I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 281 I Just Gained 1 Point From Eating

Chapter 281 I Just Gained A Little Weight
When the alien queen looked at the hut in the forest, in the dormant cabin of the transport ship, the alien larva slowly squirmed against the low temperature, and then spread itself out to cover an internal organ of the Chitauri, camouflaging itself.

At first glance, this organ is just a bit bigger than it used to be, just like a little more visceral fat.

With a bang, the transport ship vibrated and broke away from the last superluminal channel.

After a self-inspection on the spot, the transport ship chose its direction and flew towards the Chitauri fleet. The speed of the ship also slowly increased to sub-light speed, and it would not take long to merge into the fleet.

"PG12138, PG12138, this is the logistics headquarters, and you are now ordered to change the destination to planet No. [-]. Repeat, change the destination to planet No. [-]."

When the transport ships were about to slow down and merge in, an order came from the fleet. When the captain turned on full intelligent navigation, the transport ship first changed direction according to the order, and then began to wake up the driver.

It wasn't just this transport ship that was changed direction by the temporary order, but also the other ships that came out of the nearby star system.

Inside the transport ship, electronic signals and sound waves sounded at the same time. This was originally a measure to ensure the transmission of information, but now it reminded another creature.

The Alien Queen tilted her head and listened to the voices outside. As a Alien Queen who emerged from the body of a Chitauri superpower, she was quite familiar with the Chitauri's language.

to another planet?Good news, my kids have a bigger place to hide from detection, and the xenomorphs never die!

At this time, on Chitauri [-], the officials led a few teams of soldiers to look at the rioting crowd below. Among them were slaves transported from the main star, and intelligent life from other planets.

"Don't be impulsive, you can talk about anything." The official's voice was transmitted through the amplification device.

"What's there to talk about? I don't have enough food and clothing, and now even the oxygen supply is limited! I'm going to die anyway, so I'd better fight! Brothers, follow me!"

shouted a winged alien holding a steel fork made of steel broken from a factory.

When rushing forward, the alien's wings kept waving, and he could easily fly up by doing so. However, the gravity of this planet is higher than that of his hometown, but the air density is lower.

So, flapping your wings is at best a bit of an acceleration effect.

The official raised his finger forward, and the soldiers around him fired directly. As soon as the material dissociation bomb was about to hit the winged man, within a few seconds, the winged man's body began to collapse, turning into clusters of discrete cells.

"Friends, I am here with good intentions." The official smiled kindly, "Otherwise, you only need to remove the insulation for a few hours, and I will never see you again."

"Please cooperate with me. The resource transport ship has already arrived here. I will make the decision first. I will release the oxygen supply limit and increase the rationing of food and clean water by [-]%."

The crowd below became a little chaotic, and many people seemed to be putting down their weapons, even if the amount of food and water increased was not as good as it was a few months ago.

"Don't worry, everyone, this kind of thing will never happen again. The great king has already executed the executive who pocketed his pockets. When the transport ship arrives, everyone's treatment can go back to a few months ago."

The officials continued to reassure them. As for the executed executive officer, just clone a similar one. The slaves below cannot come into close contact with them. As long as they see that the executive officer who is similar to the executive officer has been executed, they will naturally It feels like life is going to get better.

Continuous promises and a slight increase in treatment quieted the rioting crowd. There was no way, as the officials said, as long as the insulation layer was closed, everyone would die.

After solving the last riot point, the official smiled at the crowd passing in front of him, and after walking to a remote place, he began to report to King Chitauri.

"My lord, all the riot spots have been calmed down successfully," the official said respectfully.

"I don't care if the appeasement is successful or not. Lord Thanos will arrive soon. What I need is that there should be no excessive population reduction before the arrival of Lord Thanos. If you fail to do so, you don't have to come back and stay in that place." on the planet."

King Chitauri's cold words came from the communicator.

The officials also understood the meaning contained in it, as long as they are alive, the fool with all limbs is still alive, and that will reduce consumption even more.

After understanding this point, the official looked up at the snowy sky, hey, it's still a little late to understand now, it's too late to start being a stick now.

We can only use resources to stabilize these people first, but fortunately, it won't take long, but I don't know why Lord Thanos must keep these guys alive?

A few days later, transport ships docked at the port.

"Eh? Why is your ship's life support consumption so high?" The staff looked at the instruction sheet in their hands that consumed one-third more than other similar ships, and looked at the captain of the transport ship and the crew members behind him in confusion.

"Then who knows, it's probably a sensor failure somewhere, or a bug in a certain algorithm. Look, I just fell asleep and woke up with a lot of weight." The captain was very upset on his stomach. After slapping it, the belly didn't bounce much, but the intestines inside bounced twice.

This matter is also strange. If you gain weight, you can gain weight, and you also gain visceral fat. If there is no problem with the portable medical test report, the captain will think that he has some kind of disease.

The staff glanced at the other members behind the captain. Indeed, everyone is a little fatter. Since it is common, there is a high probability that there may be a problem with the sensor.

Da, the staff pressed the rules, and the leave of the transport ship was approved, but before the leave, they had to transport the supplies on the ship to the ground.

This requires relying on the intraplanetary transport plane, but it is not difficult to drive a transport plane if you can be a pilot on a space transport ship, especially in this era of more and more automation.

After sending off the crew, the staff looked at this first-class transport ship with a total crew of more than [-] and felt a little headache. After much hesitation, they approved a repair.

If the problem is not found, if it is consumed like this every time, what kind of transport ship is still used, and it should be scrapped as soon as possible.

After receiving the signal from the staff, the transport ship flew to the dismantling port, where the outer armor and weapons were removed, and the transport ship would finally enter the planetary atmosphere and land on the ground for maintenance.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for investment, ask for rewards, ask for subscriptions, ask for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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