I Became a Villain's Hero

Chapter 64: Sweet Reward (2)

Chapter 64: Sweet Reward (2)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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Song Soo-yeon stood in front of an old door in a corner with Stella.

Once through this door, she would meet the other villains.

Who might she meet?

Song Soo-yeon started feeling a bit nervous.

"Alright, let's go."

At Stella's prompt, Song Soo-yeon nodded.

Stella turned the doorknob, and as the door opened, a bright light spilled out.

Song Soo-yeon squinted inside her costume.

The brightness momentarily blinded her.

"Hello everyone?"

During this, Stella entered the room with a cheerful greeting.

Song Soo-yeon quietly followed.

"You are late."

A deep voice expressed dissatisfaction.

Song Soo-yeon blinked, adjusting to the light, and the room slowly came into view.


She was speechless at the room's splendid magnificence, feeling like she had stepped into another world.

Marble floors, ornate wall materials, a spacious room with a high ceiling, and a chandelier hanging above.

Below it was a round table surrounded by chairs.

Song Soo-yeon turned around, struck by the stark contrast to the previous room.

"Is that the person?"

Another voice asked.

Stella replied on her behalf.

"Yes. Our new colleague. Now, introduce yourself."

Stella guided Song Soo-yeon.

Only then did Song Soo-yeon look at the other villains.

But she froze again at the sight of their faces.

The villains she had only seen on TV were sitting quietly.

Villain ranking 1: Tryno.

Villain ranking 3: Liquid.

Villain ranking 22: Stingshot.

And a female villain wearing a costume.

Song Soo-yeon was speechless.

She hadn't expected such infamous villains as colleagues.

Being among them, she was beginning to feel like a villain herself.

"...Is the new recruit mute, Stella?"

Tryno mocked her in his deep voice, scratching his nose.

Ironically, his malice snapped Song Soo-yeon back to reality.

She knew from past experiences that she must not show weakness.

Song Soo-yeon spoke as calmly as possible.

"...My villain name is Luna. My power is control."


Liquid, previously silent, reacted.

Stella guided Song Soo-yeon to a seat next to her at the round table.

"Amazing, right?"

She remarked with a smile.

"I witnessed her controlling up to 100 people. There's no better ability for creating chaos."

The other villains, now intrigued, nodded, expressed quiet admiration, and scrutinized Luna closely.

Song Soo-yeon remained silent.

Then Liquid turned to her.

"So, what's your goal?"


"Yes. You must have had some kind of wish when you joined us."


Song Soo-yeon sat at the round table, her gaze drifting over everyone.

She was still adjusting.

She hadn't expected to meet these villains.

But more than that, she was quietly surprised to learn that all these villains have their own dreams.

Stella chimed in from beside her.

"Let's not pressure Luna too much today. We're mainly here to get acquainted, right?"

Liquid seemed skeptical of her words.

"Pressure? We need to know her goal so we can be prepared. She might want something we can't provide."

"...I thought anything was possible?"

Song Soo-yeon sharply responded to Liquid's words, contradicting what Stella had told her.

A sense of betrayal momentarily overcame her nervousness and fear.

Song Soo-yeon didn't want to stay if her goal was unattainable.

Liquid tilted his head and replied.

"...So, tell us. We'll try to help if possible."

A hush fell over the room.

All the villains looked at her intently.

Finally, Song Soo-yeon sighed deeply and confessed.


"...That's simple. What else?"

"...Destroy Solace."

Liquid and Tryno chuckled at the same time.

Tryno's voice was low.

"...Solace? That Solace?"

Song Soo-yeon challenged him.

After all, he was the top-ranked villain.

He should be capable of defeating Solace.

"Why? Are you afraid?"

"No, it's just unexpected. Solace, of all targets."

"Have you fought her?"

"Yes. But, well... um."

Tryno glanced at Liquid, who nodded in agreement.

There seemed to be an unspoken understanding between them.

Liquid then waved his hand to shift the conversation.

"Alright. That's manageable. What's your final wish?"

He sounded evaluative.

"...So far, they seem reasonable."

Her last wish was harder to voice.

She had felt the same telling Stella.

Her feelings for Jung-gyeom were not easy to express.

After a long hesitation, Song Soo-yeon whispered.

"...There's a man I want."

Stingshot suddenly burst out laughing.

Song Soo-yeon's cheeks warmed behind her mask, a wave of embarrassment washing over her.

But Tryno, Liquid, Stella, and the unnamed female villain remained serious.

Amid Stingshot's laughter, Liquid asked.

"...Is that all?"


"You could just use your power to control him."

Biting back her embarrassment, Song Soo-yeon elaborated.

"...I want him to like me without using my powers."

The unnamed female villain, Riem, showed understanding.

"It makes sense. You're a woman before a villain."


"Ah, I'm Riem, Luna."

Tryno scratched his head.

"...Why not just throw yourself at him?"

"That approach might backfire, Tryno," Riem interjected, defending Luna.

"You want to be loved for who you are, not for your looks or powers, right? Luna."

They then reiterated Song Soo-yeon's request for clarity.

Song Soo-yeon nodded in agreement.

Tryno spoke mockingly for a moment.

"You must be f*cking ugly to wish for this."

Song Soo-yeon silently gazed at Tryno.

In moments like this, she realized how special Jung-gyeom was.

Tryno abruptly stood up.

"...Enough. I'm done here. I need rest, Stella."

"Tryno, you'll help with Luna's wish, right?"

"If it involves torturing a man to like the newbie, count me in."

Hearing this, Song Soo-yeon felt her anger rise.

Just as she was about to react, Stella, sitting next to her, held her arm.

She then softly called out to Tryno.


He sighed in resignation.

"...Fine, Stella."

His acquiescence was clear to all.

Song Soo-yeon watched Stella, wondering why Tryno yielded to her.

Then, Tryno quietly approached Stella.

Confused, Song Soo-yeon watched as he extended his arm.

Stella touched his arm, and it began to glow.

Shortly after, Tryno left.



The meeting dispersed after Tryno's departure.

Everyone went their separate ways.

But Song Soo-yeon stayed, led by Stella to a room.

The room was twice the size of Jung-gyeom's studio, with well-kept furniture.

"Luna, this is your room from now on."


"This is our hideout. It's only fitting you have a room here."


"If you don't want to use it, that's fine. Consider it a no-strings-attached gift."

Everything in the room was new.

As expected, the villains were well-funded.

Song Soo-yeon, not used to wealth, felt out of place, like she had stumbled into a rich family's home.

...But it wasn't unpleasant.

The neat arrangement was somewhat comforting.

Stella rested her hand on Song Soo-yeon's shoulder, who was surveying the room.

"Luna, I have another gift for you."

"...What is it?"

Stella's hand began to glow, mirroring the earlier scene with Tryno.

A surge of energy flowed into her body as Stella touched her.

Song Soo-yeon quickly brushed Stella's hand away.

"What are you doing now?"

Stella chuckled lightly.

"Luna, don't worry. My ability is to induce dreams."


"I've set you up for a pleasant dream tonight. That's all."

"How can I trust that? Undo it, now."

"If you need proof, use your power on me. Command me to speak the truth."



"-You think I can't?"

Song Soo-yeon's eyes and hands glowed purple.

Stella's eyes also lit up, and then she looked dazed.

Song Soo-yeon had thought controlling someone with powers would be hard, but it was surprisingly easy, either because she let her guard down or she allowed it.

"What did you do to me?"

Song Soo-yeon demanded.

Trusting Stella wasn't easy for her, even if Tryno had accepted the same treatment.

"...I used my ability to give you a pleasant dream."

The answer confirmed her suspicion.


She almost told her to cancel it, but curiosity stopped Song Soo-yeon.

What counts as a pleasant dream?

Why did Tryno agree to it?

Controlling Stella meant she could ask without hesitation.

"...What is a pleasant dream?"



Late at night.

Back in her apartment, Song Soo-yeon hesitated before lying down.

Ultimately, she didn't ask Stella to remove her ability.

It would only last a day, after all.

There was no reason to be concerned.

The dream wouldn't be Stella's creation but her own desire.

Still, she had no clue what she would dream about or what she truly wanted.

Was it influenced by her power?

Sleep came swiftly.


Waking up, she found myself in a dream.

It was unmistakably a dream, yet incredibly vivid.

She was on a beach at sunset.

Sitting on a wooden bench, feeling the cool breeze, it was confusing.

...Was this what she longed for? This peaceful scene?

Despite her initial confusion, she quickly got lost in the moment.

The beautiful sunset.

The shimmering sea.

The scent of saltwater.

The cries of seagulls.

The soft sand.

...She felt truly at peace.

"...It's beautiful."

In the freedom of the dream, she spoke the truth.

Maybe, without knowing, she had wanted this tranquility.

Her life had always been tumultuous.


Suddenly, arms wrapped gently around her from behind.

Song Soo-yeon shivered, her breath catching at the familiar voice.

She didn't need to turn to know who it was.

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?"


Song Soo-yeon struggled to find her voice.

They had hugged before, but this was the first time he initiated it.

How long had it been?

Jung-gyeom moved to sit beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and gently guiding her head to rest against him.

She didn't resist.

The sunset seemed more radiant, the sea sparkled brighter, the sea air fresher, and the seagulls' cries more melodious.

In this idyllic beach scene, they were the only two present.

...She felt tears welling up.

This beautiful world did exist.

She was grateful she hadn't given up on life.

Jung-gyeom, who had supported her in her darkest hour, was even more precious now.

Song Soo-yeon turned her head to look at Jung-gyeom, smiling his familiar smile.

"Let's come back here, okay?"

He kissed her forehead.

Song Soo-yeon's eyes flew open.

"Haah....! Haah....!"

She was back in her dark room.

The dream of the sea, sunset, and Jung-gyeom vanished.

Her heart raced, her breathing heavy as if she'd just awoken.

Her body was tense with emotion.


She searched the room.


But he wasn't there.

Reality had returned.

And with reality, the memory of seeing Min-bom and him together.

The contrast with her dream was heart-wrenching.


Song Soo-yeon curled up on her bed.

Hands over her chest, she endured the pain.

And when it subsided, her eyes blazed with renewed determination.

...She must make her dream a reality.

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