I Became a Villain's Hero

Chapter 65: Sweet Reward (3)

Chapter 65: Sweet Reward (3)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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The next morning.

After passing several security levels, Song Soo-yeon hurried into the Villain Alliance's hideout.

She wore a costume that concealed her face.

Upon entering the central hall, she saw Stella, sitting at a circular table.

Stella waved casually as Song Soo-yeon appeared.

Even though Stella's face was hidden behind a mask, Song Soo-yeon somehow knew Stella was smiling.

"Luna, you're early today."

"Please make it happen today."

Song Soo-yeon spoke directly, extending her arm, still filled with the excitement of her dream.

Stella didnt question what Luna meant.

It seemed she had expected this.

With a hint of pity, she replied,

"Ah, Luna. It doesn't work like that..."

But Song Soo-yeon wasn't looking for that answer.

"Im asking you to do it today."

"...I'm glad youre showing interest. I was a bit concerned yesterday when you didnt ask any of your colleagues a single question."


Stella rose from the table and motioned to Song Soo-yeon.

"...Come with me. Lets talk in my room for now."



In a secluded room at a corner of the spacious hideout,

Song Soo-yeon followed Stella.

The room was lavishly decorated but lacked windows, being underground.

It resembled a setting from a drama.

There was a large wall-mounted TV and air conditioner, a small refrigerator, and an expensive computer.

A sofa and a rug adorned the floor, surrounded by various books and documents.

Stella casually perched on the edge of the wide desk at the room's end.

She removed her mask and shook her head, releasing her wavy brown hair.

"So, you want to dream again today?"

She asked.


Song Soo-yeon replied without hesitation.

"Hmm...where to begin explaining..."

But Stella paused, thoughtfully stroking her chin, eyes closed.

After a moment, she slowly asked,

"First, what dream did you have?"

"...Is that important?"

"Just curious. As a colleague, you can at least share that."

After a prolonged silence, Song Soo-yeon whispered her answer.

"...A dream of watching the sunset on the beach with...a man."

Stella chuckled softly at her response.

Then, brushing her hair back, she remarked,

"You really are taken with that man, arent you? But why 'Mister'? Is there a significant age gap?"

Song Soo-yeon realized Stella wasn't asking out of necessity and remained silent.

"The sunset part is intriguing. Maybe you subconsciously desire the fall of Solace."

Song Soo-yeon pondered Stella's interpretation.

It might actually be true.

But Song Soo-yeon was indifferent.

She spoke boldly.

"...I've told you already. There's someone I want, and I despise Solace."

"I know, I know. But Luna, the dream I gave you yesterday was a 'pleasant dream.' It wasn't about being with someone you like."


"So, the fact that you included that man in your dream was entirely your doing. Isn't that interesting?"

Song Soo-yeon paused, momentarily lost for words.

It felt like she was revealing too much of herself.

She sat down on a nearby luxurious sofa.

"...Forget that. Just let me dream."

Stella smiled slightly.

"...If it's a pleasant dream, that I can do. But I'm not sure if he'll appear in it again."

"...I want the dream to include Mister."

Stella crossed her legs and folded her arms.

Her tall stature and long legs, accentuated by the tight costume, exuded a feminine allure.

"It's not that simple, Luna."


"Regrettably, I'm not that powerful. The more specific your dream request, the more strain it puts on me when I use my powers. It's not a severe strain, but it's not something I can do easily..."

She seemed to be implying she wanted something more concrete.

"...Haven't I joined the alliance?"

Song Soo-yeon countered.

"But you haven't fully integrated with the others yet. You haven't undertaken a mission together, nor did you ask a single question in yesterday's meeting."


"I've said it before, but Luna, you need to support the dreams of your colleagues too. It's a mutual relationship, not one-sided. But you don't even know what their dreams are, do you?"

Stella reasoned meticulously, maintaining her constant smile and direct gaze.

Song Soo-yeon had to concede.

Stella was right.

She decided to at least feign interest in them.

After all, these were things she would need to know eventually.

She sighed and asked,

"...Alright. What are their goals?"

"If you mean everyone, I can't say. Ask about someone specific."

Stella's demand seemed like a test to see if Song Soo-yeon knew her colleagues' names.

Song Soo-yeon sighed again and asked,

"Tryno. What about him?"

Stella uncrossed her legs and arms, hopped onto the desk she was leaning on, and sat down.

With a hint of excitement, she replied,

"To become powerful and the top villain. He's somewhat achieved that. Helping Tryno grow stronger would benefit our alliance."

"...And Liquid?"

"He wants to be a key player in drug trafficking. We haven't opened smuggling and illegal immigration routes yet. That operation is coming up, so remember that."

Song Soo-yeon half-listened to their aspirations.

Stella wanted her to show interest, but for Song Soo-yeon, it was a tall order.

She remained unbothered.

The lives of others weren't her concern.

Right now, she was merely showing a token of sincerity by asking a question or two.

"And Stingshot?"

"Money. Like Luna, but for Stingshot, money is both the beginning and the end. He plans to amass wealth and then leave."

Song Soo-yeon showed interest for the first time.

"...Is it possible to just walk away?"

"Unless everyone agrees to disband, Luna can't leave. Stingshot's wish to leave was accepted by all."

Song Soo-yeon's interest waned.

She asked about the last villain.

"...The last one is... Riem?"

"Yes, Riem."

"And Riem?"

Song Soo-yeon had a slightly better impression of Riem.

She had no desire to get close, but Riem was the easiest for her to interact with.

Perhaps because she hadn't seen this villain on TV.

Stella paused before answering, chuckling softly.

"...Riem desires beautiful female slaves. She's planning her own paradise."

Song Soo-yeon was taken aback.


"Be cautious, Luna. Riem hasn't seen your face because of the mask... but even your eyes are beautiful. Riem might target you for her collection."

Stella's tone was light, but the implication was serious to Song Soo-yeon.

"Is that person a woman?"


Song Soo-yeon was baffled.

Riem's wish for pretty female slaves was beyond her comprehension.

"...But can't she do that herself?"

"Why would she? She needs help to kidnap them, hide them from heroes, find attractive women, and a place to keep them. Like an island."

"An island?"

The more she learned, the more disturbed Song Soo-yeon became.

Riem's ambitions exceeded her worst thoughts.

"...What's her power?"

Growing wary, especially considering her own beauty, Song Soo-yeon was wary of attracting Riem's attention.

"Teleportation. Once a day."


Song Soo-yeon took a moment to process, then decided not to delve deeper.

This was all to show Stella she was cooperative.

She lost interest in learning more.

Stella, seeming satisfied, brightened up.

"See, it's good to know everyone. But that doesn't mean you'll get a pleasant dream today."

Song Soo-yeon felt a sting of betrayal.


"This was something Luna was supposed to do as part of our deal. It's not something I'll reward."

"...Then why did Tryno get his dream yesterday without doing anything?"

"Tryno contributes significantly to the alliance. If Luna becomes that important, you can dream whatever you wish."

Stella stepped down from the desk and moved closer to Song Soo-yeon.

With a smile, Stella leaned in closer.

She narrowed her eyes and whispered softly.

"...We're moving forward with our next plan soon. Luna, you'll need to demonstrate your abilities. Complete the mission I give you perfectly, and I'll let you dream."

"...Just now-"

"-A dream far better than the one I gave you yesterday."

Song Soo-yeon froze in place.

Stella leaned in even closer, her breath brushing against Song Soo-yeons ear as she gripped the backrest of the sofa.

Then she listed the types of dreams she could offer.

"Thrilling dreams. Dreams of successful confessions. Dreams of being confessed to. Dreams of dating. Dreams of starting a family. Or even... dreams of intimacy."

Song Soo-yeon felt a shiver run down her spine, swallowing hard.

She was not unfamiliar with sexual advances or the concept of intimacy.

To her, such acts had always been repulsive, something she deemed irrelevant to her life.

But Stellas words stirred a new possibility in her mind.

The thought of being intimate with Jung-gyeom even made her heart flutter.

She felt sullied by these thoughts, but they weren't entirely unpleasant.

In fact, they left her feeling breathlessly guilty.

Stella straightened up, maintaining her warm smile.

"So, you see? Just be patient and try a little longer. Before you know it, you'll be experiencing these things in reality, not just in dreams."

She then turned and walked back to her desk, taking a seat in the chair behind it.

"Luna, you may leave for today. I've enjoyed our conversation."


Song Soo-yeon quietly steadied her racing heart.

Yet, she was intrigued by Stella's charismatic display.

Despite trying not to get involved, a question surfaced.

Song Soo-yeon asked,

"...Who leads this alliance?"

Stella responded, almost amused.

"Hm? That would be me, didn't you know?"


Song Soo-yeon had assumed it would be Tryno.

Stella was a name she hadn't considered.

But slowly, Stella's influence became apparent.

Her ability was both a reward and a catalyst, spurring Song Soo-yeon's desire for these dreams.

She realized Stella was the one who had united them.

Another question arose.

Song Soo-yeon asked,



"What is your aim?"

Stella paused, their eyes locking.

Her expression gradually hardened as she blinked.

After a moment of contemplation, she smiled again and said,

"...I just can't bear to see villains struggle and live like this."



After Luna's departure,

Stella sat quietly in the room.

On the TV, which had been turned on earlier, a stream of news about Solace filled the screen.

The TV screen showed Solace shining brightly, waving and greeting the citizens.

Many citizens returned her gestures with joyous smiles.

Yet, Stella watched the news with an expressionless gaze.

The broadcast concluded with the announcement of Solace's rise to the 4th rank in the hero rankings.

"...It's happening too quickly."

Stella murmured to herself.

With a hint of anxiety, she began tapping on her desk.

After some thought, Stella verified the door to her room was securely closed.

She then pulled out a dice from a drawer.

The dice, worn smooth from frequent handling, glinted in her hand.

She toyed with it briefly before rolling it lightly across the desk.

Stella observed the number it landed on, then slumped wearily onto the desk.

In a desperate whisper, she said to herself,

"...Where are you?"

The only answer was the murmur of advertisements from the TV.

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