I Became Popular in the Underworld After Live Broadcasting Taoism

Chapter 139

Chapter 138

At the end of the show, the audience in the live broadcast room is already very familiar with the interactive process.

After ‘A Bite of Fresh Cheese’ was selected for the second interaction, he took the initiative to post a comment saying that he could start a video interaction, and sent his birthday horoscope and photo to Gu Zhisang again in a private message;

Gu Zhisang directly initiated a video invitation to the other party. After connecting, the screen in the live broadcast room was split into two.

The face of a middle-aged man first appeared on the screen, wearing a crumpled dark blue shirt, rubbing his hands together.

The only feeling that the audience gave at the first glance was: honesty.

“Hi, master.” He said hello awkwardly.

After a while, another voice sounded from outside the screen: “You still don’t want to change?! How many people will see your dog-gnawed clothes…”

The man coughed twice in embarrassment: “Tsk, what are you talking about! The video is already on!”

The middle-aged woman who heard the words was silent, and her face appeared in the camera after a while.

The couple sat on the sofa side by side. Although the woman had changed into a more formal dress for the photo, she could still see the frayed corners of the sofa under them, the lines on her face and the gray hair at the temples. The family was poor and hard-pressed.

The woman straightened her back, “Master Gu, hello everyone, my surname is Sun, and my wife’s surname is Wang.”

“Hello, both of you, what do you want to do? Did you encounter a strange event or something?” Gu Zhisang asked.

“Master, let’s not play charades and talk straight.” The middle-aged couple looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and the woman continued:

“It’s true that a lot of things have happened at home recently, and it’s all caused by our uneasy child…”

When the child was mentioned, the already wrinkled faces of the couple wrinkled almost at the same time, showing a sad expression.

“We didn’t expect to be chosen by you, Master Gu. To be honest, we really don’t know whether this child has a brain disease or is it because of other reasons. We took her to the hospital but it didn’t improve;

I don’t know if I can ask you to help me? “

Both of them were a little apprehensive after speaking.

They were afraid that Gu Zhisang would hear that it wasn’t about ghosts, it had nothing to do with metaphysics, and it was just trivial things about parents’ short children making trouble, so they didn’t want to show them.

Gu Zhisang nodded slightly: “Yes.”

She took the cards by the table, raised her clear eyes and glanced at the screen, looking at the middle-aged couple.

It was invisible to the naked eye, but she could see the ‘Qi’ surrounding the husband and wife, glowing a faint blue-gray.

This shows that they thought that what happened at home had nothing to do with metaphysics. In fact, before the two of them realized it, they had already touched related things and became infected with filth.

Gu Zhisang drew out three bamboo cards, looked at the signatures on the cards, and combined with the faces of the husband and wife, the past of their lives gradually became clear in her mind.

Judging from the outside, this couple looks like they are over half a century old.

But according to their horoscopes, the woman is only 37 years old this year, and the man is only about 40 years old.

Their first half of life was mediocre and hard work, which is why they have such an old appearance.

The two were born in a backward mountainous area, and they were playmates from the same village. They made friends after graduating from junior high school, and then went out to work together.

Ms. Sun worked as customer service in a local hotel, and Mr. Wang entered the factory assembly line. After doing this for more than three years without earning much money, Ms. Sun became pregnant unexpectedly.

Then they got married, got married, went back to the countryside to have a table of wine, and after the child was born, they went out to work together to earn money.

Due to lack of culture and skills, although the two of them want to make money, they don’t have the ability to change their lives. Until now, they still don’t have a house of their own—

The “field house palace” above the eyes is empty, and the “migration palace” on the forehead is sparse and bald. It is a permanent guest residence with no fixed place.

They are the most ordinary people at the bottom, always running around to get enough to eat, and will never be illuminated by cameras and spotlights.

Gu Zhisang said slowly: “Ms. Sun, you have been pregnant twice. From the perspective of your children, the eldest daughter is sixteen years old.”

“The second time you were pregnant by accident. After finding out that it was a girl, you chose to kill her. Since then, your health has not been very good, and you have given birth to many small problems.”

Ms. Sun’s expression was unnatural, and her husband at the side explained:

“Master Gu’s calculations are really accurate. We really should have two children. We couldn’t help it at the time. We couldn’t afford to afford a second child.”

Having said that, both husband and wife are a little guilty.

They knew in their hearts that if they hadn’t found out that the second child was a girl, they wouldn’t have killed her so quickly.

“You two have your own considerations, but when you had the abortion, the child was already four months old, and all the organs of the body had grown, and the soul that had been put into reincarnation had also entered the ‘sea chakra’ in the body to conceive. Sensual.”

Through calculation, Gu Zhisang probably guessed the situation back then.

Not long after the couple gave birth to their eldest daughter, they left the child to their parents in the countryside and continued to go out to work.

In less than two years, Ms. Sun became pregnant again.

She found out when she was less than two months pregnant. If the abortion was due to financial constraints and she couldn’t support the second child, she should have taken it out at that time.

But the couple hesitated for a long time, because the baby’s **** could be preliminarily determined through B-ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy—that is, about three months.

The development of the fetus in Ms. Sun’s womb was a bit slow, and the posture blocked it. It took more than four months to accurately determine the gender.

On the day they knew it was a girl, the two made an appointment for an abortion, and then took the child away.

As Gu Zhisang said, the reincarnated soul at that time had turned into a baby spirit and entered Ms. Sun’s womb, full of expectations for a new life, but was excreted by the labor-inducing drugs and lost the chance of reincarnation.

We must know that the number of ghosts in the underworld has exploded in recent years, but the number of newborns is limited. If ordinary ghosts want to be reincarnated as humans, they have to wait at least three to five years, and at most decades!

The reincarnation opportunity that was so hard to wait for was ruined by ridiculous and ignorant reasons. Even if the child’s fate depends entirely on the parents’ wishes, the baby spirit will still be unwilling and resentful.

The yin and filth that comes with it will naturally have a bad influence on the husband and wife.

Gu Zhisang’s expression was indifferent: “Ms. Sun’s background is poor, and she is more likely to get sick when she is surrounded by filth. You should burn more paper money for that child during the holidays, and use incense to resolve this relationship.”

Ms. Sun was dumbfounded.

It is true that after the miscarriage, she continued to suffer from minor illnesses. She went to the hospital several times, but she didn’t get better after taking medicine all the time, but she didn’t take it seriously.

Who would have imagined that the child who was abandoned by them has been blaming them all the time!

She had a sore nose and felt a chill at the same time, she nodded hurriedly and said:

“I, I understand. It’s true that her father and I are at fault for this matter. We’ll burn paper money for her tomorrow.”

Gu Zhisang said: “In addition to these lesions, both of you have suffered from severe insomnia recently, your spirits are low, your luck is low, you lose money and get disasters, and it seems that big things are going to happen… It’s all related to your eldest daughter.”

“If my calculations are correct, she was dying about half a month ago and was admitted to the hospital;

In addition, the two had no savings for many years, and they were also implicated by their daughter. “

Mentioning the eldest daughter in the family, the expressions on the faces of the husband and wife turned to helplessness and depression.

Mr. Wang gritted his teeth and said: “Master Gu is right, this prodigal girl, a white-eyed wolf! It’s useless for me and her mother to work hard outside to support the family. We can’t eat twenty yuan for three meals a day, she, her! “

Under the knot of anger, his emotional ups and downs were short of breath.

“Let me tell.” Ms. Sun sighed and wiped away tears: “Maybe we are not at home often, and she didn’t take care of her when she was a child, which made her bad temper, skipping classes, lying, drinking and stealing money, okay Those who don’t learn from the bad will never listen to me and her father.”

It turned out that the eldest daughter of the couple was surnamed Wang, and her name was Yunyun.

The two got married early and had children early. Now Wang Yunyun is sixteen years old. She is studying in a technical school and recently took a break from school to stay at home.

Perhaps it was because she was a left-behind child for the first seven years, living with her grandparents in the countryside, and she was not close to her biological parents, and she was very rebellious at a young age.

Ms. Sun’s eyes were red, “If it was just like this, our family would not be where it is today. Yunyun doesn’t know when she started chasing celebrities on the Internet.”

“Because of her chasing stars, our family is now ruined!”

Mr. Wang, who came back to his senses, also looked up at the camera: “Master, you just said that our family is going to have a big accident?!”

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