang Yunyun refused to change after repeated admonitions under sticks and soft words, which made the husband and wife feel very tired;

In addition, they did not take up the responsibility of being parents and did not raise their children well in these years.

In desperation, Ms. Sun and her husband could only acquiesce in their daughter’s behavior.

Every month, the two would give Wang Yunyun a sum of money to buy so-called idol merchandise, which greatly reduced her habit of stealing.

And because she was immersed in an unhealthy Internet environment since she was a child, Wang Yunyun learned a lot of unsavory insults on the Internet. She has a bad temper and gets angry easily, and her studies are also a mess.

When she graduated from junior high school, she didn’t even have enough grades for the most common high school in the city, so Ms. Sun and her husband had to send her to a technical school.

Having said that, Ms. Sun raised her hand and wiped her tears:

“It was at the beginning of this year that she fell in love with a new internet celebrity, and since then she has gone completely crazy, spending money and giving gifts to this internet celebrity whether she eats or drinks!

The number of times they asked us for money is also increasing, and there are various reasons for calling each time! “

Mr. Wang on the side also sighed and looked sad.

They gave their daughter Yunyun more than 2,000 yuan of living expenses per month. This amount is above average among college students of the same age, excluding the wealthy family.

Just like this, Yunyun still has to ask for a red envelope from time to time, and they have to reimburse them for daily necessities.

In Wang Yunyun’s words: ‘This money is not enough! My roommates and classmates all wear famous brands, so I will run out of money if I go out for a few meals! ‘

In addition, there are various technical competitions in the school, and you need to buy materials every now and then, and you need to spend money to participate in activities

The husband and wife were really afraid that their daughter would go astray for money, so they gave it most of the time.

Adding up the odds and ends, Wang Yunyun spends more than 2,500 yuan, or even more than 3,000 yuan a month!

It turned out that the first semester was not over yet, and they received another call from the school counselor.

This time it was not Wang Yunyun who stole, but the other roommates in her dormitory couldn’t bear it, so they jointly asked the instructor to change her!

The reason is that the Internet celebrity who is a fan of Wang Yunyun often broadcasts live broadcasts after ten o’clock in the evening, and the broadcast lasts until two or three o’clock in the morning.

The most exaggerated thing is that Wang Yunyun does not end up following the live broadcast all day, and it is time to go to bed at night. She makes all kinds of ding-ding-dong-dong movements in the dormitory, and sometimes broadcasts them outside, which seriously affects the sleep and work and rest of other roommates.

It was also at this time that Ms. Sun and his wife learned from the counselor that there were not so many competitions in the technical school, and students were not asked to pay any money at all.

Every time Wang Yunyun asks them for money, they are all excuses made up.

All her money was used to give gifts to the live broadcast room and buy various posters and accessories.

Hearing this, many college students in the live broadcast room showed up to say:

[Two or three thousand a month is really a lot, my family only gives me one thousand and two thousand! 】

[Hehe, I only have one thousand yuan, and my aunt’s cousin has one thousand and five yuan. Unless this girl orders takeaway and eats fruit snacks every day, more than two thousand yuan is definitely enough to spend. 】

[Looking at the clothes of the uncle and the aunt, the family situation does not seem to be very rich, why not be more strict and not pamper the daughter? 】

[Stealing money from the family, and now cheating money… The key is that this girl is not young, and she will be an adult in two years, if you don’t establish the correct three views for her, she will get worse and go evil ways in the future! 】

[This is really crazy. What I don’t understand the most is that this kind of children spend their parents’ hard-earned money on celebrities and Internet celebrities. They really don’t make money and don’t know that daily necessities are expensive! 】


Gu Zhisang played with the bamboo card on his fingertips and said:

“I just looked at the fate palaces of the two of you. Both of you husband and wife have the fate of ‘Nianzhu Robbery, Shizhu God of Cookery’, which is what metaphysics and numerology say: later generations will be rich and honored.”

Deduce the heavenly stems and earthly branches from a person’s horoscope, and the “year pillar” often symbolizes the ancestors and elders, as well as the fortune and blessings of the first half of life.

Like Ms. Sun and his wife, they both don’t show their year pillars and are occupied by “robbing wealth”. It can be seen that the living conditions were poor when they were young.

No money, poverty, work.

Coincidentally, the ‘Hour Pillar’ of the two of them – that is, the numerology representing the fortune in their later years. There is the God of Cookery, also known as the ‘God of Fortune’, which is the **** of blessings.

It shows that the husband and wife can change their lives from time to time in their middle and old age.

Either rely on their own hard work to become rich, or their children and grandchildren are capable and filial, so that they can support them for the rest of their lives.

Judging from the hexagrams and the situation of their only daughter, it must be the former.

Gu Zhisang said: “If I see it correctly, the turning point of Mr. Wang’s career was about three years ago, and Ms. Sun’s change came later. In the past year or so, her career fortune has improved greatly.”

“Mr. Wang’s forehead and sideburns are slanted in the ‘relocation palace’, but there are red threads in the palace, which means that you have often been wandering around in the past few years and separated from your wife and daughter;

The second shows that this is not forced, but related to your career. You lose time with your family and gain wealth at the same time. “

Mr. Wang nodded repeatedly and exclaimed:

“The time is right, and the nature of the work is right!

I got a truck driver’s license test three years ago, and worked as a freight man with a logistics company. When the industry was in a downturn, I could earn five to six thousand a month. At the best time, I ran long distances for more than 20 days a month and earned a lot of money. Nearly 20,000 yuan! It can be much more than I used to work as a security guard. “

“The only bad thing about this job is that you are tired, don’t stay at home, often run for hours on the highway, and it’s not safe to drive at night.”

After only two or three years of working, the situation at home is getting better and better, but his body also has various minor problems.

Not to mention the sore back and back pain, the hair is covered with white stubble.

Ms. Sun said repeatedly: “I’m right too!”

“Before, I was cleaning in a hotel. I took two days off a month. I only paid more than 3,000 yuan when I paid the insurance. Last year, I started to sell clothes at night markets with a sister. I made my own purchases and made a profit of 3,000 to 5,000 yuan a month. More in high season!”

She choked up and kept wiping away tears:

“We thought life was getting better and better, so we saved some money and planned to buy a small second-hand house… I have been working with him for almost 20 years, and we don’t even have a home. This is our lifelong dream. …”

As she spoke, Ms. Sun couldn’t hold back her emotions completely, and cried bitterly in front of the camera.

The husband sitting next to her also kept wiping away tears and remained silent.

Seeing this, Gu Zhisang narrowed his eyes slightly, sighed lightly and said:

“You saved a sum of money and wanted to buy a house, but your daughter spent the money, right?”

There is stagnation in the forehead, and the end of the nose is broken.

The eyes are not clear, and the jaw is broken.

Within half a year, there would always be some small or small bad things happening to the couple. Although they were troublesome, they didn’t have a big impact on their lives, so the two didn’t care.

Little do they know that this is the harbinger of a sharp drop in fortune and a trend of bankruptcy.

One or two of these minor failures is a coincidence, and three or five of them together are the filthy influence caused by the change of fate.

Gu Zhisang said in a deep voice: “Ms. Sun started the clothing business in January this year, and by May it has already made a good profit. Three months ago, the friend who set up a stall with you proposed to set up a store together to sell clothes. For this reason, you have repeatedly Contemplation, tossing and turning, extreme stress and even a relapse of old illness to the hospital.”

“It was during that time that you developed a pimple on your forehead, which has not completely disappeared, leaving behind patches of dark red and gray marks.”

Ms. Sun, with red eyes, heard her suddenly mentioning this matter, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch her forehead.


Doing business by yourself is too risky, renting a storefront, and buying goods will cost at least tens of thousands less, and it is still uncertain whether the business is good or bad.

But if she gave up this great opportunity to be a cleaner for the rest of her life, she would not be reconciled.

She was really devastated by this matter. When she went to the hospital, even the doctor who prescribed her the medicine said that she was under too much pressure. There are not many people at this age who still have acne on their faces.

Later, most of the acne disappeared, but the acne scars remained. She bought two skin care products and they didn’t work, so she simply ignored them.

As if knowing what she was thinking, Gu Zhisang continued:

“These marks are not ordinary acne marks, but the manifestation of foul smell.”

“From the position of ‘Tianzhong’ to the position of ‘Yintang’ in the forehead, it is the Official Lu Palace and the Ming Palace. The former is located in the ‘Sikong Department’, which represents work, career and wealth. It is soaked in dirty air, which often means that the owner of the seal will not be long. You will lose your money, and your career will suffer.”

As she spoke, she raised her hand.

His fingertips as white as jade touched his forehead, and that was where the ‘Guanlu Palace’ was located.

Ms. Sun, who was touching her forehead, suddenly found that the place she was pointing at was exactly the same as her bumpy part!

In the live broadcast room, some viewers who followed suit also began to touch their foreheads.

But anyone who has acne on their foreheads either jokes or nervously says that they are likely to lose their money too.

Gu Zhisang: …

“Most people should be staying up too late and eating irregularly, so don’t worry.”

Like Ms. Sun’s pimples between her eyebrows, it is because of high stress and exuberant anger and blood circulation problems.

She continued to look at Ms. Sun on the screen with a panicked look on her face and said, “From the photos you sent me, you had double eyelids when you were young, and your eyes were almond-shaped, but look at yourself now, with one eye The double eyelid is still there, but the other eyelid is pulled down slightly, and the eye crease is no longer visible.”

“Don’t you think your right eye is getting smaller?”

Ms. Sun: “This, this… Isn’t this getting old?”

“Of course not.” Gu Zhisang said: “Time does leave marks on people’s faces, but it won’t be so fast that your eyes will suddenly become smaller. Besides, you are only 37 years old this year, so how can you count your age?” .”

“There is a saying in physiognomy: a very good face and seven points are in the eyes. People’s eyes store ‘spirit, energy and spirit’, and also symbolize a person’s luck and wisdom.

Not to mention Ms. Sun, your eyes are cloudy and dull now, just say that your right eye, which has suddenly become smaller, can see the appearance of bankruptcy. “

Among the twelve palaces of facial appearance, apart from the ‘Caibo Palace’, the palace where wealth luck can be seen at a glance is undoubtedly the ‘Tianzhai Palace’.

This palace is located below the eyebrows, on the upper eyelids above the pupils, where the owner’s real estate deposits—such as real estate, deposits, etc.

The eyes are suddenly different in size, which means that the ‘field house and palace’ are damaged, and these real estates are like a flood flowing out, sweeping away for thousands of miles.

From this point of view, Ms. Sun is a proper harbinger of bankruptcy and bad luck.

After listening to Gu Zhisang’s interpretation, Ms. Sun’s eyes, which were already red from crying, became straight.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Zhisang turned his eyes slightly, landed on her husband’s face, and said:

“As for Mr. Wang’s face, it is even simpler and clearer. You were riding a bicycle more than a month ago, collided with a pedestrian and fell to the ground, and your face was slightly disfigured when it hit the ground.”

“The nose and jaw are broken, and there are still scars, and one and a half teeth have been knocked out.”

Mr. Wang said in a hoarse voice for a while: “Master, you are really amazing, you can even count how many teeth I lost!”

Gu Zhisang: “The end of your nose is the ‘Palace of Wealth and Silk’. The wound on your nose has not completely healed yet, and it is also affected by bad smell. As for the chin area, it is a combination. Bumps often mean that the fortune is not going well, and the homestead is not stable.”

“The homestead is unstable, the homestead is unstable…”

Mr. Wang murmured, with a wry smile on his face:

“Master, it would be great if we could meet a god-man like you earlier!”

“My daughter-in-law and I have worked so hard to earn a total of 160,000 yuan, plus the 20,000 yuan that her friend prepared for opening a shop, all put in a bank card, all of which were collected by me. The good daughter Yunyun was given to someone else!”

The man over forty years old still couldn’t help crying and choked up in front of the camera:

“I know that an old man like me who has no house or a car and has saved more than one hundred thousand yuan after working hard all his life is useless, but no matter how frugal our husband and wife are, we will not lose money to this girl. We originally planned to save for another three to five years, and then we could buy a small house in this county, and when we get old, we will be able to settle down, and we don’t have to let our daughters raise us… Whoever wants to, whoever wants to do it!”

“That’s the money the two of us have saved our entire lives! There is also another 20,000 yuan, all of which are gone!”

Even though he had already figured out what happened to the couple, Gu Zhisang remained silent when he heard a low growl that was almost screaming.

There was also a blast in the live broadcast room.

[? ? ? Me? This, this uncle and aunt is too miserable… Being ruined by her own daughter, she has saved all her life’s savings for buying a house. It is really in line with Sangsang’s saying “wealth is ruined, and the homestead is unstable”. This must be an enemy! 】

[Wang Yunyun won’t tip her parents’ life savings to that Internet celebrity, right? ? ! 】

[I’m so annoyed just listening to it, this daughter really has a bag on her head! 】


After the husband and wife finally calmed down and suppressed the grief and pain in their hearts, they mentioned this matter again.

According to Mr. Wang, her daughter has always liked the same person this year.

Watching the live broadcast in the middle of the night, swiping thousands of yuan in gifts every month is for the other party, and secretly swiping away all the family savings is also for the other party.

“He is a young man in his early twenties. He is really handsome and has many fans. He was very popular on a certain entertainment app before, and he made a lot of videos with high likes. Both my mother and I saw this person on the Internet. “

Mr. Wang said in a hoarse voice: “She watched Yunyun at school, and she still watched it when she came back from vacation, and she wasn’t that crazy at first.

Later, she was chatting with friends on the Internet at home, and I heard her say that this Internet celebrity is now a star, and he seems to have participated in something, some selection competition, and those who like this Internet celebrity should help him and win the competition Only the top few players can make their debut as stars. “

“Her mother and I don’t understand these things, but the child has not been close to us these years, and the only time when he is engaged in these star-chasing activities is that he becomes more interested, and we don’t interfere. During that time, she was at home every day to help that Internet celebrity , until midnight, and even organized online fans together…”

Speaking of this, Mr. Wang paused, trying to recall the statement.

Ms. Sun next to him sniffed and said in a muffled voice, “To do data, to fight black.”

“Yes, that’s all.” Mr. Wang remembered, and his daughter said these words to the mobile phone every day, and the husband and wife were familiar with them.

“Every day, she holds her mobile phone and tablet, and turns on the computer at home, playing videos of that young man singing and dancing. When we call her to eat, she ignores her and says she is busy.”

[Isn’t this just a talent show? In the last six months, there was only one talent show for men’s teams, and a certain entertainment app has its own fan traffic, so who is the only contestant? The vest is so transparent it almost refers to names. 】

[If it’s the one I think, then this person’s fans are indeed quite a lot, and I have a hunch that things will not be peaceful in the live broadcast room. 】

When Gu Zhisang heard this, he asked:

“And then, why did your savings disappear?”

Ms. Sun gave a wry smile and said:

“For this young man to participate in the show, he wants fans to spend money for him. I don’t know the specifics. Anyway, he just needs to spend money to buy some things, to buy the products he promotes in the show.”

“During that time, Yunyun asked me for money every day, bought boxes of biscuits and piled them up at home, all of which were promoted by this young man.”

The husband and wife were often angry about this, saying that their daughter was uneasy and ignorant.

It happened that Ms. Sun was busy looking at the store, and Mr. Wang was also busy with his freight work. He was not at home, so he neglected to pay attention to his daughter.

Who would have thought that Wang Yunyun would be so courageous, stole the key of the locker at home from Ms. Sun’s wallet, took out the bank card that was locked in the locker, and tried to get the money out of it. out.

These acts were carried out in the middle of the night.

Ms. Sun worked hard all day, and after going to bed at night, Wang Yunyun secretly unlocked her mobile phone password and deleted the text messages of money transfer and withdrawal, so she was not found.

It was concealed like this for more than a month, until Ms. Sun was sure to sign a contract with the store and was about to transfer money and purchase goods, only to find that the money in the card had disappeared.

After calling the police, through police investigation, the thief who went around stealing money turned out to be his own daughter!

The money she took away has already been sent to the link of the collection fund of her favorite idol, and because it has been too long, the show has ended, those members have already debuted, the chance of getting the money back is 0.

Ms. Sun collapsed completely, and Mr. Wang, who couldn’t believe it when he received the news, rushed back from other places overnight.

They sat in the police station, looking at their silent daughter, falling into anger and breakdown.

And the daughter’s reason for misappropriating the money is even more ironic.

‘Debut is the only way for him to pursue his dream. We are his last backing. You guys don’t understand at all. Even if there is a difference in the ranking, the resources and exposure after debut are different! ’ Wang Yunyun said so.

She stole the savings from her family in order to help an idol she had never met pursue her dream.

After this incident, the Wang family fell into darkness completely.

The couple couldn’t accept such an absurd and ridiculous reason at all, and what made them feel even more chilled was that their daughter didn’t realize their mistake at all.

As soon as they heard that they wanted to defend their rights and demand compensation from the company of the Internet celebrity, they made a fuss at home, desperate to die.

Just when they decided to find a lawyer to see if they could negotiate with the other party’s company or support club, the ‘grievous’ Wang Yunyun committed suicide by cutting her wrists at home.

She leaves a letter.

The letter only complained to the parents, telling how painful it was for me to be a left-behind child in the countryside and to be bullied by my classmates in the city;

She thinks that Ms. Sun and Mr. Wang owe her a lot, and she would rather not have been born in this world.

And her favorite idol, Sunshine, is the most yearning and most dazzling light in her life.

If the parents hate her, take her to jail.

Now her parents must let her be ‘humiliated’ in front of her idol and other fans, demand money, and let her last ‘light’ be shattered, she can only die.

Although Ms. Sun found out in time after returning home and called an ambulance to send her daughter to the hospital, she was still in critical condition due to excessive blood loss and stayed in the hospital for nearly a week.

After such a quarrel, the husband and wife were completely disheartened.

They don’t want to negotiate with that idol’s support club anymore, they just think that their life is a joke and accept their fate.

But they didn’t want to see the daughter again, so they sent her back to the countryside.

The old people in the countryside have been calling them these days, saying that after Wang Yunyun went back, she still held her mobile phone to watch the idol’s videos every day.

The couple really didn’t know what to do, and they were chosen by Gu Zhisang to interact with each other.

Gu Zhisang was silent for a while, but in the end he didn’t say anything poignant.

In her opinion, it is wrong for the husband and wife to live without raising children, but this daughter has indeed grown into a stick, a white-eyed wolf.

“Do you know who your daughter’s favorite star is?”

Ms. Sun said: “I know, her bedroom is full of pictures of that person.”

After speaking, Ms. Sun picked up her mobile phone and walked towards her daughter’s bedroom.

After opening the door, it was pitch black inside. She turned on the lights in the room, and the camera was directly facing a huge face poster on the wall of the second bedroom.

On the poster is a handsome young man with male and female features.

On the more than one meter scroll, only his head, neck and shoulders, a pair of smiling peach blossom eyes hit the audience in the live broadcast room, as well as Gu Zhisang’s eyes, as if there were ripples flowing.

In all fairness, this face is pretty.

But if you take a closer look, there is always an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Except for the biggest poster, the other places on the wall are covered with large and small photos, all of which belong to the same person, which is enough to show Wang Yunyun’s love for him.

Gu Zhisang’s gaze was fixed on the eyes of the poster, and he was attracted by the symbols drawn with a marker on the surrounding walls for a while.

Those symbols are connected end to end, and there are some crooked hook-shaped runes in the middle, like a snake biting its tail, encircling the poster.

Gu Zhisang, who recognized the number of this rune, narrowed his eyes and looked cold.

“Transportation array.”

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